I feel lost...

This topic was created by Sandra
[Sun 9 May, 14:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

i want to get away far away from here to do the "finding my
true self" thing. But, i cannot seem to make a simple
decision like, where to go. India, Nepal, Thailand. I don't
know. I have never travelled before, so which would you
Length of journey - 5 months
Budget - AU$10,000

[There are 24 posts - the latest was added on Sat 15 May, 16:17]

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  1. Where to now? Added by: Cat (cfoneil@melbpc.org.au)
    [Timestamp: Sun 9 May, 19:53 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I popped in to visit this site this evening to find some
    words of wisdom from someone, anyone who had
    discovered "The Meaning"... having spent my entire weekend
    deep in thought trying to "find myself" whilst frantically
    driving around the state to get away from myself... and
    trying to work out where to travel to next... and lo and
    behold the first message I came across was yours -
    hahahhh!! Your words promptly reminded me that no amount
    of running can ever distance me from myself. So in answer
    to your question Sandra... you could just as easily "find
    yourself" whilst cleaning out the refrigerator as trekking
    in Nepal.. but trekking in Nepal would be so much more
    exciting! Take the plunge and go anywhere..
    because "anywhere" is so much better than "here"..
    regardless of where you go it is going to be an
    adventure... new language and customs to learn, new food,
    new sites, new sounds.. new problems! Wherever you go,
    just squeeze every thing you can out of it! Good luck!!

  2. Don't follow me coz I am lostt, lost, lost Added by: musashi
    [Timestamp: Mon 10 May, 1:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Same situation, different country. I'm from the philippines
    and I too am feeling out of sync. My first impulse was
    Nepal but unfortunately I am under time constraints at the
    moment. I did speak to some people who've been there and
    they say it IS the way to go. It apparently "refreshes" the
    mind and soul. Good luck on your decision and try rafting
    if you do go! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!

  3. All of these? Added by: Still searching ...
    [Timestamp: Mon 10 May, 23:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    In 5 months you could probably visit all 3 of those
    countries, although obviously you wouldn't see everything
    in each one. If you have to choose just one, why not read
    as much as you can about these places and see what "grabs"
    Another thing to consider is, what are you going to do in
    your 5 months? Would you be happy just looking at the
    scenery, or would you have to achieve something; learn Thai
    cookery, teach English, climb to Everest Base Camp, work
    with lepers in India etc., etc. Just a few ideas!

  4. Thailand Added by: Leontien
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 0:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Go to thailand. India is for the experienced,
    the high poverty will certainly get to you.
    Thailand is poor too, but better digestable for a first

  5. Anywhere Added by: lost&found
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 15:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Anywhere. All you need is time away from people. Amazing
    what a bit of 'loneliness' can do.

  6. Africa Added by: Mel
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 16:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I went to Africa for 6 months and I think the change was subtle. I think it helps to see how differently people live, be it Africa or India or SE Asia. $10,000 will get you a decent trans Africa trip with spending money to spare. It is rough going and tends to help you shed all the unnecessary things in your life and just concentrate on getting from one day to the next.

    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 8:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm heading to Peru this summer and am interested in hearing
    any suggestions on sights to see and places to go. I've got
    a dusty pair of hiking boots that will do me well on the
    road to Machu Pichu (Been there? Any tips on Guides?), and
    am also a vegetarian so any tips on eating right in the
    third world are needed. I had this initial plan to buy a
    motorcycle and tour the countryside for 2 months like a
    young Che Guevere. Nice pipedream, right? I'd also
    appreciate any stories of mad adventures to get me excited,
    so send those e-mails asap.

