
This topic was created by Portia
[Fri 21 May, 17:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

So the ticket is finally booked, 6 months to go!
India/Nepal for 5 glorious months. has anyone ever dreamt
of the great big trip, started ticking things off their
list of "to do's" and then when it finally seems it is
coming together, you wonder if you should be doing this at
all? i mean, you will be dropping everything in your life
back home for 5 months, leaving your loved ones behind etc
etc. maybe never see them again, and for what?
I know i am going through a temporary lapse of
concentration, i can't help feeling this way. i want to go
travelling more than anything, but sometimes i lose sight
of my goals.
my question is do you think the "idea" of travelling to
somewhere exotic is more exciting to tell people than
actually sitting down and thinking about what you are about
to do.
i think i am just getting cold feet, all the nerves and
everything, i just had to write it down.

[There are 4 posts - the latest was added on Tue 25 May, 1:45]

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  1. That's normal I guess Added by: AK
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 20:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I felt the same way before leaving on a five-months and on a
    three-months trip. But that's part of the adventure, and if
    it were so easy, it would be less faszinating. So: JUST GO
    FOR IT!!!!

  2. Stay at home Added by: Tim
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 16:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Don't even think of going. Its too dangerous. You never know
    what kind of people you will meet. You must be crazy to go.

  3. the opposite for me... Added by: kellie (seetheworldnow@excite.com)
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 2:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm leaving on a 6-weeker to china by myself in july and
    just about everyone has their reasons why I shouldn't go...
    none of that is affecting my decision, though. my main
    anxiety is that I'm also buying my 1st house this spring and
    I'm wondering if this means that this trip to asia will be
    my last big adventure for a long time...I'm having the same
    doubts about this purchase...like should I make this big of
    a financial commitment, or should I take my down payment and
    better spend it on a RTW trip...deep down I know buying a
    house will bring some much needed things into my life, so I
    know it's the right decision, and I also know that
    traveliing is such a big part of my life that I'll find a
    way to keep on doing it, no matter what...I guess i'm trying
    to say that we all know what's best for us and those of us
    who love to travel are always making the right choice when
    we expand our minds in that way. others may not understand
    that need, but that doesn't matter, so long as we keep true
    to ourselves...

  4. I know what you mean Added by: NikkiB
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 1:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Just had to add my twopennies worth to this thread.
    Portia, I had exactly the same fears and worries before I
    went for 4 months to South Africa on my own. But let me
    assure you, once you get there you'll wonder what on earth
    you were worried about!! If it's on your "list of all time
    things to do" then you've just got to do it, otherwise in
    say 10 years time you will look back and give yourself such
    a kick for not going!!!
    I'm sure you'll have an excellent time and will be planing
    your next trip before you even get back home!!
    Best wishes

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