Discuss action plans earlier in conferences

Valerie Yule

From a letter to the Institute.

The problem: conferences that leave the discussion about action until the last afternoon, when everybody is tired, hungry, satisfied, mind-boggled, and most have gone home, and some fellow will talk and talk ...

Towards a solution: Table 'Discussion and resolutions for further action' for the afternoon before the last day. Ideas can then be put up and passed by all the delegates who want to be there, and people who want to be in on carrying out the action will know there is something to get their teeth into if they stay to the end the next day, or can arrange with others to be their proxies.

'Implementing Conference Action' can then be last or second last on the agenda, with the last formal speakers able to contribute to how this can be carried out or pointing out problems.

Valerie Yule, 57 Waimarie Drive, Mount Waverley, Victoria, Australia (tel 9807 4315).

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