Journey at Geo Fen of Taiwan

This topic was created by Pixy Chen (
[Thu 20 May, 18:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Journey Of Geo Fen
Eventually I have found the place I belong to, where is famous for mysterious, magnificent, romantic and spectacular nature
beauty with historical and cultural attractions.
I was appealed by the marvelous view as I got up the slope the picturesque sight of ocean nearby base of the majestic mountain
locates nearby northeast coast of Taiwan. The wall of mist creeps from the sea and slowly swallows the land the lays at the
mountain feet, as it sneaks up over the majesty of the mountain high. The natural scene shows me changeable images as I
continued onward and upward, from a shy lovely bride with misty gauze to a king with glister crown.
GeoFen (in Taiwanese means nine pieces )was named since there were only nine families in this small village . It was
inconvenient to purchased necessity from city because of rough path of mountain. Therefore they ordered everything for nine
pieces from walking businessman. Who used to offer necessities by walking from city through mountains. .
Since people found the golden sad in 1941 the small village boomed by miners and golden dreamers. Chin Dynasty and one
local businessman supported the development of mine for one and half year. Japanese controlled the right of development for
23years during Japanese occupational period. Then turned to a local company for almost 57years for second golden age. From
the most glory period till its decayed by the policy of disadvantage from government, the quantity of gold were mined more
than 693730 Taiwanese g. (around 57810 pound)
Tracing back the most glory period the small village was bloomed by miners, businessmen, visitors and entertainment places
such as liquid club, movie theater , tea housesíKíKíK..
The small village flattered people again by its unique culture 'fantastic view and historical stories since government decided to
make two- days off holiday twice a month.
Before called it a day, I enjoyed the mist kissed my face and imagined dancing with those lights that twinkles the dark of
harbor as I sat on the balcony of a luxurious traditional teahouse. Can you imagine what I felt? That was really an unforgettable
experience that I would love to review.
i would love to share some my experiences of traveling of Taiwan send me e-mail if you are interested.
Pixy Chen

[There are 0 posts - the latest was added on Thu 20 May, 18:40]

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