Where should a big girl go...

This topic was created by Anne
[Mon 25 Jan, 8:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

OK here goes. I'm 26, 5'10" tall and around 18 stone.
Mostly because of my size and as I'm into a lot of outdoor
sports I tend to attract guys who are generally looking for
a mother figure or just companionship and not sex (and they
are ususally a lot smaller than myself anyway.
Basically, can anyone give me an idea of somewhere in the
world I can go where I might be found attractive despite my
I know this letter is going to get the usual snide comments
but all I'm looking for are travel destainations to go to
for two weeks where I can renew my faith in my own
One other thing - I've always had a dream of learning to
surf. Can anyone give me any ideas of how long I'd need to
take lessons or do I just get a board and practice myself?

[There are 25 posts - the latest was added on Sat 15 May, 6:31]

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  1. Go to Tonga Added by: Pepa
    [Timestamp: Mon 25 Jan, 11:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Anne,I suggest you go to Tonga in the Polinesia, Pacific
    Islands. I heard that they are the biggest people in the
    world. Maybe they have good surfing as well.

  2. Africa or Turkey Added by: BBW
    [Timestamp: Mon 25 Jan, 11:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Many of the African nations would be to your liking.
    Try a country like Ghana in the west, for instance.
    I'm quite a big girl and I was quite popular in east and
    southern Africa!! The men in Africa generally think that a
    skinny woman is a sick woman. They like big bums too.
    A friend of mine also felt 'desired' in Turkey ... and
    that's a great country to visit.
    And yeah, I also agree with Pepa - most of those islands in
    the Pacific would be a good choice for you, esp. Tonga,
    Fiji, Samoa ....
    Good luck!

  3. sunny Malaysia! Added by: corrine
    [Timestamp: Mon 25 Jan, 15:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I spent Christmas in the jungles of Peninsular Malaysia
    together with several Europeans and Amrricans and the guys
    who lead and taught us survival skills treated us fairly as
    students although one of the women was a tall almost 6
    footer Dutch woman. She had problems in the jungles but the
    guides were extremely very patient and kind enough to lend
    their moral support to this gangling woman. I think it's
    important that people accept and treat us fairly whether
    we're blonde...pretty...short.. fat or tall which these guys
    are noted for! I am a blonde and consider to be good
    loking but this didnt stop the guides from telling me off
    not to change my smelly clothes behind the bush! May I
    suggest that you get in touch with these wonderful but
    respectful men of the Utanbara team at ubat@putra.net.my
    Their homepage is very impressive www.putra.net.my

  4. The US Added by: Grrrl
    [Timestamp: Wed 27 Jan, 7:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    men here tend to be pretty tall, too, and you would be be
    oh-so popular in surfing communities in Southrn California,
    Hawaii, or the Mid-Atlantic region

  5. , Added by: ,
    [Timestamp: Wed 27 Jan, 8:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Oh..Yea...Definetely Turkey...

  6. Not Thailand Added by: Joan
    [Timestamp: Wed 27 Jan, 12:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Where ever you go don't go to Thailand. I am big to and at
    home thats no issue at all but during my month of holiday in
    Thailand I was laught at, touched, ignored and the Thai made
    fun of me everywhere. Even children were afraid of me and
    people diidn't want to sit next to me. In the beginning I
    could understand the fun of it but after 3 weeks of
    harasment it wasn't funny anymore. I have never had such a
    experience anywhere else.

  7. . Added by: me too
    [Timestamp: Thu 28 Jan, 3:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ...and sometimes it really gets to me. Like in South America, where "gorda" (fatso) is the term you hear everywhere, from friends and strangers alike. It's not driven by pure dislike (though it can be an insult), but there's a lot of piss-taking and it's very wearing after a while. It dogs you everywhere and defines your relationships with everyone. Many South American women (city women anyway) are fed the western supermodel concept of beauty and starve themselves like Europeans or North Americans are apt to do.
    Eastern Europe is another place to think about avoiding as the women are tall, leggy, glamorous and unless you are, there's something wrong with you (unless you're over thirty, in which case it is normal as you're no longer attractive to men anyway as you should be married long ago. Sad, isn't it?)

