
This topic was created by linda
[Thu 22 April, 12:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Hi ladies, I have a question here, and that is do you prefer
or enjoy sex more or less from a circumcised man? I would
like to know if you have come across more circumcised or
intact penis and which one do you enjoy more? And does the
intact men enjoy sex more than circumcised men?
Hi guys, this question is for you:
i'm wondering how many of you guys are circumcised out
there? I wanna know if you are circumcised and what country
u are from, and when were u circumcised and how old were u
when u were circumcised and how do you feel about being
circumcised. Whether you think being circumcised is good or
It seems that circumcision procedures have changed over time
and different countries have different practices about
circumcision. Hope to hear from u......

[There are 13 posts - the latest was added on Fri 14 May, 19:19]

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  1. A prick for all seasons! Added by: Persian Prick
    [Timestamp: Thu 22 April, 13:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Well, I'm a guy from Iran where all boys are circumcised in
    their early two years after birth. I like 'it' very much.
    You always have a glimpse of your magic tool and it always
    seems ready for action!
    I haven't experienced 'it' with a uncircumcised one as I
    only have 'one' ( which is circumcised ), so I dunna which
    way is more joyful! But circumcised ones are more hygine
    afterall, easy to keep and clean!
    P.S. For your information, girls are NOT being circumcised
    in my country, if you have ever heard such a nonsense about
    Islamic countries. At least it is not Iran!

  2. While it may seem rude.. Added by: Ana
    [Timestamp: Thu 22 April, 13:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I think this question is a little important. When I have a
    son i'd like to know what the world trends are at the time
    so my boy is not teased at school etc. (especially as kids
    can be so cruel and boys are so sensitive about their
    penises). My partners were all born in the 70's, 2 in NZ, 1
    in England. The 2 kiwis were circumsised the English guy
    wasn't. I like circum. one's because they are heaps
    cleaner. My friend is a nurse in a urology clinic and she
    says the foreskinned one's often have a cheese build up or
    a urine smell which is stronger.

  3. for circumsition Added by: israeli girl
    [Timestamp: Thu 22 April, 17:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    boys who r jewish r circumcized at 8 days old (i've never
    actually watched it too closely but there r special "mohels"
    that r specifically trained for that task, their methods
    include giving the toddler a bit of wine to drink, and a
    knife, disinfected i guess. i have never been with a guy who
    isn't circumsized - i have seen one i a phohograph by robert
    mayplethorp, din't like the site at all (my thoghts were
    along the lines of : giving oral sex to that - yuk)
    plus there is the health issue, i think men who r not
    circumsized r more prone to cancer in that area and also
    infections. from an artrist's point of (i draw and sketch)
    i like the shape and smoothness of the uncircumsized penis,
    and from a womans point of view i prefer that,
    i'd like to hear what uncircumsized men think, and what do
    their women think.
    also i think the time not to be circumsized in form peer
    point of v

  4. Cut ones def Added by: Ra ra
    [Timestamp: Thu 22 April, 20:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I've had a few boyfriends, english, all uncut, and didn't
    know what I was missing until my present boyfriend, also
    english, I now love circumcised ones, they are much better,
    in feel, look and touch, and are cleaner. They just look
    far more sexy as well and better for oral sex. I would hate
    to go back to the horrible ones with floppy bits of skin on
    them. Theres a word for women who prefer circumcised men,
    but I can't remember it at the moment.
    Well I love 'em, and wouldn't change them for the world, i
    think they should all be done at birth !!

  5. the swinging, circumcised sixties... Added by: Tony
    [Timestamp: Fri 23 April, 1:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm 30 yo guy from Australia, and I've been 'done' - didn't
    have much say in it though, cause I was about a week old I'm
    told - still I'm happy with it being circumcised just from a
    cleanliness perspective. Apparently when I was born every
    boy just about got it - they just did that then.
    Things have changed a lot going by my brother and sisters
    little boys - my brother-in-law insisted that his son should
    be like his dad - I can see his perspective, but I also
    agree with Ana in that it's not nice being a minority at
    school. Apparently it's supposed to be mega painful op to
    get it done when you are older.

