Malaria medicine in Delhi?

This topic was created by Andy (
[Fri 14 May, 16:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

My wife wants to buy prescription malaria medicine
(Lariam or Mefloquine) here before we go to India. Wow,
though, is it expensive! Does anyone know if this is
available in Delhi? It must be less expensive than in
America. If so, would they fill an American prescritpion
for the stuff? Thank you a lot for your suggestions.

[There are 8 posts - the latest was added on Wed 19 May, 15:48]

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  1. mefloquine Added by: dr
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 16:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    you can buy anything over the counter in pharmacies in india.
    i'm pretty sure that mefloquine will be there.... beware the awful side effects though!!! (quite psychodelic)
    have you considered doxycycline for areas of chloroquine resistant malaria? much less toxic although you do have to
    take it every day and also if you've had a reaction to it in the
    past it may not be that good

  2. Available in Delhi Added by: jeph (
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 17:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    There is a pharmacy on the outer circle of Connaught Circus
    on the side towards Pahar Ganj / New Delhi train station.
    The exact name exscapes me at the moment, but it contains
    the word "Brothers". Lariam was quite a bit cheaper. Both
    my son and I took it for 10 weeks with no side affects, but
    we did hear some scary stories of folks whos systems weren't
    as tolerant. It may have to do with the consumption of

  3. Larium Added by: Lol
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 18:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I don't think it has anything to do with Alcohol !! You
    don't even need Larium in India, using it in India will only
    create resistant strains that aren't prevalent yet there.
    The only possible reason for taking Larium in India is
    Laziness !! I profess to this myself, after being attracted
    by the once weekly pill, but ended up regretting it as I
    have never been the same since. I had horrendous side
    effects, hallucinations, loss of balance, no sense of
    reality, panic attacks, nausea etc. etc. I presume you are
    from the US, as it seems that all the Americans are
    recommended Larium, but it really is a terrible drug and is
    not even needed in India. If you must take Larium I suggest
    you buy some at home and take it for a few weeks before hand
    to see if you have any adverse side effects, if you do then
    change it straight away. Remember that Larium stays in your
    system for at least a year, and I hope that you aren't
    planning a family, as Larium causes defects in foetus', its
    true, you ask your doctor. Don't bother with Larium.

  4. wait Added by: Sal
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 20:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Your best bet is to wait til you get there, check with local
    health officials, find out what they recommend, if anything,
    for malaria in the area you're travelling.

  5. try doxycycline Added by: Angie (
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 3:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    If you're afraid of side effects of Larium, try
    doxycycline. I took it when I went to South Africa, and
    experienced no side effects. Guess where I got it? A girl
    who went with us worked as a veterinarian's office, and she
    got it for us for less than US$5 a bottle! You do have to
    take it every day, but apparently it's worth looking into,
    esp. according to Lol (above)! Lol, you've got me afraid
    to take the Larium I've got for my India trip!
    And yes, they are recommending it to us in America. The
    Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommends it, and that's
    the source most of us consult, along with our doctors.

  6. check the cdc Added by: geoff md
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 6:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I took larium for a month in india and had no problems, I
    have also taken doxy. I also had no problems. Larium is
    recommend though. The cdc recommends it and I would go
    with them not someone with a name like LOL

  7. Dont take Larium Added by: Sam
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 4:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I took Larium for 4 months in india then stopped taking it
    in Nepal. I suggest not taking it, There were harldy any
    mosquitoes except in Konark. Abnd I bet the chances of
    getting malaria from the few mossies you is is pretty low.
    Besides the Larium serious messes with your head i now it
    did for me...Its not worth it.

  8. Be careful of anti-malarials Added by: Judith
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 15:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    After a lifetime of travelling, I no longer take anti-
    malarials because one pill and I am into serious
    depression. I've also had a perforated stomach from Larium.
    I've had several trips to India with no protection other
    than repellant and had no problems. I do take an emergency
    supply of Larium which the Traveller's Health Centre says
    will save my life if I catch it. I've had malaria while
    taking the pills (New Guinea) so I really don't think they
    are worth mucking your body up with.
    All drugs are readily available over the counter in
    thousands of pharmacies and are dirt cheap and good.

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