Guidebook dilemma

This topic was created by Em
[Mon 17 May, 22:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Hi everybody!
I'm travelling to Jordan, Israel and Egypt this summer and I
need some help from all of you who were to Middle East.
Here's the thing: I prefer LP guidebooks (I'm used to them
for once) over Let's Go ones. However, LP does not have the
updates since at least 1997 for the Middle East (I know that
there are some updates on LP site - but unfortunately not
for Jordan yet!!!), whereas Let's Go has a new guidebook out
for 1999.
Are there any critical changes in prices and hostels and
stuff that would really affect me if I stick to LP from
Thanks for your help, Em

[There are 9 posts - the latest was added on Thu 20 May, 4:02]

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  1. Tricky one Added by: jules
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 2:56 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    My instinct would be to stick with the one you like if you
    have a preference. (I'm an LP fan as well, not least
    because they keep sending me freebies for writing in with
    comments). No guidebook can be 100% accurate, and it's not
    a good idea to stick rigidly to what the books say anyway,
    otherwise how will you make all those happy discoveries
    which are waiting out there?

  2. Personally speaking... Added by: M.
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 3:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I used the LP guide for Israel & while it was somewhat out
    of date, the price changes hadn't changed drastically to the
    point where I was heavily surprised. I just assumed prices
    would be a little bit more than what is in the book. The
    recommendations though, were still fine (like where to go,
    where to stay, etc.).
    I understand that Rough Guide has a brand new Jordan/Syria
    out which you might use. On my last trip I saw some people
    using the Blue Guide to Jordan - but that's heavy duty
    history & archaeology.
    Personally speaking I'm not a big fan of Lets Go & would
    take a Rough Guide over them any day. Rough Guide is the
    next best to LP in my opinion. Check them out...
    Anyways, Happy book hunting!

  3. Maybe not LP Added by: thirza
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 6:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I took the Lonely Planet guide to the Middle East for my
    trip to Turkey & Israel & found it quite out of date. A few
    of the hostels we were planning on staying in turned out to
    no longer exist & some of the information on boats from one
    place to another was wrong. I generally like LP books, but
    if the Let's Go is more up-to-date, maybe go with it. Have
    a great trip!

  4. Let's Go not too good Added by: Mags
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 12:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I don't think I am alone is saying that Let's Go isn't a
    great travel guide series. I can't say for sure for the one
    that you are looking at, but generally I think this holds
    true. Maybe look at Rough Guide if they have one for that

  5. Rough Guides Added by: fang
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 13:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I normally use LPs (part habit, part good reputation)but in
    this case .....Rough Guide do great books - their Jordan is
    fabulous and up-to-date. The Let's Go gets a thumbs down
    from me, and so does the Blue Guide to Jordan (awful!) If
    you can afford it get a few RGs. Glad to be of help!

  6. Depends which LP... Added by: Karen
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 12:00 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I just got back from Israel, Egypt, and Jordan, and I used Let's Go while I was there -- for the same reasons you mentioned, that it was more up to date. And yes, it is VERY up to date...but the maps and directions in it are terrible. It also really skimps on background info -- you certainly can't use it to navigate around temples or anything. That said, I looked at the LP to the Middle East and it skimped, too, although the maps were still light years ahead of Let's Go.
    If you have room in your pack (or can send stuff to yourself or leave it someplace), I would recommend the aforementioned Rough Guide to Jordan (I looked at other people's copies there and it was terrific) and the LP to Egypt (out of date though it is), which I borrowed from lots of travellers while I was there. As for Israel...well, I didn't use a guidebook much while I was there (I had family to hang out with), so I can't recommend one.
    Whatever you decide, you're sure to meet other travellers carrying the books you DIDN'T get. Compare notes!

  7. BOTH! Added by: denver
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 12:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Take both!!
    I work in a bookstore,AND i have done some travelling, and
    I found that in many european countries it was very useful
    to have both. Both are geared toward a budget traveller.
    Let's Go covers the basics as far as specific places to
    eat, sleep etc, It's a good quick reference. But when you
    want more than a quick answer; Lonely Planet is the Best. I
    was glad to have both with me.

  8. Reputations Added by: Anne
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 4:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I haven't (yet!) travelled in the region but I've heard from
    these pages that it's really alarmist re women travellers
    and safety concerns. It's also supposed to be very
    pro-Palestinian and that might annoy you if what you wnat is
    a travel guide.

  9. Reputations Added by: Anne
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 4:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I haven't (yet!) travelled in the region but I've heard from
    these pages that the Rough Guide isreally alarmist re women
    and safety concerns. It's also supposed to be very
    pro-Palestinian and that might annoy you if what you wnat is
    a travel guide.

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