
This topic was created by Gloria (glorine38@yahoo.com)
[Sun 23 May, 18:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Hi,My friend Sandra and I will go to visit Turkey in Sept.
It's the 1st time for us to visit the Islam.We plan to go
there on Sep. 12 ~ 30.What should we notice in Turkey(I
mean 2 girls in Islam country)? I relly expect the trip.
0ur flight will arrive Istanbul in 23:00, should we book
the accommodation in advance?Please tell us the nice,cheap
and safe place to stay in Istanbul.Thank U!

[There are 3 posts - the latest was added on Tue 25 May, 20:44]

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  1. Istanbul Added by: Nurdogan (nurdogan@lesartsturcs.com)
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 0:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Business is slow now in Turkey and Hotel prices are quite
    You can find easily hotels or pensions in Sultanahmet area,
    around 10-35 USD (Breakfast inclu).
    Check out here also
    Turkmen hotel and Pension

  2. hotels Added by: Francois de LAOS (....)
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 9:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Je suis un Θtudiant franτais devant faire un stage a
    Istanbul pendant 2 mois. quamd je suis arrivΘ je me
    fais arnaquΘ par le taxi a l'aΘroport qui m'a emmenΘ
    dans un
    H⌠tel 3 Θtoiles(AND Hotel) et j'ai d√ payΘ 80 USD pour
    une simple nuit.
    Je ne connaissais personne et par chance je suis entrΘ
    le magasin "Les arts Turcs". Ils m'ont aidΘ a trouvΘ un
    Hotel pas cher du tout. Deplus, mon nouveau hotel (4
    Θtoiles) a une superbe vue sur la MosquΘe Bleue,je peux
    disposer d'innombrables avantages que je n'avais pas a
    l'ancien Hotel. Devinez a quel prix je l'ai eue (grace
    gΘrant du magasin "Les Arts Turcs")? Juste 16 USD au
    lieu de
    80 USD. Franchement, ce sont des chics types et
    prΩts a rendre service aux touristes ΘgarΘs. N'hΘsitez
    pas a vous renseigner auprΘs de leur sites (trΘs utile,
    simple et s√r). D'autant plus qu'ils sont recommandΘs
    par le
    guide du routard.
    Je vous parle bien s√r de Mister Nurdogan. L'adresse du
    est la mΩme que celle d'en Haut (premiΘre rΘponse).
    PS: Vous m'excuserez pour les fautes d'orthographe,
    mais je
    n'ai pas l'habitude de manipuler un clavier
    turc et certaines lettres n'Θxistent pas.
    Amicalement d'Istanbul.
    Francois Yang.

  3. Turkey Added by: David (dwongch@pacific.net.sg)
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 20:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    September is a good time for a visit to Turkey.It's at end
    of the tourist season without the maddening crowd and
    weather is cooler as well. Since you are scheduled to arrive
    close to midnight ,it's best you have some pre-booked
    accommodations. There are a number of decent lodgings in the
    SultanAhmed(the historic centre of Istanbul)district from
    backpackers to the 5 star Fours Seasons Hotel.
    The great advantage of staying in the SultanAhmed district
    is that most of the major historic buildings such as the
    Blue Mosque, the Haga Sophia, Tokapi Palace, the Cistern,
    the Grand Bazzaar are all within a few minutes stroll. There
    are also plenty of reasonable eating places as well. Turkey
    is pretty safe for women travellers and Turks are very
    friendly and generally treat women with respect. Of course
    the normal precautions for female traveller applies and
    dress conservatively...Jeans are fine.
    The turkish lira suffers from galloping inflation so don't
    over changed..have enough only for 2 or 3 days needs. The
    lira keeps dropping against major currencies. Also the other
    thing to keep in mind is never..never...accept an inviation
    to tea by a carpet merchant and never step into a carpet
    shop. The Turks are the greatest salesmen in the world...and
    they will talk you into buying a carpet.
    Enjoy your holiday...

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