This topic was created by sad girl
[Tue 9 Feb, 8:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I just told my best male friend that I'm in love with him
and while it feels like a huge relief to have it out in the
open (after 3 years), I also feel flat because I've just got
his "no way!" response!!! Yeah, he's surprised, was asking
me for a punchline and was calling me 'sis' etc etc. I feel
sooooo embarrassed and AWFUL. The thing is: what now? I want
to keep my distance but I don't want to completely stop the
friendship ... but now he's going to feel 'weird' etc etc.
Ugh! Has anyone out there been through a similar nightmare
and feel like passing on some wise or comforting words?

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  1. Deja vu.... Added by: Interloper
    [Timestamp: Tue 9 Feb, 8:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Swap the genders, and we're in the same boat. Do you have
    this sort of guilt gnawing away at you for putting your
    gentleman friend into such an awkward position, sad girl? I
    sometimes feel the same way for expressing my feelings in a
    similar manner (i.e. blurted out) to a female friend. Until
    then, she referred to me as the 'Big Brother I Should've
    Had', but now she seems increasingly distant. Sometimes, I
    know that only I am to blame.....
    I guess this doesn't do anything to make you feel better.

  2. I understand, but... Added by: been there
    [Timestamp: Tue 9 Feb, 9:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I understand what you're on about, but i've also been there
    from the other point of view. One of my male friends
    decided he was in love with me and that it was all my fault
    that i didn't love him. Many guilt trips and bad times
    followed because he really was a very good friend that i
    didn't want to lose... when i eventually walked away it was
    something i should have done ages ago. He hasn't spoken to
    me since and blames me for the fact that his life is not
    going well.
    It really is hard if someone you're very fond of decides
    they're in love with you because while you really care about
    them you do have to try and keep the distance to avoid the
    kind of bad time i had.
    From it all i've discovered that harsh as it may be, love
    isn't love unless it's reciprocated, up until that point
    it's a crush, even though it doesn't feel like it. If they
    don't love you, even though they're close friends, and
    obviously know the really neat things about you that comes
    with knowing you closely, then it just isn't going to
    Try to walk away... there's not a lot else you can do. Find
    some fantastic person who makes you laugh, and move on.
    Good luck.

  3. double gulp Added by: sad girl
    [Timestamp: Tue 9 Feb, 9:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Thanks for your response, Interloper.
    I guess I feel some guilt, yes, but the predominant feeling
    at the moment (I only got his response about an hour ago) is
    embarrassment and humiliation. I'm obviously thinking mainly
    of myself at the moment - so I've got major guilt to look
    forward to too, huh? Great! Your words "increasingly
    distant" made me feel quite sad. This guy is so special to
    me and I can't believe that I may have to live the rest of
    my life without him! Ugh! But I have no regrets about my
    confession because the whole thing was driving me insane and
    I needed some peace of mind. At least now I can move on and
    throw myself completely into other relationships without the
    thought of "J" looming large! But I'm still very tender ....

  4. I understand, but... Added by: been there
    [Timestamp: Tue 9 Feb, 9:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I understand what you're on about, but i've also been there
    from the other point of view. One of my male friends
    decided he was in love with me and that it was all my fault
    that i didn't love him. Many guilt trips and bad times
    followed because he really was a very good friend that i
    didn't want to lose... when i eventually walked away it was
    something i should have done ages ago. He hasn't spoken to
    me since and blames me for the fact that his life is not
    going well.
    It really is hard if someone you're very fond of decides
    they're in love with you because while you really care about
    them you do have to try and keep the distance to avoid the
    kind of bad time i had.
    From it all i've discovered that harsh as it may be, love
    isn't love unless it's reciprocated, up until that point
    it's a crush, even though it doesn't feel like it. If they
    don't love you, even though they're close friends, and
    obviously know the really neat things about you that comes
    with knowing you closely, then it just isn't going to
    Try to walk away... there's not a lot else you can do. Find
    some fantastic person who makes you laugh, and move on.
    Good luck.

