Thorn Tree - Indian Subcontinent

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  1. footwear
    Created by: pologirl (.....)
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 11:37 Carlton Standard Time]

    planning a 3 month trip to india and was planning to wear
    my teva sandals for the duration...should I bring a pair of
    walking shoes as well?? or will my sandals suffice?

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 11:37].

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  2. May/June - weather advice
    Created by: Geraldine (
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 11:29 Carlton Standard Time]

    I'm planning a trip to India next may/june - I would go at
    a more "weather appropriate time" but I have time
    restraints. My question involves the weather during this
    period in the North vs. the South. How hot? How rainy?
    If I go early enough in May will I miss the beginning of
    the monsoons in either locale? Please respond with advice.

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 11:29].

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  3. footwear
    Created by: pologirl (----)
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 11:02 Carlton Standard Time]

    planning a 3 month trip to india and wondering if I can get
    away with bringing just my teva sandals as footwear or
    should I bring my soloman walking shoes as well...the less
    I have to carry the better....what do you think? what have
    you brought on your trip there? thanks in advance...

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 11:06].

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  4. Going to Katmandu
    Created by: jsa211
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 6:27 Carlton Standard Time]

    Will be in Delhi for a few weeks and want to get to Katmandu
    the fastest and cheapest way - only have one week to spend
    there. What is the best airline to fly, the cheapest etc.
    and how should I go about getting the ticket. Will be
    travelling in October of '99. Is it easier to arrange a
    ticket over hear or should I wait until I am there.
    Somebody give me some advice. Thank you

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 11:50].

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  5. Getting Married In Goa
    Created by: Jon (
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 6:01 Carlton Standard Time]

    Me and my girlfriend are planning a trip to Goa next January
    and would like to get married while there. Can anybody give
    any tips on how we can organise this before we go and if
    indeed it is possible.

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 6:01].

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  6. where to go ?
    Created by: krispx80 (
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 5:38 Carlton Standard Time]

    Hi there!
    Im going to India and Nepal this summer and altough I already know where to go in India I have no idea whats interesting in Nepal.So what would you visit if you only had about two and a half weeks to travel around in Nepal? I woldl love to know the experiences you made and if you also have some hot advice for India please let me know.THANKS A LOT !

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 5:38].

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  7. Left Luggage
    Created by: Roger (
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 5:21 Carlton Standard Time]

    Is there a Left Luggage Office at Delhi Airport? Anyone
    had any experience of using it? I don't want to carry my
    rucksack all day while visiting Delhi before flying on to
    Leh the next morning.

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 7:06].

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  8. To the Kashmir-hater with many handles
    Created by: Brunhilde
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 5:05 Carlton Standard Time]

    It's obvious that a single person with many handles is
    responsible for this sudden rash of similar postings.
    Please, GET A LIFE. And go away.

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 5:05].

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  9. travel help
    Created by: chris (cjchapman)
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 4:22 Carlton Standard Time]

    Recently I travelled thru Sikkim, Nepal (Langtang and Poon
    Hill treks), parts of central India and Rajasthan, and all
    around Pakistan, including the Karakoram Highway. If
    anyone has some questions I may be able to help. Drop me a

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 4:22].

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  10. Anyone in Goa...
    Created by: Natasha
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 3:25 Carlton Standard Time]

    ...know the telephone number(s) of the Sterling Vagator
    Beach Resort in Vagator, Goa? The number given in the
    Lonely Planet and Rough Guide is never answered. Does the
    hotel still exist - or if not, any advice for good hotels
    in Vagator? Thanx

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 3:25].

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  11. book on history of india
    Created by: historian
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 3:09 Carlton Standard Time]

    Perhaps those who are interested in reading up a bit on
    Indian history or at least as it's known to date, I'd like
    to recommend A.L.Basham's "The Wonder That was India". It's
    not any marketing hype - the book has sold in millions. But
    it's a serious work by an objective historian - an eminent
    professor from an Australian Univ. (U.of Canberra??)

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 3:09].

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  12. Trekking In Nepal
    Created by: Lisa
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 2:54 Carlton Standard Time]

    All this talk of trekking has made me think of trying it
    this October in Nepal, apparently the easiet time to go. I
    would like to attempt the Everest BC trek but am concerned
    about the level of fitness required. Should I stick to the
    easier Jonsom trek? Can someone tell me the differences
    between the two to help me decide?

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 4:31].

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  13. Mandu
    Created by: kate (
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 2:20 Carlton Standard Time]

    Has anyone been to Mandu in Madhya Pradesh. i would
    appreciate your info.Thanks

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 2:20].

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  14. Shots for Asia...?
    Created by: lb (
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 1:53 Carlton Standard Time]

    Hey guys-
    Heading through Bangkok (few weeks) to Nepal, @ 2 months of
    trekking, and then into India for 4-5 months alone.
    Super-confused about all the immunization information out
    there - can anyone tell me what they took, what they wish
    they had, what they'd avoid (horror stories and "I heard's"
    also accepted and appreciated...)(By the way, the trip is
    set to begin Sept. 27-ish, so no, I can't do ALL the cycles
    of a hep. B vaccine anymore....)
    Appreciate it!

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 10:31].

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  15. "Air India"
    Created by: Brunhilde
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 1:19 Carlton Standard Time]

    I can't believe all the brain surgeons who, in answer to a
    question about Air India (four below), responded by
    describing their experiences with Indian Airlines.

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 9:11].

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  16. Culcutta or Bombay?
    Created by: Fee
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 0:53 Carlton Standard Time]

    I have about a month in India at Christmas, two weeks of
    which I am spending near Nagpur for research purposes and
    the rest of the time I can use for travelling. I have been
    to both Bombay and Culcutta before but can't decide which
    would be better to use as a base (to fly into etc)given the
    short amount of time and the need for reasonably easy
    access to Nagpur.
    Anyone got any suggestions on this?

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 0:53].

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  17. Contact Newsletter
    Created by: Lee (
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 23:45 Carlton Standard Time]

    Does anyone have the email address of Contact Newsletter.
    It is a monthly publication that comes from McLeod Ganj,
    Dharmshalla, India. I am really desperate to get this
    address!!!!!!! Please help...

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 23:45].

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  18. trains
    Created by: Jules (
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 20:20 Carlton Standard Time]

    Can someone please tell me the difference between the
    trains in India ie 1st &2nd class.
    What type did you travel on or prefer?
    Is it worth getting a pass?
    Any info will be appreciated

    [Posts on this topic: 6. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 4:37].

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  19. Air India
    Created by: Tracey
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 17:56 Carlton Standard Time]

    How reputable is Air India? Are they safe or dodgy?

    [Posts on this topic: 14. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 11:47].

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  20. calcutta or madras?
    Created by: bj
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 15:00 Carlton Standard Time]

    can anyone tell me the current price for a plane ride from
    Bangkok to Madras? Is it any cheaper to fly to
    Calcutta?(from Bangkok)- and how about the Penang to Madras
    fare-cheaper still??- thanks a million.

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 19:58].

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  21. calcutta or madras?
    Created by: bj
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 14:57 Carlton Standard Time]

    can anyone tell me the current price for a plane ride from
    Bangkok to Madras? Is it any cheaper to fly to
    Calcutta?(from Bangkok)- Thanks a million!

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 14:57].

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  22. Nepal Trekking in September
    Created by: Grapplegrommets
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 13:25 Carlton Standard Time]

    Hi everybody, I'm trying to get some ideas about what the
    weather will be like in late September in Nepal. I know
    it's at the end of the monsoon season. Should I expect rain
    and cloud everyday or just some days? I guess it varies
    from year to year.
    As well, I'll be in India for 3 weeks leading up to the
    Nepal trek... I think. Is the weather going to be total
    crap at this time of year?
    Any suggestions are welcome.

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 0:45].

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  23. Spys in our midst
    Created by: Yarra
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 13:19 Carlton Standard Time]

    I look back over the last few weeks and can't find any
    recent posts from JP. Sometimes he was Jack and sometimes he
    was Peirre. You may recall he had very strong views on
    malaria etc etc.
    Well it appears the Americans have arrested good old JP on
    spying charges. Seems some fool gave him access to lots of
    very secret documents dispite only being with the Aussie
    spooks a few months. He tried to sell them to the
    Indians/Pakistanis who dropped him in it.
    The papers down here seem to be debating wether it's life or
    the death penalty he is facing.
    Hell of a way to extend the travel budget don't you think?

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 4:44].

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  24. Accomm in Calcutta
    Created by: Suzie
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 12:30 Carlton Standard Time]

    Can anyone suggest a good place to stay in Calcutta.
    We(2)are prepared to pay up to Rs400 for a double. Calcutta
    doesn't seem to be a big destination for backpackers. Why is
    this so? Anyone whos been there, do you reckon its a good
    place to spend New Years Eve this year or is there somewhere
    else you would recommend? All thoughts are appreciated.

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 12:30].

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  25. visa extensions?
    Created by: alex
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 12:26 Carlton Standard Time]

    just wondering whether someone might know if I can extend
    my visa once I get to India (because I thought it might be
    less of a hassle to organize it in Australia before I go-
    and after cruising around Indonesia and Thailand first I'll
    probably only have about 1-2 months left on it.) Is it
    possible to get another 6 months when I arrive? And how
    much is it likely to cost?(I'm Aust. citizen)I want at to
    spend at least 5-6 months there- would it be better to get
    a visa in Bangkok or Singapore instead(although I don't
    want to be stuck for too long waiting..)Any advice would
    be greatly appreciated!!

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 22:01].

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  26. Excuse me, I ll tell you one think
    Created by: Victim of Kashmiri #999...
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 11:50 Carlton Standard Time]

    Five fingers not all the same... Did you here that sentence
    more than 500 times, always pronounced by the one, the
    Kashmeri that was supposed to be the only honest one ( I
    mean, just before he cheated you, and me, and the others...)
    Just a big warning to women only travellers: Dont go to
    Kashmir alone , or unaccompanied by a man or several of your
    own culture: it is not a safe place, a japanese has been cut
    in Delhi in eight pieces, after having wanted to make a
    complaint against the Kashmiri Travel Agency... These guys
    are good guys, said a Kashmiri, speakink of the Barbaric
    Come On ! Get away from that place, that is not Paradise,
    but entrance to Hell !!! And this is absolutely not as
    beautiful as many places of India!!!
    Sincerely yours
    Victim # 999

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 11:50].

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  27. Travelling in the Monsoon Season
    Created by: Rob (
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 8:25 Carlton Standard Time]

    I'm travelling to the Indian subcontinent from mid June
    through to the end of August and need some advise on where
    to go. I fancy India (especially Rajastan), Nepal and Sri
    Lanka but do not know which areas will be particularly
    affected by the monsoons. Does anyone have any tips?

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 23:31].

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  28. india-nepal-india overland
    Created by: Pete Savage (
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 8:04 Carlton Standard Time]

    I'm hoping to go from calcutta - darjeeling, entering nepal
    from the east. Is this possible/ any recommendations?
    also i'm planning to leave via the west and onto delhi
    maybe. any advice would be appreciated.

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 2:56].

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  29. Ranthambhore
    Created by: jol pegrum (
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 6:30 Carlton Standard Time]

    If visiting the Ranthambhore national park and wanting a good mid priced hotel, I would strongly recommend the Ranthambhore Regency Hotel. It's quite new and run by a friendly family. The rooms are very comforable and at a range of prices, some new cottages will be available in 2000. Food is good vegetarian and moderately priced, a set menu when we were there. They are very happy to arrange jeep trips into the park for you and claim to be very lucky as far as seeing tigers is concerned. It certainly worked for us we saw a tiger on our first trip. Phone: 21176 Fax 91 07462 22299.

