Where to go for 6 months w/ kids

This topic was created by Robert Bruce (rbruce@hsc.mb.ca)
[Thu 13 May, 2:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I am planning a trip to last six months. This trip will take place in 2003. Iam planning on taking my family, wife and three children. My kids will be 14, 12 and 7. We would like to go somewhere french speaking, although we are open to all suggestions. Somewhere similar to, say, Goa would be nice. I've been to India twice and would perfer to go to some other contry this time. Money is a factor, so somewhere cheap. I welcome e-mails with suggestions.
Regards from the great Canadian Prairies
Robert Bruce
Winnipeg, Manitoba

[There are 5 posts - the latest was added on Mon 24 May, 2:10]

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  1. Robert the Bruce Added by: Foothill
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 8:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Any relation? I have a friend named Susan Bruce here in Calgary!!
    To answer your question. I've been to India (Goa) too and really liked Greece and Mexico. The Baja California is
    one long beach and fabulous desert, and not too far from Winnipeg to travel. You could spend 6 months there I
    think easily. Cheap too. We drove there from here (Calgary) and spent 6 weeks travelling around the place.
    Hardly touched the surface. Camped on beaches and in the desert and saw not a soul often for days. A good
    read about the Baja is "Into A Desert Place" by Graham Macintosh. The book is what made us go there in the first
    place. Also another one to seek out on the Baja is "The Baja Adventure Book" by Walt Peterson. Highly
    recommended for what to do and where to go. Good luck and happy trails!

  2. Baja Added by: Robert Bruce (rbruce@hsc.mb.ca)
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 0:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Thanks for the response Foothill. I don't think I'm related to Susan. Mexico sounds great and we have been leaning that way. I will search for Into A Desert Place. I love the desert and spent six days on a camel in the Thar desert. Was great fun.

  3. Try Tunisia/Morroco.. Added by: Anna (annahdovey@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 1:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi Bruce!
    If you'd prefer a french-speaking country, consider Morroco
    or Tunisia. Both have French as their second language, are
    pretty easy on the wallet, have lots to do and if you like
    deserts Tunisia has it's foot in the Sahara.
    Wherever you go, have fun!

  4. Great idea Added by: Another canuck
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 12:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm so glad to hear that you are planning to take your kids
    abroad. Mine did that for me & my brothers when I was 11 -
    we moved to Sweden for a year. It was an absolutely
    marvelous experience! Truly opened my eyes.
    If you're looking for French speaking countries you're
    looking at France (duh!), Tunisia, Morocco (as mentioned
    above), Lebanon (kinda' dicey right now!), a couple of
    countries in West Africa (like C⌠te d'Ivoire), Vietnam,
    French Polynesia (Tahiti), a couple of Caribbean islands
    like Haiti or Martinique.
    If you're looking for cheap don't go to Tahiti - Vietnam,
    however, is very cheap but, who knows what it'll be like in
    4 years!

  5. Family Friendly Added by: SouthEast Asia
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 2:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I suggest thailand, Vietnam....many French speakers and
    very family friendly.

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