  5. You could try.... Added by: Sara
    [Timestamp: Tue 9 Feb, 9:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    If you did it at night perhaps you had one to many. If it
    was in the daytime perhaps you could try blaming it on the
    flu tablets that you were taking...try laughing it off as a
    joke. Slight chance it will work.

  6. Minimize Added by: Katrina
    [Timestamp: Tue 9 Feb, 10:00 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I don't think you should feel embarrased or
    spoke your peace, he responded - proceed like nothing big
    happened. Most of all, dont stress out about it.

  7. Pursuit & anxiety Added by: Donna (
    [Timestamp: Tue 9 Feb, 10:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Perhaps you could apologize for putting him on the spot, and then be as casual as possible whenever you see him.
    Pursuit is a distancing move when it's fueled by anxiety. The sooner you focus your intensity on the other relationships in your life, the less anxious you'll be about this one. The less anxious you are, the more comfortable he'll feel around you. When you start dating someone else, things might get back to normal.
    Whatever you do, don't devalue yourself just because this one man doesn't want to sleep with you. Sexual chemistry is a mysterious thing. I can think of men with horrible characters that I found quite attractive.
    If you ever find yourself in a similar situation again, I suggest you keep your thoughts to yourself, as hard as that is. If the sexual tension is there, he'll eventually act on it. Most men are not shy about that kind of thing.

  8. oh woe is me! Added by: sad girl
    [Timestamp: Tue 9 Feb, 11:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Thankfully he lives in the USA and I'm in Australia (It's a
    really long story!) so I don't have to see him around!
    I did the 'declaration of lerve' via email because I knew
    that if I called him I'd chicken out and I really wanted to
    deal with this demon once an' for all! So, yes, his reply
    was very brief and insensitive ("i'm waiting for the
    punchline" ....) esp. considering how much courage it took
    for me to confront him with the spicy bit of news! Horrible
    boy!!! Thankyou to everyone who has responded! I think I'll
    just have to walk away from the whole shemozzle (for now)
    ... I've got a feeling he's going to! Goddamn it!

  9. Been there, done that! Added by: Mags
    [Timestamp: Tue 9 Feb, 13:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    He wasn't my absolute best friend, but I had been spending
    load of time with this guy, Mike. He would pick me up and
    we'd go to dinners and parties together and we'd also leave
    together. It got to the point where everyone thought we
    were dating because we were always seen coming and going at
    the same time!
    He was cute and I thought there was something more to one night I asked him what was going on with us
    because I really liked him and everyone thought that we had
    something going. Well, he said that there was nothing
    happening and he wasn't interested. Boy, was I ever
    embarrassed and humiliated. Things were absolutely never
    the same afterwards and we drifted apart. I don't know
    about him, but I felt uncomfortable thinking about that
    night. Sorry this isn't more positive news, but know that
    others have felt your pain and embarrassment. If this guy
    is a good friend, even your best friend, it is important to
    just get past it. Maybe give it some time.
    Go vegetarian!

  10. blimey, a positive story! Added by: peter (
    [Timestamp: Tue 9 Feb, 16:46 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ok, I had the same problem more or less:
    fell in love with my best friend, then didn't tell her, then
    decided it wouldn't work out because I thought she wouldn't
    want to be boyfriend girlfriend with me.
    So I thought better keep her as a friend than scare her away
    and have nothing.
    So I decided to fall out of love, and it worked.
    (this was over the course of only 3 weeks, fell in love fast
    and hard and unexpectedly after knowing her for years).
    So after I fell out of love, I told her everything. and she
    was a bit freaked and surprised, but since it was solved
    already it wasn't a problem and we're still best friends
    now(this was maybe 3 years ago)
    I did the falling out of love bit like this: I put a BIG guy
    (like the ones at the doors of discotheques) in front of a
    door. (this is all in my imagination, right? bear with me..)
    And behind this door would be my love-love-feelings for this
    girl.(this is in a kindof landscape of my emotions). So
    whenever I would feel them (the love-love feelings are
    different from normal love-friend feelings), I would see in
    my imagination this big big guy saying:no entrance here,
    boy, and I would know it was better for me not to go in
    The big guy ended up staying there for about half a year,
    telling me no, don't go in there, and then he faded away
    because I didn't need him anymore.
    A few times after all that she'd ask me if I still felt
    something for here, and I could say in more-or-less truth
    no, just friends.
    Does this make any sense to you?
    I'm just saying: you've probably spooked him a lot, and if
    he doesnt want that kindof relationship, tell him "ok, give
    me some time", and try to get over it however you can, and
    you can be friends again.
    hope it works out, good friends are worth a bit of effort to

