LP Show Presenters

This topic was created by Asian Xina
[Thu 28 Jan, 6:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

What do you think of the selection of the LP Show
presenters? Do you think we need a variety of those people
reflecting the population of travellers around the globe?
Ian and Justine are doing a great job but I believe we need
more "different" people. (What happend to that British
Indian(?) woman who did Indonesia?) Different travellers get
treated differently and that fact needs to be addressed.
Justine's episode in Italy (where some guy sat next to her
in the train and started bothering her) showed one of
unpleasant experiences many woman travellers encounter. But
there are other stories that need to be told!

[There are 14 posts - the latest was added on Wed 12 May, 0:23]

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  1. LP show Added by: mama canuck
    [Timestamp: Thu 28 Jan, 7:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I've seen quite a few episodes of LP and by far, Ian and
    Justine seem to have done the most (as you stated already).
    But I have seen other episodes where there was an Australian
    LP guide (I forget where he was) and then there's the
    English(?) girl (name starts with an "s"?) she's really
    pretty and finally there's an Irish/Scottish guy, who's
    really tall and he's done a fair number of shows as well, he
    was in India I believe.
    I agree that it couldn't hurt to have more shows done with
    other travellers but I have a feeling that really depends on
    the availability of the traveller. It could be that this is
    not their only job...

  2. More people should apply for this job! Added by: Asian Xina
    [Timestamp: Fri 29 Jan, 1:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Yes, you are absolutely right about that this job is not the
    only job those presenters have. I jsut hope more people
    would be up for this job. (I guess this job is a major
    As for me, I'd gladly take it if they gave me an
    opportunity. Wouldn't you agree?
    p.s. Yes, I wish I could see more of other presenters like
    Nickey, Neal, that Indian British girl (whose name is always
    obscure to all of us) and other two Australia guys (one guy
    who speaks muti-languages and the guy who went to India,
    you're right!)....
    Of course, Justine and Ian stand out from the rest of the
    presenters. Ian is very good because of his ability to
    entertain viewers and his friendliness with kind of
    goofiness. Justine is also great because she is an
    intelligent, former-archelologist-wanna-be who is sent out
    to search the unknown. Both seem to have certian charisma
    that the rest doesn't seem to have...Oh well.

  3. Impressed Added by: mama canuck
    [Timestamp: Fri 29 Jan, 16:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Wow! You certainly know more about any of them than I do and
    I watch it ALOT (I had no idea that Justine was a sort of
    quasi-archaeoloogist)! Some of the presenters you were
    referring I don't think I've seen, very curious...
    But yes, I would definitely take any opportunity to be a
    presenter, as would most people on this site probably. But
    I wonder how much of their trips they have to fund (if at
    all). Anyway, I'll just keep watching, it is going to be on
    here in 20 minutes! Yipee! Closest thing I can get to
    adventure at the moment....

  4. Wonderful Show, ain't it? Added by: AX
    [Timestamp: Sun 31 Jan, 8:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Yes, I have watched all their episodes! (I admit that I'm
    slightly obsessive..haha) I wanted to know what these people
    were really all about so I checked out their background to
    see if they were some "professional" travellers, which they
    are not...(They are just ordinary professionals who are
    also lovers of travelling....I would say people like Peter
    Greenberg from Travel Daily are professional travellers..)
    I think I got into the show because of the opening theme
    music and that prehistoric-looking man. I always wanted to
    go to destinations where most of people would never even
    consider going such as Easter Island and Mongolia. Like
    Justine as a young child, I collected replicas of artifacts
    and read books on Mesopotamia and the like. Like Ian I
    paint and draw and I do bring a sketch book with me on a
    trip. (Travel is definitely an inspiring experience.) So I
    guess the fact that I relate to these people definitely make
    the show more entertaining as if I am actually travelling
    with them, you know...
    But I'd take that job any second if they offered me!
    Wouldn't you?

  5. Hey Asian Added by: Bone Daddy
    [Timestamp: Mon 1 Feb, 19:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You never have a chance slut
    Youre Asian
    Go sell your twat and make some cash

  6. What is THAT all about? Added by: Nicole
    [Timestamp: Tue 2 Feb, 17:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    OK, I was having a great time reading through these posts,
    until I got to the last one....what in the world is your
    problem? Clearly you are visiting the wrong website if
    you've got stupid crap to post like this.....perhaps you
    need to dial up www.REDNECK ASSHOLES.com?
    Regarding the TV series, it's just about the only thing on
    television worth watching anymore...although it does tend to
    mess with my head a bit---all I want to do is sell all my
    crap, stuff a few t shirts and a sketchbook in my pack, and
    aim it for the nearest airport. Oh well, I guess watching
    Ian eat sheep eyeballs will have to do for now.

