
This topic was created by Hannah (
[Fri 14 May, 5:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Am I totaly insane, but in less than 10 days I leave the
My trip is quite extensive, but the first leg is giving me
lots of grief. I plan to travel independantly(ish) from
Bangkok to Singapore by train in about a month.(I fly to
Brisbane on 24th June)
Although I'm physically and mentally prepared, and have
read extensively I'm incredibley apprehensive! I need real
advice, theres only so much you can read in a guide book.
I'm young and inteligent,but still bloody vunrable.
It would be great if anybody had some sound advice or
warning, or even better if there's someone who would like
to meet up. (No axe murderers please)
Excited but secretly shitting my pants!! - Hannah.
P.S. I'm sure that SEA is really stunnig, but I'm a
painter so if there's somewhere amazing please let me know.

[There are 5 posts - the latest was added on Thu 20 May, 2:58]

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  1. Been There Added by: Angel (
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 14:24 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    First thing...calm down! *smile* I travelled the same trip
    as myself. And I was only 17 at the time. People
    in Asia are very friendly, and willing to help at any cost.
    Take any advice given, and don't do anything that the
    locals wouldn't do. Easy hey? Singapore is
    beautiful....just remember that you are a tourist, and
    respect local customs. Reading up on the laws might be
    helpful...I almost got arrested for chewing gum. Don't even
    THINK about littering.
    When you get to Australia, the first thing you should do is
    throw away your guidebooks. And check yourself into a great a YHA pass, and you get top accomadation for
    really cheap. Or hotel it, but you'll meet so many more
    people by staying in hostels. My first hour in Sydney (I
    stayed at the Backpackers in Kings Cross, look it up if you
    go to's great!! Two thumbs up) I was asked to
    go with some guys to a local beach. And I still write to
    some of those people. Most people in hostels are either
    from Europe, or from Canada...but all are sweet as can be,
    and most willing to help out a newcomer. This is also true
    for Asia. *smile* If you want any more help...I'd love to
    hear more of your plans! I might be able to give you some
    good tips for specific areas.
    Travel'll buy lots :)

  2. INVITATION Added by: joydeep (
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 14:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Dear Girl,
    Nothing to get worried and you will have a nice trip.People
    here are very appreciative of painters.But,don't wear
    revealing clothes ofsmoke in public.Since,you are travelling
    by train from Bangkok to Singapore, why don't you get of at
    Kuala Lumpur(Malaysia) for a day or two andbe my guest.I am
    a medical student and could take you around and maybe even
    accompany you to Singapore.You would then need a separate
    Malaysia visa.Let me know and regards,

  3. INVITATION Added by: joydeep (
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 15:00 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Dear Girl,
    Nothing to get worried and you will have a nice trip.People
    here are very appreciative of painters.But,don't wear
    revealing clothes ofsmoke in public.Since,you are travelling
    by train from Bangkok to Singapore, why don't you get of at
    Kuala Lumpur(Malaysia) for a day or two andbe my guest.I am
    a medical student and could take you around and maybe even
    accompany you to Singapore.You would then need a separate
    Malaysia visa.Let me know and regards,

  4. Lucky You!!1 Added by: jane (
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 May, 2:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I did the same trip myself last year ( except from Singapore
    to Bangkok by train and can only say one thing to you -
    you'll love it!! i took three weeks and found i'd love to
    have had longer - its 3000km or so i think - great places to
    stop off on the way - Ko Phna Ngan of course and don't
    forget the turtles on the east coast. The thing is, its a
    very popular route with backpackers and you find you will
    not be able to get away from Europeans the whole time!!
    Which is nice I must admit when atarting off - I was on my
    own too.........The trains are nice especially the
    overnighters and they serve hot meals to your seat if you
    want - they can be a lor more expensive then buying sambos
    and stuff but its tasty food.
    Enjoy your trip - it will be a memory before you know it and
    just remember how many hundreds and thousands of people have
    done this trip or are planning to do this trip - you'll meet
    some great people along the way.

  5. Don't believe the joydeep...! Added by: peace
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 2:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Dear hannah......pls becareful of the above invitation!
    That sucker has being posting all the "xxx" stuff onto our
    site............don't be taken by him.....!

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