  11. and another thing! Added by: sad girl (
    [Timestamp: Tue 9 Feb, 17:53 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Thanks for the two stories above - one sweet, one sour!
    I guess it's too late for the latter suggestion, Peter, BUT
    I did TRY to get over it. I considered him a case of
    unrequited love (it'll never work etc) and so I just got on
    with life and love (I've had other relationships in the
    three years).
    But the thoughts and love for him just would NOT go away. He
    haunted me (so I dealt with it!). And recently he'd been
    calling me for hour-long chats, on average three emails a
    day, letters, yahoo-chatting; no amount of contact was
    enough! He ran all his big decisions passed me first and I
    really felt like I was in a long-distance relationship with
    this guy!!! So really - if I was just a "friend" to him what
    business did he have showering me with so much attention
    that I didn't know whether I was coming or going! I wouldn't
    have revealed myself if I didn't think he was at all keen
    because I'm a goddamn chicken! Confused!
    Oh, that's enough outa me - it's still so fresh and I'm
    fragile today but I'll get over it! This is really knocked
    me about but thankfully I'm very resiliant!

  12. Well..... Added by: Interloper
    [Timestamp: Wed 10 Feb, 3:12 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    At least you were able to have spoken your mind, and
    keeping your feelings towards him bottled up may have been
    worse than not telling him at all. Sorry about sounding so
    negative earlier- I'm (reluctantly) moving on with my own
    life now...good to see you doing the same.

  13. a valentine's story Added by: disney
    [Timestamp: Wed 10 Feb, 3:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The VERY SAME THING happened to my friend and roomie, and I
    saw it all! (And he was in the same city)But a little while
    later, this completely fabulous guy, who she had known
    slightly for years (always just hovering in the background)
    made HIS move! Well, Mr. "I'm-just-your-friend-you-know"
    was really shocked that she actually had got over him. She
    married the Fabulous guy two years ago, and they are now
    living happily ever after. Moral: There's a Jack for every
    Jill, and someday your prince will come (but there might be
    a few frogs first) Good luck and happy ending!
    P.S. The BEST way to forget about it is to go on a kick ass
    trip to somewhere foreign and fun, for a long time! You'll
    meet so many people and have so many interesting
    experiences, you'll hardly have a chance to drop a
    (slightly gloating) postcard to whathisname. :)

  14. Yep, been there too Added by: Addie
    [Timestamp: Wed 10 Feb, 14:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I've been on the receiving end of a male friend's sudden
    love interest a few times, and sorry to say that I lost the
    friendships every time. I tried to be as gentle as I could
    in my expression of not reciprocating the feelings, and said
    how much I still wanted to be friends, but for some reason
    the guys couldn't handle it (and we're the weaker sex?! :-)
    ) I've also been in the situation where I've had to tell a
    male friend that I was in love with him, and he didn't feel
    the same way. Scariest thing I've ever had to do, but like
    you, I had to get it out in the open because it was driving
    me crazy otherwise. So it can be tough on either end of
    this situation.
    First of all, congratulate yourself for your strength
    and honesty -- you did the right thing in being honest and
    open and now you know. Next, let him go. There's
    nothing you can do to get him where you want him and you
    need peace of mind. You've said your bit, done everything
    you can, and if anything is meant to come of this situation
    it will, and without your having to do anything more. A
    wise person once said to me that it is difficult (almost
    impossible) to maintain a friendship if one or both persons
    wants more. If they come to a point where they can accept
    just a friendship then that's a different story.
    And I agree wholeheartedly with disney....let go, get out
    there and see what the universe has in store for
    you....there is a jack out there for every jill. And, a
    kickass trip away is a fantastic idea -- that's what I did,
    and it did wonders for me. The change in scenery would have
    been enough, but I met a fantastic guy and we really hit it
    off. Even though that one didn't last (long distance is
    tough to maintain), he helped me get over my other love by
    showing me that there's other fish in the sea!
    Good luck, and don't be too hard on yourself, I think you're
    doing great!