  8. if you are looking for europe and tall men... Added by: R
    [Timestamp: Fri 29 Jan, 1:11 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ...head to denmark...or the netherlands...it may be cold
    right now...but geesh--i am 6 foot (although i have no idea
    what a stone is but i imaginie that it is something to do
    with your weight!?) and always have that guy problem--
    I was just amazed when i spent a few months in europe--the
    average height of men in the NL is 6'4"! And in denmark i
    was just amazed at how many tall great looking men there
    were! Check it out if you are interested in a bit of a
    colder climate right now!
    have fun and more power to us tall women!! :)

  9. My suggestion is Added by: searching
    [Timestamp: Sun 31 Jan, 1:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    that you consider the British Virgin Islands. If you're looking to affirm your attractiveness to men, this place should do it! However, and without spoiling the show, I must caution you against being swept off your feet (both
    figuratively and literally - unless that's what you're
    looking for, of course).
    Now, having seen many of your posts, you strike me as a person of some refinement and my one concern is that you
    might find certain comments crass, to say the least. In my experience, the Caribbean men will make the most OUTRAGEOUS
    comments to women, and not give a second thought as to their appropriateness. Here in the U.S., such comments would constitute grounds for a sexual harrassment suit!
    It seems to be all in fun, though, so try not to be too offended. The conversations make for good stories later on, anyway.

  10. P.S.: Added by: searching
    [Timestamp: Sun 31 Jan, 5:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I assume you're the Anne of "rubbish" fame. If not, my
    recommendation still applies.

  11. Believe in yourself Added by: raj (rajeshs62@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Mon 1 Feb, 22:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Anne, Hi
    To start with ..believe in yourself ..men like confident
    females.. its the personality that counts in longer term
    relationships.. and the temprament even for short term fun.
    In the west the media conditions men to like slender women
    while naturally women are not ( you could read Naomi
    Wolfe's The Beauty Myth ).In India for example men like
    fuller women.
    Please dont go looking for men as a project ..you will find
    one when you least expect one.
    If you ever come to India..and want to be shown around
    Delhi-the capital city- I would be happy to do so.
    take care :)

  12. Comment Added by: Snide
    [Timestamp: Thu 11 Feb, 15:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

  13. TURKEY Added by: martoraj (martoraj@erols.com)
    [Timestamp: Tue 16 Feb, 15:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I traveled in Turkey with a very heeavy friend and she got
    tons of attention and a proposal of marriage. She ended up
    having an affair with a really cute younger guy.

  14. How about Norway Added by: guro
    [Timestamp: Wed 17 Feb, 1:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    5 feet 10, how tall is that? I mean, I think I'm about the
    same height (176 cm), travelled a lot and never had any
    problems. Okey, I do get attention in Malaysia, but that is
    partly because of my medium blonde hair, white skin that
    turns red under the sun amd eyes that aren't blue. People
    have been touching my skin because they can't belive it is
    real, but these have been people I'm on friendly terms with.
    Anyway, i'm Norwegian and some of the guys here are really
    nice. But as ( I hope) it isn't just the body that counts,
    you must have a bit of personality as well. Northern Europe
    is great, at least is everybody so polite that you won't
    hear any comments on your body.

  15. Buying Love Added by: Us in USA
    [Timestamp: Wed 17 Feb, 10:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    In Greece (and some what in parts of Italy) it is OK to
    "buy" love from a male companion. These men do it
    politely; they are caring, fun, know all the places to go
    for entertainment. The money is also done politely. You
    don't just hand them cash. You buy them things, like a
    meal and a bottle of wine, a taxi ride, a new hat. Most of
    us deep down would find it unique and exciting to spend
    money on a man. These are generally handsome men. Many
    women come from Britain with the full intention of spending
    the week with a man. There's no embarrassment. I hear that
    most of the woman are just a bit unattractive /or/at least
    very lonely.

  16. Thanks for the advice... Added by: Anne
    [Timestamp: Sat 20 Feb, 6:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Wow, thanks for all the info and advice.
    Tonga has been mentioned quite and sounds great, though it's
    a long way from Ireland so I've a bit of saving to do before
    I can ever hope to visit the island.
    As for 'buying' a chap in greece.....
    I just like the idea of going somewhere and being chatted up
    by a guy who's not falling down drunk. That's the
    unfortunate thing of the pub and club culture here and in
    I just hope I haven't come across as a tart!
    Thanks again,

  17. Africa Added by: Kim
    [Timestamp: Fri 26 Feb, 17:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    My sister (who's not as large as you but definitely larger
    than the average western woman) went to Kenya and Tanzania
    and was swamped with men who thought she was gorgeous, sexy,
    healthy and fantastic. Her skinny girlfriend who went with
    her was considered puny, sickly and unattractive.My sister
    has a photo of one of the sexiest black men I've ever seen,
    her keepsake for a relationship that lasted over a year when
    letter writing is included. NB Be VERY careful of AIDS in

