Feeling depressed b/c....

This topic was created by Nathalie
[Wed 19 May, 22:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

OK, I'd written a few months ago needing advice of what to
pack/bring with me, as I was planning on moving to Mexico.
I'd already arranged for a job, had my plane ticket, etc.
Well, unfortunately I had some problems two weeks before
leaving, my boss in Mexico was very understanding and even
encouraged me to postpone moving there and go for a holiday
in the meantime. So, that is what I did, postponed the
move by two months, and went there for one week holiday
(Playa del Carmen, south of Cancun). All has been fine,
I've been able to take care of issues here and save money
to move there. Well, on Monday I call my boss in Mexico to
tell him I've made the reservation to come down on June 4th
and start work. On Monday everythign was ok, but then he
called me yesterday to tell me that the season has been
really slow (I was to be working in a hotel) and that they
can't afford to hire me right now and that there isn't
enough work for me there right now. I was shocked, b/c
I've talked to him several times and all has always been
fine, and I was always under the impression that the hotel
was full. Actually of that I'm pretty sure, b/c it's a
nice hotel, I've been there twice in the last 6months and
each time it was completely booked.
Anyhow, now I'm without a job. He's said he's going to
reimburse me the plane ticket (which I haven't bought yet)
and that I can use it to go down there on holiday. I'm not
too tempted by that, and as far as him reimbursing me, I
simply don't believe it. I've quit my job here in the US,
though if I wanted to stay I could, it's a waitressing job.
But I dont' want to stay, I've been there for too long as
is, and I'm ready to move on with my life. But my last day
is in less than two weeks, and now I have no job or plans.
I'm very dissapointed, I was really looking forward to
moving and starting a new job in Mexico, learning Spanish
fluently, etc. Also, my best friend from France has been
planning on moving there with me, she was to come one month
later than me, when I'd have been settled and live with
me. She was then going to look for a job on the spot.
I don't know what to do now. I feel somewhat responsible
for my friend, but I don't know if I want to go there if I
don't have a job. I liked it when I was there on holiday,
and this job was offering good possibilities and benefits
(insurance, housing), but I'm not so sure I want to move
there, and look for a job, and most likely start off doing
bar or reception work. If I'm to do that, there are other
places I'd rather go.
I'm trying to plan my next move and I'm at a loss. I'm no
longer sure of what to do. I have friends in DC I could go
stay with for the summer and find work there and save up to
do something, but what? I'd love to go to Chile or
Argentina, but don't know about the problems of finding
work on the spot. Or, I'd love to return to Europe for the
summer, but finding work there is challenging.
Also, how much responsibility do I owe to my friend? She
won't move there without me, and now that I've had a bad
experience with Playa, it's turned me off.
I know I'm rambling, and so I'm not even going to go into
the embarassment of having to tell everyone, including
work, that I no longer have a job in Mexico! I'm just
hoping for a little insight from others. Thanks for any
words and suggestions of what to do next. Oh, yeah, I'm
24, single and not particularly looking to find a "real"
job and settle down at this point in my life.

[There are 5 posts - the latest was added on Tue 25 May, 3:45]

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  1. serves you right you useless bitch Added by: Jake
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 6:12 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You get the offer of a job, probably after sleeping with this bloke and sucking his dick and swallowing. Then you have "personal problems", God i am so sick of hearing your whining moles demanding equal opportunities and then falling back on your little "personal problems' crutch.
    You inconvience this poor smuck and then you whine about him doing the same to you. Obviously he found another female tighter and a better all around root than you.
    Sucked in...Next time honour the committment and promise you have made.
    Back to sucking 45 year old trucker's dicks again for that $1-00 tip.

  2. For Jake Added by: Jan
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 11:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    If you don't have anything postive to say you should kept
    your words to yourself...we don't want to read your smut!

  3. Jan Added by: Jake
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 11:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    you keep getting knocked back because you are one
    butt ugly skank.
    No amount of jobing is going to get you a man.
    My advice to you:
    become a lesbian.

  4. Thoughts... Added by: Manc Lass
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 19:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Felt someone ought to give you some encouragment. Jake and
    Jan get a life!!! I think you should go somewhere and have
    a great time. You have some money saved up and while you
    are in this frame of mind I think you should get out there
    and have a great time. Do not worry about what others think
    - life is too short and you "only regret the things you
    don't do not the things you do" as I have said before. As
    for your French friend - if she falls out with you over this
    - is she worth having as a friend?

  5. I'm SO sorry! Added by: Inna
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 3:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I can't BELIEVE Jake's hostile response (in part because I thought this site was somewhat "patrolled" for responses like his). To balance it out, I read your letter and immediately felt how horrible it must be for you. I know the feeling of getting all excited about something, telling everyone you know about it, and then having it fall through. I planned my first trip to Central America a few years ago. It was going to be about 6 months, from Costa Rica to Guatemala. In the end, I had to cancel two weeks before leaving with the news that my Dad was dying of cancer. He died 14 days after I would have left. My travel partner was very understanding, and considerate of the fact that while for her the cancellation was a disappointment, for me it was the result of the most painful, difficult experience of my life.
    Last year, (three years after my Dad's death) I finally felt like I could try it again. I planned a two month trip to Mexico to study Spanish and backpack from Mexico City to the Yucatan. I went alone, but spent hardly a single day lonely. I met wonderful friends and had several life-changing experiences (literally, I'm now planning to move from Canada to Albuquerque!). Giving myself permission to do a small-scale, one-country trip and let go of the idea of long-term, long-range travel gave me the courage and confidence to actually get out there and do it.
    My advice would be to let go of the idea you had and create a new adventure for yourself. You can always find work in Latin America teaching English if you need some cash to get by, but maybe you need to let go also of the idea that you need to work, work, work and save money right now. Life can change dramatically overnight. It can also end. Do what you want, what will make your heart happiest.
    Best of luck,

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