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 6:37].

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  30. Traditional healers
    Created by: Darrell (
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 4:28 Carlton Standard Time]

    Can anyone recommend a good traditional healer
    (homoepathic, ayurvedic, hakeem) in northern India? Thanks
    a bunch...

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 4:28].

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  31. Traditional healers
    Created by: Darrell (
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 4:28 Carlton Standard Time]

    Can anyone recommend a good traditional healer
    (homoepathic, ayurvedic, hakeem) in northern India? Thanks
    a bunch...

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 4:28].

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  32. Traditional healers
    Created by: Darrell (
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 4:28 Carlton Standard Time]

    Can anyone recommend a good traditional healer
    (homoepathic, ayurvedic, hakeem) in northern India? Thanks
    a bunch...

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 4:28].

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  33. India in August
    Created by: Dawn (
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 1:25 Carlton Standard Time]

    Hi there,
    I am a Canadian woman travelling through in India for 5
    weeks beginning August 1st. I am looking for some travel advice
    from any helpful souls who wish to provide it.
    1) Currently, I am set to arrive in Mumbai and have a 2-day
    stopover before connecting up to Delhi. Is the stopover worth it
    or should I just head right up to Delhi and then north from there?
    My time is limited and I want to concentrate on the north. Is
    a mere 2 days in Mumbai worth it?
    2) Any recommendations for good clean, safe accomodations in either Mumbai,
    Delhi or Varanasi -- preferably places that cater to other backpackers?
    3) I've had people recommend that I take very little in the
    way of western clothes and have a couple of Indian style outfits
    made for me when I get there. What does this cost (Can or US $)?
    Does it really cut down on the harrassment factor or is it
    equally effective to just dress Western conservative (pants and
    4) What should I expect from the monsoon rains? I've heard
    everything from "oh, it only rains for a couple of hours a day" to
    "Get ready to go swimming". What is the truth?
    5) Finally -- anyone out there contract Dengue fever in India?
    I have suffered from it once before (Central America) and am
    a teeny bit worried as I hear the second time around it's
    I'll leave off there. If you can answer any or all of these
    questions, I would be very appreciative. Thanks

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 10:26].

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  34. Sri Lanka/Maldives
    Created by: TJ (
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 1:06 Carlton Standard Time]

    I love travelling and next on my list is Sri Lanka - any
    advice, recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Is
    it worth going to the Maldives for part of my trip? I do
    like a nice beach but I'm not a sunworshiper and I do like
    a good bit of sightseeing. Please e-mail any advice.

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 1:06].

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    Created by: monique
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 0:43 Carlton Standard Time]

    I've never travelled alone, so I'm trying to do some
    research. I am not a worrier, but I also prefer not to go
    into things blindly. I'm sure I'll have a wonderful
    expereince in both Sri Lanka and India. I thought the
    thorn tree was a place where you can ask questions without
    being judged. I think women or anyone travelling to India
    for the first time has a right to ask any "silly" "naive"
    question, so long as it's not rude or offensive. Being
    concerned with the political climate in Sri Lanka does not
    give you the right to tell me that I'm better off staying
    locked in my room for the rest of my life. What a way to
    breed ignorance!

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 0:43].

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  36. One more point on Kashmir
    Created by: T.
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 0:10 Carlton Standard Time]

    One more point on Kashmiris:
    I think it is important to remember that the Kashmiri
    people started acting like "cheats" well before the ravages
    of polical warfare affected the region. Here is a quote
    from Frederic Drew, written in 1875, attesting to this
    very sad reality:
    "In character the Kashmiris have many failings and faults,
    but they also have qualities which make one to be
    interested in them and to like them. They are false-
    tongued, ready with a lie, and given to various forms of
    This character is more pronounced with them than with most
    of the races in India. They are noisy and quarrelsome,
    ready to wrangle but not to fight, on the least exercise of
    force they cry like children. They have indeed a wide
    reputation for being faint-hearted and cowardly....." -
    taken from the LP Kashmir, Ladakh, and Zanskar 1989
    edition, pg. 50.
    Unfortunately, it still holds true to this very day. How
    many "houseboat" victims exist out there???

    [Posts on this topic: 9. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 9:03].

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  37. Backpacking in Sri-Lanka
    Created by: Kate
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 0:08 Carlton Standard Time]

    After a 4 day stop-over in Sri lanka via India I would
    really love to go back there and explore the country in
    full. I have never backpacked before as I've always been
    too fond of my creature comforts but, at 32, I've outgrown
    vanity and now fancy the challenge of self-sufficency over
    pre-packaged. Has anyone done this trip? Please advise.
    Many thanks.

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 9:10].

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  38. CRY
    Created by: Kajol
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 23:19 Carlton Standard Time]

    Has anyone heard of the charity CRY? I'm thinking about
    becoming a volunteer, but just thought I'd check on it's
    reputation first. Also, what are the possibilities of
    volunteering actually in India?

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 21:06].

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  39. Really interesting comment?
    Created by: gus
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 22:40 Carlton Standard Time]

    ROBIN would say. cheers gus

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 5:50].

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    Created by: ROBIN
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 18:33 Carlton Standard Time]

    I am fortunate enough to have discovered the Thorntree a
    couple of weeks ago and since than have found it diffiuclt
    to leave. During my sojourn along its branches I have,
    however, discovered an emerging theme amongst the entries
    which grace its pages. Often people write in to share a
    particularly nasty experience or give warning about a place
    they have travelled,which will inevitably involve passing
    judgment on the local people they have met in those places,
    usually something along the lines of "I found the
    inhabitants of X to be dishonest, untrustworthy, unfriendly
    etc. etc." (ther has been a bit written on Egypt and
    Kashmir in this regard). Now, what really pisses me off is
    the indignant, vitriolic and repetitive responses these
    people invariably receive. The response usually goes
    something along the lines of "you are obviously a naive and
    inexperienced tourist who has failed to appreciate the
    local culture and understand the inhabitants". The
    implication is one of racism. This fucks me right off.
    These respondents are a shining examples of a pretentious
    'traveller's culture' in which it becomes absolutely taboo
    to say anything even remotely critical of a place a person
    has visited. However, this rule seems only to relate to
    develiping, third-world countries or those which are
    relatively untainted by Western corruption. It stems from a
    simplistic, naive belief that "the 1st world is decaying
    and filthy" whilst everywhere else is a nirvana of virtue.
    There is a ridiculous presumption that the people and
    culture of distant places are beyond all reproach whilst
    anything connected with modernity it corrupted. BOLLOCKS! I
    can see where this idea comes from - in my brief 21 years I
    have managed a little travelling, to Thailand, Indonesia
    and the Pacific. I intend on going on a trans Asia trip in
    about 18 months. What I am searching for is pristine
    wilderness and the 'untouched' people who inhabit those
    places, something as far removed from the Australian middle-
    class lifestyle I enjoy as possible. However, I am postive
    that on my travels I will meet groups of people less
    friendly and trustworthy, and not through any failing on my
    part, than others. It all comes down to a simple fact -
    certain groups of people have certain qualities and certain
    failings. No ethnic group is perfect, regardless of how far
    they live from a city. So, for example, Australians might
    generalyy seem to be loud, rude and cocky but at the same
    time we're also able to have a good laugh at ourselves and
    we're also very friendly. If someone comes to Australia and
    recognises our weaknesses, they are not guilty of cultural
    insesntivity. In the same way, it would be fair to say that
    Jews are aloof, the Highlanders of Papua New Guinea are
    violent or the Irish are pissheads (I'm not sure that
    that's a fault!. These negative traits in no way detract
    from the many positive traits those peoples posess. I
    should also add that these ARE only generalizations but it
    is rarely possible in life to make any kind of statement
    that is not general. SO DON'T RESPOND BY TELLING ME I AM
    GENERALIZING - I KNOW I AM. I'd like it if people remotely
    interested in what I'm saying post their responses.

    [Posts on this topic: 18. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 8:41].

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  41. monsoon shoe blues
    Created by: ev
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 18:28 Carlton Standard Time]

    What to do? I have a dilemma about what sort of shoes to
    take during my 2 month trip this summer. (I know, not such a
    monumental problem but...) I will be in India, Nepal and
    Sri Lanka (in that order) during all of August and
    September, spending most of my time in India. I think I
    need some kind of comfortable leather walking shoe which I
    can waterproof against the downpours, but I was wondering
    what people recommend for footwear around this time of year
    on the Indian Subcontinent? I don't think sneakers will
    hold up as they'll get drenched quick. Boots and the like
    are too hefty and hot and sandles sound a bit sketchy.
    It would be great to hear what types of footwear you
    take and why you take them.

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 7:54].

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  42. Backpacking in December
    Created by: Graham (
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 17:17 Carlton Standard Time]

    Although some time away I am hoping to visit Darjeeling and
    Nepal from mid December to early January. Can anybody tell
    me if it is possible to trek in Darjeeling and Nepal over
    that period. Also can I go by bus from Darjeeling to
    Kathmandu. I believe the road is normally OK but being
    winter I was wondering if there will be land slides etc I
    dont have much time and would rather not have to sit on the
    side of the road for my entire holiday. I have already done
    trekking in the Annarpurna region of Nepal so I thought of
    doing something in the Everest region. Any ideas will really
    be appreciated. Your comments will decide if I go or stay! I
    have been told its the best time to be in these areas even
    though it pritty cold. Looking forward to your E mails.

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 23:29].

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  43. Help!
    Created by: Angie (
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 17:01 Carlton Standard Time]

    My group lands in Mumbai next week, and we were wanting to
    donate some things to a local charity. We had planned on
    taking empty bags to India with us, to hold curios and
    souvenirs which we would inevitably purchase along the
    way. Then we decided "why not fill these bags with
    clothes, shoes, books, toys, etc. from home and arrange for
    someone from a charity in Mumbai to meet us and pick these
    up upon our arrival?"
    The problem is, we are having trouble contacting an agency
    or organization to take our stuff. Can anyone help us?
    Remember, this should be a lot of stuff - there are 15 of
    Thanks for helping us to help others!

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 22:07].

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  44. World Cup 99...
    Created by: Sandman
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 16:15 Carlton Standard Time]

    What are your Super Six nations for this year's Cup...?
    With Pakistan beating Australia yesterday....they have
    proved themselves again...
    Too bad Tendulkar doesn't have much of a team to go along

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 16:15].

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  45. World Cup 99...
    Created by: Sandman
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 16:13 Carlton Standard Time]

    What are your Super Six nations for this year's Cup...?
    With Pakistan beating Australia yesterday....they have
    proved themselves again...
    Too bad Tendulkar doesn't have much of a team to go along

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 14:50].

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  46. Rafting in Nepal
    Created by: Richo
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 16:13 Carlton Standard Time]

    Going treking in Nepal in Sep/Oct, thought some rafting would be a nice change. Was hoping to do 8-10 days of moderate+ grade - have done some rafting in North Qld and South Is NZ. Any suggestions? What river? What company? - heard the Sun Kosi is a good trip - what do you think?
    Thanx all.

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 17:32].

