people should know about this..

This topic was created by human rights ?
[Tue 11 May, 17:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Pro-choice and anti-choice
Regardless this is wrong. Read On...
It has been revealed in Australia that a chinese woman,who
was 38 weeks pregnant was forced to have an abortion in
China after being deported from Australia cause she already
had a child as this was contrary to the one child policy of
the chinese government...
Apparently, the lady in question pleaded with the
Australian authorities to let her stay because she knew that
when she got back to China that would be the end of the
baby. The Aust govt got assurances from the Chinese govt
that the woman would be fine and the baby not harmed, and
like the dumb fuckas that we are, we believed them.
The woman was sent back and the baby was terminated 10 days
before delivery....
I know this is a travel site, but the government of China
are very sick and evil creatures...
it's a shame that there leaders weren't aborted themselves !

[There are 5 posts - the latest was added on Wed 19 May, 9:43]

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  1. human rights Added by: Anna
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 3:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Welcome to the real world, this does not only happen in China

  2. Who cares?? Added by: An Observer
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 12:56 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    So there is one less person in the world...and anyway, what
    are we in the West supposed to do?? Maybe it is time for
    the people in China to stand up for themselves against the
    govt and its leaders. If the masses don't agree, they
    should raise their voice and be heard. Sometimes change
    must come thru struggle or revolution. It isn't like the
    West can offer a home to all Chinese women who are
    pregnant, right?
    I fully support pro-choice and I also believe that places
    like China have a responsibility to keep their population
    growth down. How can these countries ever truly advance
    with (in the case of China and soon India) with a billion +
    wanting to be fed and clothed.

  3. appalled Added by: wyn
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 2:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    and China has the absolute gall and hypocrisy to call the
    US and Nato murderers!

  4. answer to "an observer" Added by: karin
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 5:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i, too, amm absolutely pro-choice. but for me the emphasis
    is on 'choice'. to force a woman so far into pregnancy to
    have an abortion is a crime. period.
    of course countries with an over-population has to keep
    population growth down, but history has shown that
    compulsory measures don't work in the long run (as
    vice-versa, measures to raise the birth-rate).
    give women better education, better jobs and so less
    dependancy on men, i.e. a chance to take their life into
    their own hands, and there will be fewer children (and this

  5. Observer you are an asshole Added by: Nauseated (
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 9:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    And I suppose if you're run over by a car the driver should
    say "1 down, and good riddens"!
    The West should:

    1]REFUSE to partake in murder
    2]Try not to be so gullible to the point that it's idiocy
    3]Make a point: You lied to us, you loose your credibility
    And because you live on a different planet, let me tell you
    it's almost 10 yrs since something call Tianman Square
    massacre. Those who lived through the machine gunning and
    tank treads are persecuted and probably had their organs
    sold to westerner after they are shot.
    Perhaps you will move to China, renounce your citizenship,
    then raise your voice to protest? How easy for the well fed
    to disdain the hungry mass.
    No one is asking the West to offer refuge, but stop being
    accomplice to murder is a good thing. A little less contempt
    for the unfortunate, a little more compassion for humanity
    is not too much to ask for. If it is, the least you can do
    is spare us your condescendence wit and arrange for a retro
    abortion. The world would be better without you.

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