Travelling with Kids

This topic was created by Sue (
[Wed 12 May, 13:11 Tasmanian Standard Time]

In August my husband an I are planning a trip somewhere with
our two boys, age 6 and 1 and a half. We were thinking
about Bali or Thailand. Is there anyone out there that has
gone to either place with small children? I am particularly
concerned about vaccinations and my kids health while
travelling. Any good beach spots, not too pricey? Any
info. you have to share would be great.

[There are 3 posts - the latest was added on Fri 21 May, 0:49]

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  1. Thailand Added by: Anna (
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 1:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi Sue!
    Just a quick word on Thailand: I went out there with my
    family some years back. My brother was about 6 at the time,
    and besides jabs for tetanus, typhoid and hepatitis and
    watching out for the normal things like ice-cubes and
    mosquitoes we had no problems. There was one thing I should
    warn you about:we noticed that a lot of the Thais kept on
    touching my brother, especially his hair (he was blond.)We
    naturally got a little paranoid, thinking 'white slave
    trade?!', but apparently it is considered good luck out
    there to touch a little white boy (???!) Apart from lapping
    up the attention, he came to no harm. Enjoy!

  2. Haven't done it myself but... Added by: Hilary
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 22:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Haven't done it myself but I have been to Bali and they
    certainly love kids - it is a cheap and easy-going place.
    But it is true that your kids may be touched, in an
    affectionate way. (think your friend's grandma tousling
    your son's head - not that scary)
    My brother is extremely blond and we travelled a lot in
    Asia when we were growing up and this happened everywhere.
    There is a lot to do besides the beaches in Bali - forests,
    culture dances that kids LOVE as they are so vibrant, etc.
    You should check with a doctor for all the jabs you need,
    and for malaria advice. Last I heard Bali was OK, but
    neighbouring Lombok needed pills... this could have changed
    Also, watch out for sunburn and dehydration, especially in
    kids. You can buy bottled water just about everywhere, and
    should drink it even when you don't think you're thirsty.
    Have fun!!

  3. Thailand... Added by: cheraline
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 0:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Although i don't have any children, when i was in Thailand (on Koh Pha Ngan - in the south nr Koh Samui) i saw a number of families with children of your childrens age.
    I was staying on the west coast of the isl;and at a place called SeaFlower and there was a three year old Dutch boy there with his mom and dad... he absolutely loved it... the sea was calm and warm (and shallow) and he was always welcomed into playing with the native children.
    Best of luck with your travels... and ihope you all really enjoy yourselves.
    Plus... if you do go to Thailand and you do decide to go down south.. i would recommend taking an internal flight (around 50 uk pounds) instead of the 12 hour coach journey!)

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