BEWARE Kashmir

This topic was created by Sean
[Sun 23 May, 23:33 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Please note: The people of Kashmir cannot be trusted. There
is simply no other grouping of people in the world who will
go to greater lengths to cheat you of your money.

[There are 9 posts - the latest was added on Tue 25 May, 22:42]

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  1. Shut it ! Added by: Barge
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 4:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Keep your subjective misinformation off this helpful site.

  2. really...???? Added by: tahima
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 5:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    have you been to kashmir..????
    please tell me, us your story...
    cheaters can be found all over the world,
    more or less.
    do not talk bad about the entire population of
    i have met some of my very best friends there.
    bye bye

  3. I agree Added by: Kati
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 6:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Sorry, I know it is racist to say that all people from
    Kashmir are cheats. But in my experience most of them are.

  4. petulence Added by: mary
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 9:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I agree with Barge. Also it is a very simplistic, naive
    statement from perhaps a naive or inexperienced traveller. I
    had one minor problem which I resolved as it was just a
    matter of being alert and knowledgeable about local prices.
    In general I found the Kashmiris to be honest, hospitable
    and generous.

  5. check out paharganj Added by: tom
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 16:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Kashmiri touts in Delhi are absolutely ruthless,
    befriending people and screwing them out of every cent they
    can. Mind you they have to pay a lot of money to the local
    mafia to work in Paharganj but they certainly aren't aiming
    on word-of-mouth recommendations to get business. They suck
    you into going to Kashmir and then keep you practically
    prisoner in houseboats until you pay some extortionate sum
    for carpets. In fact Kashmiri handicraft sellers across the
    tourist spots of India are nearly identical in their hard-
    sell tactics and ruthlessness. Why are Kashmiris like this?
    Paetly I think as Muslims they're a little more aggressive
    business-wise. Partly because the war in their state has
    reduced what was once one of the richer parts of India to a
    human-rights-abuse hellhole. Young Kashmiris have to leave
    the valley to make a buck, and the skills earned during
    Kashmir's tourism heyday leads them to making moeny off
    foreign tourists.
    The usual knee-jerk PC `folks are folks' argument doesn't
    count here. The Kashmiris that tourists are likely to meet
    are almost without exception out to take you for a ride.

  6. Kashmiris, Huh! Added by: Dave
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 1:18 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You think they're bad? Try the Israelis

  7. Ditto Added by: NepalKat
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 1:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    It may be going a bit far to say ALL Kashmiris are
    scoundrels, but there sure are a lot of them that can run
    with the best con artists in the world. When you consider
    the history of the region, and that they've been double-
    dealt to so many times by everyone around them, I guess it
    makes some sense that they feel it's legit to rip off
    whoever they can, whenever they can. Comes from being the
    pivot point of power politics and living with a siege
    mentality for too long. As for all the gabble about it
    being racist and so on to make such an assertion, what
    rubbish. Anyone who is stuck on the political correctness
    of the matter over the experience of so many travelers over
    so many years is guilty of sloppy thinking and the denial
    of common sense. It's the kind of fashionable cant that
    makes Westerners look like idiots in the eyes of many third
    world people. What you do is what you become known for; the
    world is what it is, not the idealistic construct of some
    flatulent limousine liberal.

  8. Nepalkat's full of it. Added by: Jim
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 2:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I don't think Kashmiri history has anything to do with the
    fact that they are conmen supreme. I doubt if any of these
    scam artists is educated enough to know their history. I
    think it's cultural. I think all of us know and understand
    that the world is not an ideal place. The problem I have is
    with the fact that these kashmiris don't realize that they
    are biting the hand that feeds them. In this day and age of
    internet, it's only a matter of time that people will be
    aware of the shennanigans of the touts, and just pass up the
    hassle of going to Kashmir.

  9. Not so full of it as Jim, though! Added by: NepalKat
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 22:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Jim seems to think I'm making an excuse for Kashmiri
    crooks. Not at all; a possible explanation of HOW they got
    to be such notorious scamsters, sure; but not an excuse.
    Jim thinks it's "cultural." I guess I was assuming too much
    to think that everyone understands that history is a major
    influence on the "culture" and national character of a
    people, regardless of whether or not the people in question
    are formally educated in their own history, or even
    literate in thier own language. Ho-hum, Jimbo; let us know
    when you get your mind up to speed, will you, old boy? And
    do try to restrain these outbursts of common vitriol.

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