
This topic was created by Zoe
[Thu 20 May, 18:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I've read its possible to work at pubs in London, which sometimes provide housing, somewhat easily without a work permit. Anyone done this? Are any times of the year easier to find work than others, and when applying do I just not mention the lack of a work visa or is it discussed? What other countries (not just European) are relatively easy to find some kind of employment in? I'd love to end my trip in Europe by NOT coming home! Thanks for any advice

[There are 1 posts - the latest was added on Thu 20 May, 21:47]

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  1. Zoe Added by: Brit
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 21:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    There are hundreds of pubs in London that will provide
    accommodation. The deal will vary slightly from place to
    place. Like you work one or two days a week and don't get
    paid but get a bed or you can work full time and live in. In
    London, pick up TNT magazine and it will have these jobs
    listed. Alternatively, Friar and Firkin pub on Euston Road
    is a pub I know with a lot of Aussie staff that is always
    looking for new people because, obviously, the staff are
    always moving on.

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