Ever wanna "just do it"?

This topic was created by thriller (.)
[Wed 14 April, 12:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Well, I just did it!
I resigned from my job of a year and a half.
I booked a flight to Amsterdam for the 4th of June and I am
just takin' off!!!
I am a 24-yr old Canadian gal who has resisted the urge to
travel for *TOO* long! I was greatly inspired by some of
the posts at this very site a while ago and was hoping to
read some more, especially now since they will be relevant
to me! I am going alone to Europe and hope to start there
and go wherever it feels right to go, working as I
need/want to.
Any advice or words of encouragement? Anyone doing the
same thing as I am?

[There are 12 posts - the latest was added on Sat 1 May, 5:36]

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  1. Advice Added by: M.
    [Timestamp: Wed 14 April, 13:18 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I've been hanging out on the tree for the past couple of
    months and my experience has been that you should DEFINITELY
    do your own research apart from the posts on the tree.
    While many of the people who post are offering legitimate
    advice, many are not. I'm really beginning to believe that
    some of the people who reply have never even been to the
    places they are talking about!
    I've actually found the women's site to be way better than
    any of the other ones - some of them (like Your Choice) are
    a bit too dicey for me!!
    Nevertheless, you can pick up alot of interesting tidbits
    from the tree, just be discriminating in what you believe.
    Match it up with what is in the guidebooks. Lonely Planet
    still makes the best in my opinion.
    Needless to say, I think what you are doing is great and I'm
    sure you are going to have the time of your life! Good

  2. so glad you said that Added by: Malud
    [Timestamp: Wed 14 April, 19:18 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm ditching four years of a job (and a lot of stressful career-moving to boot) and I'm off to Colombia in August with money for perhaps 5 months in South/ Central America where I then either find a job or come back to Europe and make more cash to go again.
    Everyone at work thinks it's crazy, which is even more reason to do it, isn't it?
    So, yes, you're doing absolutely the right thing!

  3. Doing the same thing Added by: M (mjo29@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Wed 14 April, 23:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Doing the same thing!
    I'm also a 24 y.o. (Australian) and decided that it's about
    time I made my dream of travelling through Europe a reality.
    I will also be travelling by myself and have booked a
    flight to London towards the end of June.
    I have to admit it's been a tough decision to go as I will
    have to resign from a well-paid 'career' job. I will also be
    leaving my partner of four years behind. However he
    understands that it is something I need to do for myself and
    is 100% behind my decision to travel.
    So I think "just go for it!".

  4. Malud... Added by: curious
    [Timestamp: Thu 15 April, 0:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    How much money will you have for 5 months? I am going to
    be taking off soon to Central/South America and am getting
    different estimates on how much money is good to bring.

  5. me too! Added by: krista
    [Timestamp: Thu 15 April, 1:46 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I too am quiting a good job (for me). I'm 25, Canadian, and
    heading out in September. I'm scared about when I get back
    (from north africa) I feel too old to start all over again
    (looking for a job, interviewing, and all that crap) But, I
    know that I am doing the right thing (although i'm the only
    one who knows that about what i'm doing:) I wouldn't be
    happy in ANY job if it meant I couldn't travel. Good luck!

  6. Opportunity of a Lifetime! Added by: Julia (julia_de_sousa@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Thu 15 April, 5:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Good for you! You are lucky that you have this choice. I'm a 23 year old Canadian. I am backpacking solo across Europe this summer from June to August. I took a 3 month leave of absence from work. Some people are telling me how gutsy I am, how lucky I am, I'll have a great experience, this will change my life, etc. And I also have people telling me not to go, save my money for my future, or it's too dangerous to go alone. My only advice is to just follow your heart and have no regrets. I am.
    Maybe we can meet up somewhere. I'll be checking my e-mail in Europe in cyber cafes. E-mail me if you wish.
    Good luck and have a great time!
    PS: have you checked out Journey of One's Own by Thalia Zepatos? I have the book and believe me, it's worth getting! It has all the info you need to get prepared and help you along the way. I got mine from amazon.com 'cause I couldn't find it in bookstores here and got it in 3 days! Good luck!

