online therapy

This topic was created by a male moron obviously
[Sat 22 May, 1:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

No offence intended, but couldn't this be called the
Insecurity branch? How many variations on the theme do we
get? "I have my ticket and am on my way out the door for
The Big Trip and am I out of my mind? My folks and friends
think I am insane. I am afraid of what is next" I suppose
there is therapy in expressing these fears. The only answer
you will ever get here is encouragement and "Go for it
Girl!" Do you really think someone will say to you "No you
child, go back to that boyfriend and that miserable job and
forget about travelling. It is a very scary Lonely Planet
out there". This branch is really wonderful and by far the
most gentle and helpful, I think. I am not trying to be a
troll here. Do most young women harbor these fears? By the
numbers here, I am afraid that they do.

[There are 11 posts - the latest was added on Wed 26 May, 6:50]

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  1. well Added by: mindseye
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 2:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I wouldn't be surprised if men travelling solo have the
    same fears, but just don't express them the way woman do.
    You should keep in mind also, that people who do not have
    the desire to travel, can't understand the reasoning behind
    people who do. Quitting a job to go wandering aimlessly
    through some foreign country seems completely idiotic to
    some, and these feeling often get expressed. Of course
    it's going to plant a seed of doubt, and maybe we just need
    a little reassurance that we are really not crazy for
    wanting to do this.

  2. So what? Added by: Not insecure
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 2:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Everybody's insecure about something aren't they, I think
    men just hide it better, even from themselves. In case
    you're wondering, worrying about wanting to travel ISN'T
    one of my inecurities (believe me, I have others) - I'm one
    of those who trawls thru this site offering reassurance!

  3. I agree Added by: Clare
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 3:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ... with the above posts. I also think a lot of this
    "female insecurity" thing has to do with the fact that women
    are constantly being told how dangerous the big bad world
    out ther is. We all remember what happenned to Little Red
    Riding Hood when she was a bad girl and strayed off the
    path, don't we? Also, if you read this page you'll see that
    many women are nervous about traveling because of all this
    nonsense about "the biological clock" and "being left on the
    shelf" and all that. It's unfair, but all that crap doesn't
    affect - or doesn't seem to affect - men in the same way.

  4. reply Added by: cj
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 11:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Personally I think it helps those of us who do not get any
    support in their own 'little world' regarding dreams and
    aspirations regarding travel. Just because no one I
    personally know wants to travel like I do, doesn't mean I am
    the only one on planet. I like that there are others who
    have similar worries and possibly answers to my questions.
    Besides, this IS the wonen's branch so stay out if you want
    to criticize!!!

  5. Ditto girls... Added by: Ozzie girl
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 0:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ...all of the above posts are exactly the reason that we
    read this branch of the tree. When i flew out on the first
    big adventure by my self so many people were asking if I
    knew what I was doing, after all a woman by herself is just
    not natural or so many thought and alot of people expressed
    these thoughts. My mother was the one perosn who told me
    that she believed in me and knew that I could do it by
    myself, she supported me and encouraged me, I didn't have
    any self doubts because she has always supported me and
    made me into a well adjusted, well rounded, confident
    woman; many women don't have that kind of support and
    sometimes it is just nice to hear (or read) someone else
    tell you that your Okay and that you can do this thing.
    for some it is also reasuring to find others that have done
    it and survived to tell the tale especially when so many
    point out that anywhere but home is just not safe for a
    woman by herself. So there are those of us that put our
    2cents in and show some support to those who just want
    someone else to say what they already know "I'm Okay and I
    can do this"

  6. no guys aloud Added by: a male moron again
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 1:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Thankyou for your positive responses here on this topic. 4
    out of 5 ain't bad. There always has to be someone to tell
    the guys to leave I guess. Men do not express these doubts
    publicly, it is true. Bravado perhaps. I think it is great
    that the women bond and support one another. I hate to go
    back to the old caveman stereotype, but the women seek
    consensus and group support and harmony "by the fire" while
    the men go off alone or in bands on the hunt to the unknown.
    Silly? Perhaps. It is to the mens detriment that we bluff
    and swagger much of the time. At least we don't get too
    hung up on which shoes to pack.

  7. hmmm Added by: voja
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 17:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Im a loner. In my family, with my friends, with my partner.
    But to write something down with the intention that someone
    will read it feels like someone cares. Not the person who
    writes back, but the inner person inside me. Often I will
    write (physically) to this person in south africa. He never
    writes back, only phones. And I got so annoyed, so I wrote
    this letter about how much it annoyed me. I didn't send it.
    I read it about 2 days later and realized a few things
    about me such as the inner person (I guess you could call
    it my spirit). Maybe I'm a bit weirder than other people.
    But thats what this does to me.

  8. Go for it! Added by: no worries
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 20:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hello girls,
    Next year I will be 40 (oeps) and I am planning a trip to
    Australia for 5 weeks, just for me, no one else is allowed
    to go with me.
    When I am telling other persons about this plan, there are
    two reactions possible: "great plan, big fun, just go for
    it" or "oh my God, are you really want to do this?".
    I think it says a lot of the person I am talking to on that
    moment. I do like the first group the most, that's clear!
    So Australia, next year september I am coming, but no
    worries, I am sure we like eachother!!!

  9. #8 you aint the only one... Added by: Catherine
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 20:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Every man & his dog is coming here in September next
    year...were you one of the lucky ones who could afford a
    ticket to something other than the qualifying rounds of the
    synchronised swimming? If not, I hope you're here in the
    other two weeks and miss the crowds. You'll have a ball.
    Good luck.

  10. In response Added by: Jenny
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 18:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Women inherently want to confer and seek reinforcement with
    one another. It builds up the excitement and adventure!
    Yes, we get nervous and anxious, but so what, we are going
    anyway- we just want to share!

  11. support and advice Added by: Miki
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 6:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Women also post things like what shoes to bring or
    underwear works best because it pays to be prepared. Many
    other countries don't carry the little conviniences that
    women are accustomed to back home. Shopping abroad for men
    is often easier for men than women, especially in male
    dominated societies. Many of the male travelers I have met
    have always been suprised at how prepared I have been while
    they fumble around just winging it.
    Men can walk almost anywhere at anytime and not have to
    worry. This is not the case for women in many places.
    When something like unwanted attention or worse happens,
    society is always quick to point out that she should have
    known better than to walk there at night etc. I wouldn't
    want to spend my hard earned money going to a place where
    women weren't too safe or bothered a lot.

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