meeting someone on the net....

This topic was created by cautious....
[Sun 7 Feb, 17:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I could use some advice..... I have been corresponding with
a man that I 'met' on the internet recently. We began
corresponding because I saw that he was from a city I would
be travelling to in the next few months. Anyways, we have
briefly talked about meeting each other....there's been no
'racy' talk or deep conversations, or talk of a
relationship. We have just enjoyed corresponding (this is my
perspective) and we have exchanged pictures through email.
Anyways, I am not travelling alone to where he lives, but it
would not be appropriate to take my traveling companions to
meet him. Any thoughts other than meeting him in a public
place? How does one know when it's okay to actually go
somewhere together or make plans? We've talked about what
we do for a living, our families, travel far, I
don't have any weird vibes, but it IS ONLY email! Can
someone share their experiences or thoughts with me on this?
He seems like a really nice person with similar interests
and perspectives to instincts are quite good, but
I'd like to hear from you out there! Thanks...

[There are 20 posts - the latest was added on Sat 22 May, 4:42]

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  1. My thoughts... Added by: Jennifer
    [Timestamp: Sun 7 Feb, 19:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    This is my experience for what it is worth:
    1. Guy #1 - we chatted for weeks on the net, had lots in
    common etc and finally I called him by phone. It was
    dreadful - he sounded a right dork. But I thought he was
    nervous, so we went back to the net for a while, tried
    another phone call a few weeks later - the same thing. I
    could only imagine what meeting him in real life would have
    been like. Painful!!
    2. Guy #2 - same thing as #1 on the net, so I called him.
    Lots of long interesting phone calls over the next three
    weeks, sounded very genuine etc. Finally ended up meeting
    for real and he was lovely - exactly as he said he was.
    So, all I can say is, don't rely solely on net
    conversations. At least speak a few times on the phone. You
    can often get a good feel for people from their voices.
    Meet in a public place and all should be OK.
    Good luck!

  2. curious Added by: loner
    [Timestamp: Mon 8 Feb, 3:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You may not wish to answer and that's absolutely fine
    but just in case you don't mind: how or through which
    websites did you meet these guys? And is it otherwise safe?

  3. why not Added by: goforit
    [Timestamp: Mon 8 Feb, 4:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i'm in the same position as you.soon i'll be hooking up
    with a dude i met via irc who lives in a city i'm passing.
    i'm trying not to freak out about the whole thing (is this
    guy a lunatic?? etc...) but i think if level headedness is
    kept it should all be cool.Keep an open mind about things
    and don't get any warped expectations.
    hope it goes well..

  4. Bring your friends Added by: Kim
    [Timestamp: Mon 8 Feb, 4:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Why do you not think it appropriate to have your friends
    accompany you when meeting this person for the first time?!
    For all you know, he might be a recently released prison
    convict who had access to E-Mail right before he was sprung.
    Remember, anyone can invent themselves online . . . .
    Bring your friends and they can help you decide whether this
    guy is a genuine article!

  5. companions.... Added by: cautious
    [Timestamp: Mon 8 Feb, 6:46 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    My companions are my parents! They are meeting me for a couple weeks in this State before I move on! I will tell them where and when I am meeting him, but I won't take them with me! Has anyone else actually met up with a man the 'met' on the net? I am wondering how long it took before there was some trust there? I know that everyone is different and that could be a stupid question, but I'd love to hear!

  6. You're right to be cautious Added by: GotBurnt
    [Timestamp: Mon 8 Feb, 13:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I can laugh about this now.....
    Well, I corresponded with an absolutely delightful,
    charming, intelligent, witty man I met on the Internet, and
    we really hit it off. Chatted for hours, emailed each
    other, hung out in the chat room with others and joked
    around. After 6 weeks of this, I admit he had me quite
    hooked. He then got one of his friends on line, who
    struck up an on-line "relationship" with an Internet friend
    of mine. Then one day my Internet buddy and I started
    comparing notes about our chatroom men and after awhile, we
    came to the conclusion that this was actually the same guy,
    who came on as two different personalities in order to
    romance us both! Well, it gets better..... My buddy and I
    needed to find out more, so by doing a little sleuthing we
    got his home phone number. Made up a little story about how
    this was a check on his Internet provider, did he have
    such-and-such email addresses, etc. Well, we were
    absolutely stunned to find out that this guy was
    actually.........a woman!
    Not that this is particularly relevant in your
    case, I just wanted to share my little story, and
    to make the point that there really is no telling who you
    are talking to via Internet. Mind you, my buddy has met
    some nice guys through chatrooms (met them in real life in
    public places), and made some new friendships. But I sorta
    lost the taste for trying something like that myself.
    I recommend that you get detailed information about this
    guy, and check him out. And think on...if he is unwilling
    to tell you things, then he may be hiding something. And I
    agree that you should at least talk on the phone first.
    Aside from being able to see how articulate, etc. he is on
    the phone, it would help break the ice.
    Good luck!

