Social innovations for women

The German feminist science magazine Koryphäe features the London Institute for Social Inventions in its issue for June '95 and wants to use the Institute's The Book of Visions as a model for a Social Innovations Encyclopaedia for the women's movement. Koryphäe will collecting and publishing ideas towards its Encyclopaedia in all future issues. Examples of ideas in its first issue include:

- The Münich Philharmonic Orchestra, who on one occasion auditioned trombonists hidden behind a curtain, so that the judges in the audience could not discriminate against female applicants.
- A Women's Party, which grew out of the Women's Strike in 1994, and is fast becoming a political reality in Germany. It now has eight regional groups and held a party congress in June '95.
- Women's Party, c/o Frau Yvonne Hösselbarth, Goethestrasse 8, 34119 Kassel, Germany.
- Koryphäe magazine, Cloppenburger Strasse 35, D26135 Oldenburg, Germany (tel and fax 49 + 441 13703). Subs. 30DM (15DM concessions).

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