  7. Me too... Added by: Emu
    [Timestamp: Thu 15 April, 18:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Good Luck on your travels. I'm ditching the job of 2 years
    in June to do SEA and Oz as I felt exactly the same way as
    you. There are so many fabulous things to see in Europe,
    just take your time and don't try and do every sight/city or
    you'll get overload! Drink in the atmos and enjoy!
    All the best, and congratulations, you've done the right

  8. Parallel lives?!? Added by: Lisa
    [Timestamp: Fri 16 April, 1:12 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Wow, it's so funny to read posting like this and realize
    how many people are doing the exact same thing. It's very
    comforting too! I'm 23, Canadian, and ditching my well-
    paying job to backpack alone through Europe for who knows
    how long. When I do come back I have no idea what I'll be
    coming back too - but who cares. All I know is that I want
    to travel and so that's what I'm doing. And yes, my family
    thinks I'm crazy too!
    Well, good luck to all of you on your travels. Maybe our
    paths will cross somewhere in Europe.

  9. doing it!! Added by: kat (katcalls@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Fri 16 April, 1:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hey there.
    I'm in month 8 of my round the world travels and have so
    far hit Spain, France, Switzerland, Italy, Germany,
    Belgium, the Netherlands, Egypt (and Sinai) and am now in
    London for a while making the pound (always good for the
    wallet). All your worries will be long gone after about 3
    weeks on the road. You'd be surprised how easy it is once
    you get on that plane to forget everything and just do it.
    My one piece of advice is really listen to yourself and
    find a rhythm, get to know who you are and promise yourself
    that no matter how bad a day or week you have, you will
    always wait 3 days before doing anything drastic like
    buying a ticket home. Did that once in the last 8 months,
    will regret it for the rest of my life.
    Definately the best decision I have ever made. BTW, I'm
    22, Canadian, had an awesome, incredible job, and I just
    decided to prioritize my life.
    Some things aren't as important as you think they are.
    Write with questions and good luck!

  10. Sisters are doing it for themselves!! Added by: Diana (dianagallo@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Fri 16 April, 5:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'd like to congradulate all the courageous women out there
    willing to take risks. I too, 24 and a Canadian am
    enbarking on my first real trip. I hope to meet women such
    as yourselves in Europe.

  11. wowzers... Added by: thriller (.)
    [Timestamp: Fri 16 April, 13:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi all,
    Thanks to M, Malud, Krista, Lisa, Julia, Emu, Kat and Diana
    for the great responses. Kat, I liked your 3-day rule
    (post #9). I will remember that while I am away. And
    Julia, yes I have heard about "Journey..." (post #6) and
    plan to read it before I leave. Thanks for the advice...
    and the sincere advice at that.
    I have about CDN$6000 saved up which, supplemented with the
    odd job abroad, I hope will last me until I am ready to
    come home. Maybe that will be at the end of the year,
    maybe sooner or later. As I said, I am just going on June
    4th and that is all I know. I have made no other plans yet.
    Sometimes I think I am crazy for being so unprepared (i.e.
    no itinerary), but I think the fear -the unknown- is also
    the best part!
    Yee-haw... I feel alive!

  12. Congrats! Added by: WanderWoman
    [Timestamp: Sat 1 May, 5:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Love your decision and I doubt you'll ever regret it!
    One piece of Advice on intinerary -- the best kept secret
    in European travel (especially on these message boards) is
    I "just did it" last summer and for two months went to
    Sweden (with side trips to Helsinki and Copenhagen) and am
    going back this May for 3 months (this time hopefully to
    include a couple of weeks in Norway).
    Sweden *sparkles*! Hostels are like 4 and 5 star hotels
    compared to those in more southerly climes, the people are
    wonderfully friendly and love to speak English, and the
    entire country shows great pride in its natural resources
    with endless nature reserves, historical monuments, ruins,
    museums (both outdoor and indoor) and awesome architecture.
    I could go on indefinitely about Scandinavia, and especially
    Sweden, but I think you get the idea. :) If you do end up
    planning to venture there, try to go during the Midsummer
    festivities during late June -- second only to (if it's
    second to anything) Christmas!

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