sexuality research proposal

This topic was created by veronica
[Sat 15 May, 9:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

hello everyone, i just graduated with a degree in sociology
and will be embarking on a RTW at the end of the year. On
my trip I will be studying sexuality around the world and
writing a book. i have just begun my research and think
this would be a good forum to post some inquiries. does
anyone have any information on where one can study tantric
sex or the art of kama sutra in india. are there ashrams
where sexuality is a primary focus? i have heard of osho,
would this be a good place to start? any other input on
where i can research sexuality in india or elsewhere in the
world? please limit the flames, i will check back to
respond to posts or if anyone is interested, share more
about my work. thanks!

[There are 9 posts - the latest was added on Fri 21 May, 0:02]

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  1. observations Added by: fido
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 11:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    A study of sexuality would be very interesting in India! I
    hope you are not going to focus on Tantric and Kama sutra
    though. THat seems somewhat removed from the normal reality
    of nearly everyone's life there. It's like coming to
    America to do study on how we live, and then only going to
    Las Vegas, not very accurate, or interesting, (but it may be
    Of course you are aware that a western woman researching
    sexuality in most of Asia is likely to raise eyebrows, among
    other things, and I hope you will go armed with resolve, pen
    and paper, and a dictionary detailing 'no' in every language
    on the planet.

  2. Facianting Research Added by: Isaac
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 May, 7:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Dear Veronica,
    I am facinated by your subject. It is something worth
    Although India has a rich history in sex, in the present
    times, it is by & large suppressed.
    The land that produced Kama Sutra is reeling under sexual
    ignorance, frustration, and abuse.
    In fact, no body would be able to answer your query because
    nobody talks about this subject freely.
    You will have to get in touch with academicians,sexologists,
    sociologists, etc.
    if you want more info. mail me

  3. Just ask a Punjab Added by: Pablo
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 2:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I have worked with Punjabi women and I assure you they are
    not shy to be flirtasious. Possibly this is because of the
    restrictions of arranged marrages, but I do know that they
    like to look at guys and , although I do not know so much
    Punjabi, I have been told that they like to talk about sex
    amoungst each other, it can be embarrasing for a skinny
    white guy

  4. An input Added by: Isaac
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 3:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Dear Veronica,
    My extremely lengthy response to your query. I hope you will
    atleast reflect upon it.
    Before answering you directly, let me digress a little to
    establish a background:
    Many view India as the land of ancient culture, deep
    philosophy and mystical collective pysche.
    Being an Indian, I have tried to understand what exactly is
    behind this universal view. Frankly, I have not been able to
    pin point explicitly what is our central theme of living.
    This is because Indian has too many writings, people,
    histories, cultures, that a cohesive theory is impossible.
    Let me exemplify...... Americans view Individuality and
    Success as their chief purpose in life. The British
    believe in the eclectic mix through discipline and fair
    play, the french underlines insularity all the way, the
    Italians cherish beauty above all, etc. What does India
    believe in?
    However, there is an IMPLICIT answer. Please note that this
    is my personal opinion and is likely to find a lot of
    The only Core Philosophical Tenet that I can detect in
    India is that of the Principal of Harmony. To get the best
    out of life, one should master the art of harmonising all
    the chief ingridients of life. Indians have been obsessed
    with the need to harmonise various conflicting forces in
    life: Nature Vs Humanity, Young Vs Middle Age Vs Old Age,
    Family Vs Success, Individuality Vs Social Participation,
    Emotion Vs Intellect Vs Physical Being, Work Vs Leisure, War
    Vs Peace, The Ruler Vs the Ruled, etc. I can go on and on.
    An important thing to note is that the acceptance of
    conflicts as a given and not to bemoan it. The one who
    succeeds at grappling the disharmonious equation
    successfully is consider wise and by some, wealthy.
    I opine that, Ancient Indians treated Sex with the same
    formula. Kamasutra was a guideline for harmonise the
    differential equation between the Man and the Woman. In
    fact, the idea was to make sex through a physical pleasure
    art into an instrument to merge the man & the woman
    emotionally and psychologically. You may be shocked to
    hear me say that human male & female do not mate easily and
    requires consummation in more ways than one.
    And sadly the equation between the two is getting weaker and
    weaker by a lot of peripheral and narrow concept ideas or
    movements being propounded as important phylosophies.
    Sex is in our genes as a means to procreate. Yet the human
    situation is so different from other species who can handle
    sex clinically. Because of human being having a diffirent
    yet special nature, sex has to be elevated to a higher
    plane.... the plane on which we all operate in our daily
    life. The sexual act which can last from a few seconds to
    hours has to become integrated into the human gambit of
    Mating Permenance (monogamy), long term plans, actions and
    consequences, the pursuit of happy living, the rational ways
    & tools, and the intelligent handling of the potency &
    resourcefullness of the human mind.
    Humans are programmed to live differently...... in
    accordance with their nature. The two critical human
    differentiators are: 1) Emotional survival being the same as
    physical survival in order to live a human life 2) The
    Factor of Choices.
    Selective a mate-for-life is so important for humans because
    a wrong choice can completely destabilise their view of life
    if the mating game is crucial to those individuals. If the
    choice is right, sex not only celebrates the fact but
    cements the union into permenance.
    For man, Joy is the only foundation for emotional survival.
    Sex is one joyful pursuit. It satisfies one of the
    psychological need of man to be productive. So does work
    which satisfies the intellectual need. Or self-restraint.
    I dont know what you will find in your research. I just hope
    that you will remember the need to harmonise as the first
    step before reaching for the best & lasting union of two
    minds & bodies.
    If you do find time, kindly consider a project of finding
    out HOW TO HARMONISE the human couple. What is the Core

