Thorn Tree - Women Travellers

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  1. Going solo in India
    Created by: Rachel
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 9:59 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    I'm off to India in September. Going to Delhi, Varanasi and
    Agra then down to Kerala & Tamil Nadu. Any advice on
    travelling on your own in India?. I would love to hear from
    you. Post a message and I'll be checking back here. Thanks

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 9:59].

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  2. Israel alone
    Created by: Shanti
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 5:34 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    Have any women travelled in Israel alone?
    I am leaving in 3 weeks and am a little bit anxious. I have
    travelled alone in Asia, but I think the Middle East will
    be a bit harder.
    Please tell me your experiences, and any women-friendly p
    [laces etc.

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 5:34].

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  3. Italy for New Years
    Created by: Jodi (
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 5:14 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    Hello All.
    I am planning a trip to Italy leaving Dec. 29. Two weeks
    traveling through-out the country. I have yet to find a
    sincere traveling companion.
    any takers....

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  4. Cuba & Jamaica
    Created by: danielle (
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 23:41 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    I've finally chosen my destination for this summer.. Cuba &
    Jamaica. Can anyone recommend budget hotels/guesthouses on
    these islands and what places to visit and which not too?!
    What places are considered NOT safe for a solo traveling
    female? Thanks in advance.

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 6:55].

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  5. thailand/israel/philippines
    Created by: nerie (
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 21:23 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    hi. i'm going to israel last week of august till first week
    september. i'll be coming from manila, philippines and it's
    my first time to travel this far (besides my hongkong trips
    which are basically for work). my israeli friend suggested
    that i buy my ticket in thailand for cheaper rates than
    buying it directly here in manila. is this so ? which
    airline is good enough but reasonably-priced ? LP suggested
    that i shouldn't have my passport stamped when i enter
    Israel. does this still hold true ?
    by the way, i'm planning to stay at least 3 days in thailand
    before flying to israel. any recommended places to stay,
    restaurants to eat in and things to do ? i still haven't
    pegged the exact dates of my travel, but most probably i'll
    be in bangkok, thailand within third week of august. wanna
    meet up ?
    i read the posts here in Thorn Tree and i've noticed that no
    one has mentioned going to the philippines. i haven't
    travelled around my country much but i can surely recommend
    for you beach-lovers to go to Boracay. i can give you
    advices because Boracay's practically my home second to
    Manila. sure some of you have heard that it's one of the
    best beaches in the world. in fact, i'm on my way there
    again this weekend for a 4-day rest. i've been going there
    once/twice a year. i promise you pristine sugary-white
    sand, crystal clear water, diverse gastronomic pleasures,
    water sports, snorkling, diving and lots of friendly people.
    and, not to forget, it's truly safe even if you're alone.
    trust me, a usual lone-traveller.
    hoping for an immediate rep

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 4:27].

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  6. Showers at Singapore Airport
    Created by: Rose
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 14:07 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    Does anybody know if there are showers available for the
    use of travellers at Singapore Airport? I am stopping
    there for an hour or so en route from Australia to Spain,
    and I'd love to be able to freshen up at this half way
    (roughly) point!

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 20:19].

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  7. SE Asia condoms
    Created by: Safety first!
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 10:06 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    Dear All,
    I've been getting all the usual medical advise from the
    doctors about vaccinations, pills and safe sex prior to my
    travels. Just wondering, they say take your own condoms, as
    the ones available where I'm travelling (thailand, vietman,
    malysia, indonesia) are quite likely to be dodgy. However,
    wouldn't it be quite bad for a pack from the UK to be
    carried around in a racsac in hot humid weather??? What
    does anyone else think? Has any one had any problems with
    local purchases? You sometimes get the impression that
    these medical people are going a bit over the top with
    their advise. Surely you can tell from how the shop seems
    as to how dodge it might be?
    Don't get me wrong, I'm not going for major sex sessions, I
    just want to be safe when the need might arise (no pun

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 14:08].

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  8. The Grenadines
    Created by: Carol
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 10:00 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    I'm thinking of traveling to The Grenadines (specifically,
    Bequia) with a woman companion. What kind of hassles, if
    any, should we anticipate?

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 3:11].

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  9. calling fellow itchy feet!
    Created by: itchy feet (
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 4:52 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    I'm planning a six month trip around SAE, perhaps
    tagging N.India / Nepal on at the end, leaving at Xmas 1999.
    I'm pretty cool about travelling alone, but would like to
    hear from all you in the same boat (or plane, rickshaw,
    whatever......) who might want a travel companion, at least
    for part of the trip. It would also be great to swop
    'planning' ideas between now and Xmas.
    Anyone interested in conversing? E-mail me at the above!

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 4:52].

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  10. Going to SE-Asia ALONE...
    Created by: airi (
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 4:11 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    I'm planning a trip to south east asia alone, mainly
    thailand and malaysia, but info on other se-asia would
    be great too. If anyone can please help me out, that
    would be GREAT!! I would like to know:
    1. what are some places to go (a route that is commonly
    travelled by backpackers) and places to stay
    2. sites to 'must see' and to stay away from, activities
    to do...
    3. good cheap places to learn how to dive
    4. is there any surfing there?
    5. types of transportation available (is it safe?)
    If you've travelled around there before and can help me
    I would really appreciate any suggestions. I would
    love to hear about your experiences you had on your
    travels. Please send info to me by email also.

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 4:11].

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  11. Going to SE-Asia ALONE...
    Created by: airi (
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 4:00 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    I'm planning a trip to south east asia and I would like
    to know:
    1. what are some places to go (a route that is commonly
    travelled by backpackers)
    2. sites to see
    3. good places to learn how to dive

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 1:53].

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  12. Goin to Fiji-Send $1!!!
    Created by: thechocolategirlwonder (
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 3:59 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    I'm going to Fiji in December to build houses with Habitat.
    I need ideas for fundraising. If you know of any grants
    out there for people who are not currently students, please
    let me know...and all who read, please send me one dollar
    :-) E-mail me and I'll give details...c''s tax
    deductible...I need to raise almost $5,000 for trip and
    personal effects.

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 3:59].

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  13. a weighty issue...
    Created by: julia
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 18:15 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    i wish to travel in SEA and India/Nepal for several months.
    But, I am considerably over-weight. I don't consider myself
    unfit, although i could be fitter. i have a few months
    until i depart, what is the best way to get fitter and lose
    some pounds? Will i "stick out" being a bit larger than
    every other backpacker? I am beginning to get a bit self-
    conscious about this.

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 8:40].

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  14. a TIP for travelers
    Created by: American server
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 17:43 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    I do not mean to complain, but I have noticed that the
    vast majority of European travelers who come to the
    restaurant in which I work (in the US) seem to tip
    according to European custom.
    This may not seem like a problem at first, unless you
    are the server. It seems to me that when travelling to any
    country, one should investigate the local customs -
    including tipping.
    It is my understanding that in many European countries,
    gratuity is included in the bill, and anything extra that
    is left is a compliment. Otherwise, 10% is the standard
    tip for satisfactory service. Please correct me if I'm
    wrong. Also, many servers there receive hourly pay, or
    some other form of guaranteed wage.
    I just wanted to make it clear, on behalf of other
    servers in the US, that we are not paid by the hour! If
    the customer does not leave us a tip, we don't earn
    anything! By law, our employers must pay us US$2.13 per
    hour, but for most of us, this goes to taxes. So in the
    US, servers work for tips, and tips are our only income.
    Please note also that in the US, 15% is the minimum
    standard tip for satisfactory service. A 10% tip (which is
    what I and other servers tend to receive from Europeans) is
    considered a slap in the face - an insult.
    I am sure that this is simply a misunderstanding.
    Nobody wants to travel to another country and deliberately
    insult those who live there. Please spread the word to
    others who may not know - at restaurants in the States, a
    15% tip is customary, and gratuity is not included in the
    bill (except some restaurants will include gratuity for
    large parties, in which case you will be notified that
    gratuity has been added to the bill).
    Just like anyone else, servers work hard for their
    money, and we are at your mercy. Please respond if you
    have any insights that I may not have taken into account.
    (By the way, I know that American travelers do not have the
    best reputation for adhering to or even being aware of
    local custom, and as a result people just don't like us
    very much. This is unfortunate, because obviously we are
    not all this way.)
    As for myself, I try to be as thorough as I can in
    researching local customs before I travel, and only ask the
    same in return.
    Thank you for your understanding and attention. I
    appreciate any comments or questions that you may have.

    [Posts on this topic: 11. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 8:38].

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  15. a dream
    Created by: Malud (
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 4:28 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    I have this dream of living in a little village by the sea and communting no more than half an hour to work in a capital/big city in a Spanish speaking country. The closest I have found to this is a friend who was living in Huanchaco and commuting into Trujillo, Peru.
    Where else like this do you know of?

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 4:16].

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  16. Turkey
    Created by: Gloria (
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 18:45 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    Hi,My friend Sandra and I will go to visit Turkey in Sept.
    It's the 1st time for us to visit the Islam.We plan to go
    there on Sep. 12 ~ 30.What should we notice in Turkey(I
    mean 2 girls in Islam country)? I relly expect the trip.
    0ur flight will arrive Istanbul in 23:00, should we book
    the accommodation in advance?Please tell us the nice,cheap
    and safe place to stay in Istanbul.Thank U!

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 20:44].

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  17. volunteer ideas?
    Created by: helen
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 4:20 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    I am planning a trip to Europe and thought that instead of
    backpacking I might try volunteering. I am avidly interested
    in politics, literacy nd environmental issues. Does anyone
    have any ideas?

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 8:22].

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  18. nepal
    Created by: Dymfna (
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 1:50 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    in october 99, I leave Belgium and go for 25 days to
    nepal. I've planned to do the Annapurna curcuit en then I
    have a few days left for visiting some other nice places.
    But it's difficult to know what I have to put in my
    backpack. Does somebody can give my advice ?
    I'm thinking about doing the trek with an organisation from
    Kathmandu, but there are many offices? if you have a
    suggestion, or you know a very good one, let me know?
    I arrive the 4th october. If you have planned the same
    trekking and you arrive the same period, just let me know!
    Thanks for giving the advice, and know it's 4 more months

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Sun 23 May, 14:24].

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  19. Greece and Turkey
    Created by: Ellen
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 0:56 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    Hi gals--I leave on May 25th and will visit friends
    in Athens, then spend about 4 weeks traveling alone in
    Greece and Turkey. I plan on checking out a couple of
    islands and making my way to Turkey, then going up the west
    coast to Istanbul (arriving in Istanbul around June 20th) I
    am a 27 year old woman, and while I enjoy the occasional
    night out I am more into sighseeing/cultural stuff than
    sunbathing and partying. If your trip overlaps with mine and
    you have similar interests let me know and we can perhaps
    meet up...

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  20. Backpackers
    Created by: iris
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 15:02 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    Hi, do you know any good places to stay at to meet other travellers in Hong Kong, China, Korea, Japan etc? Nice, friendly, cheap with possibilities to meet other backpackers to hook up with for parts of the trip.

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 13:38].

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  21. Contacts
    Created by: Yvette
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 5:31 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    I will soon leave for a 9-12month trip, and I'm wondering
    what people do about their contact lenses while traveling. I
    use 2-week disposables, and while I will take my glasses,
    I'm not going to switch to wearing them instead. Has anyone
    travelled through not very developed areas of Africa and the
    Middle East with contacts? Is it possible to buy saline
    solution there? Thanks for your advice.

    [Posts on this topic: 6. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 8:42].

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  22. online therapy
    Created by: a male moron obviously
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 1:31 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    No offence intended, but couldn't this be called the
    Insecurity branch? How many variations on the theme do we
    get? "I have my ticket and am on my way out the door for
    The Big Trip and am I out of my mind? My folks and friends
    think I am insane. I am afraid of what is next" I suppose
    there is therapy in expressing these fears. The only answer
    you will ever get here is encouragement and "Go for it
    Girl!" Do you really think someone will say to you "No you
    child, go back to that boyfriend and that miserable job and
    forget about travelling. It is a very scary Lonely Planet
    out there". This branch is really wonderful and by far the
    most gentle and helpful, I think. I am not trying to be a
    troll here. Do most young women harbor these fears? By the
    numbers here, I am afraid that they do.

    [Posts on this topic: 11. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 6:50].

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  23. hi...
    Created by: Portia
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 17:13 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    So the ticket is finally booked, 6 months to go!
    India/Nepal for 5 glorious months. has anyone ever dreamt
    of the great big trip, started ticking things off their
    list of "to do's" and then when it finally seems it is
    coming together, you wonder if you should be doing this at
    all? i mean, you will be dropping everything in your life
    back home for 5 months, leaving your loved ones behind etc
    etc. maybe never see them again, and for what?
    I know i am going through a temporary lapse of
    concentration, i can't help feeling this way. i want to go
    travelling more than anything, but sometimes i lose sight
    of my goals.
    my question is do you think the "idea" of travelling to
    somewhere exotic is more exciting to tell people than
    actually sitting down and thinking about what you are about
    to do.
    i think i am just getting cold feet, all the nerves and
    everything, i just had to write it down.

