Female Friendly Places

This topic was created by First time solo traveller
[Wed 17 March, 13:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Wanted to find out from all you solo women travellers about
places you have visited that you found to be female friendly
(ie. safe, respectful, etc.) -- cities, towns, countries or
wherever! Thanks gals! :)

[There are 21 posts - the latest was added on Sat 22 May, 3:58]

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  1. How about these for a start Added by: travelling sister
    [Timestamp: Wed 17 March, 13:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Central Africa - Uganda, Zaire, Congo
    Palmyra Island

  2. Huh? Added by: djinn
    [Timestamp: Wed 17 March, 14:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    How 'bout none at all? There isn't one country I've visited
    or lived in where I didn't have to worry to some extent or
    another, about getting felt up, or followed, or verbally
    harassed, or raped...sorry to be a downer, I love
    travelling, but there are women positive people, and women
    haters, in every country.

  3. Northern Europe! Added by: Ladybug
    [Timestamp: Thu 18 March, 1:11 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Norway,Finland and Sweden.

  4. Female friendly Added by: Smoore (marketinsight@ibm.net)
    [Timestamp: Thu 18 March, 13:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Travel to New Zealand & Australia. I'm an American who's
    enjoyed living there for the past 4.5 years.

  5. Not really Added by: T
    [Timestamp: Thu 18 March, 23:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    There are maniacs everywhere, so no place is really safe.
    Some countries are more polite though, and in other
    countries the punishment for harrasment is severe.

  6. another vote for Scandinavia Added by: mare
    [Timestamp: Fri 19 March, 2:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I was recently in Stockholm and Helsinki and felt absolutely
    safe everywhere I went. Not even the occasion of the
    non-threatening but irritating lusty looks and comments as
    you pass. The ferry between the two cities is another
    matter, though. I should add, too, that I didn't spend any
    time in bars unless with a larger group.
    And actually, some cities in the US are generally pretty
    okay-- again, assuming you aren't headed into nightlife
    solo. A specific suggestion--I spent 4 and a half years in
    Seattle and found it beautiful, intellectually stimulating,
    in most respects culturally satisfying (although the Seattle
    Art Museum is terribly disappointing), and if you avoid a
    few limited areas (University Ave, South Broadway, right
    near Pike Place Market after dark)- you should not only be
    safe but free of harassment. Last time I was in NYC was two
    years ago, and at that time it felt much more
    female-friendly than LA, which is far more familiar for me.
    Lived in and LOVE San Francisco but wouldn't recommend
    strolling out around the city without knowing which
    neighborhoods you'll be passing through. There are
    perfectly safe havens which can turn to danger zones in a
    mere block. (Around Fell St and Upper Haight, for instance).
    Tokyo and Singapore weren't completely void of
    overly-foreward men, but again it was only an occassional
    hassle. In fact, I frequently walked through Shinjuku late
    at night after the last subway had halted. Malaysia (where I
    don't recall going anywhere without my husband) was
    hard(uh--challenging?) for a different reason: especially on
    the east coast and in the small towns through the jungle--
    my very pale skin, and (pardon the lack of
    modesty)attractiveness of an unusual- to them- variety me a
    travelling freak show. Can't tell you how many people
    remarked on my whiteness. Children followed us down the
    street giggling. Mixed feelings about this-- I'd definitely
    go back though. SO interesting.
    My travel in Amsterdam and Paris as a lone female was rife
    with approaches from lusty men-- but both are beautiful,
    interesting cities and I really never felt endangered.
    The only place I did feel REALLY nervous was in New Zealand
    and that was because I was 22 and hitchhiking. SO there you
    Maybe more than you wanted to know- but it's a real issue
    for me currently since I'm mulling over a solo trip to

  7. Canada Added by: Monty
    [Timestamp: Fri 19 March, 14:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The Canadian Rockies in Alberta and eastern British
    Columbia, CANADA, including Banff, Lake Louise, Jasper,
    Yoho National Park, and the Icefield Parkway -- especially
    if you like hiking and nature. Stay at the hostels.

  8. Japan Added by: Caroline
    [Timestamp: Fri 19 March, 17:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Japan is the safest place I have ever been to. I regularly
    travel home late at night alone and walk home from the
    station. Although there are plenty of stories about people
    being groped on the train/subway I have never experienced
    this is 2 years of living here (unless maybe I am
    unattrative to Japanese salarymen). The Japanese male is
    all "talk" anyway and there is absolutely no violence
    towards women, either verbal or physical.
    For "women's lib" issues, that's a different matter, but
    safety, Japan is the place to visit.

  9. comparatively speaking Added by: bitser
    [Timestamp: Fri 19 March, 21:33 Tasmanian Standard Time]


  10. thailand Added by: lydia
    [Timestamp: Sat 20 March, 4:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Just wanted to know what travelling in Thailand as a woman
    on your own was like. I travelled around India with a
    female friend for 6 months and we got so much hassle,
    despite always being completely covered up. Should I expect
    the same from Thailand?

  11. Hopefull not Added by: Morgan
    [Timestamp: Sat 20 March, 8:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi Lydia, I have also done quite a lot of travelling in
    India (with men) and had a horrendous time Indian men not
    matter how many clothes I was wearing. I love the country
    passionately but the men are appalling. I have only been
    to Bangkok but found that completely different. I was
    there for three weeks and never had the slightest bit of
    hassle. Have a good trip.

