This topic was created by One who admits it
[Mon 30 Nov, 6:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Thought that would grab your attention!
Ok; we all do it but we don't admit it etc etc.
Well; I'm admitting I do it, even though I have a relationship etc, BUT.......... I am travelling for 6 months.
This question isn't so much about me; but maybe you have some funny stories to tell or confess to?!!! Other than shagging everyone else travelling (which I won't be doing due to boyfriend), this is the only other way to remedy those sexual cravings, right? By=ut when in dorms in hostels etc, HOW do you do it?!!! I don't think I'll risk it myself, but glad to hear your stories/thoughts/ideas anyway.
Take it away........

[There are 19 posts - the latest was added on Fri 7 May, 3:28]

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  1. shower Added by: 2 Shy
    [Timestamp: Mon 30 Nov, 15:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    the water pressure works well, and you get some privacy...

  2. 6 months is a long time, you'll risk it Added by: XXX
    [Timestamp: Wed 2 Dec, 13:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I travelled for a year, and sometimes, with enough alcohol,
    the subject came up. One woman even had her vibrator
    along, which I didn't believe until she downed another pint
    and showed it to us! Toilet and showers stalls, the
    showers in particular, seemed to be the place of choice,
    cause you get privacy there. I tried but found it too
    distracting and annoying standing up. In places where dorms
    are the norms, you generally go without more often than
    not, but every once in awhile you get an empty dorm to
    yourself or all the dorms are full and the hostel manager
    puts you in a double alone for a night and then you force
    yourself to do it, no matter how tired or not interested
    you are in it just then, because you don't know when you're
    going to get the chance again. In much of the world, dorms
    aren't the norm as much as private guesthouse rooms, and
    then it's easy to take care of. Maybe that's part of the
    reason travellers enjoy travelling in these places...less
    overall sexual frustration! :)

  3. Tips for pussies Added by: wet one
    [Timestamp: Thu 3 Dec, 14:17 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Yes, water pressure from a shower or even a faucet in the
    tub is a sure thing. The only time in my life I ever had
    orgasms in my sleep WITHOUT TOUCHING MY PUSSY was when I
    was on the road. I was traveling with a (female) friend of
    mine and did not have sex with anyone (other than myself)
    during the 12 months we were on the road. After about 3
    months on the road, I would (about once a month or so) wake
    up in the mornings to the sensation of fabulous cumming. I
    was often concerned that I made noises (you know, the usual
    moan and stuff) but my pal assured me I had not!
    Coincidentally, when I broached the topic, she admitted the
    same wonderful dreams were happening to her as
    well....Imagine that! Other good methods of release
    include: doing it whilst floating in the ocean (watch out
    for too much salt water and friction), doing it whilst
    sitting on the toilet (really!), hostels pose no problem if
    you are discreet (just try to remember how quiet you were
    20 years ago when you were doing it at home as a 12 year
    old!) and keep in mind that even if you do let out the
    occasional noise - most people won't know who's up to the
    "she-bop" when the lights are out, and remember to take
    advantage of "rumbling bus, train and motorcycle seats".

  4. Sorry, I'm a man Added by: claudio
    [Timestamp: Sat 5 Dec, 7:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm sorry to invade such private conversation but I did not
    image that also woman needed help herself with
    masturbation. My questions:
    As women you know that you can have all the men you want
    (women rule the world), why just don't invite a man once in
    a while?
    As male I can tell you we need masturbation very
    frequently, is it the same for you women?

  5. oh, right. Added by: bambi
    [Timestamp: Sat 5 Dec, 15:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    you're a guy, aren't you?

  6. Actually... Added by: One who admits it
    [Timestamp: Sun 6 Dec, 0:18 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm not a guy, I'm female. Is there a problem with women admitting these kinds of things too?
    As for you Claudio; I have a boyfriend and wouldn't want any other guy.
    Women aren't quite as needy in this area I don't think as guys, but yeah we do need it too.
    Thanks for all the replies so far; keep them, em.... coming!!!!

  7. Masturbate in the Forest Added by: Ruth
    [Timestamp: Sun 6 Dec, 11:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    A great place to masturbate in the summertime is in the
    mountains or in the forest if you are in an area with
    sufficient woods for cover. Go well off the trail and
    behind some thick bushes, and take off all your clothes.
    There is no risk of anyone seeing you. It's fabulous.
    Touch yourself all over and also play with yourself with a
    small twig or any number of organic materials you find,
    i.e., leaves, a small branch of pine needles, etc. Wow, I'm
    getting turned-on just thinking about it! I've done this on
    every continent: in the Vienna Woods, in Switzerland, just
    off the fjord in Flam (Norway), in the beautiful Lake
    District of Chile (South America), in the Peruvian Andes, on
    the north and south islands of New Zealand, in the Canadian
    Rockies, in northern Thailand, in Malaysia, and even in the
    bush in Kenya, as examples. Just be sure you can find your
    way back to the trail when you're done so you don't get