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 1:45].

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  24. nepal supplies
    Created by: may (
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 13:49 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    I leave for nepal Oct 30th this year untill january of 2000
    and am quite the planner. I was wondering if anyone can
    give me advice for the kind of boots, clothes, ect I
    should consider. I am one who does try to pack light. (more
    on my back and less in the pack) but i am driving myself
    crazy.....we only plan to cruise the country, no everest
    climbs, or anything like that, just walking and wandering
    about, with as much local interaction as possible. I do
    plan on wearing skirts/dresses a good portion of the time.
    but I am at quite the loss for what to bring that will be
    the most beneficial, help!!
    any advice will be great...anyone been there that can help
    me out.
    thanks ladies

    [Posts on this topic: 8. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 9:50].

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  25. worries
    Created by: janet (
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 9:17 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    The plane is coming in for a a country you've
    never been to before. You don't know your way around, you
    don't speak the language, and you are going it solo!? This
    is the one part of travelling round the world on my own
    that terrifies me. I'm sure others have experienced this
    first hand. I'd love to hear your stories, to relieve my

    [Posts on this topic: 7. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 15:09].

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    Created by: PAT
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 2:34 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    Do anyone have suggestion to give me?
    I'm looking for to travel and earn money by travelling as I
    wish to do it for at least 5/6 months a year...
    Please write me about your experiences.

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Sat 22 May, 7:25].

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  27. Overland
    Created by: Iva
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 1:51 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    Has anyone here done any overland trips from London to
    SE-Asia with Encounter? Are they good value for money? I'm
    thinking of doing the Classis Overland in next Februry. Any
    info welcome!!!

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Fri 21 May, 12:01].

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    Created by: CAZ
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 20:50 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    I've booked a flight to BKK early June and now after hearing loads of horror stories from people around me and on certain web sites and even guide books I'm starting to wonder if I haven't made a huge mistake. I'm not a backpacker, it's either my case on wheels or a large bag, and I tried to find a decent safe hotel but I'm not sure now about loads of little things ie-the best way to get from the airport without any hassle as I'm arriving early evening.I know this maybe sounds really silly compared to other peoples queries but I've never been to Asia before and I'd like to get the most out of my holiday. How did others get on ? Please let me know both good and bad. Thanks for all your help.

    [Posts on this topic: 11. Latest post: Fri 21 May, 23:44].

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  29. Trip of train.on Taiwan.
    Created by: Pixy Chen (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 19:01 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    Trip of train.
    It has been long time I am confused by a saying from a famous Chinese author. "Life seems like a train that you have to
    through one station by another. Your will meet many passengers and companies. You will experience what you can not expect
    and see marvelous, changeable and fancy view that you can not catch till you get off."
    Until I had a trip by train, I eventually realize his perspective. I got company with some passengers who came without
    expecting and left without waving hands. I saw some people are taking a rest silently as some children are playing. Some
    people are fascinated in reading whatever they take along with.. Many strange expressions captured my imagination as I
    strolled around the train. That seems look familiar and strange. Are they strangers, friends rivals, companies, or just friendly
    passengers of life?
    I am pleased and disappointed by many magnificent, marvelous and fantastic views that showed and disappeared immediately.
    I was awaked that I should enjoy every nice moment before it goes by. Catching every thing coming to me is important in my
    short life
    As I got off the train , I thought that if life seems like a train, I am inside or outside of it? Which destination am I going? I left
    those puzzle questions at that station.
    The destination where I am is the most important. Life here I am is the best. Yahoo!

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Fri 21 May, 9:09].

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  30. Journey at Geo Fen of Taiwan
    Created by: Pixy Chen (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 18:40 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    Journey Of Geo Fen
    Eventually I have found the place I belong to, where is famous for mysterious, magnificent, romantic and spectacular nature
    beauty with historical and cultural attractions.
    I was appealed by the marvelous view as I got up the slope the picturesque sight of ocean nearby base of the majestic mountain
    locates nearby northeast coast of Taiwan. The wall of mist creeps from the sea and slowly swallows the land the lays at the
    mountain feet, as it sneaks up over the majesty of the mountain high. The natural scene shows me changeable images as I
    continued onward and upward, from a shy lovely bride with misty gauze to a king with glister crown.
    GeoFen (in Taiwanese means nine pieces )was named since there were only nine families in this small village . It was
    inconvenient to purchased necessity from city because of rough path of mountain. Therefore they ordered everything for nine
    pieces from walking businessman. Who used to offer necessities by walking from city through mountains. .
    Since people found the golden sad in 1941 the small village boomed by miners and golden dreamers. Chin Dynasty and one
    local businessman supported the development of mine for one and half year. Japanese controlled the right of development for
    23years during Japanese occupational period. Then turned to a local company for almost 57years for second golden age. From
    the most glory period till its decayed by the policy of disadvantage from government, the quantity of gold were mined more
    than 693730 Taiwanese g. (around 57810 pound)
    Tracing back the most glory period the small village was bloomed by miners, businessmen, visitors and entertainment places
    such as liquid club, movie theater , tea housesíKíKíK..
    The small village flattered people again by its unique culture 'fantastic view and historical stories since government decided to
    make two- days off holiday twice a month.
    Before called it a day, I enjoyed the mist kissed my face and imagined dancing with those lights that twinkles the dark of
    harbor as I sat on the balcony of a luxurious traditional teahouse. Can you imagine what I felt? That was really an unforgettable
    experience that I would love to review.
    i would love to share some my experiences of traveling of Taiwan send me e-mail if you are interested.
    Pixy Chen

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  31. Ken Ting National Park of Taiwan
    Created by: Pixy Chen (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 18:31 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    Spotlight on Ken Ting National Park.
    Would you like to have a leisure, stimulating and nature exploring vocation.? Ken Ting National Park offers more than what
    you expect,
    With all year-round warm climate, crystal sea water azure sky, leisure atmosphere, pure friendly people and various plants, it
    attracts people now and then.
    I felt being totally released as I approached the south of Taiwan. The peaceful and leisure atmosphere made me relaxing and
    comfortable. The twinkling ocean complement azure sky that forms the most beautiful nature scenery. I could not wait to jump
    into its arms I am appealed as the sunset made the sea turns in to colorful wonder. What would sunrise is like in the other side
    of Park? Let's enjoy it next morning, by car, takes only one-hour distance.
    After dinner with local dishes and tasty foods of venders I enjoyed swimming in the clear pool of luxurious hotel with stars
    and light dancing on the dark. Nothing is instead of such relaxing feeling. Can you imagine that I could fly high as I enjoyed
    drinking after swimming in out door bar at main street of Ken Ting .Where was I? Wherever it was, my heart was content.
    When you visit the main park, you would be amazed by more than 5000verious plants and strange type trees. The strange
    shape glows on strange path of hill would attract people keep exploring deeply and highly Two magnificent huge rocks stop
    plump people to get through as they turn a corner. It shows the nature power that mankind can not conquer. Many senior trees
    with unique shape are waving hands to welcome your coming. Plants peal to visitors by its charming and various types. They
    are absolutely worth exploring for nature lovers.
    Yeah! The main show was coming under the seawater. It was first time I saw the colorful amazing world by my eyes not on
    TV. My eyes opened by an extremely marvelous world, I desired to catch those lovely fishes as they swam by me and
    gathered to me as I fed them. I would love to learn their excellent skill of swimming and dance with them through those
    colorful corals with various shapes. A pretty but dangerous snake swam under me and scared me. Is the most beautiful equal
    most dangerous? Hmmmm beware being close with me. * _^
    If snorkeling and scuba diving can not satisfy you, there are many stimulating sea activities that you would never like to end the
    day. if you are afaid of ocean bu eager of water activity . Water World offers safer water stimulation that would satisfy you by
    in- door surfing divingíKíKíK.
    After exciting activity lay back on the greenery divot in front of lighthouse the another landmark of Ken Ding National Park.
    And make dream of sailing on Pacific ocean, Buss Fiord and Taiwan Fiord gathering..
    Visiting the nearest town before leaving is another intriguing experience to culture lovers. It reminded me to think about a
    famous folk song that shows the pure country and friendly people in this down town. If you hate living in the civilization, here
    is one of your choices. .
    if you need more information about Taiwan . please feel free to send a mail to
    Pixy Chen

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  32. Windy City of Taiwan
    Created by: Pixy Chen (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 18:25 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    Windy City
    Blend of modern high tech, traditional cultures, mutilating activities, a variety of architectures, gourmet cuisine and advantages
    of investment appeal people around Taiwan and abroad for work, business and exploring the unique culture.
    Hsin Chu City earned its nickname " Windy City" by one side near ocean with mountains on the others that form wind circling
    in the city time to time.
    One of the attractions I would like to introduce first is City Wall that was built 170years ago by handed with ancient material
    from Mainland China with cannel surrounded for protecting people from pirates. The hard work lasted for more than ten years
    supported by government and four affluent folks. Unfortunately there is only one of four gates maintains because of city
    enlarging. The magnificent architecture with traditional style has become the landmark of city and historical exploring for
    students and culture loves.
    Science Park the main industrial Park of high tech offers abroad range for investors and workers. Products related computer
    have been exporting almost all over the world. It also offers lots of advantages for business, professions, and technical
    Local and foreign workers have been flocking and call it home.
    Can you imagine having tea in a peaceful quiet atmosphere with soft music, fragrance flavor, romantic lanterns and traditional
    decorations? The refreshment feeling in a teahouse is totally different from experience in the coffee shop. Enjoy having tea
    with little damson in a traditional teahouse and exploring different culture with me.
    In the central of city, there is a well-known temple flatters citizens and people around the Taiwan by its magic power from a
    legend and delicious traditional cuisine.
    It is said Chen Fung Ye the Buddha had ever saved a lord of Ching Dynasty in a serious storm. The lord did not recognized
    Buddha until he visit the temple .the legend appeal people around Taiwan for seeking protecting in spirit.
    Some cuisine in the temple is unique that you can not find at any other place in the world. The flavor and strange style would
    make visitors mouth-watering and forgetting diet to enjoy tasting such attractive cuisine. MmmmmmíKíK..
    Gu Chea Peak is a place where you can not miss for exploring culture and treasures.
    One affluent statement used to house treasures in his chain for leisure afternoon.
    It has been open to public for sharing ancient collections to culture lovers.
    Enjoy excising with fresh air and songs of birds in the early morning at Eighteen Top Mountain would soar your spirit; gazing
    sunset with breeze kissing your face on the harbor and playing kites with lovely children content your heart.
    Outdoor concert in front of Culture Center: fascinating plays, indoor concert, international level ballet and cultural shows
    entertain people from time to time. Activities are hold by government and private groups make the city energetic.
    Welcome to join us with open arms.
    I am a local guid. if you need more information . please feel free to send a mail to me.
    Pixy Chen.

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 18:25].

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  33. Possible?
    Created by: Zoe
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 18:04 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    I've read its possible to work at pubs in London, which sometimes provide housing, somewhat easily without a work permit. Anyone done this? Are any times of the year easier to find work than others, and when applying do I just not mention the lack of a work visa or is it discussed? What other countries (not just European) are relatively easy to find some kind of employment in? I'd love to end my trip in Europe by NOT coming home! Thanks for any advice

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 21:47].

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  34. Jordan
    Created by: Tamam F. koudeih (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 10:35 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    I'm a 21 years old man.If you come to Jordan I have all the
    information you need about Jordan,
    places to visit,Prices,Places to stay,Rental Cars,Places
    toeat .............etc.
    I do tours around Jordan for all budgets, whatever is
    yourbudget! Espicially for Women Travellers
    whether you go on my tour or you don't you can
    getabsolutely FREE INFORMATION
    I'll be very happy to tell all he information you need for
    free and I'll try to do my best.
    you can find me in Amman at the Bdeiwi Hotel the hotel is
    very clean, quiet and cheap just 8 JD for a Double
    Room.Free hot showers.
    BDEIWI HOTELKhayyam St. Down Town Amman-JORDANTel.
    or you can e-mail me:

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Sat 22 May, 20:43].

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  35. Shower down the hall
    Created by: Jaz
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 7:05 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    I was wondering about budget hotels in European cities where
    the showers are down the hall. how much privacy is there...
    Is it typically a small bathroom, like what you have at
    home, so its one person at a time and you lock the door
    behind you -or- is it a couple of shower stalls in a large
    room, with just a shower curtain for privacy, so anyone can
    walk in? anyone have any unfortunate incidents?

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Sat 22 May, 3:00].