  12. Behaviour Added by: Karen
    [Timestamp: Sat 20 March, 22:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I am english & have travelled a bit, Asia,Africa,Aus &
    europe.I think the important thing is is behave properly,
    respectfully & you are ok. If local people see you behaving
    properly they will come to your help. You can wear shorts &
    things. Try speaking to the locals especially women, they
    will look after you. I find from the time I leave the uk I
    have to think about sex 24 hours a day because that is what
    the men I speak to think about. Casual conversations with a
    man , normally turn to sex. Hotel porters, chief of police
    in Bali all made advances. You have to be ahead of them.

  13. shorts and things Added by: biffo
    [Timestamp: Sun 21 March, 17:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i violently disagree with Karen's assertion that "you can
    wear shorts and things." Maybe that is why all the men she
    encounters keep brow-beating her about sex sex sex 24 hours
    a day.

  14. Ireland Added by: Miriam
    [Timestamp: Mon 22 March, 4:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ireland is teh first place I travelled solo, and it was
    great. People were so friendly - the worst thing that ever
    happened was that I was in a bar and some drunk guy told me
    how great Guinness was and that I should take home a Guiness
    poster. His two friends immediately came up to me and
    apologized profusely for him. The men were generally very
    respectful, and I felt safe even when I was walking back
    from pubs at night. This is not to say it's totally safe,
    but I did not get harassed or hassled at all, being alone
    For women living there it may be different. I think the
    conservatism would get to me if I lived there. But
    travelling, it was wonderful.

  15. good Added by: time
    [Timestamp: Thu 8 April, 11:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    any place with p r e s e n t culture and civilization is

  16. GOING AT IT ALONE Added by: ness
    [Timestamp: Mon 12 April, 11:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Im an 18yr old (almost 19) female first time solo would-be
    although i am from australia (sydney), i am yet to travel
    within my own country and would like tips on where to go and
    stay (hostel/bed & breakfast etc)...this leg of my trip i
    will be travelling with friends.
    however, i would like info about tramping in new zealand..
    where to go and stay and (whether it's safe for solo female
    Also, as this is my 1st time, how do I go about buying a
    backpack, what do i need to buy etc..... HELP!!!!
    cheers :)

  17. Women friendly Added by: Mickey
    [Timestamp: Tue 20 April, 19:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Scandinavia (been in Finland and Sweden) and Greece (not
    Rhodos and Kos). But DO stay away from Turkey! When you are
    a woman and alone they won't leave you alone!!!!!!!!

  18. Thailand Added by: ELINA (elina.varmola@elluv.pp.fi)
    [Timestamp: Tue 27 April, 8:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Many have recommended Northern Europe and I think they are right. However, if you want to go someplace warm I suggest Thailand. The people are friendly in a very polite way; sexual harassment or any other kind of harassment is very rare in buddhist culture. The difference to muslim or hindu culture is huge.
    Thailand receives a lot of male sex tourists but don't worry about those. They will sit in their own bars in places such as Bangkok's Patpong area, watch sex shows and drink expensive beer. You have a wide choice of restaurants where you can drink the same beer for much cheaper, get good service and not be harrassed even though everyone can see that you are travelling alone.

  19. Stay at my place Added by: dagmar (dagmar@brockwoods.win-uk.net)
    [Timestamp: Fri 30 April, 21:46 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    hello I do not know from where you are or where you plan to
    go, but if you come to England you are welcome to stay with
    Otherwise I think it depends muchmore on ones own attitude
    towards life and people and places than the other way
    around.I have cycled around the world with a boyfriend and
    after that travelled a bit alone, and certainly will travel
    more in the future and would not hesitate to go
    anywhere country-wise, altough I am a bit vary about
    Colombia. It is much more important to know where to go and
    where not to go in ANY country... Please do contact me if
    yopu would like to knoiw more about specific countries once
    you know where you will go. All the best for the travelling
    and as soon as you are linked into the magic which is out
    there once you are on the road when one listens to the
    *universe* and ones heart -- everything will be fine Hope to
    hear from you Dagmar

  20. my bit Added by: karin
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 6:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i felt the safest in laos and in outer mongolia.
    also in japan (as a western travelling woman you might get
    hit upon a couple of times, but definately less than in any
    european country).
    northern and western europe is more or less ok.
    but you have to be careful everywhere...

  21. Travelling Women Added by: Bravely Cautious
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 3:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I've travelled all over the world, alone and with
    companions. I'm pretty adventurous, but aware and cautious.
    I've taken risks and probably been places that I shouldn't,
    however it was 5 miles from home in a very nice and safe
    section of town that I was held up at gunpoint. Wherever
    you go be aware, smart and cautious but don't let it stop
    you from going.
    My favorites?
    Australia - Sydney, Byron Bay
    Japan - Tokyo
    England - London, York, Bath, Carlisle (take the
    Leeds/Carlisle train for one of the prettiest in the
    France - Paris, Arles
    Italy - Venice, Rome, Positano, Florence
    Carribbean - St. Croix
    New Orleans, LA
    Boston, MA
    San Francisco, CA
    New York, NY
    Cambria, CA
    San Luis Obispo, CA

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