
This topic was created by Mary
[Sat 22 May, 8:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Two girls, age 25 (both blonde(!)) are going to Pakistan in
August (1 month) and India (2 months). Want to go by bus or
train Islamabad - Lahore - New Dehli - Mumbai with several
stops on the way. We have some questions:
1.How safe is it to travel in the northern parts of these
countries these days? Are the bombing and fights only in
Jammu/Kashir or other places too?
2.Will the Indian election in September cause too much
trouble - should we just avvoid India until after the
3. Has anyone travelled by bus from Lahore to New Dehli?
4. How much money do you usually spend on a three monts trip
like this (low budget and without the plane tickets)?
5. What about VISA or Mastercard in Pakistan?

[There are 8 posts - the latest was added on Tue 25 May, 6:12]

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  1. India/Pakistan Added by: quiddie
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 12:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    1 - it is pretty safe in most of the North of Pakistan, in
    India I would stick mostly to Himachel if you are worried
    about safety, and do not trek by yourselves - if you want
    very safe Nepal is your best bet.
    2 - elections always cause hassles but not so much that you
    should be worried if you take precautions - avoid all
    demonstration - NEVER attend any political rallies - don't
    voice your opinions about poitics in an argumentative
    fashion -- election day itself is perhaps the most pleasant
    day of all to be in India as all vehicle traffic -
    richshaws, trains, busses, trucks, bicycles, everything is
    banned. I'm not kidding - this is so people cannot be
    transported to other districts to participate in election
    fraud. It is so quiet and spooky - a very unique day to be
    in India.
    3 - bus from Lahore to Delhi is for Indians and Pakistanis
    only. You can either take the train or walk across the
    border - both options are fun.
    4 - 1000 - 1500 US per month is a good figure to go with -
    although it is very easy to spend alot more or alot less.
    Assumes that you may want to go 2nd AC on longer train
    trips, eat at the occasional fancy joint, drink a beer, swim
    in a pool, use the occasional private riickshaw.
    5 - don't know for sure but am willing to bet both are fine.
    Have a good trip

  2. And what do you think... Added by: curious
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 14:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ...does your blonde hair have to do with this?

  3. revision Added by: quiddie
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 15:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Actually I've reconsidered - 1000 UD per month is a little
    high unless you plan on living high - maybe 500 US D is more
    an average.

  4. Cost per month Added by: Shannon
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 17:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Since you can do ANYTHING you want to do on US$30 / day in
    India, I would say that US$800-900 will be ample.
    P.S. By "anything" I mean eating out every morning, noon,
    and night, staying in Hotels recommended in LP(where the
    prices go up the moment of publication!), and any activity
    which takes your fancy. For example: I stayed in a good
    hotel in Delhi, took the v.early morning train to see the
    Taj Mahal / Fort , hired a car and guide all day, ate three
    good meals, and came back to Delhi via the train- all for
    less than US$30. And I was in a hurry!

  5. Budget Added by: Laurent (
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 23:00 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    For India, if you're on a low budget, you can make it with
    10$ a day. But 15$ makes life easier. It depends as well on
    how oyu want to travel around.

  6. Blonde hair -answer to "curious" Added by: Mary
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 23:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I don't know. Do you think it will matter? One thing is to
    travel two girls on their own. Another thing is if you also
    look very different -being rather tall and with for instance
    blonde hair. Even though I of course will dress properly and
    behave politely.

  7. Pakistan Added by: zgm (
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 12:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Provided you land in Islamabad there ae many places to go ,
    Peshawar and Khyber pass,Darra, Landi kotal are all about 3
    hours away by road(wont take more than 2-3 days to see all
    these places). By North if you mean going towards mountains
    than from there the nearest such place is Swat valley, it is
    beautifull with lots of handicrafts shops to browse as
    well(about 5 hours from Peshawar). From there you have an
    option of going to Either to Chitral valley and seeing Kafir
    Kallash (thought to be the lost tribes from Alexenders army,
    and some of them having blue eyes and golden hair like your
    self)or you can go to Gilgit, hunza through KKH(silk
    road) through Khawaza Khela Swat road which will land you in
    Besham, Since you have plentty of time I would suggest the
    later. There is also Kaghan valley and many other places,if
    you need any further info please e-mail me.

  8. curious too Added by: bob cheese
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 6:12 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Dear Mary
    I was more curious about the ! than the blojnde hair.

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