  8. My Method Added by: MWAHAHAHAHA
    [Timestamp: Tue 8 Dec, 20:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I do it in the cone shaped paper cups found at most water
    They are fun
    Im a male by the way

  9. travel tips Added by: Torch Grrl
    [Timestamp: Thu 10 Dec, 3:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Actually, I do most of my travelling
    across US in a car/truck. For those
    who do this, and can handle driving
    with one hand...and are not too
    disgusted with the possibility of a
    truck driver seeing ( I personally
    find that part somewhat
    amusing)this method is highly
    recommended. The vibrations from
    the car motor are a bonus. As for
    doing this activity in a hostel...I am
    sure that others are doing it too. If
    you let out a peep, just cough over it
    or pretend you are having a little
    nightmare. No one would dare call
    you on it, 'cos they're all to busy
    wacking as well..

  10. Waste of Space Added by: LC
    [Timestamp: Wed 6 Jan, 11:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I guess this is a topic for people to get their rocks off
    reading ... If you can't figure the answer out yourself,
    you must be under 21!!

  11. hrmm Added by: hrmm
    [Timestamp: Wed 13 Jan, 1:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i wouldn't call this a waste of space... if someone wants to
    talk about this, i think that's great.
    secondly whoever said we don't need it as much as men... ha!
    thirdly - to the man suggesting we can get any man we
    want... i already got the man i want, but he lives 4000
    miles away, so til i see him again, i'll be pettin' the
    fourthly - when i was 12?! for christ's sake!
    and fifthly - i agree with everyone about hostels etc. i've
    done it in hotels when sharing a room with my parents, and
    when sharing a room in college. if you're really that loud,
    put a pillow over your face or something.

  12. Good luck! Added by: Katrina (
    [Timestamp: Fri 15 Jan, 7:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    All i can say is good luck. I left a boyfriend behind for 6
    months while travelling in Africa and i can tell's
    hard. When travelling, you lose so many inhibitions and
    eventually you may even find someone that interests you too.
    So you better be awfully good at pleasuring yourself..cause
    otherwise the temptation can get pretty nasty! Good luck to
    you..(I lived with three other boys we each had our own for the most part I had privacy:) Feel free to
    email if you wish to chat.:)

  13. Tip-toeing through the tulips Added by: The little man in the boat
    [Timestamp: Tue 23 March, 4:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Sorry ladies, but as I once heard someone say,"A woman
    claiming she masterbates just like a man, is like a man
    saying he owns some shoes". I own four pairs, how many do
    you own?

  14. what? Added by: no name
    [Timestamp: Sat 27 March, 16:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i swear i am a female. i don't understand what "little man
    in boat" means by that saying. As for me i like to "do it"
    every day and for this very reason that i try to have my own
    room if i'm traveling alone!! i feel self conscious when
    someone else is in the room, although it doesn't always stop
    me. It doesn't work for me in the shower and or toilet.
    Honestly, i get tense and bitchy when i am not "satisfied".
    i think this is an interesting topic because i wondered how
    other women felt about this.

  15. You get better with practice Added by: Frisque
    [Timestamp: Mon 29 March, 5:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Over the years I have become adept at doing "it" with little
    movement so it is not detectable to those around me. I
    have done it on the sofa across the room from my mom and in
    a car seat right next to my husband without detection. In
    both cases I just had a throw pillow on my "lap". However,
    early in life, my most difficulty was in Marine bootcamp
    when I was on the top bunk. I would work at it until my
    lower bunkie would say "Frisque, what are you doing up
    there??????" Then I would cross my legs around my pillow
    and give up for the night. Guess she wasn't experienced
    enuf yet to know what I was doing, huh?

  16. nothing better Added by: Cluey Chick
    [Timestamp: Tue 30 March, 22:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I still think it's bizarre that some women don't think they
    can talk about this subject. Beers or no beers, my mates
    and I will delve into any of this, and our male friends
    find it fascinating! Boyfriend or no boyfriend, you've
    just gotta do it. And on the road, most of the time it's
    more satisfying than picking up, b/c chances are this
    stranger won't be as good as your hand!

  17. to frisque Added by: no name
    [Timestamp: Wed 31 March, 2:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i envy your talent!!

  18. in my dreams. Added by: nevermind
    [Timestamp: Sat 24 April, 6:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Has anyone ever masterbate while they're sleeping? I'm so
    scared I might in my hostel room. The hostel I'll be staying
    in is co-ed too. I'm scared I might feel the need to do it
    so bad that I might just shag one of the guys for the night.
    I'm a virgin by the way and my parents would kill me if I
    got pregnant.

  19. Desert Anyone? Added by: HH
    [Timestamp: Fri 7 May, 3:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I once did it in the toilet of a bus between Adelaide and
    Alice Springs. Not very comfortable, but you gotta do what
    you gotta do!

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