  8. Break from the norm Added by: Tom (Kelleher@Viconet.com)
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 11:33 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I found my two months in India did much for my sense of
    myself. I didn't go, per se, "to find myself" but more to
    find more of myself. My analogy at the time was that my
    life was pretty familiar, so the parts of me that I needed
    to call on to get through a day were pretty familiar.
    Nothing was bringing out anything surprising and new in my
    character. I was so suited by my environment I had become
    like a smooth stone in a river, making few ripples and
    changing only very slowly. So I wanted to put myself in a
    situation where things would be UNfamiliar, to see how I
    responded. I didn't do the death-defying things that I
    admire others for (trekking, rock-climbing, etc.) but being
    in an entirely alien environment pointed out things about
    people and life and myself I didn't know. It got me out of
    that life rut.
    Granted, I was not an experienced traveller at the time, so
    any international trip might have had a similar effect --
    in fact, going to India as a first trip might have been a
    bit drastic! But I treasure the memories, and would go
    back in a second. Except, well, I wanna see Thailand

  9. UP TO US Added by: REBS (rebs3@netscape.net)
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 12:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    We are headed "around the world". Between us we speak five
    languages and have done some travelling.
    We would like advice on planning a trip and what our
    chances are of getting deep into China, Mongolia, and
    Russia. We would also like to visit several countries in
    the African continent.
    Any tips on planning, where to go, how to pack (trekking),
    would be much appreciated.
    We are looking to exit our comfort zones and are really
    interested in exciting, challenging travel.

  10. India Added by: Lina (rainbowsabove@yahoo.com)
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 12:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Have you ever heard of the Osho commune in India. It's a
    college in Puna India. I've gotten brochures from them and
    plan to go in the monsoon season. Take a gander at them.

  11. Which Island Added by: Lisa
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 14:00 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    My sister and I need a holiday for a week! We have about $2,000 to spend and want to go somewhere in July 99. We would like somewhere that is hot, interesting, good night life (when needed) and relaxing. Because we only have a weeks leave we need somewhere that is not too far from Sydney. We were thinking of maybe Fiji or Tahiti - any ideas??

  12. good company Added by: nasrol (nasrol@ aol)
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 14:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    want to go to denver wt r v for two week i will cover all expense need a vacation let me know must be veryfuny and sporty and good driver and enjoy outdoor and have talent

  13. Why not Egypt? Added by: Bruce (friend@snowcrest.net)
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 15:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Landing in Cairo-taxi to the New Palace Hotel-'Bargain with
    'Tiger' (one of the owners) for arranging stays in
    Luxor/Aswan & luxury trip 'down' the Nile. Cairo museums
    within walking distance - Khan el Kalili & Pyramids by
    taxi...Oh yes...diving in Sharm reached by ferry from
    Hurghada. These 2 seniors 'had a ball' on the lowest of

  14. DREAM-LAND lunik IX Added by: cool guy (prodig@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 19:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    If u r around 22, good looking girl,
    just come to Slovak Republic (former Czecho-slovakia) in
    central Europe. (NOT Yougoslavia) It's excellent here,
    niceguys, kewl people .. and a lot of fun :]
    heh .. and goo d history and scenery .. well everything.
    The best city = Kosice www.kosice.sk
    and we'll take care of u, baby

  15. Dont feel lost be happy Added by: Dimitri Ornelis (ocmwblankenberge@planetinternet.be)
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 19:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I love to travel, over the hol world, to be far away from
    home. But wen a in ex.azia i feel also lost but in a good
    wey. Your have the thense to see oder peapel over the hol
    woreld. sosialising is the most buitefol thing you kan do
    when your are lost in the fouktop woreld we live in.
    Live your live. Bay a ticket en flay a wey. See the woreld
    like it is and tike some insperiation to make your live
    I'am from Belgium, souw dont loke to good hauw a rhite this
    tekst. I love your all and have a nice holiday.

  16. TryThai Added by: CJ
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 21:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Definitely Thailand, suitably different for you, but easier
    enough too, and your cash will go a fair distance.

  17. Try. . . Added by: Katama (millhill@usa.net)
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 23:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Martha's Vineyard: unspeakable beauty around the island.
    (Massachusetts - United States of America)

  18. WAGES IN IRELAND Added by: The Barman (kalpel@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 3:00 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Does anyone know the average wage for Bar Attendant is in
    Ireland, say Cork City - age:23 with 5 years experience?
    As someone from Ireland said here, beware the "foreignor"
    or you will, I hear, be paid poorly. Do they have set
    Award Wages for Hosp. Industry, - penalty rates for after
    midnight, weekends, etc....some kind of regulations? Great
    to know as need to work awhile. Thanks.