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  47. Info on Pakistan
    Created by: Ed (
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 15:32 Carlton Standard Time]

    I'll be traveling into Pakistan from the KKH. I'm looking
    into visiting Peshawar and the Khyber Pass. Unfortunately,
    I hold an American passport (although I look Chinese). Does
    anyone have any info on recent safety issues in the area?

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 3:04].

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  48. Flight Cochin-Goa
    Created by: Dot
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 15:02 Carlton Standard Time]

    Sometime in August we wish to fly from Cochin to Goa.
    Would we have to book the flight from back home ? We are
    not sure of the exact dates, as our itenary is flexible.
    Can we get a flight (without waiting for days) whilst we
    are visiting Cochin?
    Does JETAIRWAYS have an office in Cochin?

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 20:55].

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  49. Contact lenses in Nepal
    Created by: Richo
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 12:05 Carlton Standard Time]

    I'm going trecking in Nepal for 2 months in Sept/Oct and am wondering if contact lense cleaning solution and saline are available in Kathmandu/Pokhara? Also is it safe to use or just recycled gutter water?
    Thanks everyone.

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 12:15].

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  50. 5 months...
    Created by: sole woman
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 10:56 Carlton Standard Time]

    in India. i plan to travel from Bombay to Delhi via
    Madras,Calcutta,Nepal. I am a little worried about all the
    travel that this involves. I calculated about 190 hours of
    bus/train travel. Do you think this is too much to handle?
    Also, are the main train routes (tourist) particularly
    dangerous for a young woman travelling by herself? Mainly
    Madras-Calcutta and Varanasi-Delhi and Delhi-Agra. Is it
    possible to do the Taj in one day, and leave your pack at
    the hotel? I will try to hook up and travel with others as
    much as possible, but i guess this will not always be an
    option. any advice welcome.

    [Posts on this topic: 6. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 9:43].

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  51. Kathmandu to Lhasa
    Created by: adrian
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 7:10 Carlton Standard Time]

    This question has no doubt been asked before but is not in
    the current list of topics.
    What is the current situation for individual travellers
    wanting to go overland from Nepal to Tibet. If you must
    travel in a group, how and where do you arrange this and
    about how much should it cost.
    Once in Lhasa is it preferable to bus or fly to Chengdu
    price and comfort wise.
    thanks, Adrian

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 2:04].

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  52. Egypt to India by boat?
    Created by: duncan (
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 4:31 Carlton Standard Time]

    `Does anyone travel by boat anymore, im planning to go down the red sea from Suez. I want to get as far as India. I know that there are ferrys and other ships that go from suez to Jedda in Saudi Arabia and Port Sudan in Sudan. and that from there some travel on to Dubai and Karachi in Pakistan.
    Has anyone out there travelled this way or does anyone know if there are many travelling this way. If so can you get boats straight from Egypt to India.Do you need visas for all stops on route or can you get access at the port, ie in Jedda. What are the prices to travel on these boats and how safe are they.
    thanks, duncan

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 4:31].

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  53. Flights to Lukla?
    Created by: Jen (
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 4:13 Carlton Standard Time]

    We are trekking in the Khumbu region in October and I
    wonder about the flight situation into Lukla these days. I
    hear it is much improved from a few years ago, but I still
    wonder how hard it is to get a flight in the peak season.
    Do I have to book the flight in advance? and how do I go
    about doing that? We are not going with a group. Any
    other advice on a Khumbu trek is most appreciated as well.

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 13:00].

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  54. trecking
    Created by: nick (
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 1:21 Carlton Standard Time]

    just wondering if anyone has any information on ruck sacks for trecking around india. any deals on or know of any second hand ones,
    let me know. thanks

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 4:18].

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  55. Delhi furnished flats
    Created by: M Gopal (
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 0:53 Carlton Standard Time]

    fully furnished equipped accommodation for rent in Delhi e mail

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 0:53].

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  56. BEWARE Kashmir
    Created by: Sean
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 23:33 Carlton Standard Time]

    Please note: The people of Kashmir cannot be trusted. There
    is simply no other grouping of people in the world who will
    go to greater lengths to cheat you of your money.

    [Posts on this topic: 9. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 22:42].

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  57. Year-out travel in Nepal
    Created by: Sam (sam42_80)
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 21:07 Carlton Standard Time]

    Are there any other students out there who have been (or
    are considering) travelling independantly in Nepal - ie.
    not through any organization. If so, I could use some
    advice. I am planning to go for a couple of months during
    my year out next year, before university. Most independant
    travellers in the Indian subcontinent seem to be slightly
    older and more experienced than myself. I am 18 and have
    never travelled alone before. Am I mad?

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 1:44].

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  58. Nepal elections
    Created by: Sam (
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 20:56 Carlton Standard Time]

    Does anybody know how much longer Kathmandu will be dodgy
    due to the elections? Will the communist activists be a
    problem to tourists even after the elections have finished?
    Also, is it worth avoiding travel during major festivals
    due to guesthouses closing up, etc?

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Sun 23 May, 23:57].

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  59. Back on the Road - August 1999
    Created by: Barge and Seppo (
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 19:40 Carlton Standard Time]

    GÆday fellow travelers!
    My wife and I are beginning another tour and would
    appreciate your opinions on any of the countries on our
    itinerary that you may have visited.
    This time we are taking 9 months to travel to Jordan,
    Syria, Lebanon, Turkey (Eastern), Iran, Pakistan, India,
    Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Indonesia, Singapore,
    Malaysia, Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, China, Kazakhstan,
    Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Turkmenistan.
    Any descriptions of places you have seen in these countries
    or general travel tips would be greatly appreciated.
    If YOU have any need for any information on North America,
    Australasia, Cambodia, Vietnam, East Africa, Egypt or
    Tunisia, I may be able to assist.
    Many thanks,

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Sun 23 May, 19:40].

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  60. S India
    Created by: pete
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 19:33 Carlton Standard Time]

    J was very kind in helping me find some dates. Please does
    anyone know when the big festival takes place at TIRUCHENDUR
    sometime in Oct/Nov
    Many than

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 18:34].

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  61. famous journeys
    Created by: lucy (
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 14:59 Carlton Standard Time]

    I am trying to find the paths of well-known 'epic' journeys
    that people in history have taken around India - famous
    explorers, writers, ethnographers, but I am drawing blanks
    wherever I look. If you can suggest anyone, anything, in
    fact anything at all please do...

    [Posts on this topic: 10. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 6:38].

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  62. Nepal in dec/Jan
    Created by: matt (
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 10:55 Carlton Standard Time]

    Heading out in the first week of Dec to Nepal,Thailand,and Indo. Wondering how the weather is in Nepal during Dec and Jan. Too cold? We have until the end of April Be nice to start out trip in Nepal cuz we will be in better shape, but...the weather! Dec or April,hmmmm.Also how is the independant trecking? can you do it?. And if anyone has done or heard of any fishing please let me know! Thanx Matt.............A TRUE TRAVELER GOES FORTH AIMLESSLY AND UNCALCULATING ONLY TO MEET AND GREAT UNKNOWN FATE!

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Sun 23 May, 15:47].

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  63. looking for pakistan trek info
    Created by: cheryl
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 6:28 Carlton Standard Time]

    I am looking for information on treks in these areas: Hushe
    valley (incl Masherbrum base camp), Rupal valley, and
    day or single-overnight hikes in other Baltistan areas. My
    particular questions for each trek are:
    1. are trails easy to follow or do they occasionally
    2. are map and compass skills required?
    3. is equipment (including tent, packs, stoves and propane)
    as easy to rent as the LP trekking book makes it sound, or
    would you recommend bringing that stuff?
    4. If hiring assistance, do trekkers have to go at the pace
    of their porters and guides, or can they all meet up at the
    campsite at night?
    Thanks. Any info is much appreciated.

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Sun 23 May, 7:13].

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  64. looking for pakistan trek info
    Created by: cheryl
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 6:16 Carlton Standard Time]

    I am looking for information on treks in these areas: Hushe
    valley (incl Masherbrum base camp), Rupal valley, Fairy
    Meadows, and other Baltistan areas. My particular questions
    for each trek are:
    are trails easy to follow or do they occasionally

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Sun 23 May, 6:29].

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  65. Kandy Esala Festivals
    Created by: Cathy & Ivan (
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 4:50 Carlton Standard Time]

    Does anyone know when the dates this year for the the Esala
    Perahera Festival in Kandy, Sri Lanka?

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 10:36].

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  66. Kashmir - A Warning to all
    Created by: Miranda
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 4:01 Carlton Standard Time]

    I just got back from India. When I was in New Delhi I was
    accosted and convinced by some very persistent (yet
    seemingly friendly) travel agents to go up to Kashmir
    (please note that most travel agents in the major cities,
    who try to convince you to go to Kashmir are in fact
    Kashmiri Houseboat owners). They told me it was safe.
    When I got up there I found the situation terrible: not
    only were there Indian security bunkers ever 10 metres
    throughout the region, but the Kashmiri people were
    absolutely dishonest about everything, ranging from their
    own marital status and name, to the actual cost of
    I personally did not lose a significant amount of money but
    I met many travellers who lost "a lot" of money. The
    Kashmiri travel agents (both within and outside Kashmir)
    use many devious (and quite imaginative) tactics to get you
    to part with your hard-earned currency. No one is immune.
    These men are very gregarious, good-looking and speak
    almost perfect English, and they KNOW it. They especially
    love to prey on solo travellers, preferably women. They
    will tell you anything to get you up to Kashmir: "You are
    beautiful" "I want to marry you" "My family would love to
    get to know you" "I have never met such an intelligent
    person before in my life" etc.... They will first start a
    friendship with you and then..... the metaphorical knife
    will be plunged in your back. Once they have you up in
    Kashmir, watch out: this is when the REAL cheating
    begins... You will NOT have a moment of peace.
    TRUE STORY (See Indian Express, dated May 5, 1999)
    In December 1998 a Japanese man (a solo traveller) was
    convinced by two ruthless Kashmiri boatmen to go up to
    Kashmir to stay on a houseboat. Apparently, there was a
    dispute about money (not uncommon), and he threatened to go
    to the police. The traveller was strangled and cut into
    eight pieces by two Kashmiri boatmen.
    I have NEVER in my entire life met soooooo many liars
    contained within one geographical proximity. I travelled
    extensively throughout in India for five months, and I can
    safely say that the Kashmiri people are not to be trusted
    under ANY circumstances. This is s very difficult thing
    for me to say as I am a very tolerant person who has worked
    extensively on anti-racist and progressive international
    development projects. The Kashmiri make non-Kashmiri
    Indians look like absolute saints - this says something!!!!!
    Please listen to the LP India advice: DO NOT GO TO KASHMIR
    (no matter how good-looking, how sweet-talking the travel
    agent is). The political situation is not the only thing to
    be feared!!!!!
    LP writers: the following edition of LP India should
    contain a warning about the Kashmiri people, not merely
    about the political situation. Political correctness needs
    to be pushed to the margins...

    [Posts on this topic: 13. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 22:55].

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  67. Samkara, Ramanuja and all that!
    Created by: sue
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 2:52 Carlton Standard Time]

    I am a philosopher, and am very interested in the Indian
    philosophy Vedanta. Are there any other philosophers out
    there? Could you recommend a good place for a philosopher
    in India?

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Sun 23 May, 6:36].

