The strategy revealed.

This topic was created by Yarra
[Fri 21 May, 13:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Down below is a discussion on why LP maintains the thorn
tree and compares the Internet version of the guide with the
paper version. I, like most of the people in that
discussion, thought the web site was provided as a taster
for their paper products and maintain customer loyalty. It
is of course, but the full strategy is now revealed.
LP and a few others have set up which will
promote and distribute a product eKno. As Maureen Wheeler
puts it. "The combination of LP's market reach and's innovative products provides a value-added
communications service for travellers". The venture is
expected to generate sales of $1 billion within 5 years.
(Herald Sun, May 21 1999)
Nice to know we have all been part of a long term strategy
to unseat Darth Vader from his hotmail throne.

[There are 2 posts - the latest was added on Tue 25 May, 23:02]

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  1. more? Added by: mp
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 17:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Got any more on e.kno? I searched but found zip, and I'd
    like to know more.

  2. So what ... and why not? Added by: NepalKat
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 23:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You seem to suggest something sinister in all this. Having
    relied on LP's publications over the years, I see nothing
    wrong in what the Wheelers are doing, or in what they may
    earn from it. I've gotten value from their products,
    learned things I wouldn't've known otherwise, and been
    directed towards other areas of interest that I might not
    have discovered from any other source. So I should begrudge
    LP and the Wheelers either the bucks I paid for the info I
    got, or the bucks they might make out of some new product
    or marketing adventure? Utter rubbish. More power to them,
    I say; and if what they have to offer in the new enterprise
    is as value-worthy as LP pubs have been, maybe we'll all
    benefit. It's the way the world actually, in fact WORKS --
    and dat da trute, Ruth!

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