  5. response Added by: veronica
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 3:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    thanks for your, i see your point but i
    will be focusing more on studying sexuality as it appears
    in history as a philosophy (western example would be the
    oneida community in NE United States dating back to the
    1800's) therefore, the people i will need to talk to will
    not have lives that represent the norm and may be willing
    to discuss these issues with me. isaac, i appreciate your
    input, my question to you is, are there still indians that
    use the kama sutra as a guideline in their sexual
    relations? there is a history of communities of people who
    subscribe to sexual standards and rumors that some of these
    communities still exist. i will soon set out in search of
    them. this can be interpreted broadly, of course, some
    communities of "swingers" can also be said to adhere to a
    philosophy, albeit, loosely defined, and i have already
    started interviewing some of them here in the states.
    thanks for your input, any ideas or suggestions are most
    certainly welcome.

  6. you are looking for me Added by: Ramesh
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 12:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    We live strictly according to Kama Sutra. Wild orgies based
    on numerical rules, every weekend. Leading to higher
    plane of consciousness, What it is that you are wanting to

  7. see this site ! Added by: ravi (
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 16:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    hi vern,
    staying in bombay !
    pls do visit the site
    elf sternberg
    who have researched on kamasutra and other topics !.
    18 may 99
    bombay south

  8. Check Out the Osho Commune Added by: mullah
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 7:00 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Before you leave India, please check out the Osho Commune.
    Groups are offered in tantra, although this may be different
    from your expectations, if any. The vibe of this commune is
    not centered around sex, although that is accepted as a
    normal and healthy phase of life. Good luck in your quest.
    Check out Enjoy!

  9. Further Input Added by: Isaac (
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 0:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Dear Veronica,
    As far as I know, Indians are not so knowledgeable about
    Kamasutra nor is it universally or partially employed as a
    guideline for sexual practise.
    Nor have I heard of a community or a tribe in India which is
    so interestingly different sexually to attract researchers.
    Although the sexual style, frequency, and its importance may
    vary in India between the urban/rural, north & south,
    rich/poor etc.
    Outward behaviour aside, I think Sex is generally treated
    less awkwardly in the South but this behaviour is kept very
    private. North is sexually very agressive in pursuit but I
    dont think sex enjoys a strong position as a recreation.
    Only the East and that too selectively, is sexually more
    initiated and I think they are more adventerous without
    being decandent. You will find the same attitude in the
    colder places in some parts of the Northern India.
    The urban sexual habits too are diverse. But nothing to
    indicate any speciality worth researching. In metros, it is
    largely a variation of the western model :
    Super-Rich(Adventureous & Decandant),
    Middle Class ( pedestrian, ignorant & conservative),
    Lower Class(unpretentious & amorally Promiscuous).
    But frankly, all that everyone says here is the layman's or
    laywoman's view. In my opinion you need experts and you wont
    find them on this site.

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