second thoughts

This topic was created by worried
[Thu 15 April, 4:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I have made a decision to quit my job of five years, and go
traveling. I am excited, and anxious, and am starting to
wonder if this was really the brightest thing. Is it
normal to have second thoughts about this? Is 29 too old
to do this kind of thing? Will I fit in? UGH!
I'm worried I'll back out at the last minute.
(I'm also kind of thinking everyone is expecting me to)

[There are 15 posts - the latest was added on Sun 9 May, 23:11]

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  1. Third Thoughts Added by: Cate
    [Timestamp: Thu 15 April, 5:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    A platitude: There is nothing to fear but fear itself.
    Just think how you'd feel if you got to ninety and had
    never done it, the things that you regret most are the ones
    you haven't done (cliche, cliche)
    Go on, you know you want to...

  2. DO IT Added by: vienna
    [Timestamp: Thu 15 April, 7:00 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    DONT BACK OUT!! you always regret the things you didnt do
    more than those you did. 29 is *not* old, you will meet
    people, you will have incredible experiences, and you will
    not want to return. relax. you wouldnt have quit on a whim,
    this is obviously something you want to do. you will have
    plenty of time for 9-to-5 later. enjoy.

  3. NOT a question... Added by: Shiney (
    [Timestamp: Thu 15 April, 10:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Since this is a female forum, I'm not sure if I'm welcome
    but here goes...
    Do anything that will make YOU happy. I've known too many
    women (men, too actually) who live their lives trying to
    please others or live to how others feel they should and
    end up living lives of regret. Ask yourself this, "when I
    am on my deathbed, do I want to have a sack full of regrets
    and what-if's or do I want a sack of happiness and
    accomplishments?" Sounds kinda cheesy but it worked for
    me. I am a 29 year old male who went back to post-
    secondary school at 23 (I too worried about NOT fitting in
    with 18 year olds) but I wanted to do what was best for
    ME!!! It took some adjusting to fit in, but eventually I
    did, quite well, even formed a rock band with 4 other guys
    5 years younger than me who said I rocked harder than guys
    their age did!! So, my advice is go for it, clearly you've
    made a conscious decision to do it by acknowledging it is
    smoething you wish to pursue so you should take the next
    step. I tip my hat to you my friend, if I had the money, I
    would definitely do it. My fiancee and I have decided that
    after the wedding and before children, we would take 6
    months or a year off of work and live in Costa Rica or
    You gotta do it. Life is not about chasing the $$$ all the
    time, but chasing the $$ enough so you can pursue that
    which interests you.
    Bottom line is happiness, because life really is TOO
    short. Best of luck to you 'worried' - drop me a note and
    let me know how things turned out.
    PS - If everyone is expecting you to back out, channel
    those negative expectations towards positive drive...all
    the more reason for you to go.

  4. Best thing you will ever do Added by: Caren (
    [Timestamp: Thu 15 April, 10:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi worried! Here are answers to your questions....of course its normal to have second thoughts..a bit like buyers remorse when buying a house but it all turns out wonderfully in the end.....old ? what is old? I will be doing the same ( but longer at my job) thing next year and I was born in figure the age....I am really looking forward to having a wonderful adventure for appx 1 yr. If I can do it so can you....Will you fit in? who cares...just have the time of you life. I went to Europe for four months in 84 (34yr old) . My only regret is that I can't be on the road all the time..I love to travel and experience new things. So enjoy ..vienna is right you'll have plenty of time for the 9-5 later...good luck and have a great time...

  5. I'm doing it! Added by: 9 months and counting....
    [Timestamp: Thu 15 April, 10:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    you will have 2nd, 3rd 4th and 5th thoughts, I know I
    have. In December while reading an article in my local
    paper I decided that I wanted to do more than a two week
    vacation. I am 35 (soon to be 36) have an excellent job at
    the Discovery Chnnel and have never been unemployed. But
    guess what - I am taking a year to travel SE & Central Asia
    starting February 2000. You can do it too! Best of luck

  6. Go Girl!! Added by: Me Too
    [Timestamp: Thu 15 April, 14:56 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I feel compelled to respond to your post as I too am 29 and
    leaving the stability of five years of 9 to 5. The one
    difference for me is that my job left me (you know, laid
    off in a restructuring). I too have had second thoughts but
    as I've made some commitments by purchasing tickets etc. I
    am just going to take the plunge. Luckily for me I have a
    great support network and everyone is envious of my
    upcoming adventure. Don't let a little number (29) stop
    you, after all we are expected to live past 80!! Just do

  7. Never Too Old Added by: HH
    [Timestamp: Thu 15 April, 23:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I did it for the first time when I was 32 and had a blast.
    When the younger travelers found out how old I was, they
    always called me "Mom". It was really rather fun and
    endearing. I have no regrets what-so-ever. You're only as
    old as you feel.

  8. DO IT!!! Added by: Cindy (
    [Timestamp: Fri 16 April, 2:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I echo the sentiments of all of the fine women before me!!!
    I left a prestigious position with the police department
    after seven years of employment, at the age to 28, to
    travel. My first destination was Cairo, Egypt, where I
    spent the summer of 1998. This year, I plan to leave again,
    this time taking my 9 year old son, to tour Egypt, Turkey,
    and Greece.
    I have to say, I have never felt so free and in control of
    my life!!! Though I have met with opposition from certain
    family members and friends, I realize that this is what I
    want to be doing right now!!! I don't want to end my life
    with regret. The world is a wonderful place, good luck on
    your adventure!!!