  15. 'getting better' girl Added by: sad girl? (
    [Timestamp: Thu 11 Feb, 12:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Thanks Interloper, disney and Addie for your responses. I
    really appreciate the feedback! I'd love to go on a trip but
    I just got back from one and have no holiday time left!
    It was a great suggestion, though! Oh, I've received another
    sensitive response from "J": it reads, "So is everything
    back to normal?". Short and sweet! I am bewildered!!!!!! I
    wonder if he really read my emails. Am I dealing with a
    robot here?? I'm too speechless to respond at the moment!!
    I feel like walkin' away from all this ........ 'these boots
    are made for walkin' and that's just what they'll do....'!!

  16. Go grrrrl... Added by: Interloper
    [Timestamp: Fri 12 Feb, 9:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    e-mail? My traumatic experience happened over the phone.
    Well, I forgot to add re my similar experience, sad girl,
    was that about a week after I made the announcement to HER
    was I met a very cute and eccentric woman who was in a
    similar situation. We hit it off very well, and just spent a
    beautiful day together lying in the grass in a park talking
    about what an irrational place the world is, and (not to
    brag or gloat or anything) kissing. That's more or less when
    I realized I could feel sorry for myself or (for lack of a
    better term) 'get even' by not letting the whole thing eat
    away at me forever {"Living well is the best revenge"}.
    Interestingly, I hear from the eccentric girl far more often
    than I hear from HER.

  17. Clear as a Bell Added by: Addie
    [Timestamp: Fri 12 Feb, 13:00 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    So he's wondering if things are "back to normal"?? I don't
    find that sounds to me like he is only
    interested in maintaining the status quo and not in
    addressing your feelings for him. Let him go, and look at
    it this way: It's his loss, not yours. Can't get away for
    a trip? How about getting out with friends, taking up a new
    activity (something you always wanted to do but never got
    around to) -- I got involved in community theater, which is
    alot of fun on stage or back stage, and a great social club
    too. Take a course in something that has always interested
    you. Get a new haircut/colour. Do what you need to do to
    take care of yourself. Get out and have fun. Write letters
    to him expressing all your feelings (love, anger,
    disappointment, grief, etc.) and don't send them (I like
    watching mine burn). It's a great release -- gets things
    out of your head. Forgive him, know that it wasn't meant to
    be, he's not worthy or ready or just not the one for you
    after all. Who knows...maybe once you've released all your
    feelings you can be friends again someday without
    expectations of anything more. This too shall pass, sad
    girl, -- there are many great things in life and wonderful
    people out there, in no time you'll (re)discover them (and
    vice versa!).

  18. happy an' free! Added by: 'happy' girl
    [Timestamp: Sun 14 Feb, 13:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Thanks Interloper and Addie!! Can't tell you how much I
    appreciate your comments. I finally heard from him and he
    reeeeally wants to continue the friendship, but I'm going to
    walk away (for a while)! It's the best thing for ME and my
    MIND, and that's all I care about at the moment!!! Also, now
    that I'm out of my fantasy world, I've realised a few things
    about the 'friendship', like how one-sided it is ... and all
    the rest (no need to elaborate). Anyway, so I'm walkin' away

  19. same thing always Added by: zezl (
    [Timestamp: Tue 2 March, 21:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Know what, all you above? Same thing happened to me just
    last Friday, I got a "no way" from *him* which hurt sooooo
    I was at his place when he said this and I cried buckets,
    until he started crying as well because he felt guilty.
    Then I left, telling him that I'll work upon
    staying/becoming again "just" friends, but that I needed
    I am glad that he respects this, so I can get away from
    this. Reading about you all made me feel much better, so
    Not-so-more-sad-girl, may I suggest that you ask "J." not
    to bother you with 700 mails a day, so that you can take
    your distance?? Besides, you are lucky with him being on
    the other side of the earth, no? My "problem" is just some
    streets away, that can be though, really!
    Have luck and look at all the friendly guys still roaming
    the Blue Planet!

