Leh and Dharamsala

This topic was created by Miss Adventure
[Fri 21 May, 2:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

This is such an incredible resource! I'm so happy all
those LP travelers are able to help each other-what a great
community!! I am spending the month of June in Nothern
India and am trying to decide between Leh and Dharamsala
for a trek. I have had some experience in trekking in
Nepal (Annapurna circuit-Everest basecamp) and love the tea-
house treks-can these types of treks be arranged out of
either location? I am traveling alone and therefore want
to be in a place where hooking up with other trekkers is
easy-What are some of the best tea-house treks out of
Manali or Leh or if not tea-house than treks that you will
see alot of the culture as well as the landscape-Spitti,
Lahaul? Any adventure tales will help i.e. good trekking
companies, guides, likes/dislikes of both Dharamsala and
Leh. Good Travels Everyone!

[There are 4 posts - the latest was added on Tue 25 May, 3:30]

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  1. teahouse trekking from Leh Added by: Phil
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 18:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm overseas away from home at the moment. When I return
    (10 June) to Australia I can give you info re treks out of
    Leh - maybe too late for your departure. I'm not sure of
    weather in Dharamsala in June, but I'd head for Ladakh
    (far less crowded)which is ideal for trekking then. There
    isn't really teahouse trekking there as in Nepal. You'll
    need your own tent if you want to be independent. The Stok
    Hemis trek is the nearest you'll come to finding a
    teahouse/village every day where they will cook you some
    food, but necessarily accomodation. Otherwise you'll have to
    take a stove and food with you too. Alternative is Lamayuru
    to Padum and poss on to Darcha (then bus to manali)-
    excellent trek 18-20 days. Hire a horseman/cook donkeys etc
    in Lamayuru. He'll have a stove and pots etc. Makes for a
    comfortable, more enjoyable experience and still v
    reasonably priced. Good luck

  2. Hey there Added by: Yarra
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 18:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    White trash Whore
    Indian and Tibetan cock will do you good

  3. tents Added by: neal (nealison@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 3:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Phil, do you know if its possible to get a decent tent in
    dalhi/manali/leh? I'd rather buy one over there than take
    one from home... are they cheap to buy in india?

  4. tents Added by: neal
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 3:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    whoops, i meant delhi!

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