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  36. My head is spinning
    Created by: eva
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 5:53 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    I read these topics of girls who want to quit their jobs and
    want to travel: Yes or No?? I would say go for it.
    My problem is: I finished uni when I was 25 and I left for
    Asia and worked a year in Australia. I'm 28, came back one
    year ago, but feel strongly I want to travel again. It's a
    passion and I like to work while travelling.
    But my fear is that I'm getting older and still didn't work
    for a long time, same job etc.
    Suddenly I feel a clock ticking. Is it time to start the
    serious thing?? I'm free to go, but scared the longer I stay
    away, the harder it gets to come back home, the older I get
    not that much experience in jobs, so it might be hard to
    find a job, bla bla etc. The circle continues.
    For me it's a dilemma at the moment. Hard to make a choice,
    makes me depressing. Ok, I just like to hear from all these
    travellers. For sure some will find the same dilemma.
    Happy travels.

    [Posts on this topic: 9. Latest post: Sun 23 May, 3:25].

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  37. female travel perspective
    Created by: dell
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 3:02 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    Hi, I posted this on the SEA-mainland site, so if you
    responded there, thank you.
    I'll be honeymooning in Malaysia and Thailand this summer
    for a month (backpacking), and I was wondering if any ladies
    would like to share their perspectives for my soon to be
    wife. I've travelled SEA before, but this will be her first
    time in SEA, and would particularly like to know
    what to prepare for as a female. Any advice for her on
    useful items to bring that we might not have thought of?
    Any things she should be concerned/cautious of? Any things
    she should look forward to as a first-timer? Thanks a bunch.
    I'm not worried much about safety, just want her to hear
    a female's perspective outside of the things I tell her.
    Incidentally, she's very much looking forward to it, her
    only worry is getting sick while we're travelling!

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Sat 22 May, 3:25].

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  38. Diving
    Created by: Jo
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 1:24 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    Hi everybody,
    I have this personal question. In a few months my friend
    and I are going to Australia and Fiji. We really want to go
    diving but I am a little bit worried about sharks and
    having your period. I know this sounds crazy but maybe
    someone can give me an honest answer?
    Thanks anyway!

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Fri 21 May, 23:15].

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  39. vietnam
    Created by: angel
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 1:08 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    hey, does anyone know of any nice backpacker place that i
    can stay in veitnam? which are the beautiful places that are
    the must-sees? do i need to learn vietnamese to communicate
    effectively? help!

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 15:53].

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  40. T0p travel books by women
    Created by: JO
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 23:14 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    I've got a similar post over on "Your Choice", but would
    like to get a female perspective on it: I've just been over
    to the Salon Magazine site, and a guy there has published
    his list of the ten best travel books of this century. I'd
    like to hear your opinions of the books he has chosen, and
    your nominations for the best travel book written by a
    Here comes the list:
    1) "The Snow Leopard," by Peter Matthiessen.
    2) "Journeys," by Jan Morris.
    3) "A Short Walk in the Hindu Kush," by Eric Newby.
    4) "Coming Into the Country," by John McPhee.
    5) "The Great Railway Bazaar," by Paul Theroux.
    6) "In Patagonia," by Bruce Chatwin.
    7) "Video Night in Kathmandu," by Pico Iyer.
    8) "No Mercy," by Redmond O'Hanlon.
    9) "Two Towns in Provence," by M.F.K. Fisher.
    10) "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance," by Robert
    M. Pirsig.

    [Posts on this topic: 11. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 6:23].

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  41. Feeling depressed b/c....
    Created by: Nathalie
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 22:58 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    OK, I'd written a few months ago needing advice of what to
    pack/bring with me, as I was planning on moving to Mexico.
    I'd already arranged for a job, had my plane ticket, etc.
    Well, unfortunately I had some problems two weeks before
    leaving, my boss in Mexico was very understanding and even
    encouraged me to postpone moving there and go for a holiday
    in the meantime. So, that is what I did, postponed the
    move by two months, and went there for one week holiday
    (Playa del Carmen, south of Cancun). All has been fine,
    I've been able to take care of issues here and save money
    to move there. Well, on Monday I call my boss in Mexico to
    tell him I've made the reservation to come down on June 4th
    and start work. On Monday everythign was ok, but then he
    called me yesterday to tell me that the season has been
    really slow (I was to be working in a hotel) and that they
    can't afford to hire me right now and that there isn't
    enough work for me there right now. I was shocked, b/c
    I've talked to him several times and all has always been
    fine, and I was always under the impression that the hotel
    was full. Actually of that I'm pretty sure, b/c it's a
    nice hotel, I've been there twice in the last 6months and
    each time it was completely booked.
    Anyhow, now I'm without a job. He's said he's going to
    reimburse me the plane ticket (which I haven't bought yet)
    and that I can use it to go down there on holiday. I'm not
    too tempted by that, and as far as him reimbursing me, I
    simply don't believe it. I've quit my job here in the US,
    though if I wanted to stay I could, it's a waitressing job.
    But I dont' want to stay, I've been there for too long as
    is, and I'm ready to move on with my life. But my last day
    is in less than two weeks, and now I have no job or plans.
    I'm very dissapointed, I was really looking forward to
    moving and starting a new job in Mexico, learning Spanish
    fluently, etc. Also, my best friend from France has been
    planning on moving there with me, she was to come one month
    later than me, when I'd have been settled and live with
    me. She was then going to look for a job on the spot.
    I don't know what to do now. I feel somewhat responsible
    for my friend, but I don't know if I want to go there if I
    don't have a job. I liked it when I was there on holiday,
    and this job was offering good possibilities and benefits
    (insurance, housing), but I'm not so sure I want to move
    there, and look for a job, and most likely start off doing
    bar or reception work. If I'm to do that, there are other
    places I'd rather go.
    I'm trying to plan my next move and I'm at a loss. I'm no
    longer sure of what to do. I have friends in DC I could go
    stay with for the summer and find work there and save up to
    do something, but what? I'd love to go to Chile or
    Argentina, but don't know about the problems of finding
    work on the spot. Or, I'd love to return to Europe for the
    summer, but finding work there is challenging.
    Also, how much responsibility do I owe to my friend? She
    won't move there without me, and now that I've had a bad
    experience with Playa, it's turned me off.
    I know I'm rambling, and so I'm not even going to go into
    the embarassment of having to tell everyone, including
    work, that I no longer have a job in Mexico! I'm just
    hoping for a little insight from others. Thanks for any
    words and suggestions of what to do next. Oh, yeah, I'm
    24, single and not particularly looking to find a "real"
    job and settle down at this point in my life.

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 3:45].

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  42. Honestly now...
    Created by: Sara
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 18:50 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    In preparation for my first trip abroad, I have been impressed and very engouraged by the posts here but am starting to the support as readily given when facing others on the road as when safe behind a computer screen? Let's face it - many females get quite catty vs. friendly when dealing with unfamiliar chicks, and the last thing I want is to deal with the attitudes of women who act like we're all competing to be god damn-prom queen. (unfortunatly a common practice among Americans) So what are relations REALLY like out there? Hoping for the best and thanks for your thoughts!

    [Posts on this topic: 13. Latest post: Sun 23 May, 1:41].

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  43. Getting Nervous...
    Created by: Joan
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 11:43 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    Well my trip is 2 weeks away and I am going to El Salvador.
    I am very excited but getting nervous, too. Does anyone have
    any tips on how to look confident and self assured even when
    you are a wreck inside??? I don't want to stick out like a
    sore thumb any more than necessary (as it is I am
    blonde/blue eyes).
    Any experienced travellers that have any advice for a
    Any advice for hiding money? Is in your bra a good idea?
    Is it best to steer away from casual conversations with men
    to avoid trouble?
    I hope my 'instincts' will kick in once I leave home to keep
    me out of trouble.

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Fri 21 May, 15:24].

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  44. I see a pattern...
    Created by: Tigerlily
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 9:51 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    A title requesting genuine, sincere and/or honest advice
    posted by various girls - always in capital letters, mostly
    about sexual dilemmas. I find it difficult to contain my
    cynicism. I am sad that a person in true pain and/or grave
    circumstances may not receive the support that this site
    has potential to give because of such thoughtlessness.
    Meanwhile I will continue to give my attention and care to
    such posts in the hope that it may offer aid to [any]

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 2:27].

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  45. Rurrenabaque Warning
    Created by: Viki Cramer (
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 8:15 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    A warning for woman travellers planning to do jungle tours
    from Rurrenabaque in Bolivia. The guide Negro (I┤m sorry
    but I┤m not sure of his surname) continues to drug and rape
    women who participate in his tours. On the final night of
    the journey he offers participants ┤pills┤to help them with
    their mosquito bites. These will either be sleeping tablets
    or valium, depending on whether you are the chosen victim or
    not. Women then awake in the middle of the night to find
    they are being assaulted, but so groggy from the valium that
    there is little they can do. Some women are not sure if
    they have been raped or not. Negro then disappears into the
    jungle until things settle down. The Bolivian police are
    reticent to help.
    There are two guides in Rurre called Negro. Negro the
    serial rapist is highly recommended in Lonely Planet┤s
    Bolivia guide. The other Negro has a missing finger and he
    is a competent guide.
    I hope others will also join me in encouraging Lonely Planet
    to somehow enter an erratum or similar into their Bolivia
    guidebook which is still for sale. People continue to use
    Negro as a guide as he is highly recommended in the book,
    and there is no information available to the contrary in
    Viki Cramer

    [Posts on this topic: 6. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 6:20].

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  46. choices.
    Created by: anne
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 8:03 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    here goes..
    I have a younger brother with severly handicapped and needs
    constant attention. I've got amazing parents who do their
    best for him and as I'm still living at home I usually look
    after him 3 or 4 nights out of the week.
    However I have always wanted to spend a year or so
    travelling and working abroad especially around s.e. asia.
    I know I'll miss my family dearly and will worry constantly
    when I'm away, but my main fear is that I'll find a place
    where I want to settle down or meet someone special while
    I'm travelling.
    I've travelled quite a bit but my maxium stint abroad is 2
    While I feel guilty about leaving my parents to cope with
    my brother alone while I'm gone I am really afraid that I
    will resent him if I go away and fall in love with a
    place. But there again if I don't go and I become his main
    carer I will probably never again get the chance to go away
    on my own
    I'd love to hear from someone else who's had to make these
    choices. And do you think that staying here and going away
    for 3 weeks a year would be enough so stave off this
    for anyone who has gone away for a year - is it enough to
    know that you'll be spending the rest of your life in one
    place or do you always have the yearning for more travel??

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 1:04].

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  47. scared to "deaf"
    Created by: j.t.
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 3:27 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    i bet this issue hasn't yet come up here....
    i want to take a solo trip throughout s.e. asia. i am a 30-something woman with a significant hearing impairment. in fact, in many situations, i am functionally deaf, although i wear a hearing aid. this alone presents some travel issues, what with insurance, batteries, etc. i can hear a good deal under ideal circumstances, i.e., a quiet room with one speaker. i have functioned pretty well overall, having completed law school and launched a successful career. but so many of the messages i read speak about meeting up with people on the road, how friendly everyone is, eyc. for someone on the periphery of the hearing world, i may be too isolated to realize my travel dream.
    i am most isolated in groups of people. i can't follow "noisy" conversations. then, too, i so much want to travel alone and be independent, but if the train-ticket vendor is speaking heavily accented english, i will not understand a single word. what this means is that i will need the help of strangers for many more things that would someone without a disability. i cannot hear alarms. how would i know it's 6 am and time to get up to catch my flight? i can't hear boarding announcements. immigration clerks generally think i am stupid or just uncooperative. and i always have a frind or family member who jumps in and acts as my ears. are all these "nice" travellers i read about going to be willing to assist me in such situations? finally, it's hard to just shoot the breeze with other travelers sharing road stories.
    ok. there's my dilemma. even good old american soil can be a scary, isolating and "lonely planet" for a person with a communication disability. maybe i am kidding myself thinking i can trek solo all over asia! what say you? thanking you in advance for any encouragement you can offer, including the encouragement not to go it alone if that's what you think.

    [Posts on this topic: 9. Latest post: Fri 21 May, 12:45].

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  48. cameras?
    Created by: big w
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 2:37 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    What have you all done about taking pictures while
    traveling? I have an old, beloved Nikon F2 (circa 1974)
    with three lenses that takes beautiful pictures. I also
    have a little point and shoot that takes decent (but not
    awesome) pix as well. I can't afford to buy anoy more
    I'll be traveling Guatemala, Hounduras and Nicaragua for 10
    weeks. Do I dare take my nice camera? What experiences
    have others had with cameras being stolen, especially in
    Central America?

    [Posts on this topic: 6. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 6:54].

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  49. arriving late in thailand
    Created by: anneka
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 2:36 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    I am a tall 28 year old blonde arriving alone in Bangkok
    late at night (10:45 pm) in July. Where is a good place to
    stay overnight? I will be departing the next day at 1 pm.
    I want something nice, clean and safe for around $25-$50 US
    (1000-2000 baht). I am wary of the cheap guest
    houses--arriving so late, I want to feel confident that the
    place will be acceptable--it's not like a morning arrival
    when I can walk to another location. Right now I am
    considering La Residence (found 990 baht rate), the Siam
    Intercontinental (found 2000 baht rate), and the Atlanta
    (expect 500-900 baht rates). I think they are all pretty
    different--does anyone have any experience with them? I
    want fairly easy access to the airport but somewhere where I
    can see something quickly in the morning.
    How should I get to the hotel? Are buses etc. still running
    or should I take a taxi?

