Costa Rican Spanish Schools

This topic was created by CJ
[Fri 14 May, 0:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Does any one recommend any Spanish schools in CR.
Specifically I am considering Centro Panamerico de Idiomas.
Please help!?!?!

[There are 3 posts - the latest was added on Sat 22 May, 20:35]

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  1. OK Added by: Foothill
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 8:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'll answer as best I can. I've travelled from Costa Rica to Mexico and it seems that everyone goes to Spanish
    school in Antigua, Guatemala where there are many good schools to choose from. Actually I wouldn't say there
    are any bad ones, but the teacher you get will make a big difference. Its really luck of the draw. Just register for a
    short time (a week should do it) and you can switch schools if you want, or switch teachers, or just keep on with
    the one school you're at if its good. I would just go to CR and ask around, many others you will meet might be
    studying Spanish too and they will have lots to say about the schools there.

  2. schools in C.Rica Added by: Ellen
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 12:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I lived in C.R. for 2 years and studied/taught English at
    several schools. I would recommend Heredia--really nice,
    cooler and cleaner than San Jose, only a half hour bus ride
    from downtown S. Jose. Intercultura and Pura Vida are two
    established schools in Heredia and I'm sure they both must
    have web sites...
    good luck!

  3. Manuel Antonio CR Added by: Ronny (
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 20:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I was student in Costa Rica at Scool "Escuela de Idiomas
    d'Amore at Manuel Antonio, near Quepos at the Pacific
    Coast. The teachers there are very good. You can learn
    f.ex. a half day at scool and use the rest of the day to
    enyoy the very nice beaches at Manuel Antonio and the near
    National Parc. You can stay with a guest familiy at Quepos
    and take the bus to Manuel Antonio to go to scool. (about
    10 minutes). More informations? Contact by e-mail.

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