No periods for 2 months?

This topic was created by trekker girl
[Tue 18 May, 8:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

okay so I'm sure this has been asked before, and I was
planning on checking with my doctor anyway, but just thought
I'd solicit some advice from people who may have done this
already: is it okay, if you're on The Pill, to take it
continuously so that you don't have a period for say... 2
months or so? what is the maximum amount of time you should
go without a period? It seems just wrong to mess with your
body like this, but a whole heckuva lot easier, esp. if
you're traveling in remote areas where 'normal facilities'
aren't available (like trekking in the himalayas for example)
thanks in advance...

[There are 10 posts - the latest was added on Fri 21 May, 0:17]

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  1. Periods Added by: Lucy
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 8:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    My natural period is about 50 days anyway - i.e almost two
    months. 28 days is just an average for women not an
    absolute value of what is healthy - therefore that's what
    the pill companies use. I've successfully used the pill and
    only had a period every two months (after discussions with
    my doctor). Of course you have to be on the type of pills
    that just have two types of pills - active and sugar. the
    pills that have different levels of hormones depending on
    the time in your cycle can't be used if you want to skip

  2. pills...did you know? Added by: lady
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 8:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    When the pill first came out, woman didn't get their
    periods at all. They found this was hard to deal with and
    they didn't feel like themselves..every month they worried
    they were pregnant. So, the manufacturers changed the
    pill, so the could still take it, and mensturate every

  3. check out Added by: lotusland
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 13:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    the bottom of this page, there is a post with about 75
    replies on using a sponge, keeper etc for when you get your
    period. I use a sponge and I find periods not to be a bother
    at all. I generally dont mind my period as well which helps.
    Unfortunately, they tend to be irregular and unless you also
    have to deal with irregullarity- you dont know how bad no
    period can make you feel. Nausea, weight-gain, all the PMS
    symptoms - not for a week but for however long it is before
    the period arrives. Bloody awful . But its up to you. One
    word of caution...consistently irregular periods- whether
    because of the natural imbalances in an individuals cycle OR
    forced with use of the pill- can lead to osteoporosis. So,
    if you decide to lose your period, try not to do it long or
    often, especially if brittle bones run in your family.

  4. the best thing Added by: helen
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 21:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    would be to ask your doctor..
    If I remember right, the endometrial tissue proliferates
    more if you don┤t have your period. So it is not good to
    take the pill over months without a break-bleeding. I think
    one time doesn┤t matter, but I am no doctor..

  5. My 2 cents Added by: Dave (
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 23:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    It is okay to miss your period for 3 months. This only works
    with pills which have the same continuous hormone content in
    them throughout. If your pill is currently named with Tri-
    or Bi- in front of it (or look at the ingredients), it might
    be worth having a chat to the doc about changing it to
    another. My brain is getting a little rusty, but from memory
    without looking it up, longer periods usually -->
    breakthrough bleeding, etc, and there's still controversy
    about whether it affects fertility (though I think the
    answer is no)

  6. pill after pill Added by: fifi
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 23:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I tried skipping my period for three months, but at the end
    of the third package my period started anyway. And i've
    heard this has happened to others - your body wants to
    follow its natural way. But two months in a row, no problem
    for me. When done once in two years shouldn't be too hard
    on your body, but i'm not a doctor either...

  7. As long as you like to... Added by: Canucklehead
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 2:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Years ago my doctor put me on the pill for 8months straight
    with no break. She wanted to give me a break from all the
    pain. I tried to do it again while I was travelling last
    summer but I don't think the dose I was currently taking
    was strong enough. I still had a full on period while
    taking them. Just check with your doctor, but be prepared
    for spotting.

  8. The Pill Added by: Woman Traveler
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 23:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I took the Pill while I was living in Africa for two years, and had only one period the entire time. My doctor said it was no problem, probably the stress and change in diet. I wouldn't worry about it, but I would also ask my doctor. Good luck!

  9. I'm planning on doing the same Added by: E
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 20:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I spoke to the doctor to ask how long it was safe to take
    the pill for. She said for as long as you want. Something
    to do with the fact that they're not true periods while
    you're taking birth control pills.
    I've never felt happy in the past running more than two
    packs together, but this summers trip to Africa means I'll
    have to take more.

  10. Didn't work for me! Added by: Cheraline
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 0:17 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I tried taking the pill with no break, but unfortunately it had the adverse effect of giving me my period as well as making it go on for a total of five weeks... great!
    Goodluck with the yukky stuff... but definantely go to the dr.

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