Paranoid Sex Thing

This topic was created by Cherry
[Tue 11 May, 1:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I have just found out from my boyfriend that I am unusual
(he thinks) in that I don't climax though penetration alone.
I know this is a personal subject, but now I'm paraniod that
I am not 'right' in bed ! I half don't quite believe him as
well though and think he may have had some 'fakers' on his
hands or his penis !! I really enjoy sex and have no
difficulty in climaxing, by oral or manual stimulation, but
I can't imagine having a 'big' clitoral orgasm thru
penetration alone. Don't get me wrong I have what I call
'vaginal' orgasms thru penetration, but not big earth
shattering clit ones. Am I abnormal, do you all come thru a
simple thrusting of penis ?

[There are 17 posts - the latest was added on Sun 23 May, 2:56]

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  1. re: paranoid sex thing Added by: Jen
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 3:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    What does that have to do with travelling? Let's use this site for what it is and not some veiled smut thing.

  2. No Added by: jim (
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 6:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    aFrom my experience, you are not at all abnormal. Every woman I have ever 'known' (a modest number, in my view) has reached orgasm in different ways, each in her own variety of ways, and even that is fluid, in the sense that over time, each woman's orgasmic responsiveness can change. Most remarkable of all, each woman seemed somewhat surprised by the variability of her orgasmic experience, either from one partner to another, or over time through the evolution of a partnership.
    Have your orgasms any way you like them. All I would ask of you would be that you discard any guilt or shame you may be inclined to feel about the way you achieve them.

  3. no can do Added by: tina
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 8:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I can't orgasm by penetration either. I enjoy sex and get
    incredibly aroused but absolutely *nothing* seems to push me
    over the edge. I'm probably thinking about it all too much
    at the time and that intervenes with orgasm? Who knows?
    Sometimes I can't have orgasm by oral stimulation either. It
    can really stress me out sometimes because I'm thinking
    about what my partner's thinking and thinking about me being
    'abnormal' etc. But thankfully I have a wonderful partner
    who doesn't seem to mind - and sex is getting better
    everyday. (It's concerned one previous partner alot)
    Hopefully if I just relax some more it MAY happen one day. I
    guess the main thing we have to do is not to panic or stress
    and realise that we're NOT ABNORMAL. (And to Jim, thankyou
    for your great comments) Any other guys with comments about
    this issue??

  4. Orgasms Added by: Sal
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 16:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Well you said the magic words - I really enjoy sex, so enjoy it in your own way. A man is turned on more by a woman enjoying herself than how she achieves it.

  5. You are very normal! Added by: Mags
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 17:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Though things vary woman to woman, it is VERY COMMON for a
    woman not to reach orgasm thru penetration alone. Perhaps
    your man should do some reading on this subject if the
    thinks your experience is abnormal.

  6. Ignorant or MCP Added by: Sylvia
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 21:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Whichever way feels good, take it, and don't feel guilty,
    there's no harm where there's pleasure - any pleasure. BUT
    don't take any B/shit from your man, he's either ignorant
    or a real MCP. Women mostly DO NOT climax from
    penetration. Our main pleasure button is outside, not
    inside. If he is too "tired" to give you your own way of
    pleasure, then you should be too "tired" to give him any
    pleasure. Why should his needs come above yours, and why
    should you be told you're abnormal if it's him who's
    incapable in bed or thinking abnormally? What's the point
    of having a man in bed if all he gives you are feelings of
    guilt and no pleasure? Might as well do it yourself, at
    least you won't have the bother to clean his socks or pay
    lip service to his mother. If he doesn't learn that fast, I
    mean REAL fast, dump him.

  7. re: paranoid sex thing Added by: Jen Added by: sylvia
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 21:53 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Well, maybe it's not the right place, but occasionally we
    need some personal advice and we don't know where to ask.
    At least here we'll get replies from girl travellers who
    might well be broader-minded, have better thought-out
    answers, BECAUSE they have travelled. Also, we reach
    different cultures, so we might get replies from different
    viewpoints, which you won't necessarily get on a US chat
    line - I'm French, I write from Switzerland. Besides, I for
    one, would not know where else to post that type of
    question and get some sincere/genuine replies. So, yes OK
    if we can let's keep it to travel, but offer a helping hand
    when the subject is not travel. TOLERANCE, isn't that just
    what we learn when travelling?

