female travel perspective

This topic was created by dell
[Thu 20 May, 3:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Hi, I posted this on the SEA-mainland site, so if you
responded there, thank you.
I'll be honeymooning in Malaysia and Thailand this summer
for a month (backpacking), and I was wondering if any ladies
would like to share their perspectives for my soon to be
wife. I've travelled SEA before, but this will be her first
time in SEA, and would particularly like to know
what to prepare for as a female. Any advice for her on
useful items to bring that we might not have thought of?
Any things she should be concerned/cautious of? Any things
she should look forward to as a first-timer? Thanks a bunch.
I'm not worried much about safety, just want her to hear
a female's perspective outside of the things I tell her.
Incidentally, she's very much looking forward to it, her
only worry is getting sick while we're travelling!

[There are 3 posts - the latest was added on Sat 22 May, 3:25]

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  1. Congratulations!!! Added by: Steph
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 10:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi Dell!
    Well, I went to both Malaysia and Thailand and didn't get
    sick at all. I stayed in guesthouses and backpacked and I
    was fine. I only got a little sick in Indonesia. I made
    sure to brush my teeth with bottled water, drank only
    bottled water and only ate from food stands where food was
    constantly being cooked.
    Make sure to take lots of bug spray and anti-itch cream!
    Try to avoid wearing perfumey scents as they attract the
    I also didn't find clothing too much a problem. Your wife
    should cover up more to avoid hassles if you are going to a
    rural area or to the palaces and temples etc. ie. no tank
    tops or shorts. I found the people quite friendly.
    Take lots of pictures and make sure to buy film from
    airconditioned stores (had a bad experience with film that
    was stored in a hot spot!).
    Have a great time and a wonderful honeymoon...I hope your
    wife really enjoys SEA- it's one of my most favourite

  2. Have fun! Added by: Sierra
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 10:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Safety shouldn't be too much of a problem in these two
    countries. I went a couple years ago and didn't get sick
    either....jsut be sensible about what your eating and the
    water. I felt pretty safe on busy streets and didn't get
    hassled too much. I tended not to wander around alone at
    night though!
    Take pads if you want to avoid the bulky ones they sell
    there! If you happen to use condoms, take your own from
    home- seem to be better quality!
    I also agree with brushing your teeth with tap water. If
    you do get sick, remember that Immodium does not kill the
    bacteria in your system, it only stops the runs. Drink lots
    of water and perhaps take your own toilet paper in your
    have fun!

  3. Easy Added by: jules
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 3:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    These are really easy places to travel round. You shouldn't
    get ill as long as you don't eat anything that has
    obviously been sitting round all day and has flies crawling
    all over it.
    For a month you would probably plan to take all your own
    toiletries and medicaton, but pharmacies out there are very
    good if you forget anything.
    The only thing I would say about Thailand is that in some
    places it can be difficult to find a bar where you feel
    comfortable just going for an innocent drink as a couple. A
    lot of bars seem to be pick-up joints for male travellers
    to meet Thai girls. I wouldn't want to go into these places
    in case the resident Thai girls thought I was muscling in
    on their territory. Having said that, these places are
    fairly easy to spot, and therefore easy to avoid.
    By the way, I found that Thailand was a great place to get
    a good, cheap haircut, even with the language barrier!

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