Women as warlike and brutal as men

George Walford

The late George Walford, editor of Ideological Commentary, took a delight in refuting commonly held or politically correct ideas. In his issue for June '94 he gave a number of examples of how the much vaunted women of primitive communities were not noted for their pacifism. Here is an extract.

Among the Iroquois, and perhaps among the Cherokee (where they decided the fate of captives) the women declared war, and among several Plains Indian tribes they led the victory dance, displaying the scalps taken by the warriors. Sometimes the women's part was to mangle the wounded. The Omaha women mutilated the bodies of the fallen, while some of the Upper Dakota allowed their women to torture prisoners to death. One author is quoted as remarking that the feminine touch supposed to soften the evils of war was too often applied with a hot coal.

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