
This topic was created by Jodie (jodie_satt@hotmail.com)
[Fri 5 Feb, 7:17 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Some of you may remember, I put a post up here 2 and half months ago under the handle of 'unhappy and guilty'. My mother had juist been diagnosed with Leukaemia which meant I had to cancel my booked RTW trip and I was wrecked with guilt about feeling disppointed about this while mum was so ill. I was overwhelmed by the response of people on this branch which helped me to put it all into perspective. The absolute worst in the world happened and mum died last night following complications brought on my the treatment. Obviuosly this isn;t a place to into how I am feeling right now. My reason for posting this is that someone here posted a poem in response to my post. It was a lovely poem which made me cry as it was written from the persective of someone who had died and was looking over the people they loved and left behind. I don;t know who it was or where it came from as when I went back to print it off it had been removed. I desperately want to read this at her funeral - All I know is that it was posted by the same person who recomended I visit the Healing Room website., Are you reading this now? PLEASE tell me what that poem was...She would be so proud if I read for her and that poem was lovely. I have to stop now.can't say anymore. I hope someone knows what I mean..thank you....

[There are 12 posts - the latest was added on Mon 26 April, 21:51]

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  1. ... Added by: ..
    [Timestamp: Fri 5 Feb, 18:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Good luck, hon...I know what you're talking about but don't
    know who wrote it. I'm saddened to hear of your mother's
    passing. Please take care of yourself!

  2. Can you remember some of the words? Added by: Euro
    [Timestamp: Fri 5 Feb, 23:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    If so, it is possible you might find it by searching with
    alta vista or another search engine. Any bits of it you
    remember, post them here and I will have a try as well.
    So sorry for your loss. Remember, though, that in some ways
    you have not lost at all. You have all your memories of her
    and you have all the things she has taught you. Try paying
    attention to the things you do the next few days, and
    realize how many of them you have learned from your mom -
    you will be surprised and it does help a little :-)

  3. For Jodie and LP Added by: pol
    [Timestamp: Sat 6 Feb, 4:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Please accept my condolences. I do fervently hope someone
    who remembers the poem will respond.
    LP staff,
    Hope you people can learn to use a bit of your hearts and
    minds when you prune posts: on the one hand you are often
    overeager to delete irrespective of whether there is some
    meaningful discussion on/someone looking for advice is
    getting it/a bit of good humoured and harmless exchanges are
    afoot and on the other you seem to be insufficiently
    vigilant in excising the rantings of morons who post
    provocating and racist nonsense.
    OK, you guys own this place and it's a free service and
    all that but some of us go out and buy your other products,
    which aren't exactly cheap. So do you think you could manage
    this forum with a modicum of imagination?

  4. I found the poem Added by: Ishtar
    [Timestamp: Tue 9 Feb, 3:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Letter from Heaven
    To my dearest family, some thing I'd
    like to say.
    But first of all, to let you know, that I
    arrived okay.
    I'm writing this from heaven. Here I
    dwell with God above.
    Here, there's no more tears of
    sadness; Here is just eternal love.
    Please do not be unhappy with me
    just because I'm out of sight.
    Remember that I am with you every
    morning, noon and night.
    That day I had to leave you when my
    life on earth was through.
    God picked me up and hugged me and
    He said, "I welcome you.
    It's good to have you back again, you
    were missed while you were gone.
    As for your dearest family, They'll be
    here later on.
    I need you here badly, you're part of
    my plan.
    There's so much that we have to do,
    to help our mortal man."
    God gave me a list of things, that he
    wished for me to do.
    and foremost on that list, was to
    watch and care for you.
    And when you lie in bed at night the
    day's chores put to flight.
    God and I are closest to you....in the
    middle of the night.
    When you think of my life on earth,
    and all those loving years.
    Because you're only human, they are
    bound to bring you tears.
    But do not be afraid to cry: it does
    relieve the pain.
    Remember there would be no
    flowers, unless there was some rain.
    I wish I could tell you all that God has
    If I were to tell you, you wouldn't
    But one thing is for certain, though
    my life on earth is o're.
    I'm closer to you now, then I ever
    was before.
    There are many rocky roads ahead
    of yo and many hills to climb;
    But together we can do it by taking
    one day at a time.
    It was always my philosophy and I'd
    like it for you too;
    That as you give unto the world, the
    world will give to you.
    If you can help somebody who's in
    sorrow and pain;
    Then you can say to God at
    night......"My day was not in vain."
    And now I am contented....that my
    life was worthwhile.
    Knowing as I passed along the way I
    made somebody smile.
    So if you meet somebody who is sad
    and feeling low;
    Just lend a hand to pick him up, as on
    your way you go.
    When you're walking down the street
    and you've got me on your mind;
    I'm walking in your footsteps only half
    a step behind.
    And when it's time for you to
    go....from that body to be free.
    Remember you're not going....you're
    coming home to me.
    Author Unknown
    I hope that this helps you some, it
    certainly helped me when it was
    originally posted, as I had just lost
    someone special. I am so sorry to
    hear about your mother. My prayers
    are with you.

