Pretzels in India?

This topic was created by mike
[Wed 30 Dec, 11:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

This may sound strange, but can you buy pretzels in India?
I love pretzels and can't live without them. I have
traveled to many countries and most of the time I can't find
pretzels (and in a cruel twist of fate, I can always find
Mentos). Thanks.

[There are 29 posts - the latest was added on Tue 18 May, 3:32]

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  1. anticipation Added by: J
    [Timestamp: Wed 30 Dec, 12:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm going to enjoy this, mike.................

  2. no, but Added by: maria
    [Timestamp: Wed 30 Dec, 17:56 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    you can find Diet Coke.

  3. Bring your own Added by: LP Fan
    [Timestamp: Wed 30 Dec, 19:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    There's a blue haired chick on a streetcorner in Mumbai
    who'll fix your old ones? Even crumbs! Much cheaper than
    buying new ones, and you hardly notice the difference. I
    always bring my old pretzels to her for repair.
    Maria, you beat me to it...

  4. goa Added by: anna
    [Timestamp: Wed 30 Dec, 19:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    In Goa there seems to be at least one German bakery. I'm
    sure you'll find Pretzels there. But to be honest - they are
    not always real fresh. That's why I habitually carry my own
    oven and bake some whenever I feel like. Put it around your
    neck with a good, strong chain to prevent theft.
    Happy New Year !

  5. Ask the blue haired teenager Added by: Yarra
    [Timestamp: Wed 30 Dec, 21:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Search long and carefully into the heart of India and you
    will find a blue haired teenager selling Diet Coke. Ask her
    about the pretzels, she's the only one who can really
    answer the question.

  6. seriously Added by: serious
    [Timestamp: Wed 30 Dec, 21:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You can get ANYTHING in India. Go to any baker, find the
    kind of bread he makes which most resembles pretzel texture,
    ask him to roll it appropriately, give him some rock salt
    (available at all markets), and he'll bake your goddam
    pretzels. Or you can buy flour and bottled water, pinch of
    salt, tbsp of lard or oil, make your own dough, roll, twist,
    add rock salt, and go to any village communal oven or
    anywhere there's an oven, tandoor, etc., and pay to have
    them baked.
    Yarra, I'm surprised at you for being late and cribbing from
    higher posts!
    I sure hope you find a way to get pretzels in India, 'cause
    India sucks without pretzels, as I'm sure everyone agrees.
    Thanks for this attempt to get us all worked up. But, could
    have done better. I almost miss Mwahaha, but he has left us
    for a more sophisticated audience ever since his website

  7. having the runs better than being stuck up Added by: break bread, not wind
    [Timestamp: Thu 31 Dec, 1:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    hey, but that's an idea: if you've got the runs from eating
    too much spicy food, dig into pretzels and lo and behold!
    you'll be stuck up the next day.

  8. Pretzels?? Added by: Idowithout
    [Timestamp: Thu 31 Dec, 2:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You say you can't live without them? Oh, travelling will
    be such an enlightening experience for you. Right now you
    can't imagine.. but after a few months, you will find you
    CAN live without a lot of things that at first you thought
    were crucial to your existence.. You'll then laugh about
    those petty things.. somebody who says that he can't LIVE
    without pretzels??? Do you hear it yourself? How's that
    for being stuck in your ways?

  9. & beer Added by: bart
    [Timestamp: Thu 31 Dec, 6:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Go to Kathmandu.
    Pretzels, beer,Yak cheese all very exciting and you avoid all these people that scoff at the never ending search for a pretzel. (what the hell is a pretzel?)

  10. munchies Added by: Gary
    [Timestamp: Thu 31 Dec, 8:56 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    India has a better product. Its usually called "mixture"and
    it is a variety of spicy, salty, crisp treats. India does
    it better in most things and this is no exception. Except
    what Thailand has to offer, of course.

  11. What the hell? Added by: mike
    [Timestamp: Fri 1 Jan, 4:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I have to tell you that I haven't laughed so hard in a long
    time. I can't believe that my post generated so many
    responses so quickly. When I logged on and saw 11 posts in
    one day, I knew that something was up. I didn't understand
    what J's post meant at first, but I sure do now.
    I didn't mean to attract the attention of the holier than
    thou "true" traveller squad, but I guess I did. I think
    that this is a perfectly good question; sure beats the
    usual, "Please give me tips on India." What is this page
    for, if not to ask questions about those little things that
    aren't in guidebooks? I understand the blue hair references
    because that post had interested me, but I never read the
    Diet Coke post. I didn't read it because I don't really
    care about Diet Coke. That's what I do when I don't care
    about a post, I skip it. I don't feel that I have to reply
    sarcastically to show everyone how worldly I am.
    Also, please excuse me for the "I can't live without" line.
    Yes, that was a slight hyperbole, but I think that in
    good writing, a bit of license should be granted when a
    point needs to be made.
    Please excuse this ranting, you can be sure that I am still
    laughing as I write. Thank you to the people who tried to
    give advice. If anyone has anymore "pretzel in India"
    knowledge, I'd be grateful to hear from you.

  12. top priority Added by: Leens
    [Timestamp: Fri 1 Jan, 18:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Mike's need might as well be a universal "must have it" factor for hundreds of travellers to India. I strongly urge the Govt of India and the Torism Board to set up Pretzel distribution centers in all tourist spots, airports, train stations ... Afterall, you can't have these great tourists go back disappointed and heartbroken at not finding what they have come to india for... to have indian pretzels.
    Hopefully, as Pretzels spread in to the nooks and corners of India, world will be a far happier place to live in..

  13. sure, pretzels Added by: Chuckles
    [Timestamp: Sat 2 Jan, 6:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Indian pretzels are a bit different. they're sweet. Just ask
    for jalebis. Available everywhere.

