get me out of my boring life

This topic was created by naomi (
[Sun 16 May, 16:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Hi I am interested in some information from other
I am 22 and really wanting to leave my boring office job and
go see some of the world. I would like to go to the UK and
work and travel. I would like to know about the costs of
living in England and how easy it is to find work etc.

[There are 6 posts - the latest was added on Wed 19 May, 6:58]

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  1. UK Added by: Bron
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 13:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    There is heaps of work in the UK and you shouldn't have
    any trouble getting a job. Pick up a free copy of the TNT
    magazine (outside most tube stations) and there you will be
    able to start a search for work and a place to stay.
    As for accommodation - it is very expensive In fact, living in
    England is very expensive. Bear in mind that the further
    away you go from London the cheaper it gets to live, but
    your pay could be quite a bit lower as well.
    To live in London, I would say, you could find a dumpy
    bedsit for about 110 pounds within zones 1 or 2. It won't be
    nice or quiet though!!
    If you go further out and share a place, you could pay as
    little as 30 pounds. You just have to look.

  2. london Added by: kat
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 19:11 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm doing what you want to do - left my boring job and am
    now working in London. It's expensive, that's for sure,
    but easier to manage once you get a job that pays pounds.
    If you can type about 50 WPM you can get a temp job for
    about 8 pounds an hour at the least, which is enough to
    survive and save a little for the next leg of your
    journey. I've been here since Feb and am now staying at
    least a year. It's an exciting place to live, come on

  3. me too.. Added by: rachel
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 19:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i am thinking of working in the u.k. too, so i can save
    some money to see the rest of europe.
    When you say type 50 wpm, is that all you have to do for a
    temp job, or do you have to have clerical skills. I have
    never had an office job, but i can type really fast (55-
    60wpm) and am a fast learner. should i start practicing
    typing now, take a class, what should i do to improve my
    employment prospects.
    Also, to work in pubs, do you need experience or do they
    teach you on the job?
    i would be interested to hear from people who have worked
    in the u.k. and what are the rates of pay.

  4. Attitude Added by: jules
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 3:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You can get temp jobs easily enough if you have the right
    attitude (cheerful, flexible, willing) and aren't a
    complete moron. They normally send you out on a few crappy,
    short term jobs first to see how you get on, but if people
    like you, then the agencies will soon start giving you
    better jobs. You don't have to be a brilliant typist (I'm
    not!) or super-experienced, but if you've used a few
    different WP packages it will help you get a foot in the
    door. "Word" seems to be the most widely used these days.
    Remember the UK isn't just London, why not consider some
    other cities such as Manchester, Leeds, Sheffield, Oxford,
    Cambridge, Bristol, Brighton etc., etc.

  5. Come over! Added by: Jade
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 5:12 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I have loads of friends from your neck of the wood and they
    are all loving it here. Some of temping; some have "proper"
    jobs... The more skills you have, the better.

  6. been there, done that Added by: Ali
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 6:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I spent a few months living and working in London. As it
    was a last minute decision to stay in the UK, I did not
    have a visa (I'm American)and this posed some problems.
    Friends with visas got office temp work with decent pay, I
    worked for a few weeks in a coffee/sandwich shop for an
    awful boss who cheated me out of the little pay I was
    supposed to get, and made my life hell while I was there.
    Quit, but by this time had a flatmate from London who had
    connections to get me a better waitressing job in Clapham.
    London is expensive, but wonderful. Look for jobs and
    flats in LOOT, a daily paper found all over London and on
    the web. Good luck.

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