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 13:56].

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  50. USA
    Created by: Emma (
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 23:30 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    Can anyone give me info on travelling in the USA as a lone
    female traveller. Are Greyhound coaches safe for me to use,
    because the way some of mates are acting my lfe is at risk!
    Also are there any do's and don'ts for menotice of when I
    visit New York. Plus if anyone wants to meet up with me
    while I'm there ( second week in August) please e-mail me.

    [Posts on this topic: 6. Latest post: Fri 21 May, 20:43].

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  51. Need Re: kim's train advice for Europe
    Created by: Joanne (
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 22:51 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    Kim you want information about train advice on europe,you
    have to go to end of list and Create a new topic not add on
    to someone else's post. No one will see you query under my

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Tue 18 May, 22:51].

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  52. period hassles
    Created by: Heddi
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 22:06 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    Okay, this is quite an embarrasing (but legit) enquiry. Due
    to all the hassles encountered when travelling while having
    periods, I've been thinking about going on the pill &
    skipping the sugar pill section to avoid having my period.
    However, I was wondering just how doctors prescribe the
    pill (in Australia). Do you have to have some kind of
    examination? I am still a virgin and so do not want to have
    to go through through any sort of internal examination.
    Thanks in advance.

    [Posts on this topic: 6. Latest post: Sat 22 May, 3:42].

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    Created by: TSUKASA
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 19:23 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    My friend and I are two young Japanese women whom are going
    to Santa Ana early June. We are both having troubles finding
    a host family. Can anyone recommend a youth hostel, or
    budget hotel in the Santa Ana area, California. Anything
    would be appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.‰

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 1:35].

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  54. My FREE list of travel related websites
    Created by: Cecilia (
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 18:57 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    For my list of useful websites for backpackers and travellers and tourists and whatever you want to call yourself... FOLLOW this topic.

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 9:41].

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    Created by: SUZANNE
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 14:52 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    It might soun stupid but I want your advice. My boyfriend is
    from Saudi Arabia.He is great and want's me to marry
    him.What if he gets again later after going back to his
    Is it true that they still have harems in Saudi Arabia?Any
    idea how it is like to share one man.When they make love in
    the harem,do they do it together or is one woman "done" at a

    [Posts on this topic: 12. Latest post: Sat 22 May, 8:31].

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  56. am i over the hill???
    Created by: janice (
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 8:21 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    i've stifled my wanderlust for two decades now. i've done the "working professional" thing and, as the age of 40 looms all-too-close on my horizon, i've decided to pick up and GO!! i'm gathering lots of helpful tips and motivation here, but most people looking for travel companions seem to be under 30. i don't mind roughing it, but my truly hard-core backpacking days are behind me. has anyone got suggestions for soliciting travel companions in the 35-40 range? i'd like to take a 12-month rtw trip, budget accommodations, visiting, at a minimum, nepal, india, thailand, indonesia, new zealand, and any points in between. all ideas/suggestions/encouragement welcome. i live in new york city and would like to depart sometime within the next 6-12 months. e-mail contact is best.

    [Posts on this topic: 8. Latest post: Sat 22 May, 15:08].

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  57. No periods for 2 months?
    Created by: trekker girl
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 8:01 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    okay so I'm sure this has been asked before, and I was
    planning on checking with my doctor anyway, but just thought
    I'd solicit some advice from people who may have done this
    already: is it okay, if you're on The Pill, to take it
    continuously so that you don't have a period for say... 2
    months or so? what is the maximum amount of time you should
    go without a period? It seems just wrong to mess with your
    body like this, but a whole heckuva lot easier, esp. if
    you're traveling in remote areas where 'normal facilities'
    aren't available (like trekking in the himalayas for example)
    thanks in advance...

    [Posts on this topic: 10. Latest post: Fri 21 May, 0:17].

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  58. Guidebook dilemma
    Created by: Em
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 22:01 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    Hi everybody!
    I'm travelling to Jordan, Israel and Egypt this summer and I
    need some help from all of you who were to Middle East.
    Here's the thing: I prefer LP guidebooks (I'm used to them
    for once) over Let's Go ones. However, LP does not have the
    updates since at least 1997 for the Middle East (I know that
    there are some updates on LP site - but unfortunately not
    for Jordan yet!!!), whereas Let's Go has a new guidebook out
    for 1999.
    Are there any critical changes in prices and hostels and
    stuff that would really affect me if I stick to LP from
    Thanks for your help, Em

    [Posts on this topic: 9. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 4:02].

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  59. SEEK HONEST ADVICE !!!!!!!
    Created by: CARREN
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 15:23 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    I have just broken away from my boyfriend and would like to
    take a trip to Asia specialy India and Malaysia. Is it safe
    to have sex with Asian men? Are they good ? Do,they use
    condoms. I need honest advice.

    [Posts on this topic: 9. Latest post: Wed 19 May, 22:32].

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    Created by: CATHERINE
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 15:03 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    I have a friend from in India who is in Malaysia till
    September.If you need advice,company or board he can help
    you.You can get in touch with me.I have spent a great time
    with him.He took me through all sorts of experiencies and
    had interesting anecdotes.Just leave your message and e-mail

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 2:53].

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  61. June in Palawan
    Created by: enid
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 14:47 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    is it still okay to visit Calauit and the beaches in June?
    Is it rainy and all that?

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Sat 22 May, 13:54].

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  62. Mature traveller
    Created by: margo
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 May, 21:59 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    I am going to UK and Europe in summer 2000 and the idea of organised bus tours does not appeal. However I haven't travelled before and would appreciate advice on staying in hostels vs B&Bs for the mature traveller (over 50). I would prefer to drive in the UK and use trains or buses in Europe. What do you say?

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 1:51].

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  63. get me out of my boring life
    Created by: naomi (
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 May, 16:38 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    Hi I am interested in some information from other
    I am 22 and really wanting to leave my boring office job and
    go see some of the world. I would like to go to the UK and
    work and travel. I would like to know about the costs of
    living in England and how easy it is to find work etc.

    [Posts on this topic: 6. Latest post: Wed 19 May, 6:58].

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  64. long distance love
    Created by: sweet tooth
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 19:00 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    Hello! I know the issue of long distance relationships (LDR)
    has been done to death but here goes: How long have you
    waited for someone in an LDR? Did they ever cheat on you or
    did you ever cheat on them? How long were you dating before
    one of you went off travelling or returned to their own
    country, for eg? How long did the LDR last? Why did you
    split up or are you still together? Any beautiful stories? I
    have a great, busy life (so I'm not too dependant or
    desperate etc) but I'm pining away at the moment for my
    partner and I just want to hear from people who have played
    this waiting game and have good (or even sad) stories to
    tell! (I don't want to ask my partner to return earlier than
    planned because this travelling stint is very important &
    much-awaited and I don't want to do the ol' "stifling"
    trick.) Anyway, I'm rambling ........

    [Posts on this topic: 7. Latest post: Wed 19 May, 8:21].

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  65. About to take the plunge
    Created by: Bride to Be
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 17:12 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    I met my fiance several years ago in Cuba and are now
    planning on getting married.
    My fiance is the most wonderful man I have ever known - he
    is a gentleman, intelligent and incredibly funny! My
    question here is: Has anyone here married a man from
    Cuba? Was the transition to a new country extremely
    difficult? Are you still happily married? My fiance
    actually wanted me to move to Cuba as he has a very good
    job there (out of the question!) I love my fiance very much
    and want him to move to North America and make the
    transition as smooth as possible.
    Anyone have any similar experiences/stories?

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Fri 21 May, 15:02].

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  66. ready,set, go!
    Created by: lucy
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 20:03 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    hi. o.k., i have planned the trip. 6 months to go. all i
    have to do is save some money and i am off. pretty simple?
    not quite. When i sit in a corner by myself and listen to
    what i really want - it always comes back to travel.
    when i think of how much money i will be spending (i will
    be blowing my entire savings) and then coming home broke,
    my stomach churns. i know that this travelling experience
    will be with me forever, and will be worth the amount of
    money 10 times over, BUT i can't help feeling this way.
    then there is the issue of my non-hippy parents whose dream
    for me is to have a career and a house asap. they are not
    the travelling type who just throws everything in the air
    and follow their heart. they consider my decision to travel
    half way around the world for 6 months to be totally
    immature and irresposible. should i just say sorry and see-
    ya and hope for the best. i have tried explaining but they
    don't get it. what should i do.
    p.s. i am not compromising my trip for them, i just want to
    leave with them being really happy for me.

    [Posts on this topic: 9. Latest post: Sun 23 May, 17:37].

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  67. africa
    Created by: jeanny
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 7:14 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    Hi Ladies...I just had a quick question about Africa. Has
    anyone here actually travelled through it without taking a
    Safari? I don't mean this to sound silly, I'm just not
    sure how to word it...I've travelled through Europe and GB,
    but that was easy...trains, buses etc., but what is it like
    in Africa?

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Fri 21 May, 6:15].

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  68. Thiland/Malaysia.
    Created by: Hannah (
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 5:36 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    Am I totaly insane, but in less than 10 days I leave the
    My trip is quite extensive, but the first leg is giving me
    lots of grief. I plan to travel independantly(ish) from
    Bangkok to Singapore by train in about a month.(I fly to
    Brisbane on 24th June)
    Although I'm physically and mentally prepared, and have
    read extensively I'm incredibley apprehensive! I need real
    advice, theres only so much you can read in a guide book.
    I'm young and inteligent,but still bloody vunrable.
    It would be great if anybody had some sound advice or
    warning, or even better if there's someone who would like
    to meet up. (No axe murderers please)
    Excited but secretly shitting my pants!! - Hannah.
    P.S. I'm sure that SEA is really stunnig, but I'm a
    painter so if there's somewhere amazing please let me know.

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 2:58].

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  69. Damn Mossies...
    Created by: Ema
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 4:57 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    Just wondered...going to SEA soon. Should i bother buying a
    mosquito net AND covering myself in repellant or just use
    the repellant? Will it make any difference ?

    [Posts on this topic: 8. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 7:50].

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  70. Costa Rican Spanish Schools
    Created by: CJ
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 0:36 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    Does any one recommend any Spanish schools in CR.
    Specifically I am considering Centro Panamerico de Idiomas.
    Please help!?!?!

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Sat 22 May, 20:35].

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  71. Where to go for 6 months w/ kids
    Created by: Robert Bruce (
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 2:40 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    I am planning a trip to last six months. This trip will take place in 2003. Iam planning on taking my family, wife and three children. My kids will be 14, 12 and 7. We would like to go somewhere french speaking, although we are open to all suggestions. Somewhere similar to, say, Goa would be nice. I've been to India twice and would perfer to go to some other contry this time. Money is a factor, so somewhere cheap. I welcome e-mails with suggestions.
    Regards from the great Canadian Prairies
    Robert Bruce
    Winnipeg, Manitoba

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 2:10].

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  72. Contraceptives and malaria pills
    Created by: Penny
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 17:02 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    Hi! I'm going to Africa soon with my boyfriend and so will
    be taking tablets for malaria. It seems that most (if not
    all) of the tablets interfere with the contraceptive power
    of the contraceptive pill. What have other people used as a
    contraception while on malaria pills? So far my boyfriend
    and I have to come the conclusions that condoms don't seem
    that practical while you're on safari and that unless we
    can come up with a better method abstinence for the month
    we're there might have to be the go. Thanks.

    [Posts on this topic: 7. Latest post: Wed 19 May, 23:14].

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  73. Travelling with Kids
    Created by: Sue (
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 13:11 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    In August my husband an I are planning a trip somewhere with
    our two boys, age 6 and 1 and a half. We were thinking
    about Bali or Thailand. Is there anyone out there that has
    gone to either place with small children? I am particularly
    concerned about vaccinations and my kids health while
    travelling. Any good beach spots, not too pricey? Any
    info. you have to share would be great.

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Fri 21 May, 0:49].

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  74. Backpacks with wheels?
    Created by: kd
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 1:57 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    I'm about to leave on a six-month adventure around SE Asia. I'd like to hear anyone's comments on using the new Eagle Creek (or others) backpacks with wheels vs just a good-quality pack. My back isn't the strongest, and I love the idea of being able to roll it around when possible, and putting on my back when necessary. How often am I really going to have to carry it, and isn't it worth getting the one with wheels for the majority of instances? I'd appreciate your comments.

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Sat 22 May, 3:46].

