This topic was created by Emma (
[Tue 18 May, 23:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Can anyone give me info on travelling in the USA as a lone
female traveller. Are Greyhound coaches safe for me to use,
because the way some of mates are acting my lfe is at risk!
Also are there any do's and don'ts for menotice of when I
visit New York. Plus if anyone wants to meet up with me
while I'm there ( second week in August) please e-mail me.

[There are 6 posts - the latest was added on Fri 21 May, 20:43]

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  1. Bad neighborhoods Added by: Yank Girl
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 0:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You are going to have to be careful that's for sure, but I
    have met some interesting people on the bus, and some real
    losers too. The thing to rememeber is that the bus stops are
    often in pretty dodgy neighborhoods with lots of people with
    nothing better to do than hang out at the bus station and
    slime on to solitary travelers, male or female. If you meet
    someone going the same direction as you then travel
    together. Make sure you know how much time you are going to
    have to spend waiting to catch a connecting bus while at a
    bus station located in the clum of some city in nowhere USA.
    America is an interesting and wonderful country, but you
    do have to be extra careful sometimes. You are going to
    be traveling the cheapest way possible in the states, so
    be prepared for all sorts of characters. Look out for cons
    as you would anywhere and always keep your valuablse and
    essential documents on your person ( I keep mine inside my
    pants/trousers) or attached to you somehow (I sleep with my
    camera bag strap wrapped around my foot and foot on top of
    the bag). Sit next to an old lady if the others on the bus
    look shady, you might not get any sleep from her chattering,
    but you won't get hit on by some lonely slimeball either.
    DOn't pass up possible interesting situations, but follow
    your intuition and if it doesn't feel right, then don't do
    it. You have an opportunity to see a part of America that
    other tourists would never see- maybe for a reason. If all
    else fails, take the train instead, much cooler, more
    comfortable and better views...Good luck!

  2. Go greyhound Added by: Elizabeth
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 2:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Yes, greyhound is safe.
    Not neccessarily comfortable, or clean, but it is safe.

  3. go for it! Added by: big W
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 2:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I've traveled all over the USA alone and with friends and in
    very remote locations (I live in Utah now). Never had a
    problem. I even camped out in the desert alone. More
    afraid of a stray hunter's bullet than anything.
    Always carry yourself like you know exactly where you're
    going. I don't know where you're from, but I used to live
    in a tourist town and we could pick out Europeans a mile
    away (we would make bets on which country the person was
    from, then talk to the tourist and find out if we were wrong
    or right). If you're worried about those unscrupulous folks
    who prey on forieners (and I haven't heard of any such
    incidents in Utah in the 7 years I've lived here--the big
    city may be a different story), you could consider, say
    wearing white socks to blend in a bit more ;)
    Have fun!

  4. Just be aware Added by: java
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 7:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi, I agree with #3 - that the most important thing is to
    look as if you know where you're going even if you're
    totally lost. I've lived in New York city for 3 years and
    it can seem a bit intimidating at first but it's very easy
    to get around - most of the streets and avenues are numbered
    (except for down town Manhattan) and there will usually be a
    subway within 6 blocks or so of where you want to go. Get
    one of the laminated "Streetwise" maps of Manhattan (they're
    a handy size) and you won't look so obviously touristy when
    you open it up. I've had no problems since I've been here -
    just be aware of what's going on around you. Try not to
    travel on the subways after 11pm - there are always taxis
    around - it's a lot safer. And lastly - New Yorkers are
    sometimes given a bad name as being unfriendly - but
    everyone I've ever asked for help has helped me. I hope you
    have a wonderful trip - this is an amazing city!

  5. There's Shortline Added by: NYer
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 12:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Greyhound is kind of ucky. Try Shortline if available. Much
    nicer. Have movies. Cleaner. Yes, buses are safe-just be
    careful with your belongings.

  6. Late Added by: Iva
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 20:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I travelled the US on my own (I'm a girl)for 4 months with
    Greyhound. Make sure that when you arrive s'where that it's
    not too late and dark...Memphis bus station is suppose to be
    the most awful place and Chigago bus station isn't any
    better. But good luck and take some common sense with you.

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