travel with toddler

This topic was created by Suzie (
[Mon 17 May, 14:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

My partner and I are planning to take our 2.5 year old to
India for 2 months at the end of the year. Does anyone have
any stories to tell about their experiences with health,
(cloth) nappies, child minding, homestays, budget accomm.
I'm starting to think I might be crazy as I can't find any
info about travel with young ones to India.

[There are 2 posts - the latest was added on Tue 18 May, 3:24]

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  1. ? Added by: Dad
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 16:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    There are arguments on both sides for taking young kids on
    ajaunts to India. The kids will open doors, create contacts
    and situations you wouldn't have had elsewhere. You'll have
    no trouble finding good and conscientious nannies to watch
    them. You'll find plenty of Pampers in the big cities.
    Your problem will be changes in water and food that may
    cause intestinal troubles, and you will worry a lot because
    of certain conditions of hygiene.
    I have been several times with my kids-- the youngest was 20
    months when we went the first time. I have to say I regret
    that trip. It was hard for all of us, especially her. But
    she did 'arrange' for us to meet Indian families we're still
    friends with and to have to shop for stuff we'd not
    otherwise have had to do and thus discover another side of
    In hindsight, I'd wait until the kid was 4 before
    introducing him or her to India. But that's just me. We and
    the kids survived all the trips, and the kids, now in their
    teens are now enthusiatstic India hands.
    Check out the Thorn Tree section on travel with kids, as
    well as links provided on Ian Lockley's travel site.

  2. site Added by: mp
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 3:24 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ian Lockley's site is
    His kids were a LOT older, but his site is still very worth
    a visit, and it has good health and other links.

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