  18. Italians of the North Added by: zezl (cecilemayor@yahoo.com)
    [Timestamp: Tue 2 March, 21:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Go to Skandinavia in summer, as this is not too far from
    Ireland!! Norwegian men are very cute if you like fair-
    haired men, they love outdoor activities, and they are
    called the Italians of the North! Yes, they have to drink
    to get a bit out of their shell, but don't the Irish have
    to do this, too???
    Being of a fairly average European size (1m70), I felt like
    a dwarf between all these friendly giants.
    Talking to people (men and women), I often realised I was
    talking to their knees, and had to look far up to see their
    faces, no it was not that bad ... (joke).
    And after all, just love yourself the way you are, it's
    this which will make you find a guy who is worth being
    loved/laid/married or whatever you're after!
    Have fun!

  19. Holland Added by: Jess (jess@hockeymail.com)
    [Timestamp: Wed 3 March, 16:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I lived in Holland (the Netherlands) a while back and I am
    REALLY short (4'7"). I don't think they'd ever seen anyone
    that short before (I think they're born taller than that).
    I was actually complimented by someone there on my bravery
    for coming to a place where everyone was so much taller
    than I was.

  20. Try a diet! Added by: ...
    [Timestamp: Tue 9 March, 17:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]


  21. Ideas... Added by: impact
    [Timestamp: Mon 15 March, 8:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm a large woman from the US and I have felt very
    appreciated by the Cook Islander men (Rarotonga, Aitutaki).
    Here in the US, African-American men and some Central
    American men (Panamanian,Nicaraguan,Salvadorean) are often
    into larger women.
    Happy explorations!

  22. Go to Croatia Added by: Clare
    [Timestamp: Sat 10 April, 18:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ... if you want men who are tall and gorgeous and friendly
    into the bargain. I was quite surprised when I went ther to
    see that many men are well over 6ft, because it's unusual
    for southern Europeans to be so tall. The same is true for
    the other partsof former Yugoslavia, but you might be
    alittle cautious about going there at the moment. Hungarian
    men are also very sexy and well-built even if not quite so
    statuesque as the Croats.
    I also agree with the above posts about there being lots of
    very tall, very attractive men in Holland. I was there some
    years ago and although I'm not especially short (about 5ft
    3) I was always being told how tiny I was there. Men in
    Denmark are also tall, as above posts have said, though I
    didn't consider them as good-looking as the Dutch, and
    certainly not a patch on the Croats!

  23. TURKEY!!!!!! Added by: Mickey
    [Timestamp: Tue 20 April, 20:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I hope it's not too late!
    I visited Turkey and the men really seemed to love the big
    me! I stayed there for a week and got two married proposals
    and had 4 "boyfrieds" who "fought" for me. So, I ended up
    loosing my heart to a man, who was married... Better luck
    to you!!!

  24. Thanks.. Added by: Anne
    [Timestamp: Wed 21 April, 6:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Wow, I can't believe that this thread is still going.
    Thanks for the advice about Turkey, I've travelled a bit
    around it before, and spent some time around Istanbul and
    you're right about all the passes. But while the guys
    there are cute all right, I was towering above them all. I
    reckon that I could count on one hand the number of guys I
    met who were over 6'2"!!
    Croatia sounds fantastic, not somewhere that I'd even
    considered visiting before and I presume that it's not
    exactly a tourist trap either.
    As for the South Sea Islands - they sound fantastic.
    thanks again, Anne

  25. South Beach, Miami Added by: thechocolategirlwonder
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 6:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm a perfectly proportioned 6'1", 312 pound black woman.
    I'm extremely confident and while not conceited, I believe
    that some people are exceptionally beautiful but none more
    beautiful than me. I went to South Beach in April totally
    expecting to be looked at (because of my size) but not
    talked to (because of my size)....But I was like "Screw it,
    I'm here to have fun and I'm one of the beautiful people
    too"...Let me just say that gorgeous Cuban men, Black men
    and even a couple of White men chased me all around the
    island! For me being tall AND BIG is the best thing that
    ever happened to me. It's really very unique for a woman.
    I feel that I get more respect from men, heads turn when I
    enter a room wearing something stunning (when the same
    outfit on a petite woman would cause no commotion at all), I
    feel safer being bigger and taller than most men. Overall,
    being big forces me not to be "girly" and wimpy and whiny.
    I went to Thailand too and I got a lot of attention. People
    pointed me out to their children, people waved to me on the
    street, men asked to be with me...I think I had a different
    experience than the other woman because I didn't give a
    flying fuck. I smiled at them, took pictures of them, and
    looked at them right back. It's all about the attitude...if
    you have it, men will come.

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