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  75. people should know about this..
    Created by: human rights ?
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 17:41 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    Pro-choice and anti-choice
    Regardless this is wrong. Read On...
    It has been revealed in Australia that a chinese woman,who
    was 38 weeks pregnant was forced to have an abortion in
    China after being deported from Australia cause she already
    had a child as this was contrary to the one child policy of
    the chinese government...
    Apparently, the lady in question pleaded with the
    Australian authorities to let her stay because she knew that
    when she got back to China that would be the end of the
    baby. The Aust govt got assurances from the Chinese govt
    that the woman would be fine and the baby not harmed, and
    like the dumb fuckas that we are, we believed them.
    The woman was sent back and the baby was terminated 10 days
    before delivery....
    I know this is a travel site, but the government of China
    are very sick and evil creatures...
    it's a shame that there leaders weren't aborted themselves !

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Wed 19 May, 9:43].

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  76. Paranoid Sex Thing
    Created by: Cherry
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 1:52 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    I have just found out from my boyfriend that I am unusual
    (he thinks) in that I don't climax though penetration alone.
    I know this is a personal subject, but now I'm paraniod that
    I am not 'right' in bed ! I half don't quite believe him as
    well though and think he may have had some 'fakers' on his
    hands or his penis !! I really enjoy sex and have no
    difficulty in climaxing, by oral or manual stimulation, but
    I can't imagine having a 'big' clitoral orgasm thru
    penetration alone. Don't get me wrong I have what I call
    'vaginal' orgasms thru penetration, but not big earth
    shattering clit ones. Am I abnormal, do you all come thru a
    simple thrusting of penis ?

    [Posts on this topic: 17. Latest post: Sun 23 May, 2:56].

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  77. I feel lost...
    Created by: Sandra
    [Timestamp: Sun 9 May, 14:31 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    i want to get away far away from here to do the "finding my
    true self" thing. But, i cannot seem to make a simple
    decision like, where to go. India, Nepal, Thailand. I don't
    know. I have never travelled before, so which would you
    Length of journey - 5 months
    Budget - AU$10,000

    [Posts on this topic: 24. Latest post: Sat 15 May, 16:17].

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  78. Hair Survey
    Created by: curious
    [Timestamp: Sat 8 May, 10:34 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    How much does it cost to get a haircut where you live? Is
    it customary to tip the stylist? If yes, how much? Don't
    forget to write the name of your country. Thanks! =)

    [Posts on this topic: 22. Latest post: Sat 15 May, 19:28].

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  79. Depression
    Created by: Peta
    [Timestamp: Thu 6 May, 15:23 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    Last week I saw my GP about depression and am now seeing a
    counsellor. I've noticed a few references to depression in
    the posts below and would like to hear from anyone who has
    suffered in this way. I really would like to travel but
    I'm not sure whether I see this as an "out" and whether I
    would cope?

    [Posts on this topic: 21. Latest post: Tue 18 May, 8:01].

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  80. What is in a name?
    Created by: Canucklehead
    [Timestamp: Wed 5 May, 23:47 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    I am getting married in September and am now faced with the
    issue of changing my name to my husbands. I would rather
    not have to change my last name as it has been who I am for
    the last 30something years. My future husband is furious
    about this. He thinks that I am being very difficult and
    just trying to stir the pot about this whole thing. I
    tried to explain to him how I felt about my identity;
    asking how he would feel if he had to take my name (which
    he didn't like). Socially, people can call us by his name
    and the children would have his surname. Professionally I
    want to keep my name. Has anyone been through this? What
    ended up happening?

    [Posts on this topic: 24. Latest post: Fri 21 May, 11:24].

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  81. Embarrassing Question
    Created by: Michele
    [Timestamp: Mon 3 May, 3:35 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    Ok girls I have a question for you and I hope you can
    answer this sincerely. Ok so here goes: I donÆt like to
    shave because my hair on my legs grow really fast ( I would
    have to shave every day to keep them smooth) so I now wax
    them. Well I am planning to travel to Europe this summer
    and I am not sure what I am going to do. I was thinking
    about bringing this thing called Epilady which is an
    electronic hair remover but IÆm not sure if all youth
    hostels have an outlet for itààDo any of you have a
    suggestions (perhaps youÆve had a similar problem)

    [Posts on this topic: 13. Latest post: Sat 15 May, 18:39].

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  82. Southern France & Italy
    Created by: Sarah G.
    [Timestamp: Sat 1 May, 11:45 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    At the end of June a girlfriend and I will be travelling
    from Barcelona to Venice within a span of 5 days, is this
    possible without seeing things in a blurr? What is the
    most beautiful place on the south shore of France? How about
    Aix en Provence - anyone been there? We plan to travel from
    there through Florence and north to Venice. We're also
    wondering about Hostels/Hotels through these areas and
    dealing with the locals knowing minimal french and
    phrasebook Italian!

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 2:34].

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  83. Pregnant by Traveller
    Created by: soz
    [Timestamp: Thu 29 April, 23:18 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    I was wondering if anyone has got pregnant while travelling
    ? by a partner, or someone you had met while on the road. I
    got pregnant by a Brit bloke while he was travelling and he
    just left me behind. Has anyone else been in a similar
    situation ?

    [Posts on this topic: 24. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 6:20].

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  84. Help me pack!
    Created by: Susan
    [Timestamp: Wed 28 April, 7:30 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    I've just invested in a backpack to hold practically
    everything during my travels, and the one thing I'd love to
    know now is how to pack it properly...
    Can any experienced backpackers out there give me some
    advice?? (eg. how can I max out the space, what should I
    put in first, etc)
    I'd love to hear any suggestions - thanks for your help!

    [Posts on this topic: 11. Latest post: Tue 18 May, 3:02].

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  85. curious
    Created by: jj (
    [Timestamp: Fri 23 April, 7:23 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    Hi everyone. I have decided to quit my job and go
    travelling..I'm sure many others have done the same. Has
    anyone ever regretted doing this when they come home and
    are flat broke, pounding the pavement again?

    [Posts on this topic: 12. Latest post: Tue 4 May, 2:17].

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  86. circumcision
    Created by: linda
    [Timestamp: Thu 22 April, 12:41 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    Hi ladies, I have a question here, and that is do you prefer
    or enjoy sex more or less from a circumcised man? I would
    like to know if you have come across more circumcised or
    intact penis and which one do you enjoy more? And does the
    intact men enjoy sex more than circumcised men?
    Hi guys, this question is for you:
    i'm wondering how many of you guys are circumcised out
    there? I wanna know if you are circumcised and what country
    u are from, and when were u circumcised and how old were u
    when u were circumcised and how do you feel about being
    circumcised. Whether you think being circumcised is good or
    It seems that circumcision procedures have changed over time
    and different countries have different practices about
    circumcision. Hope to hear from u......

    [Posts on this topic: 13. Latest post: Fri 14 May, 19:19].

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  87. love em or hate em?
    Created by: sb
    [Timestamp: Wed 21 April, 22:26 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    Does anyone out there realy believe that a man can be
    faithful? - do you believe your boyfriend/husband is/has
    always been faithful?. If they haven't please tell me your

    [Posts on this topic: 21. Latest post: Sun 23 May, 10:13].

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  88. hi...
    Created by: simone
    [Timestamp: Tue 20 April, 18:27 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    well, in 7 months i have decided to quit my job and go to
    india for 5 months. is it normal to have second, even third
    thoughts about what i am about to do. most of the time, i
    am focused and really want to go, i've bought my backpack
    and other stuff, i'm really excited, then in a split second
    everything changes and i doubt myself and my reasons for
    doing this trip. other than spending ALL that money, i
    sometimes really worry about not getting on that career
    ladder. i am 21, and have no interest in my job at the
    moment, so when i come back i will have to start from
    scratch, like go to university etc. by the time i am
    finished with that i'll be like 27 or something. how
    scary!!!! i guess i should just follow my dream and travel
    and the rest i'll sort out later. good approach do you

    [Posts on this topic: 11. Latest post: Fri 23 April, 6:07].

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  89. a bit concerned
    Created by: ruben
    [Timestamp: Fri 16 April, 8:51 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    I have a concern that I have not yet seen discussed on the
    TREE. I am just in the beginning stages of planning an
    around the world trip. My problem is that although I am
    quite fit(work out everyday, hike, etc.), I am visibly
    overweight. I have pretty much come to terms with the fact
    that this is the size my body wants to be, but I wonder if
    I'll face much discrimination from other travellers. I
    would appreciate some honest (but gentle) opinions. I am
    female and 30. Thanks!

    [Posts on this topic: 23. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 2:45].

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  90. second thoughts
    Created by: worried
    [Timestamp: Thu 15 April, 4:21 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    I have made a decision to quit my job of five years, and go
    traveling. I am excited, and anxious, and am starting to
    wonder if this was really the brightest thing. Is it
    normal to have second thoughts about this? Is 29 too old
    to do this kind of thing? Will I fit in? UGH!
    I'm worried I'll back out at the last minute.
    (I'm also kind of thinking everyone is expecting me to)

    [Posts on this topic: 15. Latest post: Sun 9 May, 23:11].

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  91. I'm vain & need a good haircut!
    Created by: Solo RTW Traveller
    [Timestamp: Wed 14 April, 13:13 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    Okay, I have a very simple but vain girlie question to ask.
    What have you done with your hair on long term trips (more
    than 4 months)? ... I'm taking off in September for 1+
    years on a round-the-worlder. Problem is that I have
    copious amounts of wavy hair. If it isn't cut regularly, it
    becomes incredibly heavy, hot and bushy. It looks
    particularly hysterical in humid weather ... I refer to it
    as "Wild Woman Hair"!! SO, what have you guys done? How do
    you find someone who could give you a good cut when you're
    in a country like China or India???

    [Posts on this topic: 14. Latest post: Fri 14 May, 23:31].

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  92. Ever wanna "just do it"?
    Created by: thriller (.)
    [Timestamp: Wed 14 April, 12:10 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    Well, I just did it!
    I resigned from my job of a year and a half.
    I booked a flight to Amsterdam for the 4th of June and I am
    just takin' off!!!
    I am a 24-yr old Canadian gal who has resisted the urge to
    travel for *TOO* long! I was greatly inspired by some of
    the posts at this very site a while ago and was hoping to
    read some more, especially now since they will be relevant
    to me! I am going alone to Europe and hope to start there
    and go wherever it feels right to go, working as I
    need/want to.
    Any advice or words of encouragement? Anyone doing the
    same thing as I am?

    [Posts on this topic: 12. Latest post: Sat 1 May, 5:36].

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  93. A-venture at 54
    Created by: Joan
    [Timestamp: Wed 7 April, 4:39 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    I just stumbled upon the Thorn Tree while doing some
    research for a freelance travel brochure I'm writing, and I
    think it was a lucky find. I am contemplating (only
    contemplating, at this point) making a radical change in my
    lifestyle by spending a year in Europe, preferably one of
    the warmer, Mediterranean countries (I was thinking about a
    little town named Nerja in Spain or Assisi or Cortona in
    Tuscany). I've never traveled by myself before and I've
    never been to Europe. I've raised 7 children by myself for
    the last 20 years. My youngest is 21 and graduating from
    college, so I think that a radical change in my life and in
    my perspective is either now or never. But, am I
    scared?!! I am not wealthy, have only a limited amount of
    invested money for my retirement, and will definitely have
    to work wherever I go. But I feel a strong compulsion to
    change the structure and boundaries of my life. The
    structure and boundaries I've been operating in for the
    last 25 years do not work so well any more. I think their
    time has passed. I'm just not sure what the new structure
    should like. I'm attracted to Europe because I think there
    is a greater sense of continuity there (maybe it has
    something to do with history). I favor a warm climate
    because I think it is more conducive to community than
    darker, colder climes. I am trying not to think about too
    many negatives or even to make too many plans. I want to
    get up one month and say this is the time to do it. I've
    given myself a 12-month period in which to make the leap.
    Am I crazy? Can I survive? Will I find work? Will I get
    homesick? Will I stick it out? Will I find some further
    dimension of life than I have during these years when I had
    to devote myself to family responsibilities? Am I too
    old? Do I have too romantic and unrealistic of
    expectations? Can anyone help? As you can see, I'm full
    of questing and questions and would love it if someone
    could respond. Thanks!

    [Posts on this topic: 15. Latest post: Wed 5 May, 22:09].

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  94. Backpacks for Women's Bodies
    Created by: Eileen
    [Timestamp: Sun 4 April, 4:08 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    I am about to go on a year long trip through Asia and will
    be carrying one (hopefully only medium sized) backpack
    throughout. I have heard there are some companies that make
    backpacks that fit women's bodies better. can anyone offer
    any suggestions or brands?
    thank you!

    [Posts on this topic: 14. Latest post: Tue 4 May, 8:01].