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  68. Seeking a prayer
    Created by: Jen
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 0:29 Carlton Standard Time]

    This is a long shot but here goes. I was in Pushkar in early
    1996, staying in a tent by the lake. Every morning at 5:30
    or so they would play a prayer over loudspeakers over the
    lake, we took to calling it the aahwishywahwah song because
    that is how we interpreted the lyrics in our sleepy state.
    They played it on a primitive tape-loop and it ran for about
    20 minutes or so. Does anyone know anything about this song,
    especially anything about a recording of it? Its been
    haunting me ever since and I'm driving my local world music
    person loopy playing all of his Indian CDs. Thanks!!

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 16:38].

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  69. World Cup 99....
    Created by: Sandman
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 22:42 Carlton Standard Time]

    What do you guys and gals think....
    Which countries are going to make to the final...?

    [Posts on this topic: 11. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 4:24].

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  70. Chitral - Climbing & Politics
    Created by: BruceLegs (
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 22:19 Carlton Standard Time]

    Eight of us plan to climb in the area to the North West of Chitral during August. We've heard some rumours about trekkers being held up/murdered recently.
    I would welcome any comments that people may have on the political situation in the area: Have you been to the area recently? Were there other trekkers/climbers in the area? Did you feel intimidated? etc.
    I look forward to any replies (including suggestions for other sources of information). Cheers!

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Sun 23 May, 6:47].

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  71. where do you think?
    Created by: fi
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 19:58 Carlton Standard Time]

    If you were going to India for 1 month, where would you go?
    Anything from beaches, towns, temples, ruins, adventure, -
    where do you think?

    [Posts on this topic: 8. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 0:00].

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  72. Manali-Leh: How closed is closed?
    Created by: RobL (rlillington)
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 18:39 Carlton Standard Time]

    If I am unable to get to Manali by mid-September, can I still take the road to Leh if I have the necessary gear and am planning to tour by bicycle?

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 20:43].

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  73. Discos In Bombay
    Created by: me
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 14:26 Carlton Standard Time]

    We are two young females in our mid-twenties ,and would like
    to know about the disco scene in Bombay.
    Are women going to receive queer looks ,if they head out on
    their own? I read that at some place you won't be let in
    ,unless you show up with a male companion,or is that the
    other way round?
    Also,what is the dress code like ? Is it okay to wear
    something short and a little more reavealing when heading
    out somewhere in the evening?
    And what are the best Discos with Hindi music in Bombay ?
    Sorry for asking so many questions!:-)
    I hope you can help us with some.

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 23:17].

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  74. seeking female company
    Created by: travellingcompanion (
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 14:19 Carlton Standard Time]

    I am an Indian and wish to travel southern India in winter.
    I am seeking a female travelling companion , someone who is
    well read and seeks adventure....

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Sun 23 May, 15:43].

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  75. Pakistan&India
    Created by: Mary
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 8:29 Carlton Standard Time]

    Two girls, age 25 (both blonde(!)) are going to Pakistan in
    August (1 month) and India (2 months). Want to go by bus or
    train Islamabad - Lahore - New Dehli - Mumbai with several
    stops on the way. We have some questions:
    1.How safe is it to travel in the northern parts of these
    countries these days? Are the bombing and fights only in
    Jammu/Kashir or other places too?
    2.Will the Indian election in September cause too much
    trouble - should we just avvoid India until after the
    3. Has anyone travelled by bus from Lahore to New Dehli?
    4. How much money do you usually spend on a three monts trip
    like this (low budget and without the plane tickets)?
    5. What about VISA or Mastercard in Pakistan?

    [Posts on this topic: 8. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 6:12].

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  76. Gwalior/Orchha worthy of a stop
    Created by: Todd Wilde (
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 7:42 Carlton Standard Time]

    I will be traveling around Northern India for a month this
    September. Due to time constraints, I plan on taking the
    Agra-Khajuraho-Varanasi flight. I am thinking instead of
    the train/bus from Agra, stopping off at Gwalior and
    Orchha. If you have been to either of these places would
    you consider them worthwhile given my tome constraints?

    [Posts on this topic: 6. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 4:51].

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  77. Getting from Dhaka to Calcutta
    Created by: Leo (
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 6:43 Carlton Standard Time]

    Does anyone have any suggestions as to what the easiest way
    ot get from Dhaka to Calcutta is overland? Thanks a lot for
    any information.

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Sun 23 May, 6:50].

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  78. Camping Areas
    Created by: RobL (
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 6:23 Carlton Standard Time]

    I am planning to tour by bike from Delhi to Manali, and then eventually into Nepal at Mahendranagar. Are campgrounds common in Northern India? Any advice?

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 21:10].

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  79. A flight from Delhi to Bombay
    Created by: Mary
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 5:26 Carlton Standard Time]

    How much does it cost a flight from Delhi to Bombay? Thank
    you for your answer!

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Sat 22 May, 6:52].

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  80. Mosquito nets
    Created by: Nikki (
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 1:42 Carlton Standard Time]

    Sorry to all you experienced South Asia travellers is this
    question seems naive, but I would really appreciate your heading to Pakistan to work for two years and
    would like to know about mosquito nets. I have Coopex
    insecticide to treat one but what is better to buy one there
    or in Australia? Shall I fork out the $30-$70 for one from
    the TMVC range or is one from a camping store fine for $15?
    Or just buy the material and make my own? I will be living
    in a house in Paki and probably doing some trekking up north
    later on, do most houses come with attachments for the nets
    or can you buy something there? If you're tying a net to an
    attachment from the ceiling what are the chances of
    mosquitos still getting in, although you would be mostly
    covered? Or shall I go for one of those more expensive pop
    up ones that means being covered all over? Obviously as
    this is a big move $ and baggage are vital....
    I appreciate your help, happy travelling :-)

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Sat 22 May, 16:54].

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  81. Beach in August
    Created by: ULI
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 1:19 Carlton Standard Time]

    We planning to go to India in August (Rajasthan, Himalaya).
    Does anybody knows a beach more or less north of India,
    which is worth going in this time of the year ???

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Sun 23 May, 18:04].

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  82. cheap flights from Europe
    Created by: seeker
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 0:57 Carlton Standard Time]

    Hi, I'm looking for a reliable travel agent who can sell me
    cheap tickets to India/Sri Lanka/Pakistan. I need to find
    one who is located in Europe, perferably in London,
    Copenhagen, Amsterdam or Frankfurt. Any recommendations are
    Thanks in advance.

    [Posts on this topic: 6. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 7:43].

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  83. Which Airline to Bombay
    Created by: Gav (
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 0:35 Carlton Standard Time]

    I wish to fly cheaply (but possibly not too cheaply) to
    Bombay from London. There seem to be three airlines to
    Aeroflot (unreliable?), KLM, Gulf or Lufthansa.
    Anyone got any advice on who to go with and who not?
    I don't mind a casual environment, but delays are a bummer.

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 21:18].

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  84. Ayurvedic Centers and December traveller
    Created by: JD (
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 22:21 Carlton Standard Time]

    I am interested in going to India to both travel and to stay for a period in an ayurvedic center. I would appreciate any recommendations, experiences, warning you may have for a western woman. Are most of the centers in the south? I am also looking for fellow travellers to meet along the way in December. Thanks in advance!

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 0:13].

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  85. Delhi-Amsterdam by motorbike:who joins?
    Created by: Johan (
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 20:21 Carlton Standard Time]

    I am 34 y/o living and working in Amsterdam (though
    Antwerp is my hometown) and plan to drive my bike - Honda
    500 XL - from Delhi to Amsterdam this summer: from say Jul
    10th till end August. Have spent approx 8 months biking in
    almost the whole of India between jan-aug 98. Looking for
    other experienced biker(s) male or female to share the
    experience with. If you have any mechanical knowledge so
    much the better: mine is limited. Have lost my NOC and
    Exchange Receipt -yep, I bought the Honda in Puna- so the
    Indo-Pakistani border formalities might take a few hours.
    Budget is not limited although I do not plan to visit a
    single '5stardeluxe' place. A good meal, washed down by a
    few chilled beers and a hot shower every two or three days
    can do miracles to the weary traveler.
    In addition, all usefull info welcomed.
    Thanks for replying, Johan.

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 5:57].

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  86. Maldives
    Created by: Trond
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 19:08 Carlton Standard Time]

    Going to visit the Maldives from India this summer. Any
    advice on which island to visit. Thinking of Meeru on the
    east-coast or Filhalhoi on the west coast . All advice will
    be appreciated.

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Fri 21 May, 19:08].

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  87. Pokhra advice
    Created by: mala (
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 16:47 Carlton Standard Time]

    How far is Pokhra from Kathmandu? What's the best way to
    Am travelling end May. How's the weather? Not too wet I

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 4:08].

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  88. The strategy revealed.
    Created by: Yarra
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 13:28 Carlton Standard Time]

    Down below is a discussion on why LP maintains the thorn
    tree and compares the Internet version of the guide with the
    paper version. I, like most of the people in that
    discussion, thought the web site was provided as a taster
    for their paper products and maintain customer loyalty. It
    is of course, but the full strategy is now revealed.
    LP and a few others have set up which will
    promote and distribute a product eKno. As Maureen Wheeler
    puts it. "The combination of LP's market reach and's innovative products provides a value-added
    communications service for travellers". The venture is
    expected to generate sales of $1 billion within 5 years.
    (Herald Sun, May 21 1999)
    Nice to know we have all been part of a long term strategy
    to unseat Darth Vader from his hotmail throne.

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 23:02].

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  89. Airport Transfer
    Created by: Mel
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 9:24 Carlton Standard Time]

    I am flying into Delhi on Lufthansa and have to switch to a flight on Jetairways to Ahmedabad,. Here is where my question lies, do I have to switch airports ie: International to Domestic. Is there a shuttle I can get to go there?? I am landing at 12:30am will this be a problem?? Thanks for the help!

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 1:09].

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  90. Tax Clearance
    Created by: JL
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 9:21 Carlton Standard Time]

    PLEASE HELP!! I am travelling in India for 5 months and heard that you are required to have a tax clearance certificate in order to leave the country....has anyone actually been asked for one of these before....if so where do I go in Delhi????? I will be greatful if someone could respond. Thanks!

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Sat 22 May, 2:23].

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  91. North West Frontier Province
    Created by: Otis
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 8:18 Carlton Standard Time]

    I am planning to visit Pakistan's North West Frontier
    province, starting in Peshawar and travelling up to Chitral
    then onwards towards Mastuj. Has anyone made this trip
    recently? I would be glad of any information or advice on
    transport/accommodation etc.

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Sun 23 May, 7:00].

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  92. First Night in Delhi
    Created by: Trekker girl
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 7:07 Carlton Standard Time]

    I'll be arriving pretty late into Delhi (10pm) -- I'm
    traveling alone and am a bit nervous about getting to my
    hotel as I've heard so many stories about wallahs not wanting
    to take you where you want to go "sorry, road closed" "that
    place is full" etc. etc.
    anyone have any tips/advice on that?
    Also wondering about a good place to stay; I'm thinking a bit
    of a nicer room would be good just for the first night (mid
    range) and then I can venture out and find a good hostel in
    the daylight. Any recommendations appreciated!
    Thanks... happy travels...

    [Posts on this topic: 6. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 1:26].

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  93. Rickshaw for sale
    Created by: wannabe rickshaw wallah
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 5:30 Carlton Standard Time]

    Does anybody know where auto-rickshaws are traded in
    Delhi? Apparantly a new ones go for 56,000 Rs and you can
    get a second hand one for 15,000 Rs. Someone suggested
    they may be available near Connaught Place.

