Any advice ???

This topic was created by sam
[Wed 17 March, 3:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I wonder if any one could be of help as i am having a bit of
a dilemma . I have decided to embark on a round the world
trip , i am planning to visit SEA , Australia , New Zealand
and Canada ( with various bits inbetween ). Sounds okay so
far. The thing is my ex boyfriend is planning to leave at
around the same time . I really like the idea of going alone
but to be honest i am a little apprehensive so i was
thinking of starting the journey with him and losing him
somewhere on the way !I have travelled alot before but never
alone. Should i just do it and go solo ???

[There are 19 posts - the latest was added on Thu 22 April, 12:32]

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  1. go for it on your own! Added by: Janet
    [Timestamp: Wed 17 March, 7:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I definitely suggest you go on your own.
    forget about the will probably give you more
    problems that you care for on the road.
    I've travelled on my own, and plan to do it again this
    year, and definitely recommend it.
    Yes, there were times when I was lonely, but that only
    gives you incentive to be more outgoing and meet people.
    You'll never regret doing it.
    Good luck and happy travels!

  2. My assessment is that .. Added by: Get honest
    [Timestamp: Wed 17 March, 8:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You are a scheming, selfish bitch. Go on your own.

  3. been there Added by: nodak
    [Timestamp: Wed 17 March, 9:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I understand your
    apprehension. My advice?
    Feel the fear and do it
    anyway! Good luck, Sam!

  4. You are a schemer Added by: So stop it!
    [Timestamp: Wed 17 March, 12:12 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I agree with posting 2 above. To use someone knowingly in
    the manner that you describe is a selfish and self-centred
    act. I would take bets that he dumped you and I don't
    wonder why. My suggestion to you is to spend the time
    sitting somewhere quiet and reflecting on what sort of
    person you are.

  5. Go on your own! Added by: Mags
    [Timestamp: Wed 17 March, 12:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Some of the posts above are harsh for no reason. You don't
    know why they split up and it could be that the ex-
    boyfriend would like a friend as a companion on the trip!
    So butt out! Anyway, Sam, I think you should go on your own
    because you will meet up with others given the destinations
    you are going to and your apprehension will fall away. Good
    luck and have fun!

  6. Ditch the ex Added by: M.
    [Timestamp: Wed 17 March, 12:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ditch the ex-boyfriend - go on your're going to be
    travelling to countries that should pose little problem for
    a solo woman traveller.
    Read Thalia Zepatos "A Journey of One's Own" - it completely
    changed my outlook on long-term solo travel.
    If you're concerned about being alone, why not start off
    your trip with a short tour?? There are great companies
    that do overland adventure tours that would help you get
    your feet wet.

  7. Mags Added by: Get honest
    [Timestamp: Wed 17 March, 12:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Think about this. This Sam is not sure about travelling on
    her own, but wants to use her ex as a prop until she feels
    confident enough to dump him somewhere along the line at a
    time that she decides. If that isn't scheming, I don't
    know what is! That is a selfish attitude and only if Sam
    tells her ex what she has told us would I change my mind.
    What would you feel if she made all these arrangements and
    then her ex decided not to go with her at the last moment?
    You would think that she was hard done by I bet. I stick
    to my view - Sam is a self-centred person and I'm glad I
    have the support of "So Stop It"

  8. Go Alone Added by: djinn
    [Timestamp: Wed 17 March, 14:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]


  9. among other things... Added by: E
    [Timestamp: Wed 17 March, 14:33 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Reality check, ladies...Sam doesn't want relationship
    counselling--just reassurance that she most definately CAN
    travel without the "safety" of a male companion! Sam,
    accept the fact that travelling alone will almost always
    hold a sense of apprehension, but it should never stop you
    from following your dreams... take time to mentally
    prepare, follow your intuition, and go for it. I think that
    you will find your particular destinations to be relatively
    safe, so as long as you follow your head (and heart). A
    couple books that really helped me are:
    -Gutsy Women: Wisdom and Tips for The Road by Marybeth Bond
    -A Journey of One's Own: Uncommon Advice for the
    Independent Woman Traveler by Thalia Zepatos
    Good luck!

  10. do it!!!!!!!!! Added by: george(girl)
    [Timestamp: Wed 17 March, 21:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    come on sam just go for know you can!!!!!!!
    your not scheming or selfish the fact is you both feel you
    need the support of the other as you have travelled together
    before and it worked. i'm sure that's what your ex-blokky
    (who shall remain nameless) feels toooooooo. JUST BOOK THE

  11. Support Added by: judy (
    [Timestamp: Thu 18 March, 11:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Well I don't know how some of you came to the decision that
    Sam is scheming.
    For all you know Sam and her ex have discussed their travel
    sam it IS scarry to embark on travels on your own.
    The countries that you intend visiting are all OK
    I live in Sydney, Australia and I know that we Aussies are
    really friendly.
    It is quite on the cards that you will meet fellow
    travellers en route and go for parts of your journies with
    If you feel lack of confidence then discuss the travel plans
    with the ex and maybe travel with him for a while.
    You will have a different perspective on travelling if you
    do it solo than if you start off with your ex.
    If you are a strong personality then bite the bullet and go
    alone, if you need a little help travel with your ex for a
    All in all have fun and take it all one day at a time.