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  95. a little scared...
    Created by: rosie girl (
    [Timestamp: Wed 31 March, 19:31 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    I'm 24 years old, and in less than a week, I'm travelling to
    Europe, alone. I'm going for 3 months, I am packed, have my
    Eurailpass, and basically everything that I need. I've been
    doing reading about the places I want to go, and checking
    this site frequently for travel tips. All my friends say
    they're jealous of me, and they wish that they were as brave
    as I am! The thing is, I really don't feel very brave! I'm
    24, and I've never really done anything all by myself
    before. I'm actually very scared! I'm the one out of my
    friends that always ends up in wierd situations, or gets
    lost, or hurts myself. I feel like I'm always fumbling
    around. Maybe this is just a confidence issue, but it's
    frightening for me to think that I just have myself to
    depend on! Outwardly I'm all prepared, but inside I'm kind
    of a wreck! This isn't really a question, I guess, but I'm
    wondering if anyone else has been in this situation, and if
    you have some words of wisdom to offer! I have a hard time
    explaining how I feel to my friends. I think a lot of this
    has to do with me not wanting to give up control, and the
    fact of facing 3 months of not knowing what's in store has
    me feeling nervous. Am I being ridiculous? And how do I
    cope? (I feel like I'm asking "Dear Abby")

    [Posts on this topic: 21. Latest post: Tue 13 April, 13:14].

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  96. Life Decisions
    Created by: CJ
    [Timestamp: Mon 29 March, 15:05 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    I don't know if I am the only one in the world with this
    problem but it feels like it!
    I am 31 years old and married. Until now I have been content
    with my nice comfortable life. My husband and I decided to
    start a family and have been trying. Suddenly I don't think
    I want to have children, in fact all I want to do is
    travel! I am facing a decision between my husband and having
    a baby versus travel.
    Has anyone else had to make this hard decision?
    It seems like I am going against society's values by not
    wanting children. My husband desperately wants them and I am

    [Posts on this topic: 22. Latest post: Fri 14 May, 23:49].

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  97. Hassle in Hostels
    Created by: Sally
    [Timestamp: Sat 27 March, 7:49 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    Has anyone had any bad experiences staying in hostels? I
    friend of mine was ina hostel in Amsterdam (I think) when
    two Arab guys basically threw themselves on top of her and
    she had to scream and struggle before they'd leave her
    alone. She spent the rest of the night in her (female)
    friend's bed, hoping to God there wouldn't be a repeat
    performance. Luckily, there wasn't, but I don't fancy
    having to go through anythin lik that myself.
    Any anecdotes?

    [Posts on this topic: 15. Latest post: Mon 26 April, 5:49].

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  98. A delicate subject
    Created by: Worried
    [Timestamp: Fri 26 March, 3:51 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    I don't know if this is a bit more information than any of
    you want, but you all seem like such nice people, and I am
    quite worried, so here I go.
    I am about to go travelling in South East Asia and I am
    worried about getting a nasty bladder infection. I am very
    prone to them especially in hot weather. Have any of you
    experienced the same thing and do you have any advice?
    Any caring advice would be very much appreciated.

    [Posts on this topic: 21. Latest post: Sat 1 May, 6:33].

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  99. Female Friendly Places
    Created by: First time solo traveller
    [Timestamp: Wed 17 March, 13:01 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    Wanted to find out from all you solo women travellers about
    places you have visited that you found to be female friendly
    (ie. safe, respectful, etc.) -- cities, towns, countries or
    wherever! Thanks gals! :)

    [Posts on this topic: 21. Latest post: Sat 22 May, 3:58].

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  100. Any advice ???
    Created by: sam
    [Timestamp: Wed 17 March, 3:22 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    I wonder if any one could be of help as i am having a bit of
    a dilemma . I have decided to embark on a round the world
    trip , i am planning to visit SEA , Australia , New Zealand
    and Canada ( with various bits inbetween ). Sounds okay so
    far. The thing is my ex boyfriend is planning to leave at
    around the same time . I really like the idea of going alone
    but to be honest i am a little apprehensive so i was
    thinking of starting the journey with him and losing him
    somewhere on the way !I have travelled alot before but never
    alone. Should i just do it and go solo ???

    [Posts on this topic: 19. Latest post: Thu 22 April, 12:32].

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  101. Dealing with HOMESICKNESS
    Created by: Stephie
    [Timestamp: Tue 16 March, 12:53 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    I am a young, first time traveller. For some reason, I have
    decided to 'jump in with both feet' and I have decided to go
    to Australia and NZ by myself for one to two years. I am
    terrified of being homesick for my family and what to do
    about it. I have never been away from home for more than
    three months. I am anticipating meeting others because I am
    relatively outgoing, but I am afraid that I may decide in a
    moment of panic and sadness, to pack it in and go home. I am
    experiencing already, slight anxiety attacks due to "the
    great unknown"! Can you share some inspiration and ideas
    about what to do in moments or days of intense homesickness?
    Thank you and please....wish me luck!

    [Posts on this topic: 13. Latest post: Tue 30 March, 11:48].

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  102. I know this is naff but...
    Created by: Thirty something
    [Timestamp: Mon 15 March, 1:31 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    I am fascinated by everything to do with travelling, even
    though, due mainly to work and financial constraints, I
    don't get as many opportunities to travel as I'd like. So,
    when I do travel, I try to be as economical as possible,
    staying in cheap hotels/hostels, going 2nd class, making
    picnics ... you know the general scene.
    However, it's a few years since I've been on the road, and
    I'm now 35. I know that by a lot of people's standards,
    that's still pretty young but I'm worried that I'll feel out
    of place in the more budget orientated places (hostels,
    restaurants etc). Last time I travelled around Europe (4
    years ago) I already noticed that the majority of my fellow
    travellers were at least 5 years younger than me and I
    suppose I'll feel the age gap even more this time round,
    especially as I'll be on my own. As well as that, reading
    the Thorn Tree seems to confirm my impression that most
    budget travellers are in their early or mid twenties.
    So, I'd really appreciate hearing from other woman of about
    my age - how likely am I to meet other thirty-somethings,
    will I feel "left out", and, last but definately not least,
    what are the chances of a holiday romance with a man my own
    (By the way, I'm planning on visiting the Middle East)

    [Posts on this topic: 22. Latest post: Thu 13 May, 6:51].

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  103. why oh why
    Created by: Wendy
    [Timestamp: Sun 14 March, 16:09 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    Why do my friends and family tell me how awful things are
    going to be when I travel alone? None of them have even
    gone traveling! How bad are hostels, anyway? Do I seem
    like a total flake that I can't take care of myself? Please
    tell me that it's THEIR problem, not mine.

    [Posts on this topic: 20. Latest post: Sun 16 May, 8:38].

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  104. Funnies
    Created by: JDT
    [Timestamp: Fri 12 March, 2:26 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    Q: Why are married women heavier than single women?
    A: Single women come home, see what's in the fridge and go
    to bed. Married women come home, see what's in bed and go to
    the fridge.
    Q: How many honest, intelligent, caring men in the world
    does it take to do the dishes?
    A: Both of them.
    Q: Why did the man cross the road?
    A: He heard the chicken was a slut.
    Q: Why don't women blink during foreplay?
    A: They don't have time.
    Q: Why does it take 1 million sperm cells to fertilize one
    A: They won't stop to ask directions.
    Q: What do men and sperm have in common?
    A: They both have a one-in-a-million chance of becoming a
    human being.
    Q: How does a man show that he is planning for the future?
    A: He buys two cases of beer.
    Q: What is the difference between men and government bonds?
    A: The bonds mature.
    Q: Why are blonde jokes so short?
    A: So men can remember them.
    Q: How many men does it take to change a roll of toilet
    A: We don't know; it has never happened.
    Q: Why is it difficult to find men who are sensitive,
    caring and good looking?
    A: They all already have boyfriends.
    Q: What do you call a woman who knows where her husband is
    every night?
    A: A Widow.
    Q: How did Pinocchio find out he was made of wood?
    A: His hand caught fire.
    Q: How do you get a man to do sit-ups?
    A: Put the remote control between his toes.
    Q: What did God say after creating Adam?
    A: I must be able to do better than that.
    Q: What did God say after creating Eve?
    A: "Practice makes perfect."
    Q: How are men and parking spots alike?
    A: Good ones are always taken. Free ones are mostly
    handicapped or extremely small.
    Q: What is the one thing that all men at singles bars have
    in common?
    A: They are married.
    Man says to God: "God, why did you make woman so
    God says: "So you would love her."
    "But God," the man says, "why did you make her so dumb?"
    God says: "So she would love you."

    [Posts on this topic: 25. Latest post: Fri 21 May, 6:26].

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  105. Confused
    Created by: Natalie
    [Timestamp: Wed 10 March, 1:57 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    I am a 21 year old female and graduating from college in
    May. I would like to backpack Europe "alone". This is
    raising much more controversy than I expected by my family
    (especially my dad). So what I want to know is; am I
    thinking unrealistically. Is this unsafe. Is it ignorant
    for me to think that travelling alone is O.K? I feel
    confident in myself and believe that this is something that
    I can do, but I dont know how to explain this to my
    family. Please any suggestions, opinions, criticisms would
    be greatly appreciated. Thanks :)

    [Posts on this topic: 30. Latest post: Tue 4 May, 6:06].

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  106. india or thailand?
    Created by: natasha
    [Timestamp: Mon 8 March, 18:03 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    as a first time traveller, i would like to hear from people
    who have been to both india and thailand and which one you
    would recommend more for an inexperienced person like me.
    i plan to travel for 4-5 months and i have read both lonely
    planets inside out and i can't decide which country to go
    to. i only want to do one at a time so, i would appreciate
    any advice on which one is easier to handle and which is
    most rewarding and why. thanks heaps

    [Posts on this topic: 17. Latest post: Thu 22 April, 12:34].

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  107. Songs for Inspiration!
    Created by: Naff
    [Timestamp: Sat 6 March, 22:14 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    OK, we've had books, we've had films so now how about songs!
    What are the songs which inspire you and make you want to
    pack up your old kit bag and hit the road? Herewith a few
    of the naffest suggestions:
    Anyone remember that song (early-eighties, I reckon) called
    "Caught between the Moon and New York City" OK, I know it's
    silly but it really does make me want to hit the Big Apple
    asap. Frankie's "New York, New York" has the same effect,
    of course!
    Another song which gives me the travel bug is another oldie.
    I don't know the name but it goes like this "I'm going
    where the sun keeps shining/Through the pouring rain/Going
    where the weather suits my clothes". It was covered (by the
    Beautiful South?) a few years ago and I remember listening
    to it before a recent trip to Croatia and it just made me
    feel sooo dreamy ...
    Add to that another naff eighties song "One Night in
    Bangkok" - always calls to mind the adventures I've had
    which one my travel (even though I've never been to
    Do let me know what inspire you!

    [Posts on this topic: 12. Latest post: Mon 17 May, 19:39].

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  108. Alone in Australia
    Created by: Steff
    [Timestamp: Wed 3 March, 12:58 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    I am a 24 year old Canadian girl and I am going to be
    travelling to Australia in October or November of this year.
    I have done some travelling, but never quandry I better to go alone, or should I go with a friend?
    This girl and I are college friends, but I don't know if I
    could stand her to travel with or live with her. She is not
    someone I would consider living with here at home,but will I
    feel differently while so far from home? I am worried about
    travelling alone and being lonely. I am generally outgoing
    and can easily carry on an interesting conversation, but I
    have never been away from home for more than a few months
    (I'll be gone a year) and I don't know if I will be grateful
    to have a friend from home there with me. Is it quite easy
    to meet people in Australia? It may sound like a crazy
    question, but in other places I've travelled, it's not
    always really easy to meet others. Basically, I am asking
    you all for advice....better to go alone, or welcome my
    friend (who wants to come WITH me)...Could you share some
    experiences with me about travelling long-term with
    aquaintances? (I was planning on telling my friend that I
    am going to go alone, but then another friend said that I
    might really like having someone from home there for
    support and company)....yikes

    [Posts on this topic: 20. Latest post: Tue 18 May, 4:00].

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  109. Admiration
    Created by: Nervous
    [Timestamp: Sun 28 Feb, 23:33 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    I totally agree with other postings >I've read on this site
    about women being nervous about the courage of
    women who travel to the Middle East alone. You have my
    greatest respect and admiration! I'm 32 years old, have
    travelled extensively throughout Europe, especially Eastern
    Europe, often on my own, and generally like to think of
    myself as someone who knows how to look after herself
    reasonably well.
    BUT I'm terrified to make that trip to Israel and Egypt
    (places where I'd really love to go) because I've heard a
    few too many horror stories about being mauled, followed,
    spied upon and generally harrassed. I can take a lot of
    things in life but for whatever reason, the threat of
    sexual harrasment in a foreign land is something which just
    makes me want to run home and cover my head! I've very
    rarely had this provlem in the countries I've visited, and
    when I hav, it's intimidated me more than anything else.
    Please tell me, am I being paranoid and worrying unduly? Is
    ther anything I can do - as well as the usual advice to
    dress and behave modestly - to minimise the threat?
    Thank You!

    [Posts on this topic: 13. Latest post: Fri 9 April, 22:37].