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Sun 23 May, 14:40].

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  94. Best Nepal Trekking Companies
    Created by: Ruby
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 5:08 Carlton Standard Time]

    Hi People!
    Have you been on an organized trek or expedition in Nepal?
    If so, I would love to hear your rating of the company you
    used. Especially helpful will be suggestions for companies
    that you found to be well organized and professional, with
    knowledgeable guides, etc.(Alternatively, if you know of
    companies to avoid that information is also useful!) I am
    planning a trek to a restricted area where guides are
    required, so this type of feedback from experienced trekkers
    is very helpful. Many thanks!!!

    [Posts on this topic: 7. Latest post: Sun 23 May, 16:02].

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  95. South India to Thailand/Singapore
    Created by: Luke & Meeta (
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 4:41 Carlton Standard Time]

    We're currently living in South India and are looking at
    doing a few weeks in the Thailand/Malaysia/Singapore area on
    our way back to New York in mid-November.
    Has anyone done this and/or have suggestions on flight and
    transportation from India to that region and away from there?
    Also, any recommendations for things to do in that Southeast
    Asia region for seasoned India travellers?
    Thanks in advance!

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Sat 22 May, 6:11].

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  96. Leh and Dharamsala
    Created by: Miss Adventure
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 2:29 Carlton Standard Time]

    This is such an incredible resource! I'm so happy all
    those LP travelers are able to help each other-what a great
    community!! I am spending the month of June in Nothern
    India and am trying to decide between Leh and Dharamsala
    for a trek. I have had some experience in trekking in
    Nepal (Annapurna circuit-Everest basecamp) and love the tea-
    house treks-can these types of treks be arranged out of
    either location? I am traveling alone and therefore want
    to be in a place where hooking up with other trekkers is
    easy-What are some of the best tea-house treks out of
    Manali or Leh or if not tea-house than treks that you will
    see alot of the culture as well as the landscape-Spitti,
    Lahaul? Any adventure tales will help i.e. good trekking
    companies, guides, likes/dislikes of both Dharamsala and
    Leh. Good Travels Everyone!

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 3:30].

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  97. India to Burma - anyone been
    Created by: alex (
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 2:24 Carlton Standard Time]

    Has anybody been overland from India to burma ?
    Is is possible at all and how does one get visas in India.

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Sun 23 May, 17:13].

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  98. Flying to Nepal
    Created by: ah (
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 2:04 Carlton Standard Time]

    I've heard that it is quite cheap and easy to get flights
    from Bangkok to Kathmandu once arriving in Bangkok. Has
    anyone heard of/done this. About how much would I be
    looking at. It is soooo expensive to fly from the UK to
    Nepal and onto Australia I thought this might be a good
    bet. Any other ideas appreciated as well.

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 3:54].

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  99. What Are You?
    Created by: Jimbo (
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 2:01 Carlton Standard Time]

    Can someone explain to me the difference between a tourist
    and a traveller. Surely as soon as we leave our homes we
    become tourists. Why do people travel around with a chip on
    their shoulder thinking that they are different to everyone

    [Posts on this topic: 19. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 23:09].

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  100. Trekking in Nepal
    Created by: Cat
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 1:00 Carlton Standard Time]

    A couple of us are thinking of trekking independently in
    Nepal. What's the best way to go about planning a trek
    accomodationwise, I mean do you have to book accomodation
    in advance, can you just turn up in a village/town and find
    somewhere - or can you 'camp' where you want - are there
    specified camping sites? We're thinking of going mid-
    september and, seeing as its our first trip to Nepal, or
    South East Asia, thought we'd do the 'Annapurna Circuit'
    which we've heard gets pretty busy.
    Any advice would be gratefully received!!

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Fri 21 May, 9:38].

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  101. Nepal: A Child's Perspective
    Created by: Ian (
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 0:15 Carlton Standard Time]

    I've just added a new page to my website about our 4 month
    budget trip to Nepal, India and Thailand (with kids). This
    new page is quite a large story written by my 11 year old
    daughter, about her impressions of travel to Nepal. Check
    it out for a child's perspective.

    My non-commercial website also has details on how we lots of
    side trips, but also lots of other info, tips, advice, our
    itinerary, important health info, lots of photos, details of
    all our hotels plus heaps more at
    Questions and requests for further advice welcome.

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 15:45].

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  102. Arnaud ?
    Created by: Lea
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 22:35 Carlton Standard Time]

    Looking for frenchman named Arnaud from Paris who I met in Jaisalmer September 1997. He was studying journalism and was taking pictures of "misery" in India. Would be interested to see his portraits of "misery".

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Fri 21 May, 6:30].

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  103. Internet v Guidebook
    Created by: Jan Noakes (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 21:51 Carlton Standard Time]

    Hi I'm doing a masters research degree at London Uni,
    looking at cultural discourse of the printed version of LP
    guide to India and the version available on the Internet
    web site. Does anybody have experience of using both and if
    so I would be really grateful if you could jot down some
    feelings you had about one or other media and email back
    Here's hoping
    P.S.I'm, particullarly interested in how western
    publications present non-western desternations

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Fri 21 May, 11:29].

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  104. Accommodation in Bombay
    Created by: Aisling (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 21:50 Carlton Standard Time]

    Does any one know of a cheapish (clean) hostel that we can
    stay at in Bombay. Our flight gets in at 8pmish and we
    would like to direct the taxi driver to a good place
    relatively central. Any tips you can provide on places to
    vist would be appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Fri 21 May, 2:10].

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    Created by: Duncan (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 20:35 Carlton Standard Time]

    Hello, could anyone give me info on trying to get a cheap fare on a boat from Egypt, through the Red Sea, around Arabia, into Dubai, to Porbander or Bombay in India.
    -Where is the best place to get on a boat, Suez canal, Port Said?
    -Whats the cheapest fare to get from Suez to Dubai to India and how much would it cost?
    -whats the cheapest fare to get from Suez straight to India
    -What are the main routes and companies that do these kind of journeys
    -Could anyone give me info or links to finding out more info on this
    -Does anyone know if its possible to get work on a boat on such a trip, either organized already or just by asking around while at the port?
    thanks for your time and any info

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 21:53].

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  106. Boats to and from India
    Created by: Duncan (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 18:53 Carlton Standard Time]

    could someone please give me info on big passenger boats that travel to India, whats their company name, where do they travel from and to, Is there some from the red sea or the suez canal. Could people give me links to finding this info. Does anybody have info on getting a job on a boat from Suez canal to Bombay or Cohin

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 18:53].

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  107. working possibilities
    Created by: Andrew (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 17:52 Carlton Standard Time]

    Hi guys,
    I am planning to go to North India this fall but I don't
    have enough money to stay as long as I want.Is there any
    possibilities to find any job there-if not for money then
    for food and place to stay.Thank you!

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 16:07].

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  108. where should I go...
    Created by: JayRooney
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 16:16 Carlton Standard Time]

    My family is planning a three week vacation to the northern
    part of India--the area around Delhi, including Varanasi,
    Khajuraho, Agra, Bharatpur, Jaipur, Jodhpur, and Jaisalmer,
    a whirlwind marathon if I ever imagined one, I know! I am
    arriving two weeks before the rest of my family to meet my
    girlfriend, who will have been in India for several months
    already. I am wondering if anybody has any suggestions of
    where we should go, staying in that section of the country,
    to spend a week or so in each place. I don't want to spend
    my whole vacation on my mum's crazy itinerary and want to
    get to know and experience a couple of places before I have
    to rush off to the next one. I really want to experience
    India and its people, but also know I will want some peace
    and relaxation time with my long-lost girlfriend. We also
    definitely want to eat great food and see some beautiful
    things, whether it be people, mountains, markets, or forts
    yet we don't know where to go because it seems all the main
    attractions of the area will be covered while we are with
    the family and we certainly don't want to go to the same
    place two times! I would appreciate any and all suggestions
    about where we should go. My thanks to all...

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Sun 23 May, 19:21].

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  109. flights to Varanasi
    Created by: jess
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 15:48 Carlton Standard Time]

    Does anybody know if there are flights from Jaisalmeror
    Jaipur to Varanasi or their environs? We are planning a
    trip (still in the preliminary phases) and would love this
    info in order to see what is feasible to do within a
    somewhat limited amount of time. Also, what is the price
    for these flights (we're on a budget!)? Thanks a million.

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 22:12].

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  110. airflights to london
    Created by: leesa (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 14:01 Carlton Standard Time]

    anyone do me a favour?? trying to find out whta the price
    is for a one way ticket from karachi to london and from so
    delhi to london so i can decide where to end my travels if
    anyone is in those countries and qyuoting airfares can you
    let me know what i can expect for these two!!!

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Fri 21 May, 18:34].

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  111. Ranthambhore
    Created by: Indiahner
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 12:04 Carlton Standard Time]

    I see in thread-posts that some people did not see tigers
    in Ranthambhore over 3 safaries. I hope people will not be
    scared away by this because we saw a big tiger within 15
    minutes of entering on our canter. I will give more
    information on what we encountered there on a thread-
    posting inside this topic if you are interested.

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 16:59].

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  112. Inner Line Permits
    Created by: kris
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 11:11 Carlton Standard Time]

    Does anyone have any information about whether inner line
    permits are necessary
    1)to complete the Kinnaur Kailash Circuit trek
    2) to visit Tabo gompa from Kaza
    Also, where is the easiest place to obtain them and how hord
    it is to master a group of 4 people in the end of June.
    LP, RG and the Handbook all have contradictory information
    on the subject so I have no idea what the situation is.
    Thanks very much for your h

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Fri 21 May, 1:05].

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  113. Talking of Interesting Sites
    Created by: Billy
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 10:28 Carlton Standard Time]

    Rescued from just below the summit of Everest - read the
    live dispatches at

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 20:28].

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  114. paging ian lockley...
    Created by: curious
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 10:04 Carlton Standard Time]

    Ian, I am looking for your site, but am out of luck. Maybe
    it is my computer, maybe the wrong address. Is it indeed I am wanting to read your
    page as I hear it is just chock-full of valuable
    information and I hope it still exists. Let me know!!!

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Fri 21 May, 0:07].

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  115. Dear Scam Alert
    Created by: Question
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 7:06 Carlton Standard Time]

    What negative reviews were you referring to in your e-mail
    reply to the Dehra Dun guesthouse????

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 7:06].

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  116. KUWAIT?
    Created by: Mys
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 7:04 Carlton Standard Time]

    On my way back to Europe from Trivandrum, South India, I┤ll
    have 24 hours stop-over i Kuwait! Any suggestions on what
    one might see/do there for such a short time? Especially if
    you┤re a girl, travelling alone. I could also use a good
    recommendation for a cheap clean hotel there..?
    Thanks a lot!!

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Fri 21 May, 23:58].

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  117. Internet
    Created by: john (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 6:38 Carlton Standard Time]

    Are Internet facilities readily available in India, with
    particular reference to Calcutta, Varanasi, Agra, Dehli and
    If so, what is the usual price range?

    [Posts on this topic: 8. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 23:03].

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  118. Bhutan - anyone been ?
    Created by: alex (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 6:38 Carlton Standard Time]

    has anyone out there been to Bhutan.
    Any hints about getting a visa and
    what to do if you only have a few days ?

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 15:10].

