Vanity on the road!

This topic was created by Karen
[Sun 28 Feb, 2:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

When I travel, one of my top priorities is to go as light as
possible, to the extent of agonizing over how many pairs of
knickers to take!
Hi Girls!
However, I have one problem: I've got really fine, straight
hair which looks crap if I don't blow dry it! Of course,
takinga hairdryer (even a travel one) goes against all my
ideas about light travelling, so I'd like to hear from
anyone out there who has had to grapple with this complex
and intriguing problem! Another question: do those little
travel hairdryers really work?
Thank you!

[There are 15 posts - the latest was added on Wed 19 May, 7:45]

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  1. four Added by: jen
    [Timestamp: Sun 28 Feb, 13:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    as in 4 pairs of knickers.
    Cut, as in cut your hair off. Tell your stylist that you'll
    be gone and need something that doesn't require a blow-
    dryer. Then be happy with your hair as it is because a)its
    a hassle to blow-dry all of the time and b)nothing ticks off
    your hostel roomies more than someone blowdrying!
    have a great trip!

  2. Yes for hairdryer Added by: Carol
    [Timestamp: Sun 28 Feb, 13:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I have hair which is so thick that even when it is short it
    takes well over an hour to dry. Wet hair and cold climates
    really don't go together so I put aside the "moral" and
    weight dilemma and carried a little travel haridryer. It
    definitely dryed my hair-don't know about it's styling
    capabilities though.

  3. yes.... Added by: thick-hair
    [Timestamp: Sun 28 Feb, 17:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    If you can fit the hairdryer in your bag and still manage to
    carry it on your back, then by all means take the hair
    dryer! One time, I went away for a year and I had all my
    hair cut to a nice length that didn't need blowdrying- that
    didn't last long- it grew out quite quickly and I didn't get
    another great cut for 6 months! The other time, I took a
    dryer and used it when it was practical- didn't regret
    taking it a bit! I am off on another trip and I found a
    great little hairdryer at Brookstone (in the U.S. only? I am
    Canadian, so I don't know). It works wonders and when
    folded up, it fits in the palm of my hand!

  4. wear a stetson Added by: just thick
    [Timestamp: Sun 28 Feb, 18:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm sorry if I sound impatient, but I really don't
    understand how you can be so enslaved by a hairdryer.

  5. hair... Added by: worn out...
    [Timestamp: Mon 1 March, 10:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I have been on the road for almost a year now and I have found that I am worn out and just about ready to come home! I bought a hairdryer last week and it is like the most wonderful thing! I am feeling rather pathetic, so I say, take it!

  6. Don't bother, well..... Added by: Vain
    [Timestamp: Mon 1 March, 15:24 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I too have fine hair, most days when I'm travelling I just
    wear it up. If you're going somewhere where it's hot, it's
    easy to "wind dry" your hair outside. If it's a cold
    climate......bring it.

  7. Hot topic Added by: phoenixx
    [Timestamp: Mon 1 March, 19:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    It cracks me up that of all the postings on this site, the
    one about a hair dryer elicits the most response. I have a
    little travel dryer that I usually bring, but half the time
    the plug isn't right for whatever weird outlets I happen
    upon. Good luck

  8. wear scarves Added by: zezl (
    [Timestamp: Tue 2 March, 20:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Depending on where you go, you are not to show your hair,
    anyway (Muslim countries), so I'd say, wear a scarve in
    your favourite colours, which covers your thin hair!! This
    gives you the much sought after road roamer pirate look,
    people will think that you are a trendsetter! Take several
    scarves and make an art and an attitude out of your thin

    Myself am wearing glasses (yeah, a bit shortsighted) on my
    trips, because too much hassle taking all the contact
    lenses gear with me, and people think that I am an
    intellectual on a study trip. Especially with a book! There
    are places where this sole two attributes make a you a wise
    person. Very amusing!!

  9. Thank you! Added by: rosie (
    [Timestamp: Wed 3 March, 21:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm glad I'm not the only one with the hairdryer question:
    now I don't feel so dumb about it! I've been growing my hair
    out in anticipation of my trip to Europe in April, so that I
    can wear it up all the time, and not have to blow-dry, but
    the truth is, It's sometimes comforting to know that you can
    style your hair if you feel like it! So I am going to bring
    a tiny folding hair dryer with me, for the pure hedonistice

  10. Women Added by: ...
    [Timestamp: Tue 9 March, 17:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    are really funny. All this talk about hair! It actually
    does go on!

  11. re-vanity Added by: melissa (
    [Timestamp: Thu 11 March, 16:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i travelled europe in 97,going again next week,my opion,a
    small hair dryer does not take up much space,and having fine
    hair myself the small ones definately do the job.we all like
    to look good and a hairdryer is essential.

  12. Another option... Added by: Nicole (
    [Timestamp: Wed 17 March, 5:17 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ...since we're on the vanity patrol, I am going on Friday to
    get my hair PERMED in preparation for my months away. The
    curls dry au natural, leaving my fine hair looking full and
    it's easy. I don't have to fight a losing battle with my
    stringy hair, it looks great with no fuss!

  13. OK Added by: fine hair here too
    [Timestamp: Wed 24 March, 22:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    you've all convinced me, I'm off to get one of those tiny
    things..........LOL! This is the second time I've seen
    this question here in the last six months, I agree, we are

  14. leave it home Added by: meg
    [Timestamp: Thu 15 April, 2:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    forget the stupid thing. tie your hair up in a ponytail or
    cut it all off so you don't have to deal with it.

  15. bring it!! Added by: anne
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 7:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    get a cheap small one - you can always leave it behind you
    somewhere along the way if it's too much trouble.
    I can and have gone without toilets/showers/etc for weeks
    but i always bring a little hairdryer with me as it is pure
    luxury when you're feeling homesick and a little less than
    human after months on the road.

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