  20. Give it time... Added by: Clare
    [Timestamp: Wed 10 March, 8:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I had a similar experience when one of my male friends
    decided that he liked me, even though I had thrown many
    hints his way that I liked him only as a friend. It was
    very confusing and devestating for me for a week or so.
    The worst thing was that when I attempted to speak with him
    about it, he clammed up and wouldn't say a thing. I ended
    up avoiding him for a week or so because I just needed some
    time to deal with it. The next few weeks were
    uncomfortable, for both us I am sure, but now it seems to
    be fine. We still hang out all the time (this only
    happened a month ago) as most of our friends are mutual,
    but I don't really think he is completely over it. That
    will take time too I guess.

  21. same thing Added by: jules
    [Timestamp: Tue 23 March, 22:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The same thing happened to me a few years ago, ie. a male
    friend declared his undying love for me. I felt so bad
    about it, but didn't want to stop seeing him, so I made a
    point of only seeing him when other friends were around for
    the next few months, so things couldn't get too deep.
    Gradually things settled down again, and he recently got
    married to someone who is actually much nicer than me, and
    more his type, and he invited me and my boyfriend to his
    wedding. Yes, it does take time, but it can work if you
    both want it to.

  22. all in the same big boat. Added by: sprite
    [Timestamp: Wed 24 March, 14:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i had a very close friend declare love and give me regular
    reports on his feelings and thoughts (he's in the military,
    eh?) it was interesting, but as much as i tried to show
    that i wasn't at all interested, he just got in deeper and
    after a few months, i moved across the world. then i found
    out that he was planning to visit me. i sent him a pfo
    letter, and he didn't talk to me for the rest of the summer.
    then i sent him a technical question, and we started
    talking again. i know he still likes me, but he also
    learned to keep his mouth shut.
    he's still one of my favourite people, and we're meeting in
    vienna for a few days next month.
    my take on your buddy is that he's not sure how to handle
    things, and feels really uncomfortable. give yourself some
    time away, and then gradually start talking again. you may
    not have the same quality friendship, but on the other hand,
    your actions may have encouraged him to be more honest, and
    you to be more brave. (been there, done that, broke yer
    heart, threw some duct tape on it and baby you're ready to
    get out there again!)
    and definitely; change your hair colour. nothing like
    looking at a new face every morning to convince you that
    you're a new person for this experience.

  23. a lesson learned Added by: wiser
    [Timestamp: Fri 9 April, 19:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    u know......its really good that you got it off your chest
    ie at least u told him that u love him.....
    love never goes teaches u to be stronger &
    if u love him enough then let him gfo ( of course u cant
    hold him).......i mean dont cling to memories.....move on
    girl ...move on....& u will find someone ....someday......:)

  24. how to make 2 lovers of friends Added by: shod
    [Timestamp: Fri 9 April, 21:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    the hardest part is getting past the friendship into
    relationship...and it's usually hardest with us thick
    headed men :) if you can wake him up to the fact, neither
    will regret...a best friend knows you best, and personally
    thats the most important thing...don't let him tell you
    different, ofcoarse i crossed that bridge with marylynn and
    it you don't have to take my word for it sad
    girl ;)

  25. GOOD ! Added by: Vladi (
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 20:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    well... u did the right thing!.
    it's good to here something like this anytime.
    the same happened to me (i'm male - 23)
    she was verry pretty and cool, but u know sometimes it just
    doesn't work .. or wouldn't work.
    and we still r very good friends.
    I can ask her anytime 4 anything . and she as well.
    so just don;t worry the life is what u think it is - so
    just make fun and be normal - as a friend.
    ciao bambina

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