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  119. Bangaldesh - worth a look ?
    Created by: alex (A.J.Holroyd-Smith)
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 6:36 Carlton Standard Time]

    I am thinking about going to Bangladesh on my way through
    Assam to Culcutta. Can anyone make any recommendations
    about what to expect etc. Thanks.

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 14:03].

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  120. Left Luggage in Bombay
    Created by: Mark
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 5:50 Carlton Standard Time]

    Can anyone tell me what the cost of leaving luggage at the
    left luggage office at Bombay airport is ?
    (That is other than the staff of the left luggage office at
    Bombay airport - just in case some 'wit' things such a
    response may be what is required !)

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 5:50].

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  121. Trekking
    Created by: Sherpa (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 3:45 Carlton Standard Time]

    I will be flying into Delhi on the 13th July and heading
    north to do some sightseeing and trekking. We have six weeks
    to spare and are interested in trekking from Manali over the
    Pin Parbati into Spiti, visiting the Kasa Monastery. If
    anyone else is in the area at this time and would like to do
    something similar drop me a line. We have no fixed itineray
    as yet so if you have any other ideas let me know.
    Happy Travelling

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 3:45].

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  122. a scam for the scammers
    Created by: Scammer
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 1:23 Carlton Standard Time]

    A little scam picked up from my travels:
    1. Go to Agra;
    2. Find a taxi driver who speaks good English and is
    willing to help you in your plan (for half the profit) -
    this is the hardest part;
    3. Explain your plan to your driver: get him to drive you
    to every emporium in Agra. At each one he will receive 100
    Rs or more for taking you there. You look around for ten
    minutes or so, make excuses and leave
    4. Repeat step 3 above until you and your driver has
    plenty of cash
    5. Go back to your hotel and celebrate getting one over on
    the bastards!
    I works, I've done it.
    Anyone else know of any other scams?

    [Posts on this topic: 9. Latest post: Sat 22 May, 3:26].

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  123. Nepal in May
    Created by: Dave (
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 23:56 Carlton Standard Time]

    I am currently in Bangkok trying to decide if it's worth
    heading to Nepal this late in the season.
    If anyone has been or has talked to anyone who has been
    lately,or who has an inside scoop on the weather, let me
    know. I am concerned about visability and whether the cost
    of getting there would be worth it. I am most interested in
    the Everest route as I understand that it is open later in
    the season.
    Thanks a ton for taking a moment to reply.

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 4:21].

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  124. The Return of the British
    Created by: Bob Stamford-Smith
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 23:26 Carlton Standard Time]

    Good afternoon to you all.
    I am an eighty-two year old ex-serviceman and I intend to
    revisit Calcutta this Autumn where I was stationed during
    the last years of British rule in India. Will the natives
    resent me for having been part of the imperial set-up?
    Thank you.

    [Posts on this topic: 12. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 1:45].

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  125. Trekking in Ladakh
    Created by: johan (
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 22:48 Carlton Standard Time]

    We've 5 weeks in Ladakh (mid july-end august) an are
    planning a trekking in Ladakh. We are quite experienced
    (Pakistan, Sikkim, the Alps). According to the LP there
    seems to be not that much different trekking routes in
    Ladakh. From Darcha to Padum and from there to Lamayuru or
    from Padum to Leh are the most beaten tracks, so we're
    considering doing this trekking, assuming that this would
    cost about 3 weeks time. But has anyone done other long
    trekkings (not the one or two days around Leh) in this
    region, without having to travel a lot around? If you have
    recommendations, please add it to the tree
    Thanks, Johan and Barbara

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Fri 21 May, 1:18].

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  126. Nepal in June?!?
    Created by: Jim (
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 20:59 Carlton Standard Time]

    Hi all! I am planning on traveling to Nepal (Kathmandu)
    around early June, I have heard that it is one of the worst
    times to visit Nepal due to the weather. I am in India at
    the moment so if anyone has any advice it would be welcome!

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Sun 23 May, 19:30].

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  127. INDIAN MEN.....
    Created by: NICE PERSON!
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 16:26 Carlton Standard Time]

    i recently travelled India for 3 months and was sexually
    harrassed every inch of the way! I was always kind,
    polite, discreet and modestly dressed but even when i
    covered myself head to foot Indian men would only have to
    see my blue eyes to make my life a misery!
    They never took the time to discover that i'm a NICE
    PERSON, for all they knew I could be the next Mother
    So gals, how did you fare in India? Did anyone discover a
    fail-safe way to being treated like a human being rather
    than as a cockroach?! Or does every women leave India
    loathing Indian men?

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 11:40].

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  128. India next....?
    Created by: D.Carr
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 13:06 Carlton Standard Time]

    I just got back from Ecuador a few days ago, my first trip
    to S.A. I have travelled several times to S.E.A. I am
    considering India as my next destination. I need some
    convincing, as does my wife. Please try and convince me that
    this is the place I should go next.......

    [Posts on this topic: 10. Latest post: Sat 22 May, 18:17].

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  129. Kerala
    Created by: @#@#
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 10:57 Carlton Standard Time]

    Is 50 USD a day a reasonable budget for Kerala. I'm
    incuding room and board.

    [Posts on this topic: 10. Latest post: Fri 21 May, 11:00].

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  130. trekking
    Created by: ed
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 7:50 Carlton Standard Time]

    Ok, well I am flying into Delhi at end of June and want to
    go straight to the Himalayas to do some trekking with a
    guide, party and go on a nice long trek. My experience is
    only really of trekking UK mountains, where would I be best
    to start. Oh yeah, and I am on a tight budget.
    Please help!

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 21:24].

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  131. what shall I do in Pakistan ?
    Created by: Alex (
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 6:13 Carlton Standard Time]

    I off to India for two months and have 10 days before I go
    to spend in Pakistan. Can anyone recommend what i should do
    ? I am entering from Amritsar and leaving from the same
    place. I am quite interested in going to the Kyhber Pass.

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 19:01].

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  132. Thanks Argy...
    Created by: monique
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 6:08 Carlton Standard Time]

    Would you recommend a quick visit to Sri Lanka? I hear the
    political climate is pretty heavy at the moment. Do you
    know if this is still the case. It looks so beautiful and

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 2:56].

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  133. India to Sri Lanka
    Created by: monique
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 4:30 Carlton Standard Time]

    Could anyone tell me the easiest route from India to Sri
    Lanka (I may already be in Kerala at that point). I'd like
    to spend a few days in Sri Lanka but I don't want the trip
    there to be longer than the actual stay. Any help/advice
    would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Wed 19 May, 16:38].

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  134. Iranian visa in Dehli
    Created by: Wojtek (
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 2:16 Carlton Standard Time]

    Is it possible to get iranian transit visa in Dehli?
    I'm planning overland trip from Poland to India, but in
    iranian embassy in Poland I can get only one way iranian

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Sat 22 May, 2:46].

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  135. Nepal - First Time Trek Advice
    Created by: Kate
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 1:48 Carlton Standard Time]

    On my first trip to Nepal this September, I hope to squeeze
    in a 3-4 day trek, but am wondering what sort of additional
    clothing/equipment I'll need. I'll be coming from SE Asia,
    so will have little other than lightweight clothing.
    Will trekking in Nepal in Sept. require warm clothing? Is
    it possible to rent equipment such as sleeping bag, tent,
    etc? How easy is it for a solo traveler to arrange for a
    trek - a simple trek, nothing that might be so organized as
    to exceed her nominal budget?!
    Finally, any recommendations on arranging a trek - good
    companies, Pokhara vs. Kathmandu as a starting point, etc.
    would be welcomed.
    Thanks so much in advance!

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 9:55].

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  136. Kashmir
    Created by: Robert (
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 20:45 Carlton Standard Time]

    Do someone know how the situation in Kashmir (Jammu -
    Srinagar) is ?

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 4:44].

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  137. Trekking permit
    Created by: GroganBoy
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 19:13 Carlton Standard Time]

    Hi ! Is the immigration office in Kathmandu open on
    Sundays to arrange trekking permits ? Also what would the
    opening times be ?
    I've got a feeling that Saturday is the only day that
    they're this correct ?

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Wed 19 May, 12:39].

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  138. Nepal in the winter
    Created by: Henry (
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 16:21 Carlton Standard Time]

    Can anyone please tell me how cold it gets in Nepal during
    January and February? Is it feasible to travel there with
    three children ages 6-9? Thank you very much.

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 1:06].

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  139. do you find...
    Created by: portia
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 16:18 Carlton Standard Time]

    india mentally and physically draining? is it more intense
    if you are travelling for months on end.
    if i were travelling in the northern parts, would i be a
    fool to miss out on nepal?
    i am trying to plan my trip so i have nice places to relax
    in between all the madness. any tips welcome

    [Posts on this topic: 6. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 7:44].

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  140. Nepal
    Created by: J Newell (
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 14:58 Carlton Standard Time]

    A friend and I are planning on trekking in the Sherpa
    region of Nepal next March and April on part of a world
    tour and would like to talk with people who have been
    hiking in Nepal or have info about visas, restrictions,
    etc...Thanks for the help, -JN

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Sat 22 May, 23:07].

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  141. Jammu
    Created by: Bob
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 12:51 Carlton Standard Time]

    We are traveling to Dharamsala from Delhi. We plan to fly
    into Jammu and a driver will take us the rest of the way by
    road. How safe is Jammu these days? Has anyone been in the
    area lately?

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 0:35].

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  142. Where are the night spots in Mumbai?
    Created by: Angie (
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 6:28 Carlton Standard Time]

    When my group arrives in Mumbai with 24 hrs. worth of
    jetlag, we want to make it worse! Where should we go

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 3:02].

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    Created by: mys (
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 6:19 Carlton Standard Time]

    Backpackers seem to be getting quite a bad reputation, and
    I wonder if we are really that bad? Are you going to India
    because you love indian culture, or just to get stoned in
    Goa? Are you hoping to find yourself a guru, or maybe the
    love of you life - (or easy sex..)? Or are you travelling
    because your life is horribly boring. Or to get away. Or..
    Try to state - in one sentence - whu YOU are going to INDIA!

    [Posts on this topic: 17. Latest post: Sat 22 May, 1:29].

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  144. Jobs
    Created by: Cuban (
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 5:43 Carlton Standard Time]

    I am looking for jobs in Europe. I'm working for Shell
    Services International in the US and really want to get out
    of this place.
    I have an Indian passport and a US work permit. I have been
    educated in the US but really want to work in Europe.
    If possible an English speaking country will be good to live
    It's probably an inane request but I need to know. I can't
    handle this place anymore. I feel isolated fro the rest of
    the planet and have had my share of this credit card pop
    Please let me know. I have a degree in Economics and Art
    History. I've lived in Cuba, Costa Rica, Mexico, Europe,
    India, South East Asia. This is by far the most insipid
    country I have ever lived in.
    Let me know.

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Tue 18 May, 13:33].

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  145. Remote Trek in Nepal in September
    Created by: Big phil (
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 1:24 Carlton Standard Time]

    A friend and i have planned a trek in Nepal in September
    with a Nepal based firm called World Peace Trekking. The
    trek is to a remote region of the Rowling Himachl and will
    be totally self-suffient and wild - none of this lame this
    tea house treking - this is going to be special !!
    The trouble is those organising the trip over here in the UK
    have had trouble getting enough interest, so it looks like
    it will be just be my mate and myself + guides and porters.
    The trek is reasonably priced and flexible and i can send
    you loads of info.
    Basically i'm going to be in Nepal around September 1st for
    a month if anyone else is thinking about doing a trek at
    this time then email me or you'll miss a great opportunity
    to see a area of Nepal rarely visited!
    P.S I have no commercial interest in this trek. I just think
    the whole experience would be more fun with a bigger group.
    Phil Tutty

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Wed 19 May, 2:54].

