ready,set, go!

This topic was created by lucy
[Fri 14 May, 20:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

hi. o.k., i have planned the trip. 6 months to go. all i
have to do is save some money and i am off. pretty simple?
not quite. When i sit in a corner by myself and listen to
what i really want - it always comes back to travel.
when i think of how much money i will be spending (i will
be blowing my entire savings) and then coming home broke,
my stomach churns. i know that this travelling experience
will be with me forever, and will be worth the amount of
money 10 times over, BUT i can't help feeling this way.
then there is the issue of my non-hippy parents whose dream
for me is to have a career and a house asap. they are not
the travelling type who just throws everything in the air
and follow their heart. they consider my decision to travel
half way around the world for 6 months to be totally
immature and irresposible. should i just say sorry and see-
ya and hope for the best. i have tried explaining but they
don't get it. what should i do.
p.s. i am not compromising my trip for them, i just want to
leave with them being really happy for me.

[There are 9 posts - the latest was added on Sun 23 May, 17:37]

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  1. Tell them... Added by: jim (
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 23:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Tell your parents that all the investment that they have made in rearing you has been well spent, for you have become, among other things, and explorer. Not just any old explorer, but a damned good one with passion and ethusiasm. What you will find as an explorer remains to be seen, but when ylu find it, they will be proud of you.

  2. Yes an explorer and Added by: Foothill
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 6:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    also a person who will come home with a view of the world first hand, through your own eyes not through the
    media, the hype, or others who want you to believe their lies. You will come home with a better understanding of
    yourself, you will be stronger, wiser, more confident, happier for following your dream. Imagine spending your life
    pleasing your parents. Thats sounds like a recipe for disaster down the road of life!
    Personally I have said "sorry seeya" to my parents a few times with different situations. They respect my
    decisions tho don't understand them either. They might be unhappy that you are leaving but isn't that their
    problem? You are an adult now. Time to leave and go your way. That's difficult for most parents no matter what
    their kids are doing or where they are going, but every parent has to come to terms with it. Unburden yourself, tell
    them you love them and go.

  3. I'm doing the same... Added by: Karen
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 9:18 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I am doing the same thing. Except I am going for an entire
    year. My mom and dad are pretty supportive, although a bit
    scared, too. They are the "get a career/house" type as well,
    and that is what I did. College - Grad school - work and now
    at 26, I'm saying "gotta go and live a bit!" It's not so
    much that I DON'T care if they are happy for me, but I AM
    HAPPY FOR ME, and that is what matters. They will get over
    it and move on, but it is MY LIFE. :) I hope you can get
    there too. Best, Karen

  4. INVITATION Added by: Joydeep (
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 14:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hye Dear,
    If you feel like that you are most welcome to be my guest in
    uala Lumpur(Malaysia)Then we could travel to Bangkok and
    Singapore together.I am a medical student from India.

  5. GO GO GO Added by: sweet thing
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 19:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I have one thing to say to you: FOLLOW YOUR BLISS.
    If you do whatever will make you happy then everything else
    will fall into place. Just go for it. You will never regret
    it. Who knows, when you get back from holiday you may be
    offered a good job or you may find something overseas or
    whatever!?? Don't THINK TOO MUCH or you'll never do
    anything. You'll be paralysed from moving forward and
    experiencing the wonders of travel. Ya know, I thought just
    the same as you (so I speak from experience) - disapproving
    parents, money problems, 'what ifs' blah blah bloody blah.
    Some people thought I was wasting my time gallavanting
    around the globe ...("Gasp ... She's 25 and she still hasn't
    had a 9-5 job", for eg!!) but I knew travelling made me
    happy and it was something I *had* to do. And boy, am I
    happy I chose to give in to the wanderlust. The job I have
    now is the most wonderful travel-related job you could ever
    imagine and one of the main reasons I have it (and earn OK
    money) is because I FOLLOWED MY BLISS. Lucy, just go &
    take a leap of faith and everything will work out as it
    should. For godsake, don't be a slave to money or to your
    parents/relatives/friends ..... it'll only cripple you. It's
    YOUR life .. you only have ONE CHANCE to make it fantastic.
    (And, for me, travelling has made my life so fabulous
    and memorable so far) Have a wonderful trip.

  6. god I feel old Added by: peter
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 21:46 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    now, but from my experience:
    my parents never understood this traveling thing (I'm 29
    now), but now I have the feeling they do. I'm living in
    Colombia now, and I feel my mom understands why?
    So if they don't want to understand, don't worry. They
    obviously love you and if they're not complete dummies
    they'll think a lot while you're away and they'll figure it
    out more or less. Parents are usually not as stupid or
    incapable of changing their ideas as we think (just my
    And the money thing:
    Life is not about goddamn bank accounts! (and I ain't no
    hippie, I'm a computergraphics specialist)
    I often feel I should be having a nice, well paid job now
    and then, and I will, in a year or so, but untill then I'm
    having a great life! (after that as well, but the stuff I'm
    doing now I won't be able to do with a heavy job)
    Have fun!!!!!!!!!!
    And anyway, they'll see you're happy so they'll be happy for
    you, even though your mom will do some crying probably...
    And just imagine: it's an adventure for them too! Just
    imagine: which parent is lucky enough to get all those
    emails or postcards from strange and weird countries? The
    stories they'll tell their neighboors and family! The
    attention they'll get! If they have any capacity for being
    happy this will make them happy in the end too!

  7. Go Slut Added by: Cock Boy
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 May, 20:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You can always sell your smelly white cunt when you return
    or trade it for a square meal.

  8. Urmmmm.... Added by: Manc Lass
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 19:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Lucy, try and ignore the comment above, I think it is a
    great idea and when you are in your parents position you
    will be able to say I did that and it was the best year/6
    months of my life!!!
    I am going in Sept on a RTW ticket - let me know where you
    are planning to go and we could meet up.
    GO FOR IT!!!
    "You don't regret the things you do - only the things you

  9. Jehovahs Added by: voja
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 17:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I have two months till I go on a trip that sends me far
    away and for a long time. My whole family is Jehovah
    Witnesses (JW) and they too are the non-travelling career
    type. I can't make them understand. And being the religious
    pair they are...they aren't maing it easy for me to live
    there. I'm a black sheep because im not in the religion. I
    have found it extremely stressful because they put all
    their frustrations on me and so the whole family goes along
    with it. I have 5 bros and sis, from 16 to 25. They don't
    understand either. I've tried everything but this religion
    thing.....i dont know....maybe it brainwashes them.
    Because of this, it pushes me to travel. Its silly really.
    It feels like im running away from the problem.

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