  5. Thank you Added by: Jodie
    [Timestamp: Tue 9 Feb, 8:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ishtar, that is it..thank you for finding this. I really didn't think I would see it again. I hope you are coming to terms with your loss.
    I will read this at her funeral on Thursday and I know that she will be proud of me. Euro, Pol and ... thank you for your words. I have been astounded and comforted by the help and support of my friends - to hear these words from 'strangers' is quite amazing. Thank you, Jodie

  6. Jodie Added by: ...
    [Timestamp: Thu 11 Feb, 16:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    How're you doing? Hope you're hanging in there today...it's
    thursday and I was thinking of you.
    Also, Ishtar, you're amazing for finding the poem. I was so
    grateful after I saw that posted.

  7. Know what you mean Added by: Kat (katcalls@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Sun 14 Feb, 10:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I went through the exact same thing, I wanted to travel but
    my father was ill and he died last year. I hope you had
    time to say what you needed to say to your mother before she
    passed. Doing that made all the difference, and now I am
    leading my life as I want, knowing that no matter what, my
    father would be proud of me. Mail me if you need to vent
    and best of luck to you.

  8. thank you again Added by: Jodie
    [Timestamp: Tue 16 Feb, 8:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hello again,
    Thankyou .. for thinking of me on the 11th. You wouldn't
    have known but that day was her funeral - I read the poem
    and I know she would have been proud of me. So many people
    asked for a copy of it - I realy felt like she meant for me
    to find it and it was like she had written it herself.
    Funnily enough, the day wasn't as bad as i expected - i
    think her strenth was with me helping me get through it. My
    heart goes out to all of you who has been in this position
    but as you said Kat, they are there somewhere and they are
    proud of the way we cope with it - well you have to cope
    don't you?? Once again, thanks everyone. Take care, Jodie

  9. They've left it up Added by: Euro
    [Timestamp: Tue 16 March, 0:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    So might as well use it. How are you doing, Jodie? Things
    settling a little now?

  10. Time and Travel Added by: Anon
    [Timestamp: Fri 19 March, 23:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    2 years ago my father died of cancer.I had put off my travel
    plans to be with him in his last year(my gut instinct told
    me he wouldn't be around much longer).I am now planning a
    big trip for later this year in the knowledge that he'll be
    there in spirit to keep an eye on me.My best wishes to you.

  11. know how you feel... Added by: Karen (ebs@iinet.net.au)
    [Timestamp: Sat 24 April, 18:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I know how you all feel.
    My grandmother was diagnosed with cancer while I was
    travelling around the US. I came home to spend the last few
    months with her. The day after I came home, my mum was
    diagnosed with leukaemia (AML). She died four months later.
    It was tough coming home from the trip, but I'm really glad
    that I did. It mean't that I got the time I needed to spend
    with them both. But she will be watching over you while you
    travel and when you see all those really neat things - think
    about her and she'll be there watching them with you!

  12. Pyramids Added by: Norsky
    [Timestamp: Mon 26 April, 21:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Part of the experience of visiting Giza was that my father
    "was there with me" - he had visited them years earlier and
    since died. But I felt he was there somehow. He's here too,
    right now, not sure if inside me or outside - but I can feel

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