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  146. pacsafe...
    Created by: portia
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 16:41 Carlton Standard Time]

    has anyone got one of these? i have never seen one,
    although they sound excellent for protecting my pack. from
    what i understand - it is a wire mesh thingy to go over the
    whole pack to stop my pack getting slashed/damaged, and i
    can also lock it up? so does this mean you can "wear" it on
    your pack while walking around? sorry for the naievity, but
    i just need to know. It seems expensive, but if it's worth
    my peace of mind i'll get it for sure. should i put a
    pacsafe on my list of "must haves"?

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 0:26].

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  147. travel with toddler
    Created by: Suzie (
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 14:38 Carlton Standard Time]

    My partner and I are planning to take our 2.5 year old to
    India for 2 months at the end of the year. Does anyone have
    any stories to tell about their experiences with health,
    (cloth) nappies, child minding, homestays, budget accomm.
    I'm starting to think I might be crazy as I can't find any
    info about travel with young ones to India.

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Tue 18 May, 3:24].

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  148. India with kids
    Created by: Annette
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 11:23 Carlton Standard Time]

    Am planning a trip with husband and 13 year old daughter
    and 10 year old son in September/October. I noticed a few
    posts below mentioning guesthouses in India. If we stay in
    a guesthouse will we all be able to stay in the same room?
    My kids are good travellers and at this stage I'm looking
    to do Goa, Agra, New Delhi and if time permits over to
    Nepal. Any suggestions from anyone would be appreciated.

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Mon 17 May, 23:46].

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  149. English in India
    Created by: Karen
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 4:21 Carlton Standard Time]

    Hi. My friends and I will be traveling to India in a few
    weeks. None of us understands Hindu or any of the native
    languages. Should we take a crash course in Hindu, in which
    we still wouldn't be able to speak it well after only
    studying it for a few weeks? Or could we get around on
    English, which is an associate official language in India?
    Are there any areas in India where English is more commly
    spoken than the rest? Please give us some advice. Thank you.

    [Posts on this topic: 13. Latest post: Wed 19 May, 3:02].

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  150. Annapurna Circuit Trekking
    Created by: Matthew and Fleur (
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 0:47 Carlton Standard Time]

    Myself and partner are arriving into Kathmandu around the
    end of October. We are wanting to do the Annapurna circuit
    for 2-3 weeks. We were wondering if anyone else is
    interested in joining us to do a trek independently with
    hired porters.
    If anyone has any useful information/tips regarding this
    trek we would also appreciate you passing it on.

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 10:02].

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  151. Trekking in Sikkim
    Created by: Pete & Eifiona (
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 May, 22:41 Carlton Standard Time]

    We are planning to go on the Yuksom-Dzongri-Goecha La
    (Kanchenjunga)trek in October '99. Is it necessary to go
    through a trekking agency in Gangtok, or can we trek
    independantly? Does the 4 persons per visa rule still apply
    and how easy is this to get without a travel agency? Due to
    limited time in India we want to book a travel agency in
    Gangtok from here in Australia. Any recommended agents?
    Any help much appreciated.

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Wed 19 May, 9:44].

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  152. Mumbai-Goa trains
    Created by: Roget
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 May, 20:54 Carlton Standard Time]

    I'm having difficulty finding wher the stations are on the
    new Konkan line through Goa.
    One map I found shows it running through Pananji and other
    stations: eg, Ratnagiri.
    Can anyone confirm which stations in Goa the Konkan runs
    through in Goa?

    [Posts on this topic: 7. Latest post: Wed 19 May, 15:31].

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  153. Delhi
    Created by: dilliwallah (
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 May, 20:26 Carlton Standard Time]

    I'm an ex-pat who has lived and worked in Delhi for a year
    and love every minute. If I can help anyone with anything
    Delhi related just drop me an email.

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Sat 22 May, 13:52].

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  154. Christmas -- where to be?
    Created by: rudolph
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 May, 12:06 Carlton Standard Time]

    Anywhere but Goa -- suggestions?

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Wed 19 May, 0:43].

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  155. Nepal Cheaper than Thailand?
    Created by: matt (
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 May, 2:42 Carlton Standard Time]

    Hi There. Been back a month from Indo and Thailand. Getting itch feet already. Does anyone know how much a ticket to Katmando is from Bangkok? Also how does it compare with Indo or Thailand for prices......Thanx in advance! Matt

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Wed 19 May, 19:51].

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  156. kathmandu riots?
    Created by: chrissie
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 May, 1:13 Carlton Standard Time]

    Am arriving in nepal in one week - can anyone tell me what
    the scene is with election riots?

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Tue 18 May, 0:41].

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  157. Kathmandu to Chengdu
    Created by: Kate (
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 14:39 Carlton Standard Time]

    I'm sure that question has been answered before, but.... can
    anyone tell me about the feasibility of getting a plane
    ticket (in KTM) from Kathmandu to Chendu (China)? Is it
    impossible? Should I book my flight now (while in the US),
    and not wait till I get to KTM?
    I'm supposed to be going to China/Tibet to work on a Botany
    project this summer, but I am unsure right now of my plans,
    since tensions have been escalating in China due to the
    recent Belgrade tragedy. Thus, I don't want to buy a ticket,
    and have my plans fall through...with no refund. Any
    suggestions? I have heard that it is extremely hard to get
    from Nepal to China/Tibet... and that I may have to go about
    his from a different angle.
    Second question? Can anybody give me up to date info. on the
    pre-election riots in Kathmandu? Unwise to be flying there
    in a week and a half???
    Thanks for your help!!!

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Tue 18 May, 0:44].

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  158. sexuality research proposal
    Created by: veronica
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 9:29 Carlton Standard Time]

    hello everyone, i just graduated with a degree in sociology
    and will be embarking on a RTW at the end of the year. On
    my trip I will be studying sexuality around the world and
    writing a book. i have just begun my research and think
    this would be a good forum to post some inquiries. does
    anyone have any information on where one can study tantric
    sex or the art of kama sutra in india. are there ashrams
    where sexuality is a primary focus? i have heard of osho,
    would this be a good place to start? any other input on
    where i can research sexuality in india or elsewhere in the
    world? please limit the flames, i will check back to
    respond to posts or if anyone is interested, share more
    about my work. thanks!

    [Posts on this topic: 9. Latest post: Fri 21 May, 0:02].

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  159. Ayurvedic retreats
    Created by: NEEFER (
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 3:49 Carlton Standard Time]

    I am interested in going to India to both travel and for an ayurvedic retreat in December. Anyone experienced or knowledgeable with the Ayurvedic centers in India? I would greatly appreciate any words of wisdom or warnings. I am a western woman. Are the centers mostly in the South? I am also seeking fellow travellers for that time.

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Tue 18 May, 7:03].

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  160. Varkala or Kovalam?
    Created by: Helga
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 1:43 Carlton Standard Time]

    If you had to choose from Varkala or Kovalam which one would you choose after 4 weeks trip and why?

    [Posts on this topic: 7. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 7:05].

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  161. Hidden gems !
    Created by: michael (
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 22:37 Carlton Standard Time]

    I'm going to India in september and plan to stay there for a
    year or so.
    I'm going to West Bengal,Sikkim, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and
    I'm looking for places that are hidden gems.
    So do you know of places not that knowned, but magnificient.
    Let me know !

    [Posts on this topic: 6. Latest post: Wed 19 May, 4:37].

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  162. overseas born indians returning to india
    Created by: savi
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 16:22 Carlton Standard Time]

    just wondering about experiences of people whose
    parents are indian but who were born overseas
    who have returned to india to travel and discover
    the place for themselves.
    what response did you get from indians?
    was it what you expected?
    did you discover a part of yourself?
    write and let me know about the intricacies of
    transplanted cultures and the challenges of identity

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 7:28].

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  163. Malaria medicine in Delhi?
    Created by: Andy (
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 16:14 Carlton Standard Time]

    My wife wants to buy prescription malaria medicine
    (Lariam or Mefloquine) here before we go to India. Wow,
    though, is it expensive! Does anyone know if this is
    available in Delhi? It must be less expensive than in
    America. If so, would they fill an American prescritpion
    for the stuff? Thank you a lot for your suggestions.

    [Posts on this topic: 8. Latest post: Wed 19 May, 15:48].

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  164. Graduation present
    Created by: Greg
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 9:45 Carlton Standard Time]

    I posted this in the European section, but more people seem
    to peruse this thread. So ---
    This probably sounds like a silly question to ask, but I'll
    go ahead and ask it anyway to all you seasoned travelers!
    My sister is backpacking around Europe this summer after
    college graduation... So yep, I'm looking for a cool
    graduation gift that would be useful for her first budget
    trip. Any suggestions? She has already purchased the
    backpack. Thank you.

    [Posts on this topic: 11. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 11:00].

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  165. Indian Trains
    Created by: Phil (phat!
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 4:47 Carlton Standard Time]

    I will be in North India for about a week, and I plan to
    travel by train in between cities. How are the Indian
    trains? Are they a better option than the bus? Also, do
    some of them at least hav A/C? How safe are they? I know
    this sounds silly, but I've heard of organized pack-
    snatching gangs.

    [Posts on this topic: 13. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 8:23].

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  166. Indian prostitutes
    Created by: hard
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 2:56 Carlton Standard Time]

    Where's the best place in india to buy thier services?
    Where to you find them? How much is it? Do you buy them by
    the hour, the day, the week? Should I bring a box of
    condoms or are the ones they sell there good enough? I'm
    sure I'll get flamed for this but I really need to know.
    Real questions from a real person.

    [Posts on this topic: 14. Latest post: Wed 19 May, 7:55].

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  167. Scooter
    Created by: django
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 23:50 Carlton Standard Time]

    * has anyone bought a scooter in India / a new or a used
    * if buying a bike, is it big trouble to "give up a local
    adress as foreign resident" ?
    * which one is the best buy : the Bajaj Cheetak or the new
    Japanese ones, considering the road conditions ?
    * Is it necessary to have mechanical knowledge ?
    will be going for a 5 month trip starting sep 99 .

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Fri 21 May, 2:08].

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    Created by: YODA
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 21:21 Carlton Standard Time]

    Ok, just came back from a 4 month trip. Mostly in the South
    of India (esp. Kerala) and did the usual tourist sites
    leading back up to Delhi.
    If anyone needs tips I'll help them out.

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Fri 21 May, 2:59].

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  169. kkh
    Created by: tim
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 17:17 Carlton Standard Time]

    is it possible to travel on the roof of a bus the full
    length of the kkh?

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Wed 19 May, 1:01].

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  170. music study in india
    Created by: tigstar (
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 13:29 Carlton Standard Time]

    am planning a trip to study indian vocal techniques -
    probably in bombay - in november and was wondering whether
    anyone out there has studied voice (or any other instrument)
    in india and what their experiences were like. in
    particular, i am interested in what sort of response you
    had from your teachers, and whether it was difficult to
    find one who was open to your style of studying (especially
    time wise - am thinking of more casual study)
    cheers people.

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Wed 19 May, 4:53].

