working possibilities

This topic was created by Andrew (
[Thu 20 May, 17:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Hi guys,
I am planning to go to North India this fall but I don't
have enough money to stay as long as I want.Is there any
possibilities to find any job there-if not for money then
for food and place to stay.Thank you!

[There are 3 posts - the latest was added on Mon 24 May, 16:07]

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  1. doubt it Added by: Guy
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 2:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    It is harder and harder for foreigners to get work in India
    unless you have very specific skills/talents. Apparenlty
    even volunteer worker will now need work visas. You MIGHT
    still be able to serve as a volunteer in exchange for food
    and lodging, but that's morally iffy.
    If you REALLY want to work in India, better set it up before
    you go.
    I met an Indian family who took me to their seaside place in
    exchange for tutoring their kids. You might luck out that

  2. q Added by: q
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 4:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    It isn't too hard to cut down on expenses as the above
    poster suggests. In a place that you like seek out a family
    that is looking for a border. For 1000-1500 rs per month yo
    u can stay with them, take your meals with them, and come to
    better understand family life in India - lots of fun and a
    good staging place to see the immediate country from. Post
    here for details on a great family in Varanasi.

  3. working in India Added by: rs
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 16:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Depends on your current skillset.
    Professionally working for short term might be difficult in
    larger organizations. You might want to consider working
    for a small scale industry (SSI). Pay and working
    conditions will not be great - Anyway, Indian salaries are
    pretty low as compared to what you'd get outside.
    It won't be much too difficult getting a job in an SSI but
    these might be against the labor laws. You might want to
    check with your local counsulate.
    Other alternatives are: in an NGO / voluntary agency. Pay
    will be minimal to zero, they just might cover your food +
    boarding but it should be quite fulfilling. Here's a couple
    if you are interested: has a list somewhere.
    The other alternative (above) of tying up with an Indian
    family also sounds workable. It should leave you with a lot
    of time to go exploring.
    Hope this helps.

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