A fractal universe

Adapted extract from a letter in the New Scientist (Dec 17th '94) from Paul Goddard.

I have for some years been toying with the concept that the universe may be described by a fractal. This possibility may have struck many people because of the commonly noted similarity between the structure of the atom and the solar system. The similarity does not stop there. The Milky Way, itself rotating, is surrounded by orbiting spinning satellite galaxies. At the other end of the scale the atom is made up of spinning and orbiting particles (neutron, protons and electrons) which in turn are made of spinning sub-particles (quarks, gluons, muons etc) and these (and everything) according to present theory are made up of superstring. At all levels there is an echoing of the solar system model. The observations are clearly similar to the increasing complexities of fractal patterns as displayed on a computer.

If space-time continuum is considered as a fractal, of which the solar system is a typical part, several predictions can be made:

The large galaxy clusters should echo the planetary structure and be shown to orbit other clusters; the universe will either orbit another universe, or satellite universes will orbit our universe, perhaps interconnected by wormholes or within black holes; superstring should be arranged in a spinning, orbiting pattern; as methods become available to investigate any level of complexity, further complexity should be manifest.

In summary, I would like to suggest that the fractal model of the universe should be further developed. This may explain many of the presently observed phenomena and allow predictions to be made and tested.

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