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  171. Indian recommended reading ???
    Created by: curimanque (
    [Timestamp: Tue 4 May, 23:56 Carlton Standard Time]

    Hi there !!
    I'll be arriving to India in September and I'm trying to
    read as much as possible about its history ... does anyone
    know about a good web in internet where to get some good
    Ravi (the historian) has recommended the
    page ... thanks Ravi, very helpful !!
    thanks in advance
    Tomßs Greene :)
    PS: if anybody needs info about Chile (my country), please
    feel free to write me

    [Posts on this topic: 13. Latest post: Fri 14 May, 8:51].

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  172. Why do tourists come to India?
    Created by: Ravi
    [Timestamp: Wed 28 April, 14:05 Carlton Standard Time]

    I'm Indian and been hanging around this board for a while
    now (NO, I'm not the Ravi who posts abuses sometimes!) and
    I was just wondering after going through some of the posts
    here, why do you folks go to India? I mean, I see a lot of
    tension and even some bitterness around here, (which is
    understandable, even I get pissed off with my people
    sometimes) and I wonder, why are you folks going?
    As an Indian interested in History, I've travelled within
    India to places of historical importance, hindu, Muslim,
    Sikh, whatever. I tend to therefore view my country through
    a historical perspective. So when someone asks me where to
    go, I say go to this fort where this battle happened or
    this palace where this emperor ruled, etc, etc. As an
    Indian whose present has been shaped by the deeds of these
    men, this really exerts the greatest grip on my
    imagination. Since I'm also into nature, I tend to
    gravitate towards the Himalayas, the Thar, the Rann, etc.
    But for the travellers out there, since you really have
    no emotional attachment to Indian (or oriental) history,
    how do you chose which places to go to? and why? is it just
    a search for the orient and finding some place with
    interesting stories? I mean, I would imagine the fort at
    Jaisalmer is really not that different from Crusader forts
    in the Holy land or Berber forts in the Maghrib. The same
    would go for many Indian monuments which are really no
    different from those scattered all over the Middle East and
    North Africa from an outsiders perspective. So why come
    here instead of going there? (or do you do both). Is it
    just that India is this freaky destination which appears
    more acessible and less intimidating than the middle east?
    The same could go for nature too. You could concievably
    go to Nepal and never set foot in India (which I guess
    happens often) or you could go to jordan or Syria or
    Tunisia to check out the desert. So why come here?
    One of my points is that some people appear to be coming
    to India looking for a freak show (which does happen
    ocassionally I guess, though on a scale only slightly
    larger than the middle east) and for things unusual, and
    when something does happen, they get upset. That is really
    the wrong approach to take in India, believe me. If you're
    looking for something under the surface and know what that
    something is, then you can tolerate the mundane and see
    what you seek. But if you really don't know what lies
    beneath and are just cruising with the flow, then things
    will happen which will piss you off, and since that's all
    you can see, you will have a rotten trip.
    Anyway, I digress. Maybe my sense of what's "exotic" is
    totally different from a western perspective and I see
    things differently. So do tell, why do you folks come to
    India, what do you hope to see, and where do you try to see

    [Posts on this topic: 35. Latest post: Fri 21 May, 9:54].

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  173. best indian city !!!
    Created by: anboy (
    [Timestamp: Fri 23 April, 14:08 Carlton Standard Time]

    hi ,
    let's have a debate on which is the most tourist friendly ,
    most beautiful and less crime ridden city in india .those who
    have been to india ( must have seen a couple of indian cities at least ) are wecome to give suggestions .

    [Posts on this topic: 23. Latest post: Tue 18 May, 4:24].

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  174. LP books
    Created by: tim
    [Timestamp: Thu 22 April, 23:38 Carlton Standard Time]

    Any reviews of the Lonely Planet India guide? I'll be
    living in Southern India for about a year but travelling
    all around- is it worth the cost and hassle to buy the LP
    India and LP Southern India books?

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Tue 27 April, 5:04].

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  175. Guidebooks
    Created by: Ann-Marie (
    [Timestamp: Wed 14 April, 4:50 Carlton Standard Time]

    I am planning a seven month around the world
    journey, and I am wondering how easy it is to buy
    guide books along the way rather than carry all of them
    with you. I would like to pick up the latest lonely
    planet guides (in english) for southeast asia in
    India, especially since Lonely Planet
    just came out with new guides for Vietnam and Laos.
    Is it hard to find these latest editions in English
    and what cities in India?
    Where can you find new guides rather than older
    used guides. Thank You

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Wed 21 April, 5:55].

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  176. BEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD??????????
    Created by: Simon (
    [Timestamp: Sat 6 Feb, 8:04 Carlton Standard Time]

    OK.............We have all travelled the world and seen lot's of great countries, but the question remains........WHICH ONE WAS THE BEST????????
    ......................this is going to be very interesting...............

    [Posts on this topic: 56. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 3:55].

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  177. hairy vegans
    Created by: pongite
    [Timestamp: Tue 12 Jan, 22:19 Carlton Standard Time]

    i'm looking for tips on eating a vegan diet in India,are
    there any vegan places to stay in Dehli or in the North?
    and also - I'm a female travelling alone for the first
    time, and wondered if any other women with dreadlocks had
    increased problems because of them. Will it make me into a
    big freaky lets all laugh at her thing ? Any help
    gratefully recieved...cheers

    [Posts on this topic: 22. Latest post: Mon 17 May, 19:42].

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  178. How to prevent train backpack theft
    Created by: farid
    [Timestamp: Wed 6 Jan, 21:02 Carlton Standard Time]

    Any tips besides buying a metal trunk to prevent my backpack
    from being stolen while traveling by train. Is 1st class
    any more safe than 2nd sleeper as far as theft goes?

    [Posts on this topic: 16. Latest post: Tue 18 May, 17:54].

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  179. Pretzels in India?
    Created by: mike
    [Timestamp: Wed 30 Dec, 11:09 Carlton Standard Time]

    This may sound strange, but can you buy pretzels in India?
    I love pretzels and can't live without them. I have
    traveled to many countries and most of the time I can't find
    pretzels (and in a cruel twist of fate, I can always find
    Mentos). Thanks.

    [Posts on this topic: 29. Latest post: Tue 18 May, 3:32].

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  180. Let's Go Or Lonely Planet
    Created by: vj
    [Timestamp: Mon 21 Dec, 3:13 Carlton Standard Time]

    I'm planning to travel to india and nepal between feb and
    may but need some help with guidebooks.
    Which ones do I take?
    Lonely planet guidebooks for india and nepal are great but
    are about a year or two old. while Let's go has just got
    the new 1999 edition out now.
    please let's not get into another discussion on how crap
    let's go books are. We all know lp books are the best but
    wouldn't it better with going with an earlier edition of a
    Could I please suggestions.....

    [Posts on this topic: 14. Latest post: Fri 26 March, 14:19].

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  181. Scams in India
    Created by: Brett
    [Timestamp: Sat 19 Dec, 10:08 Carlton Standard Time]

    I thought it would be helpful to create a list of scams to
    beware of while traveling in India. I read several before
    I went and it helped me to avoid some and in one case
    realize I was in one before I could be taken (see post #1).

    [Posts on this topic: 27. Latest post: Sat 22 May, 2:11].

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  182. About those toilets.....
    Created by: Ann
    [Timestamp: Fri 4 Dec, 8:17 Carlton Standard Time]

    How exactly are you supposed to use squat toilets? The
    tap, the little plastic's it all supposed to
    This is a serious question - please keep it clean!

    [Posts on this topic: 58. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 1:04].

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  183. India- Love or Madness.
    Created by: Paul
    [Timestamp: Fri 27 Nov, 14:24 Carlton Standard Time]

    Is it just me, or other people, after one trip, obsessed
    with India? I was there two years ago, for little more than
    month, and have since been to China and Russia, and yet I
    cannot seem to escape from the pull of India. The memory of
    walking into a hot Bombay night at 2am, feeling the whole
    city waiting for the rains to come, the sight of cows in
    downtown Bombay and elephants on Dehli streets, the Taj, the
    basillica of Bom Jesus, Elephanta caves, conversations on
    trains, the heat, the rain etc seems to haunt me. Is this
    normal. I am desperate to go back, and have volunteered to
    teach there, just in the hope that I can recapture these
    feelings. Is this possible? Is it normal? Will I ever cease
    to be such an Indophile? I am in your hands, people- is
    there a cure? (if not, stories that will stoke my desire
    will do- I am like one of those teenagers who can never here
    enough about my beloved.)

    [Posts on this topic: 29. Latest post: Tue 18 May, 3:56].

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  184. Is there life after backpacking?
    Created by: Lou
    [Timestamp: Mon 31 August, 11:37 Carlton Standard Time]

    I had the best time of my life backpacking through Nepal,
    India and Sri Lanka. But it was to India I returned 4 times
    since. Later back in Holland I ended up buying a house
    (what the hell did I do that for?) and have what one calls
    a "permanent" job. And now I am at home feeling so
    miserable, and I just have this overwhelming desire to
    leave everything and go again. Only this time, I can't
    afford it (yet). I keep wondering what it is, after
    backpacking, that makes one want to go and hit the road
    again? Not just the thought, but the conviction that it
    has to be that way? Not many people around me understand
    that (hidden) desire. And I myself have not yet figured
    out what is is. One of the most important things I noticed
    was that making new friends whilst travelling seemed to be
    so much easier than it is at home. Maybe travellers are
    just more open to the new and different. Just knowing that
    you probably will never meet most people again, makes it
    easier to be completely honest and open to them, it takes
    away the fear that things will slap back in our face. Why
    is it, that one never seems to be able to find at home what
    one finds travelling? Besides the beautifull sites and
    culture shocks, sunsets, beaches and mountains that are
    nothing like one has ever seen before? Has anyone ever
    found something "at home" that equals the travelling
    experience? Does this one big trip mean we are forever
    doomed to travel on? Or does some of you finally settle
    down, and how does that make you feel? I would love to
    know what fellow-travellers think about it.. Give me a
    hint, please.. Is there life after backpacking??

    [Posts on this topic: 179. Latest post: Tue 18 May, 4:16].

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  185. Too Old ?
    Created by: Jonno
    [Timestamp: Thu 6 August, 14:43 Carlton Standard Time]

    I turn 30 next week. Is this too old to be part of the Indian backpacking scene ? Am I gonna be rejected by all you younger spring chickens when I get there in October?
    Am I gonna be able to cope with the pace in India at my age ?
    Are the best of my travel years over forever ?
    Seriously,........this is really bothering me. I still want to be a part of the scene..............

    [Posts on this topic: 83. Latest post: Tue 18 May, 11:21].

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  186. Things you can't travel without
    Created by: Abigail
    [Timestamp: Mon 3 August, 14:01 Carlton Standard Time]

    Someone started this topic on the Women's board, but I would like to hear from people who have travelled in India and similar places. Aside form the obvious (passport, clean socks, etc.) which items have you found to be very valuable in your travels?
    Also, is there anything that you thought would be really useful, but then never used?

    [Posts on this topic: 42. Latest post: Mon 10 May, 17:20].

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  187. novels
    Created by: Marij
    [Timestamp: Wed 6 May, 19:53 Carlton Standard Time]

    Does anyone knows some good novels about India? There are so many in the libary, I don't know which ones are good and whiche are rubish. Thanks a lot!

    [Posts on this topic: 68. Latest post: Wed 19 May, 3:52].

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  188. Created by:
    [Timestamp: Thu 1 Jan, 10:00 Carlton Standard Time]

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Thu 1 Jan, 10:00].

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