  7. Go for it! Added by: Wendy
    [Timestamp: Mon 8 Feb, 16:11 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I struck up a friendship with an around-the-world traveller
    and when he came into town, I took him out to dinner. Of
    course, I wasn't looking for romance, which it sounds like
    you might be...
    DO meet in a public place though - ask him where should you
    meet him, as if it's assumed that you'll be meeting in
    public. You can never be too careful, but have fun!

  8. You never know... Added by: The Edge
    [Timestamp: Tue 9 Feb, 1:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I started conversing via e-mail with a guy I met via the
    net. He was nice to talk to, and nothing beyond platonic
    friendship was even suggested. That was fine. We
    discussed travel plans and I thought perhaps he might be a
    good travel companion, if nothing else. But I'm feeling
    basically dumped. No communiques for weeks. How could I
    count on somebody like that to do any traveling with? I
    would not get my hopes up too high that this guy will come
    through for you. But on the other hand, he might. Just be
    careful, meet in a very public place, perhaps an indoor
    restaurant. Trust your instincts. I've heard that a lot.

  9. personal info Added by: jg
    [Timestamp: Tue 9 Feb, 6:24 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Another precaution, until you are sure of this person, I
    would suggest that you not share personal information such
    as your address, workplace, etc., just in case this is
    someone you no longer want to have contact with after you
    meet him or her.

  10. go public... Added by: sweet jane
    [Timestamp: Tue 9 Feb, 11:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    my first thought was, take your friends along with you, but
    i understand your not wanting to drag them along.... by all
    means, meet in a public place--why don't you pick the time
    and place (i personally would be glad to meet a visitor to
    my town, wherever was convenient for them)? the more shots
    you can call, the better. also, have an excuse for leaving
    at a certain time if you decide you're not hitting it off
    ["oops--told mom i'd be home early!"]. and last but not
    least, write down the person's name & anything you know
    about him [phone number, etc.] & leave with your folks--
    they'll appreciate this too.

  11. just a suggestion Added by: Jill
    [Timestamp: Wed 10 Feb, 0:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    how about not actually taking your parents along, but
    having them sit, say, across the restaurant or park or
    whatever while you meet him? You could have a signal or
    something for if things don't go well. It sounds paranoid,
    I know, but you can't be too careful. I did this once with
    a girlfriend sitting across the restaurant. We had a
    signal to meet up in the restroom if things went poorly.
    Things went fine, but, he wasn't at all charming. In fact,
    my girlfriend still teases me about my date with the
    Michael Bolton look-a-like. She was giggling the entire
    time I was having coffee with him.

  12. RE; WhyNot by GoForIt Added by: anita
    [Timestamp: Thu 11 Feb, 14:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i'd be more worried about the GUY's warped expectations...

  13. well.. Added by: Samantha
    [Timestamp: Fri 12 Feb, 11:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I have met 2 IRC friends in real life now, as well as a few
    IRC aquaintences as well. One I met in a pub i go to
    regularily ( i had a few friends with me, so I just left
    them alone together for a few minutes while we chatted). The
    other was more serious, we had a bit of an internet
    relationship thing happening. So he actually flew from
    Vancouver to Australia to stay with me for 3 months, and we
    met for the first time at the airport. both times were
    kinda weird but i dont regret meeting either of them for a
    milisecond. In 2 months im flying to Holland to visit
    another IRC friend, and to stay with him for a few months,
    and then to england and canada to do the same thing.
    As for your fear about meeting your friend in public, its
    definatly understandable, and I'd probably suggest meeting
    in a local cafe downtown, so you can be on your own and
    chat, while still being in a public place. Id also suggest
    this because if youre downtown you can probably go for a bit
    of a walk as well, in the area, and still be in public.
    But the most important thing is to trust your instincts. If
    something seems wrong, dont ignore it, get out of there.
    have fun:)