  7. Ian's the best! Added by: Karen (karen_e_weeks@yahoo.com)
    [Timestamp: Thu 4 Feb, 12:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I certainly see your point about needing other presenters.
    However, I have to say that I'm a HUGE fan of Ian. In fact,
    he's the reason I watch the show--I'm not a big TV person,
    so when he's not on I just turn it off--all you Justine fans
    will probably hate me for that but it's true. If I want
    info about a place I'll get the guidebook; I watch TV to be
    entertained, and Ian is funny as heck! However, I would
    hope that they have a diverse group doing the books
    themselves (as they seem to).

  8. waste of energy Added by: Go Ian!
    [Timestamp: Sat 6 Feb, 8:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Gee, that Bone Daddy dick head should be probably casterated
    and slaughtered like a piece of crap.... (i get very violent
    when i see a racist/nazi/kkk/mxxfxx piece of sxxx like
    anyhow, Ian is, I agree, the best presenter (in my opinion),
    on the show. Justine is awesome as well.

  9. God bless you Added by: peace
    [Timestamp: Tue 16 Feb, 19:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    just a note to bone daddy...
    I'm feel really sad about your handicap....
    I wish you could see and appreciate what a wonderful and
    lovely world we live in with all the different peoples who
    are so beautiful and unique in their own ways...
    The world would not be the gorgeous place that it is without
    this diversity...
    May God bless you with more love for your fellow mankind
    and a stronger awareness of the world you live in. For
    without that, you would have lived your life in vain.

  10. justine and ian... Added by: Megicano
    [Timestamp: Sun 21 Feb, 16:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I've just recently started watching LP obsessively, and I've seen Ian in every show except two... the one in India, where it was some guy, and I saw Justine in Italy and I loved it, because she showed about women travellers and stuff, and the Italian train guy. :)

  11. dressing with respect Added by: Mer
    [Timestamp: Sun 7 March, 11:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I enjoy the shows Justine hosts however I have noticed on 2
    occasions (show in Egypt and another in Turkey) that she
    dressed in sleeveless shirts for visiting communities where
    the women were dressed in headscarves and covered from head
    to toe! I don't understand this behaviour--not that I think
    she should have to wear a chador or anything but it's easy
    enough to put on a loose, elbow-length shirt, and I believe
    it shows respect for the people.

  12. Here's the breakdown Added by: Blaugirl
    [Timestamp: Sun 14 March, 15:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I watch the show obsessively and I'd like to clear any
    hosting confusion up.
    I agree that they haven't tackled enough of the
    complications women travellers might have. Justine not only
    wore sleeveless shirts in Turkey, but a very short dress a
    few times as well (though that was in a heavy
    tourist-traffic area).
    Most of you know about Ian and Justine (and if you don't,
    check out http://www.pilot.co.uk and see their bios)...but
    here are tidbits about most of the others:
    Nikki Grosse did the Lonely Planet Trek in Uganda and Zaire.
    She was awesome! I don't know why they didn't hire her for
    more episodes. Maybe she just didn't want to get Malaria
    again or have to dig jeeps out of potholes. :)
    Shilpa Mehta (probably my least favourite) is the one who
    went to the Philippines, Northern Spain, and Indonesia. She
    tends to wear some slightly inappropriate clothing...mostly
    low-cut things and shortish skirts...in the Philippines and
    Indonesian episodes.
    Neil Gibson (my favourite along with Ian) is Scottish and
    lives in Edinburgh. Went to Pakistan, Peru, the Baltics and
    Finland, and Central America. Has travelled extensively and
    LP is his first TV experience. He got the job by making a
    parody-ish travel video of Edinburgh. He's only 23 or 24.
    Andrew Daddo went to Botswana,Zimbabwe, and Namibia (in one
    show) and to Northern India. He's an Australian...I think
    he may be a game-show host or TV presenter. Unsure.
    There's a new guy this series who I think is named Andrew
    Atherton. He's Australian and can speak many languages.
    He's done two city guides (Amsterdam and London) and went to
    Papua New Guinea.
    There was also a really dull guy who hosted one show about
    Eastern Indonesia (I think..). I never made it through that
    episode because this guy was really boring. He didn't seem
    to go out and have fun.

  13. Oops. Added by: Blaugirl
    [Timestamp: Wed 17 March, 14:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    That should be Jonathan Atherton. oops.

  14. Neil Added by: YT
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 0:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I like Neil Gibson (thank you, Blaugirl), especially for
    his wonderful done in Pakistan. I noticed that Ian also
    dressed inappropriately (in shorts) in Uzbekistan. I have
    been there last year and I must say shorts is not a good
    idea even for male travellers there.
    To Ian's fans : last July I saw Ian during Naadam Festival
    in Ulaan Baatar, Mongolia. I think the show is coming

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