  14. Fashion tips for munchies Added by: Yarra
    [Timestamp: Sat 2 Jan, 15:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Mike, as you may have gathered, your style of post has
    slotted into one of the little competitive comedy corners
    that forms eddies and whirlpool on the tree. No big deal -
    its just light relief for those of us having a dull day at
    the office.None the less - here is a serious responce to
    your post.
    On MG road oposite the park in Bangalore you will find a
    large department store just like back home even down to
    eftpost and computer based scanners. It has chocolate, diet
    coke, wine, pretzels, tampons, mozzie zappers, pringle
    chips, toilet paper etc etc etc. All the home sick
    westerner could desire. Same thing in Chennai just around
    the corner from the Connemerra.I think its called
    Robinson's. Haven't found one in Delhi.

  15. Yes, of course you can Added by: Alohalani
    [Timestamp: Sun 3 Jan, 5:18 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Don't be rediculous. (Not you, Mike.) I used to live in
    India and I love pretzels. I ate them regularly, for three
    years. Somehow I also felt like I was not betraying the
    true spirit of India. Proceed directly to any chip store or
    grocery store or pharmacy or street vendor in Delhi and you
    will find many snacks that are very similar to pretzels,
    and some of them actually are pretzels. Try Connaught
    Circle, for a start, at the place with the great garlic
    potato chips. (And please, take your in-jokes somewhere
    else. Not you, Mike.)

  16. Yarra Added by: jp
    [Timestamp: Sat 9 Jan, 17:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Your Chennai store is called Spencer's, but pretzels
    are out of stock.

  17. Bretzel... Added by: frogguido
    [Timestamp: Fri 22 Jan, 13:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ...I guess is what you all are talking of - and in its┤
    countries of origin (Austria, Germany, Switzerland) it┤s
    written the same in singular and plural; or do you order two
    "bami gorengS"?
    But really: Does anyone perhaps know why it┤s spelling in
    English is with a p contrary to a b? I would rather think
    it┤s easier to pronounce the b than to get a correct tz.
    Good luck to you all, Guido
    PS:I still don┤t know the origin of Nutella. Will this
    dreadful mass of nuts and sugar offend me in India, too? I
    hate big concerns like NestlΘ...

  18. very sticky Added by: Char
    [Timestamp: Mon 15 Feb, 22:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    hmm, well there are jalebis, but be warned! They are
    incredibly sticky, make sure there's a sink nearby. Good
    luck on the great pretzel quest mike!

  19. In Madras maybe... Added by: Sandra
    [Timestamp: Tue 16 Feb, 3:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Try Foodworld in Spencer's Plaza, Mount Rd, near the
    Connemara hotel.

  20. Yogabretzels Added by: Arnie
    [Timestamp: Wed 17 Feb, 10:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Just do plenty of Yoga and you turn into a bretzel yourself.
    Om shanti.

  21. pretzel party Added by: Pretzelmaker (
    [Timestamp: Fri 19 Feb, 19:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Lets have a pretzel party!
    Mike I too was in splits reading what you have generated
    here! I shall be glad to make pretzels for you in case you
    dont find any when travelling around India.
    I live in Delhi and love to welcome international students
    and travellers over to our home.
    so get in touch
    Wild Thing

  22. Pretzels-au-go-go Added by: Kellie
    [Timestamp: Mon 22 Feb, 23:46 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The French bakery in Pondicherry, foodworld in Bangalore any of those expensive western style delis in Goa and I believe Joti in Tiruvannamalai will bake whatever you desire, as long as there is a tonne of lard and salt involved...pretzels would be perfect.

  23. glow-in-the-dark ones?? Added by: folly
    [Timestamp: Wed 24 Feb, 21:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You could try a little midway restaurant just outside
    Pokaran - that's the place they did the 'bomb testing'last
    year. They have all sorts of stuff that you can
    occasionally crave when travelling a long time - like
    Mcvites chocolate digestives, planters cheese balls, real
    swiss chocolate and even marshmallows. Mind you - there's
    an awful lot of debate going on out there about what level
    of radiation may or may not have fallen out after the bombs,
    so check your night glow capacity after eating here!

  24. What? Added by: Mentos Lover
    [Timestamp: Sat 27 Feb, 15:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    What's wrong with Mentos?!?!?!?!?

  25. mentos?!?!?! Added by: sunflower
    [Timestamp: Sun 28 Feb, 4:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    What's right with mentos???
    I suffered them for 2 agonising weeks while in India until I
    discovered a lifesaver of a german bakery in Manali.
    Needless to say, I was a regular customer.

  26. bangkok pretzelmania. Added by: daniel with the salty lips.
    [Timestamp: Fri 2 April, 19:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    if you ever make it to bangkok, go to
    FOODLAND supermarket on sukhumvit soi 5 (easy to find)
    there baking fresh pretzels 3 times a day and
    maaaan they're good. coast 13 baht = about 30 cents us$

  27. Only for you, mike. Added by: trav'ler
    [Timestamp: Mon 5 April, 3:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Relax! I have saved a small bag of pretzels served to me on
    a Minneapolis to NYC flight. Sorry I couldn't save the can
    of Coke but those are available in India.

  28. pretzel fix Added by: akizora
    [Timestamp: Fri 9 April, 14:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    khan market in dehli has all the western food you could ever

  29. ARE YOU ALL RIGHT Added by: CUBAN (
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 3:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    How old are you Mike? You can't live without your pretzels?
    What do you put on them (COKE)? I don't think you should
    go to India. Hope you are not addicted to plumbing. Have
    you ever shat in an OUTHOUSE? Get used to it.

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