  14. sorry i didnt answer your question.. Added by: Samantha
    [Timestamp: Fri 12 Feb, 11:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    How long was there before there was trust?
    The first guy i met, I guess I didnt really trust him til i
    met him, and a guy friend I had met him as well. But this is
    because I was 18 at the time and he was 28, and I just dont
    trust older men in general, until I know them. the second
    guy I trusted after maybe 2 weeks of online chatting ( we
    met after 3 months), and the third guy who I am due to meet,
    maybe a month. As i said before, and as someone else said,
    trust your instincts. You'll know if something feels right.

  15. Dear Cautious, Added by: Jr
    [Timestamp: Fri 12 Feb, 13:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Use your common sense, call him up on the phone, bring your
    friend to meet him, and don't tell where you are staying. I
    say these things because I would like to meet and help
    travellers if any should come my way. I've done some
    traveling and would have liked to had a friend to show me
    around when I came by to visit.

  16. Instincts Added by: jules
    [Timestamp: Thu 25 March, 0:46 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Once you've met the guy, surely your normal instincts will
    just take over, ie. it will just be like any other date
    with someone you don't know very well, but think you'd like
    to know better. I love the idea of getting your parents to
    sit over the other side of the restaurant just in case
    Incidently, I wonder what he's thinking about you? Two male
    friends of mine have both met women on the Internet, and it
    it hasn't worked out in either case. One of them bottled
    out when he saw a drunken hag with Brillo pad hair
    staggering towards him, and the other gave his the elbow
    when it turned out that she was using him to get back at
    her husband for being unfaithful. He hadn't done anything
    with her except go hiking, but wasn't sure her husband
    would believe that.

  17. be careful!!!!!!! Added by: scared
    [Timestamp: Wed 5 May, 10:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I had a terrifying experience. I was supposed to meet him
    in a restaurant and he never came up to me. He just
    checked out what I looked like. He stalked me for several
    months and called on the phone to bother me. He threatened
    to sexually mutilate me and my toddler, spied on me, found
    out where I worked, wanted to rape me and my toddler,
    mutilate us and then have sex with me and my toddler when
    we were dead! Since I did not know who he was the police
    would not help me. He used to leave relaly scary messagwes
    on my voicemail too. Even the police thought it sounded
    scary! BUT they did not do much to protect me. One day I
    left a message on my voicemail saying I and the police knew
    who he was and I WAS going to prosecute him if he did not
    stop. Guess what? He finally left me alone. It stopped
    over a year and a half ago but I am still scared. What if
    he finds me again or bothers me again? I still work at the
    same place!
    I am not wanting any answers or responses, but I would not
    meet someone from the net, especially if it were in my
    by the way, he was supposedly very educated, had some
    class, had travelled a lot, was a widowed dad of 2 (single
    father), was a foreign man here in the U.S. who had been
    married to an American. He seemd cultured, polite, funny,
    intelligent, open minded, but had some morals... so, you
    never know!!!! People on the net do LIE alot!!!!!!!!
    take care and good luck, whatever your decision is
    scaredy cat now

  18. Cautious and Trusting Added by: tay
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 11:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Well, next month, I am meeting my IRC friend for the first
    time. We have been communicating via email, online chat
    (but not in a chat room), net meeting, and telephone calls
    for about eight months.
    The hardest part is that he is in another country. I am
    going there alone but I have relatives that live there as
    well - and they will meet him. I will be spending time
    with him alone.
    As far as trusting him goes, I trust him immensely - I
    suppose because of the amount of time we have spent
    communicating. I have also had the opportunity to speak
    with his friends on the phone as well as on line. This may
    sound scary - especially to those who have had bad
    For me, it is listening to my heart and my head. Weigh
    your options very carefully. Do what you have to do.
    Samantha sounds like she knows what she's doing.

  19. It's not all doom and gloom Added by: Anon
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 3:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I know of two people who met via the internet (from the
    thorn tree actually!). Different countries and they met very
    quickly after they started corresponding.

  20. by the way Added by: tay
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 4:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Forgot to tell you that my friend and I did not meet via a
    chat room, etc.

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