
This topic was created by anne
[Wed 19 May, 8:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

here goes..
I have a younger brother with severly handicapped and needs
constant attention. I've got amazing parents who do their
best for him and as I'm still living at home I usually look
after him 3 or 4 nights out of the week.
However I have always wanted to spend a year or so
travelling and working abroad especially around s.e. asia.
I know I'll miss my family dearly and will worry constantly
when I'm away, but my main fear is that I'll find a place
where I want to settle down or meet someone special while
I'm travelling.
I've travelled quite a bit but my maxium stint abroad is 2
While I feel guilty about leaving my parents to cope with
my brother alone while I'm gone I am really afraid that I
will resent him if I go away and fall in love with a
place. But there again if I don't go and I become his main
carer I will probably never again get the chance to go away
on my own
I'd love to hear from someone else who's had to make these
choices. And do you think that staying here and going away
for 3 weeks a year would be enough so stave off this
for anyone who has gone away for a year - is it enough to
know that you'll be spending the rest of your life in one
place or do you always have the yearning for more travel??

[There are 2 posts - the latest was added on Mon 24 May, 1:04]

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  1. You only have one shot at life... Added by: DO IT!
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 17:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Please love yourself enough to do what you want.. If you
    do not take this opportunity, you will probably be bitter
    for the rest of your life, with constant "if only"
    Although you understandably and obviously love you parents
    and family dearly, your brother is not your
    responsibility. This may sound harsh, but you must love
    yourself enough to do this FOR YOURSELF.
    Life is a wonderful gift and is for experience to the
    maximum. This is your chance and your life...
    Please let me know what decision you made!

  2. i sympathize Added by: jane
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 1:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i am about to leave for a job in japan for at least a year,
    while my older sister cares for my ageing parents (dad has
    alzheimer's, mom is blind, walks with a walker, & is getting
    senile), and i have dealt with guilt feelings about my seeing
    the world while she has to stay home.... but she has not
    expressed anything but happiness for me & this
    opportunity.... she willingly chose to care for my parents,
    & before i go, i will stay with the folks so she can take a
    vacation. (we have three other siblings who can help, too.)
    i don't know where you live, but in the united states, there
    are social programs that could help provide care for your
    handicapped brother. for instance, my mother's youngest
    sister is brain damaged & functions on the level of a ten
    year old and is in a wheelchair. the family always made
    efforts to care for her, but somewhere along the line the
    aunt who was her primary caretaker found a wonderful home for
    her to live in--a woman who has a licensed facility & cares
    for three or four people. anyway, my handicapped aunt really
    loves living there, and she started working for a sheltered
    workshop where she has a great social life and brings home a
    (small) paycheck. now when she visits the family, she never
    wants to even spend the night--she wants to get back to HER
    ANYWAY, i am glad you really care about your brother and your
    family. however, when your parents can no longer care for
    him exclusively, there will be more than one solution than
    just you assuming all responsibility for him. and if you end
    up not taking care of him, that does not automatically mean
    he will end up neglected or abused in a nightmarish
    institution. but you should start exploring the
    possibilities earlier rather than later. i know my
    handicapped aunt was on a waiting list to get into the
    facility she lives in, and miraculously her number came up a
    couple of months after the care-taking aunt died. so, find a
    social worker or somebody to talk to NOW, to find out what
    good things could happen. your whole family will appreciate
    your effort. good luck!

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