Year-out travel in Nepal

This topic was created by Sam (sam42_80)
[Sun 23 May, 21:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Are there any other students out there who have been (or
are considering) travelling independantly in Nepal - ie.
not through any organization. If so, I could use some
advice. I am planning to go for a couple of months during
my year out next year, before university. Most independant
travellers in the Indian subcontinent seem to be slightly
older and more experienced than myself. I am 18 and have
never travelled alone before. Am I mad?

[There are 3 posts - the latest was added on Wed 26 May, 1:44]

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  1. nope Added by: Kajol
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 22:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    don't worry, you're not mad. I went to India with an
    organisation, but travelled independently for a while in
    Nepal. It's a beautiful place, and the people are friendly
    and helpful. Also, there are going to be quite a few other
    travellers there, as it's relatively popular, and while you
    shouldn't automatically trust them, most will turn out to be
    nice, so you'll never really be on your own. It's definitely
    an idea to buy the LP guide or another guide as it will tell
    you what to bring, and what you should see while you're
    there. I'd recommend Kathmandu (obviously), Patan,
    Bhaktapur, Pokhara, and possibly Namche Bazaar to see
    Everest. As for being 18, well, I was just 19, and you have
    to start sometime! As you get older, you have more
    responsibility, and it's harder to travel independently, so
    I'd recommend doing it while you're young. Good luck, have a
    great trip!!

  2. No Probs Added by: Tom (
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 2:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I went to Nepal a few weeks ago, and travelled there
    independently with a friend for a month.
    Don't worry about travelling alone, I met loads of people
    travelling alone - including a few other gap year students.
    Email me if you want any advice,

  3. easy Added by: Ava
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 1:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I just came back from nepal yesterday and travelled by
    myself for 2 weeks then met up with people for 7 days
    trekking. It was so easy to travel alone and I met loads of
    different people. I am 22 and it was my first time
    travelling o/s by myself. Its so easy to travel there...go
    for it!

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