period hassles

This topic was created by Heddi
[Tue 18 May, 22:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Okay, this is quite an embarrasing (but legit) enquiry. Due
to all the hassles encountered when travelling while having
periods, I've been thinking about going on the pill &
skipping the sugar pill section to avoid having my period.
However, I was wondering just how doctors prescribe the
pill (in Australia). Do you have to have some kind of
examination? I am still a virgin and so do not want to have
to go through through any sort of internal examination.
Thanks in advance.

[There are 6 posts - the latest was added on Sat 22 May, 3:42]

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  1. my own experience Added by: jamie
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 23:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    was that the doctor is required to give you an examination
    to make sure there is nothing physical which could make the
    pill an undesirable option for you (they do a smear). It
    only takes a second and everything is covered up with a
    sheet except the bits of interest. Its not so bad with a
    nice doctor: choose a female doc if you feel more
    Otherwise, perhaps if you explain the situation you may get
    by without an examination, but I think it would be better
    to have one just to make sure. (you never know: you may be
    sexually active on your trip?)

  2. Think twice before you take it Added by: LauraP
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 1:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Taking the pill is difficult medical choice to make. It can be a great benefit (knowing is wonderful)! On the other hand taking the pill also has its side effects. Most doctors would carefully monitor you for the possible side effects and the first three months on the pill are crucial. I believe that everything has a purpose and taking the pill to make a single vacation easier is not the best choice. Putting any foreign substance into your body on a daily basis should be well thought out. Make sure you really want to do this and are committed to it. Do you really want to introduce something to your body throwing off your natural rhythm for just a few months?
    On another note: it is recommended (at least in the U.S.) that any woman over 18 have a yearly gynecological exam with pap smear whether you are sexually active or not. This is done to detect any possible issues early rather than when it is too late.

  3. Avoid pills Added by: A friend
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 13:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Avoid pills.Use condoms.It is better and safer.

  4. Well... Added by: Bron
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 14:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I never had a huge problem with having my period while
    being on the road - it's just something you deal with - all girls
    you meet are having the same sort of problems. If I were
    you, I wouldn't go around messing up the cycle. Apart from
    the fact, that you don't skip your period by NOT taking the
    sugar pills - you skip it by continuing the normal pill. But why
    am I telling you that, I just told you not to do it!
    Another thing, it is completely unnecessary for a virgin to
    have any kind of smear test until they are at least 25 and
    still a virgin.
    To get the pill in Australia, simply take the packet of the pill
    that you're taking now and tell the doctor you want a new
    perscription. That way, they can make the perscription up
    to be the same dosage as you have now. Or if you want to
    start the pill, they will simply ask a few questions and maybe
    do a finger examination (this is NOT a smear test and is not
    in any way uncomfortable). And you have your pill.

  5. Having a Mother moment Added by: Jan
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 6:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    NOT!! Actually its better to have one done before you are
    sexually active to get a baseline about what's what. Every
    woman should have an internal exam every year from the time
    they begin menstration. Its a little uncomfortable but that
    pales in comparison to letting things go and finding out too
    late you have cervical cancer. While you are there have
    your doctor teach you how to do a breast self exam as well.
    I know I sound like a big old mother hen here but a very
    dear friend of mine waited too long and had major problems.
    Oh, and take a ziplock full of tampons and don't worry about
    the period thing, 52% of the adult population are doing it
    every 28 days or so as well!

  6. Lucky you! Added by: UK citizen
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 3:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Well, the poster above obviously doesn't have to rely on
    the good old British NHS for medical treatment. You get a
    smear test every 3 years and that's your lot! I've just had
    my 1st full internal exam at the age of 35 because I've
    moved abroad and now have private health insurance.
    Anyway, my advice to Heddi is to learn to deal with your
    periods on the road (there's lots of advice on this site if
    you look) and don't mess about with your body by taking the
    pill continuously. As someone above pointed out, if you're
    taking the pill for the first time, it should be monitored
    closely for the first few months, which probably isn't
    feasible either if you're travelling around a lot.

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