  6. no title Added by: jj
    [Timestamp: Fri 23 April, 9:24 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Tony...I think your brother in law thinks it's important
    for his son to be like him for the kids sake. Kids are
    very curious about that kind of stuff, and I think they may
    feel strange if they look at Daddy's dumaflunky (that's
    what my parents use to call my brothers penis) and it's
    different from theirs. As far as sex goes, I have heard
    that guys who are not cut are a lot more sensitive, and
    enjoy sex much more than those that are cut. I don't know
    how this could be readily confirmed though, as I don't know
    too many guys that would opt to get cut once they were old
    enough to be fornicating! I have sex with both, and don't
    find much of a different, except for the oral part, I don't
    think I would go there on an uncut. All guys I know that
    are not cut, are very proud of their extra piece of skin,
    and proclaim perfusely that it is clean. They don't
    understand why people think it isn't. What ever, sex is
    sex....and sex is great!

  7. Nice uncircumsized men... Added by: estack
    [Timestamp: Fri 23 April, 11:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I prefer uncircumsized men.. It's more natural and as long as a guy washes everyday, it's not dirty. Why do people have to be so worried about germs etc. It's nice to enjoy men in their natural state. LEarn to appreciate this.

  8. Kak Added by: Tosh
    [Timestamp: Fri 23 April, 21:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    What a load of old nonsense. if god had wanted men (and
    women for that matter) circumcised would he have not done
    it? A man who cleans his mouth is infinitely more kissable
    than a man who doesn't. Much the same as with a man who
    washes his dick to a man who doesn't. I have read a book
    recently about a Somali woman who believes it is right for
    all women to be circumcised as the vagina looks cleaner,
    is more aesthetically pleasing - she compares uncircumcised
    women as having vaginas that resemble heifers - than an
    uncircumcised one.
    There is no need for circumcision but if it is practiced in
    some religions dont belittle the people who have had it done
    to them. For most uncircumcised men when overly excited the
    foreskin retracts and looks exactly the same if circumcised.
    Capped allows you do be both.

  9. Circ... Added by: cheetah
    [Timestamp: Sat 24 April, 3:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Cut or not. What 'bout the love?

  10. troll Added by: not a linda
    [Timestamp: Tue 27 April, 7:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i think linda's a guy who's got a huge self confidence issue
    going with his penis - wants to find out if women really
    care. a woman would never post this.... get a life

  11. controversial subject Added by: Catherine
    [Timestamp: Tue 27 April, 17:33 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Go to any pregnancy web site (eg,
    for a firey discussion on this topic. Americans in
    particular really seem to feel strongly about it (ie, many
    of them are pro for no particularly good reason). As a
    mother, I personally think that it is a barbaric thing to do
    to a newborn baby.

  12. me and.. Added by: my handle
    [Timestamp: Sat 1 May, 23:24 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Male. English. 32. Been done. The reason at the time was a
    hygiene thing. Quite happy about it. But as Tosh says,
    the skin goes back on uncut men anyway, so girls often don't
    realise you've been done. I went out with a divorced Swedish
    girl who was initially shocked when I told her she was
    looking at a circumsized todge, then admitted she didn't
    know if Swedish men had it done, or even the status of her
    ex-husband's handle!

    Strange. Never thought I'd be posting a message about my old
    man. Incidentally, I'm on the women's page because I started
    going out with a girl who's bi and thought I might learn
    something here. I am.

    Afterthought. Where ever possible, men (and women) should
    try and wash their bits before sex anyway, so the
    circumsized thing shouldn't be too much of an issue. Only
    fair after all.

  13. I was circumsized when I was 2 days old Added by: Vince
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 19:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I am a 24 year old Filipino of Chinese and Spanish descent (in Spanish, we are being called mestizos). I was circumsized exactly 2 days after I was born. Being circumsized is very important to us Filiipinos. However, most Filipino children get circumsized before the age of puberty like 7 to 10 years old. I feel great being circumsized at a very young age because uncircumsized boys are being teased at in school.

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