This topic was created by TSUKASA
[Tue 18 May, 19:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]

My friend and I are two young Japanese women whom are going
to Santa Ana early June. We are both having troubles finding
a host family. Can anyone recommend a youth hostel, or
budget hotel in the Santa Ana area, California. Anything
would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.‰

[There are 1 posts - the latest was added on Mon 24 May, 1:35]

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  1. Ganki Deska? Added by: Desdemona
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 1:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Santa Ana???? Nandae? Why? There is not much there...
    Well, lets see, for sure it will be cheaper than Japan, of
    course, something like $30-$50 a room per night. I would
    try local schools. Maybe try calling or emailing Golden
    West College, CA or Orange Coast College, CA and ask them.
    Maybe try ACCENT program which is an exchange school of
    sorts... or Council travel which caters to students. Do
    some research on the web and I am sure you will find an
    email address.
    But you HAVE to rent a car $20-40/per day, maybe you'll get
    a deal per week. HAVE to have a car. Santa Ana is not a
    very beautiful city, but it ins't far from the original
    Disneyland, Los Angeles, San Diego, etc...

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