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  110. Vanity on the road!
    Created by: Karen
    [Timestamp: Sun 28 Feb, 2:50 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    When I travel, one of my top priorities is to go as light as
    possible, to the extent of agonizing over how many pairs of
    knickers to take!
    Hi Girls!
    However, I have one problem: I've got really fine, straight
    hair which looks crap if I don't blow dry it! Of course,
    takinga hairdryer (even a travel one) goes against all my
    ideas about light travelling, so I'd like to hear from
    anyone out there who has had to grapple with this complex
    and intriguing problem! Another question: do those little
    travel hairdryers really work?
    Thank you!

    [Posts on this topic: 15. Latest post: Wed 19 May, 7:45].

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  111. Amazing and brave!!!
    Created by: Honest and heartfelt
    [Timestamp: Sat 27 Feb, 3:10 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    I have been very lucky to have travelled very extensively
    all my life, with friends, family and when by my own I
    normally jump on a tour or overland trip.
    I really admire all the women who I hear travelling around
    by themselves as I think you are all amazingly brave. It is
    something I would love to do because my friend's plans don't
    always gel with mine, tours are really expensive and of
    course it is a completely different experience when you go
    by yourself in terms of getting in touch with local culture,
    meeting more people etc.
    But why don't I ? Because I am scared - the two things that
    worry me is getting lonely and personal safety. I have had
    many wonderful experiences travelling but I have also had
    many negative ones with men assaulting me and making me feel
    uncomfortable no matter how defensive my behaviour is.
    Obviously these are things that all you brave chicks face
    and what I want to know is how do you overcome these
    feelings? Would love your feedback on this one!

    [Posts on this topic: 12. Latest post: Sat 15 May, 15:43].

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  112. The definitive guide to modesty?
    Created by: A thwarted woman
    [Timestamp: Thu 25 Feb, 9:50 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    Dear All,
    I am having a lot of trouble researching exactly what to be
    prepared to wear in many countries that I am thinking of
    visiting. I have two problems- the number of countries that
    I am thinking of visiting, and getting CLEAR information
    about what to wear. (And why is it with any trip people
    become obsessed with what to bring?? I definitely have the
    So many countries just say "modestly". What does this mean?
    I am not at all asking whether or not I can wear my
    sleeveless crop top. (DonÆt you hate seeing those posts
    where someone is confused as to whether a crop top and mini
    skirt could posssssibly pass as "modest"! Derrr!!! :-)) IÆm
    talking in terms of sleeve length and dress/pant length. In
    very warm climates such as Egypt the difference between
    sleeves that go to the wrist, elbow or T-shirt length makes
    a lot of difference!
    Also, wouldnÆt it be nice if there was one resource which
    lists all countries, or all countries in a region and
    advises women on what is appropriate clothing and behaviour?
    So anyway, can anyone pleeeasse help me with the following
    countries, and the answers to the following. (a) tops =
    wrist, elbow or T-shirt length ?, (b), neck = covered or
    doesnÆt matter? (c) skirts = above knee, below knee or ankle
    length? (d) head = face covered, hair covered or doesnÆt
    matter. (Tell me if IÆve missed something here).
    My countries of concern are-
    France, Spain, Portugal, Morocco, Greece, Turkey, Syria,
    Jordan, Israel, Egypt, Thailand, Vietnam, China.
    Eg France= everything except the birthday suit is OK?,
    compared with Thailand = tops elbow length, and the rest
    doesn't matter?
    Oh, and one more thing- Is it possible to get tops that go
    to the wrist that are also fashionable and okay for REALLY
    hot weather? IÆm wondering if it just isnÆt some alien plot
    to prevent women from visiting places like the middle east.
    If I get some good answers, IÆll collate the whole thing so
    everyone on this posting can benefit.
    Thanks in advance,

    [Posts on this topic: 14. Latest post: Fri 2 April, 21:15].

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  113. How do I carry all my stuff?
    Created by: Solo traveller
    [Timestamp: Wed 24 Feb, 4:38 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    Help! I have a 65L travel pack I will be taking with me RTW
    for one year. I also have a small daypac that I have found
    very useful on shorter trips (carry water, camera,
    sunglasses, etc.). The question is, if I'm going to be on
    the road for a long time & I will be travelling solo, do I
    take the small daypac along too? If I do, how do I manage
    it and the 65L in train & bus stations, airports, etc.
    without having one stolen. What do other women do? Is
    a multi-pocket vest the answer? Help!

    [Posts on this topic: 17. Latest post: Tue 4 May, 12:18].

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  114. life decisions....
    Created by: Briane
    [Timestamp: Mon 22 Feb, 15:28 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    I could really use some advice. I am 25 years old and I
    graduated a year and a half ago from college. I was
    fortunate enough to be able to go traveling right after grad
    for several months. Soon after I came home, I got a great
    job with the government. I have recently asked my employer
    for a year or two leave, so that I can travel more. So far,
    I plan to return to the job, but who knows what awaits me
    out there (I'd never tell my employer that though!).
    My dilemma presents itself when I think about my employer
    possibly saying no to my request for a leave approval. What
    should I do? I have very mimimal debt,but no boyfriend,
    mortgage, or student loans. I really want to travel, but if
    "push comes to shove", should I quit my job? I think I'd
    have a good chance of getting it back. I also would leave in
    a very polite way. Sometimes I think that I have made my
    mind up to quit, but on the other hand, I am risking quite a
    bit by doing so. Can anyone else out there who has gone
    through this let me know, and was it worth it? I generally
    like my job, and I am living and working in a great city-
    most of my friends and family live here. Do you other
    travellers think that I will regret this decision to travel
    if I have to quit my job? I should find out soon, but the
    suspense is killing me and I would love to hear your
    thoughts. This is the biggest decision I have ever
    (possibly) had to make. Thank you....

    [Posts on this topic: 22. Latest post: Mon 3 May, 7:31].

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  115. foreign lands and foreign loves!!?*
    Created by: wendywoo
    [Timestamp: Mon 22 Feb, 6:46 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    Out of interest in the odds of my trip to NZ this week
    being a hit or miss(in the romance department!)...may I
    ask.. has anyone ever - well I guess this happens every
    second of the day - Have you fell for a lovely man in a
    foreign land and then torn yourself away to do a sensible
    thing like return home for a few months and then yearned
    for this man and set off on a wild chase to catch
    him...then did it work, was it the same, was it the best
    thing to do? do you regret it?. Help! I need some
    encouragement here, my chase starts in 3 days and am I
    scared or what!!!
    best wishes

    [Posts on this topic: 16. Latest post: Sun 28 March, 10:55].

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  116. Clothing list
    Created by: steph (
    [Timestamp: Wed 17 Feb, 6:44 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    Okay, I truly value all of your opinions, and I've learned a
    ton from this site (thanks). I am leaving in a month for a
    3-4 month trip around parts of W. Europe (furthest South is
    Rome, furthest North is Paris), E. Europe (Hungary, Romania,
    Bulgaria) and Turkey. Travel time will be from mid-April
    (in Italy) until July or August (in Turkey). After having
    read countless packing lists, I've come up with the
    following list of clothes to bring, and I want to know what
    you think. Keep in mind the length of the trip, variety of
    climates, versatility, etc. Here it is:
    one pair Teva-type sandals
    one pair Rockport walking shoes (brown, broken in!)
    one pair jeans
    one pair light rayon (or similar) drawstring pants (khaki)
    one long rayon (or similar) skirt (black)
    one pair shorts (black or khaki)
    one casual short dress (don't know what kind)
    two short-sleeved t-shirts (black and white)
    one long-sleeved t-shirt (black)
    one long-sleeved dressier shirt
    one sweater (light wool, black)
    socks, undies, bras
    scarf (for dressing up)
    hat (baseball)
    black tights or leggings
    Gore-Tex light jacket
    one tank top
    Too much? Too little? Just about right? Please help, I'm
    currently obsessed with what I'm bringing with me. Thank

    [Posts on this topic: 67. Latest post: Tue 20 April, 15:56].

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  117. travel films
    Created by: liz
    [Timestamp: Sun 14 Feb, 11:37 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    I really enjoyed the topics on people's favourite travel
    books and was curious to know people's favourite
    travel-inspired films.
    Latcho Drom (I think it means 'safe journey' and documents
    the musical traditions of the Rom people in many
    countries) is wonderful--when I saw it I had just returned
    home after a year in India and the scene of the wedding in
    Rajasthan made me cry for wanting to be there...

    [Posts on this topic: 16. Latest post: Tue 23 March, 8:43].

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  118. Which way is UP?!?
    Created by: Stuck
    [Timestamp: Thu 11 Feb, 5:20 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    Remember thinking that if you took a solo journey to
    someplace new that your life would somehow come together;
    that when you returned home you would have a clearer picture
    of who you were and life decisions would seem easier? But
    more often than not (and I'm really no different from the
    majority) when you get back home, life just sort of ...
    carries on as before. I wish my life was more structured at
    times; that I had a great job and some direction. However,
    travelling and exposing myself to new ideas and new ways of
    thinking about EVERYTHING has made deciding what to do with
    my life all the more difficult. Of course, I am so thankful
    that I've had these opportunities; one of the best
    'souvenirs' of my trip was my increased self-awareness. I
    just wish that I could apply this to something concrete, and
    soon. I've been home a month already, and still have
    nothing to tell people when they ask "so, what do you do??"
    I guess it's one of those I'm 25, single and unemployed; and
    confused about my future. I wish that I had more stability
    in my life but also understand that it's the price I pay for
    doing less conventional things after I graduated from
    university. I find myself to be remarkably sensitive about
    this topic, especially around people who I care about and
    who I know are genuinely worried about me, like my parents
    and roomates. I'm sitting on the fence and am too chicken
    to take the leap. At night I lie awake and struggle to
    remember that all will work out; that I'm an intelligent and
    sincere, fun person that will someday, somehow, make
    something of myself. But more often than not, I'm anxious
    about money, about which desk to send my resume to, about
    how others are carrying on and I'm being left behind, trying
    desperately to hold on to my self-confidence in the wake of
    unemployment and a waning desire to get out of bed. If
    anyone has some advice it would mean so much to me. Maybe
    others could use it as well, as I'm sure I'm not the only
    one with post-travelling-depression out there. And in
    advance I apologize if this topic seems at all
    inappropriate; but I find that one of the most moving things
    about this site in particular is the unassuming and positive
    flow of encouragement that comes from strangers. It's such
    a testament to the human spirit (at the risk of sounding
    like I watch too much Oprah, though admittedly I am very
    aware that she's on a 'remembering your spirit' kick lately
    .. :) Thanks, A.

    [Posts on this topic: 32. Latest post: Sun 9 May, 8:43].

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  119. Poll on Shoes
    Created by: Jennifer
    [Timestamp: Wed 10 Feb, 12:48 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    What brand of shoes do you think are the best for
    backpacking? I'm looking for a good pair and need some
    advice! Do you think running shoes or hiking boots are the
    best for a general backtracking trek through Europe in the
    Spring/Summer? Thanks to all for responses.

    [Posts on this topic: 22. Latest post: Tue 4 May, 11:24].

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  120. GULP!
    Created by: sad girl
    [Timestamp: Tue 9 Feb, 8:34 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    I just told my best male friend that I'm in love with him
    and while it feels like a huge relief to have it out in the
    open (after 3 years), I also feel flat because I've just got
    his "no way!" response!!! Yeah, he's surprised, was asking
    me for a punchline and was calling me 'sis' etc etc. I feel
    sooooo embarrassed and AWFUL. The thing is: what now? I want
    to keep my distance but I don't want to completely stop the
    friendship ... but now he's going to feel 'weird' etc etc.
    Ugh! Has anyone out there been through a similar nightmare
    and feel like passing on some wise or comforting words?

    [Posts on this topic: 25. Latest post: Wed 12 May, 20:08].

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  121. Peek-a-boo
    Created by: Anna
    [Timestamp: Tue 9 Feb, 6:06 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    In guide-books and the like you sometimes read about pervs
    who spy on female travellers through keyholes or
    strategically placed "peepholes" in hotel bedrooms and
    bathrooms. Not to mention intrepid types who
    accidentally-on-purpose let themselves into your hotel-room
    in the middle of the night!
    How much of a prob have women found this to be in reality?
    I was thinking specifically of the Middle East but I'd be
    interested to hear from anyone with stories to tell about
    such unpleasant behaviour!

    [Posts on this topic: 22. Latest post: Thu 22 April, 4:02].

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  122. meeting someone on the net....
    Created by: cautious....
    [Timestamp: Sun 7 Feb, 17:55 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    I could use some advice..... I have been corresponding with
    a man that I 'met' on the internet recently. We began
    corresponding because I saw that he was from a city I would
    be travelling to in the next few months. Anyways, we have
    briefly talked about meeting each other....there's been no
    'racy' talk or deep conversations, or talk of a
    relationship. We have just enjoyed corresponding (this is my
    perspective) and we have exchanged pictures through email.
    Anyways, I am not travelling alone to where he lives, but it
    would not be appropriate to take my traveling companions to
    meet him. Any thoughts other than meeting him in a public
    place? How does one know when it's okay to actually go
    somewhere together or make plans? We've talked about what
    we do for a living, our families, travel far, I
    don't have any weird vibes, but it IS ONLY email! Can
    someone share their experiences or thoughts with me on this?
    He seems like a really nice person with similar interests
    and perspectives to instincts are quite good, but
    I'd like to hear from you out there! Thanks...