  19. Ehh ...? Added by: Fridge magnet
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 3:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Find yourself by cleaning the fridge? If I found myself in
    my fridge I'd be past my sell-by date, covered in green fur
    and distinctly smelly!
    But seriously, the main thing to remember is that you find
    yourself by doing what YOU want to do - you can't be at
    peace if you're following others jut for the sake of it
    (but that's another story ........). That doesn't
    automatically mean you're selfish; your "thing" could be
    looking after lepers in India, teaching English to Thai
    kids or staying at home and cleaning somebody else's fridge!

  20. Per·: Ca±on de Colca Added by: Rainer Pohl (r.pohl@eocketmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 3:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    this day i made a very bad experience with an organisated
    tour to the Colca-Canyon from one of the Arequipa agencies.
    When I booked the tour, they promised me to be in a small
    group with a maximum of 10 people and to pick me up at 8:30
    am or at 9:00 at the latest. I waited one and an half hour
    and there was a bus with 30 people pulked together from
    different agencies. Not enough, when they picked me up, they
    said, that they were now directly going to the ca±on and
    that the delay happend because so many travellers were
    delayed. My hotel is nearly 10 km out of the center of
    town in direction to the Ca±on and they had nothing better
    to do than to drive back into town, without any
    explannation. That's something what I call desorganisation
    and I went to reclaim the money.
    To avoid things like this just take the local bus at
    noon from the main busstation to Cabanaconde and walk back
    to the "Cruz del Condor", where you probably can see condors
    between 7:00 am to 9:00 am. To walk there will take you
    about 2 hrs. You can go back to Arequipa or Chivay with the
    bus which starts at Cabanaconde at 10:00 am and will be at
    Cruz del Condor a few minutes later.
    Up to now, while travelling in the south of Peru I joined
    different tours, like the boat trip to the islands of the
    lake Titicaca, the Incatrail and a roundtrip to some
    Inca-ruins near Cuzco and I really enjoyed them.

  21. Quick vacation question for all Added by: Peter (giza@expressotech.com)
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 4:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Your opinion please!
    How would you rate: (1:terrible, 2:poor, 3:fair, 4:good
    1) Researching specific leisure travel destinations on
    the web?
    2) Planning a leisure travel on the web?
    3) Researching cruise destinations and packages on the
    4) Planning a cruise on the web?
    5) What do you think could be done to improve 1-4?
    6) Other thoughts?
    Please respond to giza@expressotech.com or post here.
    Thank you.

  22. Find yourself talking to someone with different views on life Added by: Charles (charles_windsor@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 4:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I would recommend you to take time to talk to someone you
    think has totally different values from your own. This can
    be done basically everywhere, but by just moving away from
    the comfort of your homecountry it somehow turns out to be
    Eventually you might find that everyone all over are more or
    less the same.
    Good luck!

  23. definitely Nepal!!!! Added by: bluejay
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 19:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    hi sandra!
    i've been nepal trekking......it was perfect and i never
    once regretted doing that! an advice though, if u wanna do
    some fair amount of trekking, go under the poplular
    trekking agencies in kathmandu. its much cheaper to
    organise from there then from other countries. coz when u
    get to trek in a group, u learn tons more like their
    culture and songs! i've seen many female trekkers there but
    i feel if u really don't wanna miss out the 'culture
    learning' part, go join a group with a guide!u can always
    be on your own in the mountainside areas, such as pokhara.
    its gorgeous!! or head for Malaysia, like Sabah and
    Sarawak! these places are relatively safe as long as u take
    proper precautions and avoid wearing anything too exposing.
    hope ya whack these places if u can!
    u'll always meet many female solos especially in asia!

  24. Get Away Added by: Joydeep (joydeep@medicine.med.um.edu.my)
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 16:17 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    you could come to Malaysia and stay in Kuala Lumpur for a
    beginning.I have a huge flat where I would be staying till
    August end.You can stay there and then plan trips to
    Thailand and Singapore and then India(where I belong).That
    way you would be saving money and having the whole house and
    day to plan things.I am a doctor and so would would be away
    most of the time.I understand your position and this is the
    least I can do for you.Get in touch.Bye,

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