  9. GO GO GO!!! Added by: Liz Aaron (
    [Timestamp: Fri 16 April, 3:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi Worried!
    I wasn't even going to post a message becuase everyone has
    already said what I think! I just wanted to say that my own
    travels have taken me to many weird and wonderful places
    and if I hadn't taken the chance in the past to go off into
    the wilderness, I wouldn't have found my own eden! So go
    for it... and if you're ever going to the greek islands,
    come and see me on Levos. I spend six months of the year
    running the local laundry and a small womens guest house in
    Skala Eressos which is the Birthplace of Sappho. The place
    is absolutely fabulous... you have to experience it to
    believe it! Anyway, I don't want to use this response as my
    own personal advert, but if you do want to know more,
    please feel free to e-mail me and I'll help in anyway I can.

  10. thanks Added by: worried
    [Timestamp: Fri 16 April, 7:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Thanks everyone....I feel better about everything!
    I gave my notice at my apartment yesterday...eeks! Moving
    back with family, rent free for a while...
    I guess it takes a fellow traveller to understand the heart
    of a gypsy.

  11. 34 and 4 months to go... Added by: M.
    [Timestamp: Fri 16 April, 8:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Stop being worried...I've had the heart of gypsy my whole
    life but have lived for 10 years in my corporate disguise!
    I've been working for the government in a great job with a
    great boss and interesting work. But, my heart keeps singing
    about Mt. Everest, the Taj Mahal, Angkor Wat and Huashan.
    My heart has now convinced my feet this is the right thing
    to do. So we're on the road for 1+ years in Sept.
    I don't care that I'm 34 - maybe I'll be a bit older than
    the crowd that'll be on the trails with me. Maybe they'll
    call me mom like they did to post #7. So what!!! If this
    is where my heart is telling me to be, I'm finally going to
    listen to it.
    I've got a 28-year girlfriend travelling right now around
    the world. She was a high priced lawyer who put it all on
    hold to live her dream. I've met a couple other people
    who've done it too and they've all said - it was the best
    thing they had ever done. They never regretted it at all...
    I think that guy up there, Shiney, is right on about regret.
    Are you going to regret never having done this? That is
    exactly the question I asked myself about a year ago when I
    was really beginning to seriously think about doing this. I
    knew this is what I've always wanted to do. If you feel the
    same way, you cannot pass this up. Just go for it! Don't
    look back!

  12. You go, girl! Added by: newyork
    [Timestamp: Sat 17 April, 2:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I, too, am like #6. I just came back from dropping in at my
    former office; I was laid off during a merger from my
    prestigious job that I fought tooth and nail to get. But
    before I got there, I travelled, I've kept travelling, and
    it makes you a stronger, more truthful, better person.
    You would be shocked if you knew how many people- women in
    particular who didn't get cut in the merger and say they
    want my golden parachute- they got swept up in the
    corporate whirl and years later really wonder what "life
    could have been." I don't really have a lot of patience for
    that- they don't have to lose their job to redirect their
    lives- but do you ever want to be in their shoes????
    Please go.

  13. Just TRAVEL!!!! Added by: debi
    [Timestamp: Sun 18 April, 3:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Dear Worried, You have to go, you will just regret it if
    you don't. I quit my job of 13 years last year, took my
    savings and headed off to Mexico for a month. I also had a
    lot of things I wanted to do while I'm still able, being 39
    years old I wanted to be reasonably fit and capable. I know
    now that I probably go back and do some of these things
    later in life but there were some pretty tough activities I
    may not be able to do when I'm 50. So go, enjoy yourself
    and appreciate every bit of it. It's a wonderful world!

  14. Age is but a number Added by: sally (
    [Timestamp: Sun 9 May, 17:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Don't use age as an excuse for not travelling to new places. Don't use the job as an excuse either. It's normal to be a little scared, but that's the thrill of it all. Setting new challenges for yourself every day. Break out of the comfortable box that we find ourselves in when we spend too long in one place. I'm going on 44yrs old,Moved to Nepal 4yrs ago as a volunteer English teacher, left the organisation I was with & have branched out on my own. I now run different programs to help the poverty stricken. Whenever I can I'm off down to different parts of India. Have joined a Uni as a full time Language student for 2yrs & have met so many interesting people from all parts of the World. Now back in Australia for a year to earn some money & catch up with my 2 daughters before Heading off back to Nepal in Dec this year. Next year I'm riding my bicycle solo through Vietnam, the year after going to Africa, the year after that........? I go out with my 21yr old daughter & people are astounded that I'm her Mum! It's not that I don't look my age, wrinkle wise, I just have a much younger attitude than the average 43yr old. Travel is what has changed my life, I couldn't imagine what it would be like had I never taken that 1st step. Good luck to you. One important thing to remember is to relax & chill out. It's not always easy, there are always lots of delays & you have to learn to be really patient. Use these times to sit & reflect on all that you have learned so far, take in the sights, smells, atmosphere. Spend as much time as possible with the locals in whichever country you're in, travel the way they do, eat cheap the way they do.....and smile!

  15. i wish i had the guts.. Added by: amelia
    [Timestamp: Sun 9 May, 23:11 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I wish I had your guts. I love to travel but I work in broadcasting and I earn a good living, but I have a mortgage and a new Harley that I have to pay for. I love to travel and the open road is always calling to me but I also have obligations like everyone else. The trick that works for me is not to just chuck everything, instead, find ways to "travel" for a day, two days, or two weeks. I find that my little trips usually add up to a lot. I go for solo bike trips all the time all over the US. I wish I coudl see more of the world but I have to wait. I'm more cautious because I have no family to fall back on to support me. I wish you luck and hope you Go For It. Have fun for all the 9-5 fivers!!!!

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