  8. whats an Added by: cherry
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 22:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    By the way, my man is extra special in bed, he will go down
    on me for hours and expect nothing in return for example,
    hes not being horrible, just curious that he thinks he's
    made every other woman he has slept with come from just
    penetration, (bit of a dreamworld this one it seems), I was
    just being over sensitive about it and wondered, as I
    wouldn't ask my friends face to face.

  9. whats an... Added by: Sylvia
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 22:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    OK, so at least he looks after you in bed, that's better.
    Next tell him he's only met fakers who just couldn't be
    bothered to tell him things straight. Have you investigated
    why it should be that no-one other girl could be that
    bothered to tell him what a woman is like? Is he on a power
    trip to belittle you? (Watch out, many are like this). He
    might well be in a dream world, bring him back to earth,
    give him the right books, and see if he learns. If he's too
    scared to contemplate he's thinking wrong/ignorant and that
    after useful reading still thinks you're abnormal, DUMP
    him. He'll be just as narrow-minded for everything else.
    Good luck.

  10. Thanks Added by: Cherry
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 1:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Thanks everyone for your advice. Yes I know why no other
    woman has bothered to tell him that he was wrong, I'm his
    first proper girlfriend/relationship !! He's been out with
    loads of women, but never been 'in love', like he is with
    me. So, I tend to think its just inexperience/nievity on
    his part, but he's a fast learner, he'll 'come' good in the
    end !!' Pardon the pun. I also think its quite a lot to do
    with ego, and he probably likes the thought that he's a stud
    who makes everyone come !! I find this very funny,
    especially now I realise I'm not abnormal with this
    climax/penetration thing !! I feel sorry for him in a way
    that he has reached the age of 24 and is quite
    dissillisioned by this !! But, I love him anyway.

  11. Tolerance Added by: male
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 4:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I second Sylvia. Tolerance please. There are lots of
    lunatics and flamers here but then anonimity also allows
    people to air genuine problems (albeit un-travel-related).
    Put up with it. One day you too will have personal
    (non-travel-related) issues to discuss.
    As a male I posted a query here more than a year ago, (a
    subject which I plan to elaborate in a separate thread) and
    got some sage advice which I am taking.
    Some of us go to counsellors and some of us come here or do
    both. Tolerance and peace.

  12. The poster is a MAN damn it ! Added by: Dont you guys get it?
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 7:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    would a woman asking this question use the name "cherry"?!!
    stop answering these dumb questions about sex and cut/uncut
    and maybe these moron will leave us alone.

  13. Unbelieveable... Added by: This is F*CKED!
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 21:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]


  14. You moaners Added by: Cherry
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 18:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    God !! You're on about unbelivable ! and swearing on here
    yourself, thats offensive, stop moaning. I am not a man by
    the way. Theres loads of you on here like mini-hitlers, you
    reactionaries !! telling people off for what they write, do
    you expect the whole world who has access to this to be so
    boring that they stick to the 'rules' like robots ? A bit
    of someting different does you good !! The only reason I
    asked on here was because the women's bit seems to be more
    openminded and supportive, and it was due to a travel
    question that I even asked in here (but I'm obviously not
    going to use the name name !). Stop being such control
    freaks and wanting everyone to be so serious, some of you
    matrons should have a good sex session and relax, be it with
    a man or woman !!

  15. Do not read if afraid of sex Added by: male2
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 15:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Some of us are a wee bit prudish, are we not? Anyway, for
    Cherry, I've only been with two women, but for both of them
    orgasms involved usually a lot of clit stimulation, usually
    by fingers as my tongue would get too tired. Mental things
    seemed to play a big part as well. It was definately a
    surprise for me as well that sex was not a lot simpler, as a
    guy my body is designed for easy pleasure in comparison and
    good education on the matter (see the posts above) was a
    little difficult to get.

  16. Pathetic!!!! Added by: female
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 22:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Well male2....don't you know a lot on such a small amount
    of experience??? Really...stick to the program!!! Which is
    (in case you forgot) TRAVELLING

  17. GET LOST! Added by: blah blah blah
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 2:56 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    This is one of the few decent sites for travellers. there
    are billions of sex sites - even decent low key ones for
    women to ask questions just like yours. i am not trying to
    be a mini-hitler i just think that this site should be
    travelling only. by he way, i agree with the other writers,
    i think you are probably just some lonely computer geek
    looking for good wank material.

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