    [Posts on this topic: 20. Latest post: Sat 22 May, 4:42].

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  123. ..
    Created by: Jodie (
    [Timestamp: Fri 5 Feb, 7:17 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    Some of you may remember, I put a post up here 2 and half months ago under the handle of 'unhappy and guilty'. My mother had juist been diagnosed with Leukaemia which meant I had to cancel my booked RTW trip and I was wrecked with guilt about feeling disppointed about this while mum was so ill. I was overwhelmed by the response of people on this branch which helped me to put it all into perspective. The absolute worst in the world happened and mum died last night following complications brought on my the treatment. Obviuosly this isn;t a place to into how I am feeling right now. My reason for posting this is that someone here posted a poem in response to my post. It was a lovely poem which made me cry as it was written from the persective of someone who had died and was looking over the people they loved and left behind. I don;t know who it was or where it came from as when I went back to print it off it had been removed. I desperately want to read this at her funeral - All I know is that it was posted by the same person who recomended I visit the Healing Room website., Are you reading this now? PLEASE tell me what that poem was...She would be so proud if I read for her and that poem was lovely. I have to stop now.can't say anymore. I hope someone knows what I mean..thank you....

    [Posts on this topic: 12. Latest post: Mon 26 April, 21:51].

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  124. LP Show Presenters
    Created by: Asian Xina
    [Timestamp: Thu 28 Jan, 6:07 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    What do you think of the selection of the LP Show
    presenters? Do you think we need a variety of those people
    reflecting the population of travellers around the globe?
    Ian and Justine are doing a great job but I believe we need
    more "different" people. (What happend to that British
    Indian(?) woman who did Indonesia?) Different travellers get
    treated differently and that fact needs to be addressed.
    Justine's episode in Italy (where some guy sat next to her
    in the train and started bothering her) showed one of
    unpleasant experiences many woman travellers encounter. But
    there are other stories that need to be told!

    [Posts on this topic: 14. Latest post: Wed 12 May, 0:23].

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  125. Where should a big girl go...
    Created by: Anne
    [Timestamp: Mon 25 Jan, 8:35 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    OK here goes. I'm 26, 5'10" tall and around 18 stone.
    Mostly because of my size and as I'm into a lot of outdoor
    sports I tend to attract guys who are generally looking for
    a mother figure or just companionship and not sex (and they
    are ususally a lot smaller than myself anyway.
    Basically, can anyone give me an idea of somewhere in the
    world I can go where I might be found attractive despite my
    I know this letter is going to get the usual snide comments
    but all I'm looking for are travel destainations to go to
    for two weeks where I can renew my faith in my own
    One other thing - I've always had a dream of learning to
    surf. Can anyone give me any ideas of how long I'd need to
    take lessons or do I just get a board and practice myself?

    [Posts on this topic: 25. Latest post: Sat 15 May, 6:31].

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  126. Women and Guidebook Use
    Created by: curious (
    [Timestamp: Mon 25 Jan, 3:27 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    I'm doing a dissertation on guidebooks, and one gender
    question that has come up is whether men and women use
    guidebooks differently. In particular some of my results
    seem to point to women (particularly if travelling
    solo) looking for accommodation references more carefully,
    and sticking more closely to towns which are listed with
    accommodation sections. Does this sound right?
    Thanks, Marie.

    [Posts on this topic: 10. Latest post: Sat 3 April, 9:09].

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  127. Music on the trip...
    Created by: Wazza (
    [Timestamp: Sat 23 Jan, 8:33 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    Hi all,.
    It appears that this is the most intelligent branch of the Thorn Tree so I thought I'd try this question out...
    For those that have been on fairly long trips, I'm sure there was many a time when you were stuck on a bus/train with yourself, a book and a walkman. The book subject has already been covered, so now I ask: what music/albums did you listen to that really meant something to you, the ones that bring back a flood of memories when you listen to them now? I'm planning another epic-long trip and I'm interested in what people have to say...
    Personally, I travelled through Europe and the Middle East for several months in 97/98 and I had a few albums that really just bring me back when listened to now (I guess I just drilled the albums into my permanent memory after so many listens!)...the Verve's Urban Hymns, and Radiohead's OK Computer. Many more, but I'd like to hear your choices!

    [Posts on this topic: 18. Latest post: Thu 25 March, 12:21].

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  128. Proper type of undies
    Created by: Monique
    [Timestamp: Fri 22 Jan, 19:55 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    I like to visit desert climates and have had great enjoyment
    in scaling some rather impressive heights in my 25 years. My
    problem is that the heat tends to give me a terribly itchy
    rash on my inner thigh. I though it was the underwear I had
    on so I switched to a cotton thong, the rash subsided
    somewhat but then I had the problem of the undies riding up
    my crotch area. What's a girl to do? Help!

    [Posts on this topic: 14. Latest post: Thu 11 March, 6:47].

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  129. stay on or go off...
    Created by: maureen
    [Timestamp: Thu 21 Jan, 12:22 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    I have a strange question.... I am on the bith control pill.
    I am travelling to australia for 5 months. I think it will
    be an inconveinence to try and rememmber to take it every
    day, at about the same time, but I don't know if I am going
    to meet someone.....! Should I stay on it, or forget about
    it??? thanks!

    [Posts on this topic: 22. Latest post: Mon 19 April, 14:10].

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  130. favorite travel books
    Created by: sweet jane
    [Timestamp: Thu 21 Jan, 10:25 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    what are your favorite fiction or non-fiction books [not
    guide book] that feature travel? i'm trying to build up my
    library, or at least patronize the local library, and i like
    to get personal recommendations.
    i'm currently reading "hitchiking vietnam" by karin muller,
    the true story of a 29-yo woman who spends 7 months traveling
    independently in vietnam. it's pretty incredible,
    considering all the hassles & bureaucracy she met whenever
    she wanted to do ANYTHING.... an absorbing book.

    [Posts on this topic: 29. Latest post: Sat 10 April, 19:01].

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  131. Television programme on pick-pockets
    Created by: Lisa Gilchrist (
    [Timestamp: Mon 11 Jan, 23:24 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    I am a television researcher working for London Weekend
    Television on a documentary about pick-pockets.
    I am trying to find interesting stories about pick-
    pocketting either in the UK or abroad. Have you ever been
    pick-pocketted? Were you drunk at the time? When did you
    realise you had been robbed? Did the person/gang use a
    particular method? Have you ever robbed anyone else?
    Do you live in a city that particularly suffers from this
    type of crime?

    [Posts on this topic: 17. Latest post: Wed 28 April, 1:46].

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    Created by: One who admits it
    [Timestamp: Mon 30 Nov, 6:28 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    Thought that would grab your attention!
    Ok; we all do it but we don't admit it etc etc.
    Well; I'm admitting I do it, even though I have a relationship etc, BUT.......... I am travelling for 6 months.
    This question isn't so much about me; but maybe you have some funny stories to tell or confess to?!!! Other than shagging everyone else travelling (which I won't be doing due to boyfriend), this is the only other way to remedy those sexual cravings, right? By=ut when in dorms in hostels etc, HOW do you do it?!!! I don't think I'll risk it myself, but glad to hear your stories/thoughts/ideas anyway.
    Take it away........

    [Posts on this topic: 19. Latest post: Fri 7 May, 3:28].

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  133. Hassles
    Created by: Miss Giving
    [Timestamp: Wed 21 Oct, 15:34 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    What was the worst country regarding that problem?

    [Posts on this topic: 28. Latest post: Mon 29 March, 20:31].

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  134. fake husbands
    Created by: solo
    [Timestamp: Thu 18 June, 9:29 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    Has anyone worn a fake wedding ring and carried photos of a
    pretend husband? I've read that doing this might make it
    a little safer for women travelling alone, particularly in
    countries where the men tend to be chauvanists. I am
    leaving on a solo around-the-world trip soon, and I am
    curious to hear about other women's experiences doing this.
    Do you think it made you safer? Can a cheap ring really
    pass for a wedding ring? It it worth it for me to go to the
    trouble and possibly small expense of doing this?

    [Posts on this topic: 42. Latest post: Thu 22 April, 4:41].

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  135. women trouble
    Created by: Helga
    [Timestamp: Fri 12 June, 21:10 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    Am I the only large and a little overweight to hit the road? I am worried about a few things. I always get rashes, sores on my thights when I go out in hot sticky weather and weare skirts etc. I`ve tried different boxershorts and bikepants, but they don`t stay in place, and it can get really damp. I`m also troubled by getting infections in my vagina of all the damp weather. Does anybody have any suggestions??
    I also have big breasts. I`ve tried different types of bras but they tend to hurt when they get wet from sweat and also give me raches. It does`t seem to be any cotton bras with good support for a 95 D. Any suggestions appresiated!!

    [Posts on this topic: 50. Latest post: Sat 24 April, 16:29].

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  136. Cramps Advice
    Created by: Charisse (
    [Timestamp: Wed 10 June, 6:44 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    I am a woman who has had serious cramps ever since my first
    period. (even to the point of throwing up) There are a few
    tricks that I have learned:
    1. Midol does not work (at least not for me)
    2. Advil does work. Especially if you start taking it about
    3 days before you expect your cramps to start. That way is
    is in your system. And it has no bad side effect other than
    your body becomes used to it if you take too much.
    3. Heating Pads, hot water botels and the fetal position
    help to aleviate some pain
    4. Avoiding Salt and salty food lessens cramps
    5. So does Avoiding caffine. I know this is hard but it
    includes anthing chocolate, coffee, tea (unless it is
    herbal) and pop.
    Any other advice?

    [Posts on this topic: 36. Latest post: Sat 8 May, 3:10].

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  137. Cramps and Travel.
    Created by: Alisa (
    [Timestamp: Sat 9 May, 6:48 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    I suffer from extra bad menstral cramps, but since I am
    allergic to muscle relaxants the only relief I have is in
    the pill and lots of ASA and that doesnt really help.
    I wanted to ask anyone who is reading this is: How do you
    cope when your out in the middle of "nowhere" in your tent
    and you get your period? If your like me, your sick to your
    stomach, and all you want to do is sleep and sit on the
    toilet all day. I often watch LP on TV and wonder how do
    the female travelers deal with that when they are on 14hr
    train rides through India(for example) where you'd rather
    "go" in a bucket than risk getting malaria but touching
    something by accident in a washroom.
    It's because of this, that I am afraid to travel to any
    exotic places. When I was in Israel, I was so stressed and
    paranoid about what to do if I get it, I ruined a good bit
    of my trip. All that worrying made me miss it altogether!
    Also, I was wondering if your going to be backpacking for
    say, 3 months, do you take a 3 month supply(pads) with you,
    in case your somewhere where you cant buy them? Wouldn't
    that take up a lot of space in your pack? I sure wouldn't
    want to carry all that around with me...
    Thanks for listening.

    [Posts on this topic: 29. Latest post: Wed 17 March, 6:31].

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  138. Stuff you can't travel without
    Created by: Ayla
    [Timestamp: Fri 8 May, 15:03 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    I could've posted this in any forum, but I'd really like a
    woman traveller's viewpoint for this thread. What is it you
    *never* travel without--things that make travelling more
    comfortable, enlightening, etc. I mean stuff other
    than the obvious (underwear, passport...) This is to solicit
    ideas to help me pack on a long overseas trip, btw.
    My indispensables include a clip-on book light, inflatable
    neck pillow, a Pak-towel, and a spray bottle of rubbing
    alcohol (great for getting that oily travel grim off hands &
    face). Other ideas?

    [Posts on this topic: 77. Latest post: Wed 19 May, 13:01].

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  139. post trip syndrome
    Created by: tec
    [Timestamp: Thu 9 April, 13:51 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    I was wondering if anyone out there who has travelled around
    and then came back home only to realize away was better? I
    am having after trip depression.Is this common? I just can't
    be satisfied with my old life , you know? It 's hard when
    you have been away and seen all the beautiful things and
    then come back and try and pretend that all the things that
    were beautiful to you before are beautiful still. That
    probably made no sense but if you have been where I have
    been and then left the place that you consider ultimat
    beauty and peace- aw shit it is really hard.
    Talk to me please.

    [Posts on this topic: 50. Latest post: Fri 21 May, 15:32].

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  140. Alternatives to tampons...
    Created by: Grills
    [Timestamp: Sat 14 March, 6:10 Three Sisters Standard Time]

    I'm going on an overland tour to Africa for nine weeks and am a bit worried about having my period.
    I know it's not such a good idea to take the pill for that length of time, so I was wondering about the Keepers / Instead / Sponges etc people have previously mentioned. I live in Britain by the way so I don't know if their available over here. I'd certainly never heard of them before!
    Can anyone help? It's be much appreciated.

    [Posts on this topic: 115. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 7:38].

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