  12. It depends... Added by: T
    [Timestamp: Thu 18 March, 23:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    If you lay things on the table before going together (and
    not on the plane), and you both feel comfortable about
    travelling together for a few days (or more if you like it),
    then there should be no problem.
    It's always nicer to land with someone you know and trust,
    because the first few days are the most difficult (entering
    the travelling mood). Especially if you start in SEA and
    you've never been there before.
    BUT - it's true only if so agreed before going, and each one
    is free to go on its way, without hidden expectations.

  13. Go for it Added by: HH
    [Timestamp: Fri 19 March, 0:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I am Canadian and traveled alone through most of the areas
    you are planning to visit. It was scary at times, but I
    never felt that my life was in danger. The only place where
    I was really uncomfortable was in Indonesia - particularly
    on Java. I don't recommend traveling at night or falling
    asleep on busses or trains. This seems to be an invitation
    for men to take advantage: I was amazed to wake up and find
    the guy beside me groping me under my clothes. However, I
    met a nice Dutch guy who hung around with me for a couple of
    days, and when I was with him, the locals totally left me
    alone. Anyway, you will be sure to meet other travelers and
    will not be spending all your time alone. Good luck.

  14. Complicated, isn't it? Added by: mare
    [Timestamp: Fri 19 March, 3:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Well, I hate to ever encourage a woman not to go it alone,
    though in SEA-- might be nice to have a male buffer,
    depending on where you are going. My experience there was
    limited to Singapore and Malaysia. Singapore solo- no probs,
    but Malaysia I did feel as if it was quite beneficial to
    have my husband there. Not for any fear of safety, really,
    just that some predominantly Muslim areas we visited had
    me feeling as if had I been there without a male "escort",
    there would have been some Hester Prynne (sp?) action
    going on. I've travelled on my own quite a bit (New Zealand,
    Tokyo, Western Europe, Scandinavia) so I'm not writing from
    a male-dependant travel perspective. Then again, I DIDN'T
    do Malyasia on my own-- so who knows if my suspicions were
    correct. Hopefully someone with first hand knowledge will
    be able to contradict me!
    I won't presume to have any knowledge of your arrangement
    with your ex- but if you DO decide to travel with your ex
    for a few days, and you haven't made your intentions to
    "lose" him along the way clear already, I think you owe
    it to him to do so. As a traveller you will learn very
    quickly how important it is to live honestly and with pure
    intentions (as much as you are able). I've found the cycles
    of good and bad "karma" to have almost immediate
    repercussions on the road.

  15. upon further thought Added by: mare
    [Timestamp: Fri 19 March, 3:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You know my earlier response may have been short-sighted:
    if you're not all that keen on your ex as travel buddy, it's
    fairly likely, esp if hostelling, that you'll find someone
    to hook up with at least for short legs of the trip

  16. So Sam Added by: So Stop It
    [Timestamp: Fri 19 March, 11:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    have you openly discussed your potential plans with your
    ex? Or was it to be just a little surprise for him? If
    the former, then congratulations on being honest, if the
    latter, then listen to what some of us have said - if
    you're dishonest with someone else's emotions you will pay
    for it with interest.

  17. just to clear things up.... Added by: sam
    [Timestamp: Fri 19 March, 22:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    First of all , thankyou for all the wonderful advice .
    Secondly, i only meant the 'lose him ' thing as a joke. We
    have discussed it at length and both of us decided that it
    would be good to have support at the beginning and then go
    our seperate ways after a while.I don't think , however ,
    that we had fully taken into consideration just how
    difficult it may be ; the best option for the both of us is
    to start this whole new phase without each other. So that 's
    it , i'm off....

  18. Do it for yourself! Added by: just jill
    [Timestamp: Mon 22 March, 0:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Don't ever compromise! You will meet sooooo many people
    that you want to be with and enjoy yourself! It is always
    scary starting on your own but ... there is a great social
    scene out there and special time on your own! I had to
    leave a boyfriend while travelling and it was really
    difficult but the freedom from the tension was worthwhile!
    Healthy! Explore your independence and capacity to take
    care of yourself! That's the best part of travel!

  19. Do IT Added by: Nicole
    [Timestamp: Thu 22 April, 12:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You'll gain so much more confidence in yourself! I'm
    Canadian and have lived in Japan for two years and
    backpacked by myself in Thailand, Indonesia and Nepal. You
    will feel so empowered after! Canada is fairly safe and the
    hostels are great for meeting people. I'm not the most
    outgoing person but I managed to do it and never ended up
    travelling by myself. Do it for yourself!

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